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We landed in Las Vegas, the hot wind carassed my hair as we waited for Nico to bring the car. The first stop in our trip was Vegas because we had to take the cash from a casino owner. Leo had explained to us in the flight that Nico had invested his money in a casino, as a favour to the owner. In return, Nico got a certain percentage of the profits. This money was supposed to fund our alleged 'world tour'. Since it was cash we wouldn't have to bother about a trail.

Nico, Leo, Andrew and I went in one car. While Alex, Amy, Emily and Gigi went in the other. Their car followed ours as Nico drove to the hotel.

"Have you guys packed anything fancy?" Nico asked.

"The most formal thing I managed to pack is my lab coat and scrubs. And I can assure you it's the same for Gigi. We doctors carry our coat and scrubs and other equipments before we carry anything else."

"Don't ask me. I couldn't even get in my own house. Amy and I are surviving on Emily and Gigi's borrowed clothes."

Ugh, no wonder these jeans felt so uncomfortable and looked so horrible on me. And the top... warm beige merged with my skin tone and looked so unflattering. I couldn't wait to get out of it.

"What about you?" Nico asked Leo.

"I may have gotten three suits and two tuxedos." Leo answered calmly.

"Of course you did you sly bastard. That's why I was wondering where did my fancy bowtie disappear." Nico said. The humour in his tone was obvious.

"If I remember well, you stole it from my wardrobe in the first place." Leo said.

The childishness of their argument was cute. I wanted to know more about Leo and Nico's relationship. Sometimes, it feels like they hate each other. Yet, they both have each other's back during difficult times. After the Bianca thing, the two seemed to have gotten closer. I guess, nothing like murder to bring two people closer. Okay, that was messed up.

"Nico, do we have enough time in our schedule to take a shopping trip?"

"I was planning to do some sightseeing around like a clichéd tourist. Las Vegas is a touristy place after all. But, you can go shopping if you like."

"What about you Andrew?" I asked.

"I'm tired after that long flight. I think I'll rest." He said.

"You can borrow one of my suits and so can you Nico." Leo said. "I'll go shopping with Meg."

"I'll text others and ask them."

I texted the others and updated them about our shopping plan. The fact that my life is at risk aside, I couldn't wait to explore more of Vegas.


That evening I wore a long dark green dress. Green according to Feng Shui, is the colour which attracts luck and money, and that's something I'd definately need in a casino. We headed to the famous casino called Queen of Hearts. It had a whimsical decor that I totally dig.

Amy let out a low whistle as she noticed the swanky and beautiful surroundings.

"Am I the only one who feels underdressed despite the fact that I'm wearing something that costs my monthly rent in Trinity?" Emily said.

"No Emily, I feel the same way." Gigi said. "Nico really outdid himself this time."

"Speaking of the guys... I thought they reached before us."

The guys left early since Nico had to sort certain financial issues with the owner.

"Knowing my brothers, they're probably betting against each other. Why don't we check out some slots? They look fun." Gigi said.

"I need a mimosa first. I'm parched." Emily said. "Should I bring something for you guys?"

"A margrita for me." Gigi said.

"And get some iced tea for me. I need to keep my head straight if I want to win today." Amy said.

"I'll go with Emily and help her get the drinks." I followed Emily as I made the way to the bar.

At the bar, the bartender flashed us a polite smile. "I'll have two Rosé mimosas, one iced tea and a dry martini." I said.

The bartender took our order and proceede to prepare our drinks. He placed two mimosas for Emily and I. Emily sipped her drink and smiled.

"I can always trust your choice in drinks. This is so refreshingly delicious." Emily said.

"I don't like the taste of liquor and I like fruity stuff more. I am a basic chick for liking rosé." It was a fact. I was never much of a heavy drinker and I liked cocktails over drinking neat. Too bitter for my taste.

I gluped down my drink and let the fruity taste with a slightest hint of bitterness wash over me. It's been so long since I had a decent mimosa.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Meghana?"

I almost jumped when I heard that rough voice. Oh my god... it couldn't be him, could it? When I turned and saw his face, my doubt was confirmed. For me he was the one who got away but the world called him Samar.

"Samar.... Whoa, it's been a long time. You look so... so... buffed up." My eyes trailed over him, noticing his muscular body.

All those memories of past came flashing over me. For some reason, my mind was stuck on that part where Samar and I hooked up in a movie theater l. Damn you my mind.

"I have been working out lately. Job requirements." He shrugged. "You look lovely tonight Meghana. Green always brings out the lovely brown colour of your eyes."

I felt heat rise up in my cheeks. I hate the fact that despite all these years, Samar still had a way of making my heart race. Ugh, I was such an awkward mess. I shouldn't feel that way especially considering the way things ended between us and the fact that I'm committed to someone else now.

"Thank you." I gulped my remaining drink in one sip. I was drinking to compensate for my nervousness, this was bad.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked. There was a hint of guilt in his eyes.

Unsure, I turned to glance at Emily.

Emily gently tapped my shoulder. "It's okay. I'm going to take these drinks to Amy and Gigi." She whispered in my ear.

"I'll see you in a bit." I said as I saw her disappear with drinks in her hand.

Samar slid in the booth next to me and ordered drinks for us. The bartender placed it in front of us. He drank his but I rested my hands on the counter and couldn't bring myself to drink. He rested his hands on the counter too. For a brief moment, our hands brushed, making me blush and flinch away.

He leaned closer to me, his lips almost touching my ear.

"You're in Vegas, I'm in Vegas. And you know the way the saying goes. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

I almost jumped when I felt his fingers touch my bare back.

"What's this?" He asked trailing his hands over the bullet scar. "This wasn't there the last time. Speaking of last time. Why don't we go off to that motel, spend the weekend in bed, just like old times."

I snaped out of my daze. What the fuck was I doing? I had to tell him that I was committed now.

"I have a boyfriend." I blurted.

"If you didn't, would you come with me then?" He asked.

I stared in his light brown eyes. My eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. The last time we met was three years ago, when he stopped by in Trinity. I remember that night too well. I hate the way his dark copper toned skin contrasted with my golden olive skin. I hate the way he'd make me forget all my anger when he'd take me to bed. Ugh, I hated him so much. Why did I remember all that?

I felt him lean closer to me. I know what he was trying to do, I know him too well. I placed my palm on his chest and distanced myself.

"I'm sorry but my days of one-night stands are over. I'm in love with someone. And he's the best thing that has happened to me." I said as I slid over and stood up.

"Does he make you feel like the way I did?" He asked.

I didn't know how to answer to that so I simply patted his cheek. "It was nice seeing you Samar, it really was. But, I must go now."

Even as I left, I felt his heavy gaze on mine. What's the deal with guys? Why is it that when you like a guy he pushes you away and the moment you find someone else, the first guy comes back rushing asking you to be back in his life again? Samar and I were in an on-and-off kind of thing where we casually hooked for a long time. After a point, I wanted something more serious but he didn't. Naturally I distanced myself. I thought everything was fine until he popped up again.

I made my way to the slot machine where I saw Emily putting money in it. She closed her eyes in a prayer as the slots started moving. They stopped and Emily gasped.

"I won 4,000 dollars." She exclaimed as she hugged me. She took the ticket to redeem later.

I flashed her a small smile. I so wanted to be happy but meeting Samar threw me off guard.

"Who was that guy? Please don't tell me he was that jerk who didn't even bother to stay till you woke up. and left you alone in that motel." Emily said.

"Yeah that was Samar." I sighed, recalling crying when I found out he'd left me alone without even a text. "I feel so weird right now, running into him. I'd forgotten him but seeing him made me remember stuff and it's not good. I'm with Leo, I shouldn't feel that way."

"Aww Meg." Emily wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "You cannot control the way you feel about someone. But you can control your actions. Sure, you cannot erase your past with Samar but you can definately choose to respect your relationship with Leo."

"Speaking of Leo, where is he? I haven't seen him the entire night."

"He's by the poker table. And I hear he has a bad stroke of luck going for him. You should go to him. If you in that green dress won't motivate him, nothing can. "

I laughed at Emily's pun. "It has been long since I saw Leo."

I walked by the poker table where Leo was sipping whiskey. I stood in the line of his sight and waited for him to look at me. He smirked when our eyes met. I winked at him and he looked like he choked on his drink. I love messing with Leo like that.

I walked next to him bent down.

"Hello boyfriend, you clean up good. How's the game going?" I whispered, kissing his cheek.

"It's embarassing." He said. "I'm loosing so bad."

I turned to look at the table. To my surprise, Samar was sitting right across Leo. For a brief moment, we locked eyes and I looked away.

The dealer dealt the cards and Leo looked at his. I noticed that Samar chew his lower lip as he looked at his card.

"Raise." Samar said.

"Fold." The other players said. Until it was only Leo and Samar at the table.

Leo threw a glance at me and I nodded. "Call." He said and tossed a few chips.

Samar showly revealed his cards to reveal three tens and one ace and one four.

"Three of a kind." The dealer exclaimed.

Leo unflured his cards and I gasped when I saw three jacks and two sevens.

"That's a full house. Leo you win."

Samar pushed some chips in Leo's direction.

"That was a good game. Seems like lady luck favours you." Samar said. Strangely, his eyes remained fixated on me.

I bent down and planted a kiss on Leo's cheek. "Congratulations." He gently pressed my hand.

"I see that you guys have already met." I said. "Leo meet Samar, He's Riya and Ritesh's neighbour back in India, and a family friend to us. And Samar, meet Leo my boyfriend."

Both the guys shook hands. After the round was over, both of them got up and collected their winnings.

"If I were you Leo, I'd take care of her. She has quiet a string of admirers behind her waiting for an opportunity to get back with her."

Oh god. This was bad. I swear I wanted to punch that ass. Did he think we're dumb to not understand what he's implying?

"That's not as surprising as you're making it sound. Meg is a beautiful, intelligent and funny girl, of course guys would want her. But, I'm not worried about them because in the end what matters is who she chooses. And, I feel honoured that she chose me."

I was grinning like a fool at Leo's comments. I've never had any guy feel about me the way Leo did. And, I've certainly never had a guy defend me like Leo did. He was so adorable. Ugh, I love Leo.

"That's sweet. Glad to see Meghana put her wild days behind her and settle down in a serious monogamous relationship for a change." I felt anger rise in me. He had no right to talk about me that way. What did he mean by a wild past?

Samar smirked devilishly. "Anyway, it was nice meeting you Meghana. I'll see you later."

With that he walked away.

"Are you okay Dolcezza?" Leo asked tenderly.

"Yeah." I rubbed my forehead. "Just pissed."

"Hey, it's okay. Meeting an ex is a difficult thing." He said. "Forget about it, Let's get a drink."

As Leo and I made way to the bar little did we know things were about to go so wrong.


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