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Alex uncovered some disturbing turn of events. The owner of the fancy dress shop, the Emporium was a friend of Papa who told us that he'd noticed some problematic encroachments by DeLuca's men. It was no coincidence that these encroachments aligned with Bianca's arrival in our lives. Her closeness to Nico was troublesome. He's a young kid who has had a crush on Bianca ever since he could remember. He could never even imagine that she'd do any wrong. I'm afraid that she might do something to him. To save Nico, I took a drastic step, I stripped him of his capo duties and his job at the casino. He hated me so much for it that I was certain he'd try to strangle me in my sleep, it wouldn't be the first time that he tried. I don't care what my stupid brother feels, it is my job to keep him safe.

I dropped by to visit the Emporium and take stock of the situation there. I had to be very careful, one wrong step could plunge us all into a bloody gang war. I hoped to keep the casualty at minimum, DeLuca knew that and that's why he was tempting me.

In Emporium all my scheming and planning vanished when my eyes fell on her. She looked like a vision in her semi-casual navy blue shirt and jeans. I felt my heart quicken its pace. Lately, my body had a weird reaction to Meg. My heart raced and mind went blank. It was the same feeling I felt when I did paragliding and felt so thrilled that I'd die. She makes me feel the same way. 

Did I really have a crush on her? Fuck, maybe I did. But, it's too late now. I already blew up any chance I had with her. I'd be lucky if she did not hate me. I tried my best to blend in and discreetly exit. I couldn't face her after threatening her. But, she saw me. Great, just great. Unknowingly, I approached her.

Okay, Leo, you have enough guilt and worries to burden yourself, you do not need more. My Papa once told me that admitting your mistakes doesn't make you less of a man. I could not bear to keep things at a stalemate with her. Sure I had my reasons but I could've been more civil. It was no way to treat a girl.

I fucking dared a sniper to shoot me. Why the heck was I terrified of approaching a girl?

I walked up to her and called out to her, she ignored me twice. Stupid girl, she's making me freak out. Was it too late? When she acknowledged me coldly I felt relieved. Well, it was a good start. We went aside and I blurted my pathetic excuse for an apology. Honestly, even I wouldn't take such a stupid apology. She certainly wouldn't.

I mean, why was I even doing it? I've never owed anyone any kind of explanation. Conscience never really stopped me before, so why now? I was pretty sure my explanation wasn't making any sense. How do I tell her, hey I think I have a crush on you and I can't think of you hating me.

I was almost happy when she accepted my apology. But, she said she doesn't want to do anything with me, she wanted to coordinate with Gigi and Andrew directly. It was a reasonable request, but I found it annoying. For fuck's sake. She dealt with it so gracefully. It was an utterly logical thing to do. She should stay away from me. I saw it in her eyes. She too felt what I did.

If you ask me about ways to topple a gang, create anarchy or some other shady shit like that, I could do it all. But, this girl business, not my thing. Why was I falling for her? Why am I getting weak?



Enjoy another bonus update. ;-)

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