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People believe in love at first sight, I believe in annoyed at first sight.

After turbulence filled flight and a sleep deprived night, I was at my worst. God knows how quickly I wanted to head home and hit my comfy bed. Luckily for me, I found my luggage quiet easily. It's just one of the perks of having a limited edition designer bag – it's super easy to spot it. I found all my luggage and made my way to the exit.

As I was exiting the terminus, I heard someone call out to me.

That's when I saw him. He was dressed in a simple yet bespoke suit that flattered his body. His tall height was only emphasized by his imposing presence.

When he caught up with me, he paused to catch his breath.

Looks like god decided to bless me with this vision. He had the loveliest olive toned complexion and dark black eyes, the kind that held entire universe's secrets.

"Excuse me miss... you seemed to have gotten the wrong bag." He said.

Although his tone was curt, there was a strange sense of arrogance in his presence. He looked at me with such an intense gaze that I felt naked – worse than naked actually – I felt like he was peeking into my soul and I hated being scrutinized like that.

"I'm sorry but that's impossible. This is a limited edition bag a gift from the designer himself... I'm pretty sure I haven't made a mistake." I said.

I made sure to respond in my snootiest tone. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked down at the floor; I couldn't look into his deep eyes.

The guy arched his eyebrows and looked at me with an amused expression. From the way he looked at me, I was pretty sure he wasn't used to being answered like that.

"Then how do you explain this?" He asked, shoving an exactly identical bag next to mine.

I felt a quick blush creep up my cheeks. Damn, I never knew limited edition bags were so common. I spent half my paycheck on this stupid bag because I wanted it to be unique. I really need to have a word with that designer friend of mine when I get home.

But first, I had to deal with mister grumpy over here.

"That is your issue." I said. "Look I'm in a hurry and you need to find someone else to help you out."

The guy glared at me. The intensity of his eyes felt like a jolt of electricity. My heart raced and I tried to make sense of whatever my body was doing right now. Could he stop doing that thing with his eyes? It makes me feel way too exposed.

"Are you trying to steal my bag? Because if you are... the consequences would be severe." He said icily.

His tone sounded like dagger dipped in ice. He hadn't threatened me or anything but the way he said it so casually, gave me chills.

"Are... are you threatening me?" I asked, furrowing my brows and doing my best to make a tough face.

I couldn't be weak; I had to hold my ground. I cannot show my weaknesses, especially not to a guy like him. He looks like the kind who uses people's fear against them and I cannot stand people like that.

He let out a low dangerous chuckle. Good lord! If evil had a laugh it wouldn't be loud and maniacal like what they show in movies – it would certainly sound soft with a low grunt, just the way this guy laughs.

"I'm just telling you... at least for now." He said.

The last part freaked me out a little.

"What's the deal with you anyway? "

I realised that my voice had attracted a crowd. People turned to look at us. He clearly looked uncomfortable with people staring at us.

Someone from the crowd suggested that we ought to open the bags and check them. The guy made a sour face when faced with the suggestion. But having no other option we agreed.

I crouched to open my bag. I couldn't wait to prove this guy wrong.

I crouched down and unzipped the bag. When I, did I was startled.

There were a bunch of neatly folded shirts and pair of handcuffs tucked in the corner. I certainly don't have a bondage kink so obviously this wasn't my bag.

"That's not possible. This was supposed to be my bag." I muttered as I rummaged through those clothes.

God, this was so embarrassing. Surely something wasn't right. This was supposed to be my bag. Was this some kind of a prank? I looked at the guy and I hated that smug look on his face.

The guy rudely clears his throat and I realise I'd been messing up his luggage.

"I guess now we know which bag belongs to who." I barely managed to mutter out.

I was just trying to lighten up the mood. But clearly, the guy was too serious to take a joke. If anything he looked more pissed than he'd looked before. But, that's Mr. grumpy 's problem not mine.

His scowl turned into a devilish smirk.

"Don't you want to check you bag?" He asked.

"Of course."

I couldn't believe he was being nice. There had to be something more. I eyed him suspiciously as I took my bag from his hands.

I opened the bag and found it to be untouched. Okay, I guess I was worried about nothing.

Before I could close the bag, the guy stopped me. He crouched next to me. To my surprise he yanked my bag away from my hands  and rummaged through it.

"What the hell?" I blurted.

"You messed up my clothes and I hate anyone messing up my stuff." He said.

"Are you crazy?" I shouted, unable to believe the nerve of this guy.

He stood up and straightened his jacket.

"That makes us even." He said coldly.

I muttered all the expletives from English, Hindi and random fragments of other languages that I knew.

Who does he think he is anyway? I cannot believe that he actually rummaged through my belongings just because I did the same. I mean who is that petty? That asshole's nerve!

I hate anyone messing my stuff too. I literally spend most of my paycheque buying stationary so I can make lists and not let anyone mess up anything. Ugh. Asshole! I hate him and I hate my day.

I realised that I'd been so engrossed in my thoughts to even notice that the guy left.

"Well, that's good riddance."

Little did I know that this wasn't the last I'd be seeing of mister grumpy.

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