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"G-Gaster?!", You stuttered, Gaster was the most wanted criminal in the city, he led his gang, The Classics, on robberies and shoot-outs most of the time.

"Soo... You have heard of me? Good...", Gaster said, pulling out his own chair from the darkness,"W-Why do you want m-me?" You asked, scared a bit.

"Why Child... We simply needed a new recruit.. our old one was... decommissioned. and you were first on my list.",Gaster said, a smile on his cracked face. You sat up a bit, " O-Ok... But i-instead of kidnapping.. t-try calling.. or knocking.."

Gaster sighed." My My.. You already know that monsters aren't allowed with you... humans.. I guess civil rights IS an issue there.. But nevermind that.. Would you like a cup of tea?". You looked at him, angered, and you shook the chains a little. To your surprise, they slid off easier than live rats on a ceramic plate.You have two options... 1:Fight Gaster
or 2: Stay here

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