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The entire weekend I pondered over Amy's words. Leo was a gangster and I was planning a mafia wedding. I felt a chill pass down my spine at the thought that I accompanied him alone till my house. He could've killed me and dumped my body somewhere and no one would've found me.

To think of it, he did almost threaten me at the airport. And that explains so much about the way he found my tote too. Still, I found it hard to believe that Leo kills people and is involved in illegal stuff. I would've never guessed that someone so well mannered and handsome could be involved in such a dirty business.

I shrugged off my thoughts and tried to calm my mind. But I couldn't be calm. I was dealing with a mafia boss over here. How could I be calm?

I took a deep breath and decided to take the most logical course of action in this situation.

I headed to the police station and filed a complaint against him. The officer looked pale as if he'd seen a ghost. I guess Leo's a pretty scary guy. He asked me to wait for a moment and sit on the chair.

He headed to his cabin while I sat there staring at the crammed up police station. It was a little unnerving to know that our cops had such poor working conditions. I mean these people were responsible for keeping our city safe, they obviously deserved better.

The officer arrived accompanied by his senior and asked me why I was here. I told him that I was here with information on the infamous mafia boss Leonardo Moretti and I wanted him arrested. The officer noted down my name and phone number and then asked me to leave.

I stepped outside the police station and hailed a cab. A strange black car approached me and before I could realize, I felt a pair of strong arms grab me and shove me inside the car.

I struggled to break free but the guy was way too strong. I tried to escape but the guy pointed a gun on my head.

"One move and you're dead." His tone sent chills down my spine.

I froze on the spot. I saw the car stop and to my surprise Leo was driving it.

"Did you really think you could ask the cops to get rid of me?"

"That's literally the most normal response when a civilian meets a gangster." I blurted.

"You were right Leo, her snarky attitude will be the death of her." The guy holding a gun to my head spoke up.

"Please Alex, you are scaring her." Leo said. "Enough with the gun."

"I'm scared of you even without the gun." I blurted.

For a moment or so, I saw an expression of hurt flicker on his face. But, that emotion disappeared and he was again the cold Leo I knew.

He chuckled, pulling my attention to his structured jawline and shapely lips. 

"If you were scared you wouldn't have gone to the cops." He said. "I do not know if I should be impressed by your courage or get annoyed by your stupidity."

"I'd opt with stupidity." Alex added. "I mean she approached one of our cop friend. Fortunately, they called us up on time."

God, I had pissed off the wrong person. The cops hadn't arrested Leo after my complaint and instead informed him about it; it only meant that he was way too powerful for the entire police department let alone for a powerless person like me. I took a deep breath, well let's hope I can convince them to not kill me.

"Look Leo, I'm sorry I complained. I just didn't know what to do. Nobody teaches you how to react when meeting a gangster. I'm just a normal girl and I really do not want to get involved with people like you. I swear I'll give up this wedding and go away and never speak of this again."

Leo's face twisted into a scowl. His eyes darkened and he pressed his lips tightly in a frown. His eyes were so cruel and cold that it terrified me.

"If you ditch this wedding, I'd personally make sure to hunt you down and kill you. You are to keep your mouth shut and do this wedding. Am I clear?"

I trembled with fear. He certainly meant what he said. Leo wasn't the friendly guy who'd lent me his jacket. He was someone dangerous, who I was supposed to be afraid of.

I simply managed to nod him a yes. In my fear, I hadn't noticed that Leo had driven us near my house.

"Alex, walk her home." Leo commanded.

I quickly hurried home and as soon as I shut the door behind me, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. God, what had I gotten myself into?


What do you think will happen next now that Meg has found out who Leo really is? Will she still like him or will the truth of his 'profession' push her away? Do let me know what you think would happen next.

I am so so sorry for the delay I've had a difficult time with my exams going on and other writing stuff to do. I hope you are enjoying this story. I can't wait to upload more.

And, please remember to vote for my story.

Thank you.

-Gautami Shankar.

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