Johnni R. & Kennedy Celeste Fliehr-Boyce Arrive.

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Over the next three and a half months, Ashley's cravings got weirder, her mood swings were so bad that sometimes I slept on the floor as Zeus and Apollo slept on the bed. Which didn't bother me because she found comfort not only in my arms but also when the boys were nearby.
It wasn't until our last obstetrician appointment that we were told that everything was perfect and on schedule. That just confirmed that if things kept going by the numbers like they were now. Our girls would either come early or on time.

So after twelve hundred food runs, eighty false alarms a month or every two weeks really. But on July 3rd, 2019. At 11:28 P.M. I just so happened to be letting the boys back in from doing their 'business'. When I heard, "Daniel!?" I ran upstairs with Zeus and Apollo nipping at my heels.
"What's the matter?"
"I think it's time baby." She smiled as she started breathing to keep calm and to keep some of the pain at bay. I went out and got our car and pulled up to the front door. She got in and I broke speed records and limits getting her to the hospital. We finally arrived and a nurses aide came out with a wheelchair for her as I had called ahead while trying to maintain some semblance of a calm demeanor as I drove to the hospital. They wheeled her in, I parked the car and called Mercedes and Ric and told them what was going on and once inside, I filled out the paperwork and once it was done I was put in a hospital shower cap, booties for my shoes and covered my clothes with a gown and was taken to the delivery room. Ashley was already set up and was in a lot of pain and that's even with the epidurals going through her system. I slid my right hand into hers and she smiled as I kissed her forehead. After about close to an hour or two of bone breaking hand squeezes, her cursing my existence every other contraction. We soon heard the cry of our first born of the twins. Then with another hour of hand debilitating squeezes, and her saying, "Baby. I can't do anymore."
"Come on, honey. Your almost there. Just give it one last big push." I had to say that twice more before we heard the second cry of our last twin. After she let go of my hand I swear on my life you could actually see her finger prints on my fingers. "Well, you can trust me now girl, I could never lay the finger on you that's for sure." Ashley laughed. "I might sleep on a perch tonight."
"Ohh, Daniel." She smiled as I kissed her lips and forehead.
"Ashley. You did it." I smiled as I kissed her again. Then the nurse came up to us holding a dark haired baby.
"Here you go." He handed her to Ashley. Then handed me a light blonde haired baby.
"Ohh, Daniel. Their precious. Their beautiful." Ashley smiled as tears flowed a bit from her eyes.
"No. Their perfect." I smiled. Then another nurse came up.
"Do you have any names picked out?" She asked.
"Yes. We do." Ashley smiled.
"Okay and what's this one's name?" She asked referring to the dark haired one.
"Johnni Reid Fliehr-Boyce." Ashley said gently bouncing JR a bit in her arms.
"And how about the one your holding Mr. Boyce?" I looked at the little angel in my arms and smiled.
"Kennedy Celeste Fliehr-Boyce." I said.
"Okay. I'll get the rest of the needed information later." The nurse left us alone and I looked at Ashley.
"You did it honey."
"No, we did it. We made a pair of beautiful girls." They soon moved us to a room just for us. "You better see if anyone is here and just bring them in here baby."
"Okay." I slid KC into Ashley's right arm and kissed her. "Be back in a flash." I kissed the top of our daughters heads. I headed out to the waiting room and found all our friends and Ric and family in the waiting room.
"How's Ashley?" Mercedes asked as she noticed me.
"She's doing just fine. Ric, I think you should see her first since your her dad." He with David and Wendy were led to our room.
"So, lad. What are your kids names?" Rebecca asked.
"The darker haired one is named Johnni Reid Fliehr-Boyce. And the blonde is named Kennedy Celeste Fliehr-Boyce."
"Ohh, those names sound perfect." Pamela smiled.
"Well, it would be fitting considering the twins are absolutely perfect." I smiled. "Well, enough waiting. Let's all go and visit Ashley and see our twins." I led the procession to Ashley's room. I knocked and opened the door. "Excuse me. There are a lot of weirdos that came to see you." I smiled as Ashley laughed. I saw Wendy holding KC and Ric was holding JR. Everyone filed in and just became blubbering idiots at the sight of me and Ashley's twin girls. I then saw Daria and Amanda nervously entering the room. "Hey you two. Come in here." I smiled as they saw me and Ashley. Daria went to Ashley's left side and Amanda walked up to me and Ashley's right.
"Congratulations you two." Daria said hugging Ashley.
"Thank you." Ashley smiled.
"You know we have a surprise for you two." I smiled as did Ashley.
"What is it?" Amanda asked.
"Attention everyone!" I said and everyone looked at us. "Ashley and I would like to announce the godmothers and fathers to our twin girls." Rebecca smiled at KC and Finn grinned at JR. "For Johnni Reid."
"We've chosen Mercedes as the god mother along with Pamela. For the godfathers. We chose Finn and Drew."
"But for Kennedy Celeste. We chose Amanda and Rebecca and if they want. Ananda and Daria as well. For the godfathers. AJ and if he'll accept. Mike." Maryse smiled as Mike looked awestruck. He eventually nodded.
"Thanks guys. He smiled." Ashley and I nodded once.
"So what do you say Amanda?" I asked her. She was tearing up so bad that I thought I'd drown in her tears.
"Why choose me?" She asked.
"Well, it wasn't your fault that Trinity decided to respond to the word 'no' like she did. So. I, 'WE' thought it would be good if we offered you the sacred duty of god mother to KC." Amanda hugged me tightly almost to the point I couldn't breathe.
"Absolutely. Thank you."
Then a nurse came in, "Well, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But Mrs Boyce needs to get some rest. So I'm going to have to ask you all to just leave for today and you can come back tomorrow." They slowly filed out and Rebecca put KC in her crib as Daria who just barely got to hold JR put her in her crib. I slid into bed next to Ashley and held her tightly against me and she held my right arm with her left hand and soon we fell asleep.

A few days later,
Ashley was discharged from the hospital and she and I took our twin daughters home. Zeus and Apollo met us at the gate that led to he front door of our home and panted as I was holding the carrier that had Kennedy and Ashley had the carrier that had Johnni.
Once we were inside we gently set the carriers down and I went to the kitchen to get dinner going. "Zeus, Apollo." I called as Ashley smiled at our boys as they headed into the kitchen with me. As I got dinner started I talked to the boys. 'Now, since we have a couple babies in the house. You will be very careful around them. I don't want you guys to bark too loud. If you do need to, I want you to come directly to me or Ashley. But please be careful around the babies.' They yipped and barked once. 'Good boys. Now.' I opened the kitchen door. 'You need to go and excercise and do your business and I'll call you when your dinners are ready.' They nearly trampled over themselves heading out to the backyard.

As I was finishing dinner which was Spaghetti with meatballs and marinara. Ashley came in holding Johnni. "Hey," I said.
"She wants to be held by daddy." I slid my arm under Johnni and held her carefully as I stirred the marinara.
"Ahh, your such a precious little girl as is your sister." I smiled as she laid her head on my shoulder. "Would you mind checking on the sausage and meatballs honey?"
"Sure." Ashley said as she pulled the lid off a pan cooking italian sausage and meatballs. "Looks like their almost ready baby." She smiled.
"Good. I'm going to turn this down, let it broil a bit and in five minutes I'll mix the meat and sauce together." Ashley smiled as Johnni was asleep in my arms. "Hows Kennedy?" I asked Ashley.
"She's doing just fine. But I think I hear her stirring awake." Ashley disappeared into the living room and came back not too long after with Kennedy. "Here I'll trade you." She smiled. She took Johnni and handed me Kennedy.
"Hey, baby girl." A knock came to the door and I had barely dumped the sauce then the meat into the spaghetti and started stirring it all together.
"I'll get it baby." Ashley smiled. She went to answer the door and put JR into her carrier as she walked to the door. When she opened it she found Daria and Amanda. "Hey, what are you two doing here?" Ashley smiled as they entered the house after Ashley opened the door wide enough.
"Well, I don't know about Daria but I came to see my god daughter and her sister." Amanda smiled.
"As did I." Daria smiled as well. They were led to the living room where JR was in her carrier sleeping.
"And if your looking for KC. She's in the kitchen with her dad." Ashley smiled. Amanda did everything but sprint into the kitchen.
"Hey, handsome." Amanda smiled.
"Hey, I'm married now. No need to try and seduce me Amanda." I smiled as she gently hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I'm assuming your here to see this little girl." I said gently rocking KC as I just got a small sample of the spaghetti and meatball and marinara and tasted it. "Ohh, perfect."
"Yeah. Can I hold her?"
"Absolutely." I slid KC into Amanda's arms.
"Ohh, she's so precious, Daniel."
"Yes, she is. As is her sister."
Then Daria came into the kitchen.
"Dinner's almost ready guys." I told them.
"Okay." Ashley replied while in the living room.
"So, are we good?" Amanda asked.
"Amanda." I started, " You didn't do anything wrong, So we're more than good. We're just shy of annoyingly perfect." Amanda laughed at my remark. "Amanda.  You look so natural. Holding little KC. Why don't you find somebody and settle down. Ya know."
"I just don't know if anyone will want to be with me that long to be my boyfriend/husband and the father of any or all my kids."
"Amanda. Come here." She turned around and I wrapped my arms around her, not in a sleazy way but a friendly way. "Your Mandy Rose.  There's not a red blooded man alive that wouldn't do anything you wanted." She gigged at that comment. "Even I would do it. Married or not. But I love Ashley too much to deviate from how I truly feel about her or cheat on her."
"I know. And she's a very lucky woman."
"Well this is an interesting picture. Ashley would you say he's comforting her or that he's weakening under the dry spell the doctors have enforced?" Daria asked.
Ashley giggled, "I would say that he's comforting her but maybe he is weakening under the dry spell."
"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny." I smiled. "I'm just comforting her." I said.
"I know baby." Ashley kissed me and Amanda joined Daria in the doorway of the kitchen.
"Would you two like to stay for dinner?" I asked.
"Can we hold the girls?" Amanda asked.
I looked to Ashley. She smiled and said, "Yes, you can hold the girls"
"Thank you." Daria and Amanda sat at the table as did Ashley. Amanda was still holding KC. Daria temporarily left the table to get JR.Then returned to the table with JR, smiling from ear to ear while holding the oldest of our twins.
Ashley and Amanda were having fun playing with KC. Peekaboo, patty cake, wheres the baby, little piggies among other games. Once the spaghetti with meatballs and marinara sauce was done. I pulled four bowls plus two smaller bowls so I could give the twins a little bit of the spaghetti, just the noodles so they could enjoy a taste of their dads cooking, But Ashley thought it would be a good idea to mix a little of their baby food in with the sample of the spaghetti.
When I put the two bowls on the table with a quarter of them filled with finely cut noodles and Ashley went into the fridge and retrieved a bottle of baby food and came back to the table and evenly divided the baby food and mixed it with the noodles. Once she was done mixing the baby food with the litle spaghetti I put in the bowls for our twin girls. Amanda held KC as Ashley fed her. I helped Daria feed JR. After we got done feeding our little ones, Daria and I returned the kids for their carriers and brought them into the kitchen and put them on the island that seperated the kitchen and the dining room. Then we all filled our bowls of spaghetti and just chatted for most of the night. But I could tell something was bothering Daria. So while Ashley and Amanda were heading to the living room.
I stopped Daria,"Hey, you okay?" I asked her.
"Yeah." She replied.
"Daria?" I asked with growing concern.
"Okay. I'm a little jealous of Ashley right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for you and Ashley. But I would like to have kids of my own one day." She started to tear up. I led her to my study, and sat her down in a chair, retrieved a box of tissues and handed them to Daria.
"Now. I know I'm going to sound hokey but. Daria your still young. And you are a very beautiful woman. You will find someone special one day." A knock came to my study's door. I opened it and found Amanda and Ashley."Come on in ladies." And they did. Once I closed the door.
Ashley asked, "Everything okay?"
"Not really." I answered.
"What's the matter?" Amanda asked.
"Daria, is worried that she won't meet anyone special. Or have kids." I tell them.
"Oh Daria." Amanda said.
" Ash?" I said to Ashley."Can I speak to you a moment?"
"Sure." She replied as she followed me to the hallway.
"We'll be back in a second." I said closing the study door behind Ashley.
"What's up?" She asked.
"Now I'm going to pose something to you and I don't want you to get mad."
"I want to help Daria. But I would like to explain what I'm planning." I took a couple deep breaths. "Now you know I love you and our girls." She nodded. "Well I'm going to pose to Daria that if she's still single in five years. That I'd be happy to..." I was quickly losing my nerve.
"Are you trying to say that if she's single still in five years. You'd be happy to be a sperm donor for her?"
I braced myself as I nodded. But instead of a slap or a punch in the face. I got a kiss on the cheek. I opened my eyes in shock.
"As long as I can claim the rest. I don't mind. But I'm sure Amanda will want the same deal. So. Go ahead." She smiled.
I put a hand on her forehead. She giggled as I examined her eyes and checked her pulse. "My wife and mother to our girls is going to allow me to knock up two of our friends in five years if they don't find anyone. I need a vacation."
I walked into the study with Ashley right behind me. Amanda and Daria looked at us.
"Okay." I started. "This will possibly sound weird. But, even though this was to only be for Daria. At Ash's behest this will be for both of you." I sighed as I continued, "The deal is, if both or one of you are still single in five years and still want kids which is a forgone conclusion that you will. I would like to offer to be a sperm donor."
"You mean, you'd be willing to be for lack of a better term, our baby daddy?" Amanda asked.
"As long as both or one of you are still single and interested in having kids in five years." I reminded them.
"What do you think, ladies?" Ashley asked.
Daria and Amanda looked at each other. Then they both stood up, approached me, tears in both their eyes, extended their hands, I shook their hands and pulled them in for a hug and kiss on the cheek, them to me and me to them. They soon left for the hotel because of an early morning flight, I let Zeus and Apollo into the house and Ashley and I put our girls to bed. Then ourselves. I was laying in bed as she said, "I'm proud of you baby." Ashley smiled as she came in wearing some red shorts and a red tank top from the bedrooms bathroom approached the bed. "Your willing to help Amanda and Daria with their dream of having kids. And your already proving to be a great father. Just like I knew you would be." She leaned in and I leaned up from laying in bed, then snapped my arms around her waist and turned over causing her to giggle as she landed on the bed as we continued to makeout. And when we pulled away from each other, I was aching to feel every inch of my Queen's Genetically Superior Physique. Even a month and a half after having our twins. She still had the body of the woman I fell in love with and married. And I could tell she wanted to do the same to me. But since we were put on a no strenuous activity order since the twins were born. Made it a special kind of torture for both of us. But we are counting down the days for the next two to three weeks until we can just throw caution to the wind along with our sense of time. And just have a wild night, a long night, a passionate night.
We kissed each other and Zeus and Apollo came into the master bedroom and slept at the foot of the bed.

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