|22| End of A Movement.

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Billie waited outside Pipi's apartment after knocking on the door. She had never met the mechanic but heard impressive things about his work. When she had gone to fetch Barbie at her apartment, her neighbors said she went to Pipi's place. There were over fifty recruits in La Familia who had slept with him when they were wenches. But none of them could describe Pipi's character, and that bothered Billie. Barbie loved John so much, Billie didn't want to believe she had moved on with Pipi. But before she jumped to conclusions, she waited to hear what Barbie had to say.

The door opened, and a wide-eyed Barbie stood before Billie. "Thank goodness it's ya," Barbie said. She had a hand on her heart. "Come inside." She pulled Billie into the apartment.

The living room stank of iron, and there was a trail of blood leading into a hallway. Having taken many lives, Billie knew what had happened. "Who did ya kill?" she asked, staring at Barbie. Anyone with a keen eye could tell Barbie had a thirst for blood. She had killed Sandie and Marcus with slight hesitation. Billie didn't believe did it for love.

Barbie rubbed her hands on her skirt. "Kill?" She scratched the back of her neck, then chuckled. "Ya want to hear a funny story?"

Billie didn't know what was amusing about murdering someone. Maybe Barbie would enlighten her. "Yes, ah do."

"Ah slit someone's throat," Barbie said with a smile and closed eyes. "It was self-defense. She was about to kill me."

She's killed two people in two days. "That's a funny story?" Billie arched a brow. She didn't know what to think of Barbie. Every time Billie thought she had her figured out, Barbie would do something out the left field. Ah don't know if she's worse when she's taken Pew Pew or not.

Barbie opened and closed her mouth like a fish, then stared at the floor. "In ma head, it is funny."

Billie glanced at her watch. "We need to leave. Mother Queen needs us." Gigi had heard from an inside source about Edge's plan to wipe La Familia from existence. She needed every member to return to the home base and prepare for war. La Familia needed someone of Barbie's mental instability if they were to defeat Edge.

"What does Mother Queen want us to do today? Am ah killing another person?" Barbie asked. Though she frowned, her eyes shimmered with anticipation.

She's a serial killer, that's for sure. "Remember what Marcus said? Edge plans on bombing our base."

Barbie gasped. "It's today?"

"Yes." Billie sighed. If Barbie weren't King Solomon's bastard, she wouldn't have entertained her. But Barbie was crucial to Mother Queen's plan. Billie would do anything to make sure the plan materialized.

"Let me change into combat clothes, and then we will leave." Barbie left the living room.

Billie walked to the couch and sat down. The apartment wasn't impressive. It was small and filled with unnecessary things like a kitchen sink and windows. It was better than the tent she lived in, but she wouldn't change that for anything.

"Barbie, Pipi has taken care of the dead woman," a voice said before the owner entered the living room. It was a man.

Billie locked eyes with him. He must be Pipi. She stared at his naked torso, examining his toned body and mechanical arm. Ah can see why women want him.

"Who are you?" Pipi asked with crossed arms.

"Billie. Ya?"

"Pipi. Where's Barbie?"

"Changing her clothes."

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Barbie." Billie rolled her eyes. "Ya?"

"Pipi lives here."

"Ya talk weird."

"You dress weird."

"Great talk."

"It was." Pipi turned around and returned to where he came from.


Barbie and Billie arrived at La Familia's base. The recruits were sharpening their weapons and cleaning the barrels of their guns. Even with the coming war, none of them looked scared. They seemed prepared to give their lives for La Familia's cause.

Barbie wished she had their courage. She didn't want to die. Not without John. He hadn't returned, and she wondered what caused the delay. She didn't want to overthink things and start assuming the worst. But as time passed, she couldn't stop her mind from going there.

Her and Billie entered the temple. She expected the mood to be grim, but optimism filled everyone inside. People were smiling and laughing, as though they had won the war. And between them was Gigi.

"Billie, Barbie, you have arrived on time," Gigi said before hugging them. She had a radiant smile on her face. Her white afro glowed, and her dark skin brightened with youthfulness.

Gigi pulled out a piece of paper from her back pocket. It was the flyer with the bounty. "Do you know this man?" She asked Barbie, pointing at Don's image.

"Yes," Barbie replied. She glanced between Gigi and Don's image and noticed how similar the two were. It was more than their white afros and dark skin. They had square faces, full pink lips, and their eyes glimmered with mischief. Are they...? No, ah am overthinking again.

"Do you know where he is?" Gigi asked.

"Ah saw him outside the store today," Billie spoke instead. "He was with Sky. When the flyers dropped from the sky, they ran away."

"I see." Gigi nibbled her top lip.

If Billie saw them, then there's a chance they haven't are still on the run. "Is he someone ya know?" Barbie asked.

"I did. Once upon a time." Gigi folded the flyer and placed it in her back pocket. "Now, let us prepare for the war. Edge and his men will be here in a few hours."

"Marcus said Edge plans to Bomb the base. Was he wrong?" Barbie asked.

"Yes." Gigi turned to Billie. "We need to arm ourselves before they arrive."

"Yes, Mother Queen," Billie said.

Before they could move, the floor started shaking. The sound of planes came from above before the recruits outside screamed. Then, explosions rocked the base.

"Dive Bombers! Everyone hide!" Gigi shouted before running away with Billie.

Barbie followed them, but she wasn't as fast. A storm of dust swept through the temple, causing her to lose sight of Gigi and Billie. With nowhere to run or hide, Barbie panicked.

"No, no, no. Not now. Please. Not now."

Tears filled her eyes. She didn't want to die without seeing John again. The temple's roof and walls exploded. The force thrust Barbie in the air before she landed on the floor. Her head bounced off the concrete floor before she lost consciousness.

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