New Friend...

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When I woke up, I wasn't in my bed. I didn't know where I was, except that I was in a chair, tied up, and worst of all.. My nose was itching. I tried to lossen my hands, but to no prevail, I had CHAINS around my hands and feet. I kept looking around, And I found a faint glow, two faint glows, one blue and one orange. They moved closer, soon I smelled the worse of all smells... blood." Why good morning child, How did you sleep?",A calmish voice said."Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?",,I nearly yelled."So many questions... So little answers. Why, I am in the same predicament as you. Locked up in here.",The voice said." Well, do you know where we are?"I asked. "5th street, Across from Grillby's."." GRILLBY'S!! Why are we over in this side of town? This is the monsters' side of the city!" I yelled. there was a glow, I looked and saw a blue flame floating a few feet from my face. I nearly screamed when I saw wha- I mean who I was talking to.

" Are you surprised? I know my face isn't THAT scary, is it?". He was a skeleton, tall, one orange eye, one blue eye. He had a upwards scar on his right eye, and a downwards scar on his left." My names Gaster.What's your name?".

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