Extras : Be my Quarantine : 3/3

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Leo brought me a glass of aloe vera juice and a small bowl with pomegranate seeds in it. Not again. I made a pouty face hoping Leo would spare me for one day. It had been almost a month since I was sick. Leo had done some internet search and found that having aloe vera juice and pomegranate seed first thing in the morning brought back the lost taste. He insisted that I have it on alternate days at least. To be honest, it did kinda help me. At least, I could taste the pomegranate. Earlier I literally couldn't taste the difference between pickled jalapeño and pickled cucumber. This was a huge improvement.

I sighed and drank and ate it. Leo then literally shoved a small jar of ginger powder near my nose. I coughed at the distinct and strong smell. Both Leo and I gasped with happiness. Oh my god, I could smell it! Two days ago, I had started smelling faint traces. Today was way better. I could even taste the breakfast he cooked.

"This is so salty!" I exclaimed as I had the breakfast.

"Of course it is. I was adding extra spices and salt in food so that you could at least get some taste of the food. You never noticed it until today, it is a good sign." He answered.

Damn, I really did get lucky to find such a caring person as my partner. I smiled. "Thank you, Leo."

"For what?"

"For being the person who always has my back no matter what."

He smiled, "Don't thank me, you are the one who always stood by me. Besides, I like taking care of you."

I looked at him and it just hit me, that I love him. Damn, I really love him. Okay, I know this sounds silly. I mean I took a bullet for him and then married him. It is kinda obvious that I love him. I know I love him. But, right now, at this moment I felt it, that I love him. Knowing and feeling are two different things. I always knew that I found him attractive, I admired his reliability and knew that I had feelings for him. But today, at this moment I just felt the whole enormity of it.

God damn it, I love him. I almost felt myself tearing up. This ain't Anna Karenina, this ain't written by Tolstoy and I'm certainly no Levin to have a sudden realisation of marital bliss or something. But, for the first time in my life, I felt that this man was my better half, my soulmate. Ugh, I never thought that a semi-narcissist woman like me would even consider someone as her better half. But I did. He and I were a team, a family.

"You know, Andrew is coming over today." He said. "He's going to take your samples. It should be negative."

"I hope so."

All the jokes and well-meaning warnings I'd heard of marriage were so false. Everyone tried to make marriage seem like it is some kind of jail or trapping. Someone once described marriage as purgatory. I just realised that commitment phobia is overrated hype promoted by pop culture as something cool. I too loved being single. Being alone is cool but life is better with someone to share your joys and sorrows with. I would've gotten over this alone without him. We all need someone to be our light during dark times. Leo was mine.

With him by my side, I know I will be fine. I feel fine too.



I hope you guys are doing well. Currently, India is facing a terrible covid crisis. I recently recovered from it and wanted to write something that would give people hope. This chapter is for all those people suffering from covid. Keep hope, stay strong, follow the treatment your doctor prescribed. You'll be fine. Tough times need hope and positivity.

Here are some dos and don't related to the pandemic.

DO moderate and light exercises even if you might feel weak. It will help with oxygen levels. If you're too weak try walking in the room you're in.
DO eat healthy. The lack of taste may cause a loss in appetite. However, it is important to eat healthy food to boost your body's disease fighting capacity.
DO stay hydrated. I need not elaborate why.
DO take adequate rest. Your body needs it. That means sleeping if you feel like it.
DO talk to your friends and loved ones. Quarantine can feel lonely. It can lead to feelings of gloominess and anxiety. It may also lead to stress and nightmares like Meg had. Stay in touch with your loved ones through video calls to keep your spirits high.
DO take the vaccine if you don't have covid. Wait for at least 90 days after your recover from covid to take the vaccine.

DO NOT go out. You'd be putting someone else's life at risk. Stay at home.
DO NOT delay. If you even have mild or basic symptoms like constant headache or fever, consult a doctor. Early diagnosis saves lives.
DO NOT visit a doctor unannounced if you suspect covid symptoms. Do inform them prior via call. Otherwise there is a chance you may risk their life. Healthcare professionals are already under pressure, do not put their life at risk. Call before visiting.
DO NOT be around children or senior citizens. They're more vulnerable.
DO NOT engage in sexual activity. Wait for at least 30 days after recovery.
DO NOT be an asshole. Wear a mask. Follow guidelines and stay at home.

Lastly, stay positive and support your loved ones.


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