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Jeongguk was sweating. Never in his entire life as a Mafia Leader in the underworld had he been so worried about somebody. He felt like the whole world around him was crumbling into pieces as the Black Porsche raced through the streets in the morning. Each minute felt like a hour and each hour like a year. Anguish and guilt ran through his veins. He Alpha was restless, making Jeongguk writhe in despair. His Alpha only wanted to be near his mate and nothing more. Everything was blur to him now. The only thing that mattered to Jeongguk now was his one and only mate, Jimin.

The sun rays made it's way through the glass windows of the bathroom. It fell on Jimin's blonde locks, making him shine ⭐✨like an angel. His lips were slightly parted and his cheeks were stained with tears. He looked like a broken angel, the same when Jeongguk found him in the bar. He was a broken beauty, one of a kind. He slowly stirred in the bathtub as he brought his fisted hands towards his eyes and rubbed them softly. He slowly opened his eyes, looking around at the bathroom warily. He hugged himself tighter as he remembered the incidents of the previous day. Tears escaped his eyes as they became glassy. He silently sobbed as his body became cold.

Rrrrrrrrring! Rrrrrrrrring!

A loud noise resonated in the entire apartment. There must be someone at the door. Jimin stopped crying as he tried to stand up from the bath tub.
"Who can it be now?" Jimin wondered warily.

Just when he was about to open the door of the bathroom, a loud bang resonated in the entire apartment.The impact of the loud sound made Jimin loose balance and fall down. He hit his head on the basin, making him dizzy. The last thing he remembered his name by called out by someone as the darkness took over him.


"How is he Eunwoo? "
A voice resonated in the room. Jimin was finally awake but he did not open his eyes, rather kept his eyes closed to hear what the doctor was about him.

"He is stable now Jeongguk but he still has fever. It seems like he has gone through a lot of stress and I have told you that too much stress is not good for him since he is still recovering from the trauma he had in his previous work experience, so this stress made his body weak. I would suggest that you stay with him." The doctor, Cha Eunwoo completed as Jeongguk edged closer to Jimin, his big rough hands holding Jimin's baby hands in his.

Cha Eunwoo, Mafia Head Doctor.

Jeongguk caressed Jimin's face, his eyes brimming with tears. He wanted to go on a killing spree, ending everyone's life. The Mafia Lord cared for none. But if anyone messed with his dear loved ones, they would be saying a good bye to their lives. Jimin was his most precious gem, greater than life. He had pledged that he would keep Jimin safe and he was even ready to give up his life for his dear mate. But today, he had failed. He had failed! And this was unacceptable to the Mafia Lord!
As Jeongguk was in his own thoughts, Lisa and Jinyoung came in through the door. They were stunned to see the state of Jimin, the little baby of the Mafia who had a soft spot in every members heart. Jeongguk looked at them and then back to Jimin, his hands interwined with Jimin's own.

"Jeongguk..... " Lisa called out.

"Lisa..... I failed" Jeongguk said, his voice hoarse. He was breaking, breaking like a glass when it is hit by a stone.

"Jeongguk, you did not-" Lisa started only to cut off by Jeongguk.

"I did, I did fail Lisa. I failed my mate. I pledged that I will protect him with every bit of my life. I promises to protect him. And I failed him Lisa. I am a terrible person... I failed to fulfill my promise.... I..... " Jeongguk could not continue anymore. The dam finally broke as the water streamed down his face. Lisa and Jinyoung enveloped him in a hug. Lisa had trained with Jeongguk, developing a close friendship with him. When Jeongguk's father died in the war against Rose Mafia, Lisa helped Jeongguk grow strong and helped his succeed the Mafia and worked alongside him. Jinyoung was a professional assassin until Jeongguk saved him from the clutches of JYP Mafia who used to torture him. He started working under Jeongguk as a assassin. Later he became Jeongguk's inner circle most eminent member and finally his left-hand member. He was one of those people who Jeongguk could trust. They felt terrible when they saw Jeongguk suffering alone. Just when Jinyoung was about to speak, the door banged open and in came in those people who Jeongguk did not want to see right now.

Jeongguk glanced at the door and looked away. Lisa and Jinyoung moved away and stood behind their boss.

" Gguk... We.. " Seokjin started but Jeongguk did not spare them a glance. He was busy looking forward, breathing deeply.

"Jeongguk... We... " Taehyung wanted to say something, but his courage did not permit him.

"Gguk, we are sorry... We really did not-" Just when Namjoon started talking, a sharp Alpha pheromone made him stop abruptly. Jeongguk looked at them sharply. His Alpha pheromes were so strong that everyone was feeling a bit dizzy in the room.

" If the five of you have finished then you can leave" Jinyoung said, his voice stern. Normally, being a Sigma wolf, he would not talk over the five of them. But this time he finally did that because he was feeling frustrated by them. What they did was unforgivable.

" Gguk, hear us out please, we didn't-"

"You didn't know what? Do you understand what you have done? Do you realise what mess you have created? YOU HURT MY MATE! YOU HURT MY MATE HYUNGS.... MY MATE! MY QUEEN! MY DARLING! HOW DARE YOU HURT HIM! YOU KNOW WHAT.... I CAN KILL YOU HERE AND I WILL DO IT -" Jeongguk pulled out his gun out of pants when a  small hand pulled onto his shirt. Jeongguk , shocked, turned round just to see Jimin, wide awake, holding onto his shirt, firmly.

Jeongguk pushed his gun back in its place as he hugged Jimin tightly. Jimin hugged him back, his hands caressing Jeongguk's back. Jeongguk dam had broken down once more as tears streamed down his face. Jimin let out soothing pheromones, making Jeongguk feel better. Jeongguk pulled out from the hug as he placed his lips on Jimin, their breaths intertwining with one another. To them, it didn't matter whether there was someone else or not. It was just them. And it didn't matter to them if there was someone else. They were together again in each other's arms, and that is more than any thing they could ever ask for. Jeongguk pulled out of the kiss panting for breath.

" Are you okay? ( He cups Jimin's face) Why didn't you call me when you were tortured? Why didn't you give any member a call? This is the reason why I should keep a bodyguard now. No wait, I will personally hire someone for you. You don't listen to me at all. What if something happened to you? What if I lost you? What if..... " Jeongguk kept bombarding questions back and forth making all the people around him stunned. To be honest, they had never seen Gguk like that. He was panicky and this was unlikely for a Mafia Leader. The hyungs staggered a little. They felt like a criminal (A/n: You all are Mafia's for God's sake) hurting Jimin. They just wanted to protect Jeongguk but they ended up doing something terrible.

"Gguk, we are terribly sorry. We didn't know that you had a boyfriend and you finally settled down. We just wanted to protect you from some low level sluts because you hated them in the mansion. We are sorry Gguk.... We didn't mean it... We are truly sorry"   Nam-Joon, the leader of the five said. They were truly sorry. They were sincere and everyone standing there felt that. Jeongguk was about to say something when Jimin interrupted them softly.
" We forgive you, I realised that you wanted to protect Gguk and I understand that. Thank you for taking care of my boyfriend. " Jimin said, making all of them frozen on their places. They had never expected Jimin to act like that. They had assumed the worst and was ready to face it. But this gesture truly amazed them.

"But I have one condition"

"Condition? What condition? "  Five of them asked together.

"Easy! Be my friend!" Jimin chirped like a baby.

Friend! They  were rooted to their places almost unmoved.

"But why us? " Jin, the eldest of them asked, his voice shaky.

"Mafia business is not a child's play hyungs. The enemy might mix within us and reach his/her target before we can know. Life is too complicated and each of our actions have a reason. Even a psychopath has reasons as to why he kills someone. Our mind is too complicated, making our actions complicated too. Every one in this world deserves a second chance to clear out themselves. So if everyone deserves, why not you guys? " Jimin said, almost making the five of them cry.They had never expected this. This was too surreal to believe. It felt like deja vu.

"He is a gem Jeongguk, keep him safe" Taehyung piped in. Jeongguk looked at him coldly but tightened his arms around Jimin's waist proudly. (Jimin was in a sitting position)He mumbled something like I don't need that advice from you which went unheard by all except Jimin. He lightly slapped Jeongguk hands, making him pout. Jimin just looked away.

"Just because Jimin has forgiven you... Doesn't mean I will so soon. I will deal with you shits soon. Now GET LOST! " Jeongguk said with a angry voice, but there was no bite in it. The members slowly moved out, not wanting to anger him more. They were really scared of Gguk at this point and didn't want to pour oil on the fire. They quietly left with Lisa and Jinyoung following them. Once they left, it was just them. Once again, just the two of them alone.

Jimin lightly caressed Jeongguk's face as he admired him. Jeongguk just slightly leaned into the warmness.
"You should really forgive them Gguk" Jimin said quietly. "I will.... Not so soon" Jeongguk said as he pulled Jimin into his embrace. Jimin purred as he hugged Jeongguk tighter. No words needed to be exchanged. Their heart beats Sycronised with one another's, making them beat together. Jimin looked up at Jeongguk who had the most beautiful smile on his face. Jeongguk cupped Jimin's face as he leaned in. Their lips met midway, their breaths mingled as one and they leaned into each other's warmth. It was just a normal kiss to everyone, bit for them, every moment with each other was magical. Every kiss was a new promise. The warm sunlight fell on their faces as they pulled away, smiling sweetly at each other before leaning in for another.

Even the most feared person like a Mafia found his dear soulmate.

Love is a magical thing. It come only once. Love is beautiful. It doesn't matter whom you love because loving someone is never a crime or defect. It doesn't matter what the gender is. Love is blind , but the most amazing feeling and everyone deserves it.

Lovers like Jeongguk and Jimin doesn't need a happy ending. Every morning is a new beginning to them, every end a miracle and every moment a blessing. As they always say




Finally this story is finished. I really had fun writing this. Thank you for all the love and support everyone had for this story.
I had actually wanted to write this would as a oneshot but it turned out to become a story.
I am really sorry to keep you all waiting for so long. I deeply apologize for that.
Feedback pwease and boop the star if you like and please leave lots of comments. Also sorry once again to keep everyone waiting.

Love you guys a lot❤❤

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