Final Night Pt 1

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Bianca Petali wakes up while moaning. "Ah."

Sitting herself up, she finds her husband with his hands massaging the soles of her feet. The stress for tomorrow melts away from his touch.

"Good morning, Bianca."

"Good, ah! Don't stop."

After rubbing circles with his thumbs, Miguel kisses the toes and feet of his goddess. Their lips reunite like matching puzzle pieces. His lips pepper her face with more of his love which she returns.

She pulls his head down to her chest. Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump

He lies still to hear what her heart is saying. 

I'm scared.

His arms wrap around the back of her periwinkle pajamas. Dark chocolate eyes meet her emeralds that are trying not to worry.

"Mi amor, tell me what's on your mind."

Her hands rest on the sides of his head. "I don't want to lose you. Nor Isabella if she ever wants to talk with me again. I feel.......helpless."

He brings her hands down to kiss them. "You have every right to feel that way. Tell me more."

Bianca bites her lip before exhaling. "What if my daughter was right? If I didn't pursue this life after her father passed away? Things would have been so different. Would we have been safer? Would that mean we wouldn't have met?"

He lets each syllable settle between his ears. "If it was meant to be, we would have met. If not, I would want us to be happy."

Her mind homed in on each word, especially "us". A warm smile graces her face that she had listened to her prior advice: love yourself more.

"How do you know the right thing to say?" She lightly jokes.

He flashes that dimpled smile that revs her heart. "The best people bring it out in me."

That response results with him on his back. Driving her tongue into his mouth. Tongues swirl as he holds her body in place with his toned arms. Her silver tongue traces his deadly neck tattoo.

"Damn, I love when you do that," he compliments with a heavy breath.

"My submissive husband will get a lot more than that after tomorrow."

Her rising confidence leads his hands to fondle her butt. After a few minutes, she pins his hands behind his head. Lips nearing his right ear.

"I want to empty you out again, husband. Just wait."

As quick as the wind, she gets off of him and stands up. Only a few grateful steps from the bed, before his arms embrace her from behind. 

"I will wait, but you're not making it easy," he whispers while grinding his covered staff against her butt.

She smirks before kissing him on the cheek. "Then be a good boy and take a shower in the other room."

His feet rush out of the room to her laughter. After some quick showers, Signora Orchidea walks down the stairs in her knee length violet pinstriped dress with her husband by her side.

Luis drives them out to a law firm to secure some documentation before an impromptu meeting with all of her famile viewing through their monitors and phones. Luis, Miguel, and Diego stand behind her chair for support.

Noticing her new ring along with Miguel's wedding bang, the men congratulate the duo. Clapping echoes from their devices. After thanking them, she raises a hand to calm things down.

"Tomorrow may either end with us on top or at obedience towards Xianmao. My life and El Segador's are on the line. I would rather it be that way than any of you. Thank you all for the loyalty and love you have shown Isabella, me, and my late husband," before sighing.

"After some thinking, I realized that some things are better than power. For those who don't know, Isabella disowned me as her mother."

Jaws drop upon hearing that. Apologies and condolences fly out of their mouths at once.

A brief smile that they cared about her before continuing. "And she was right to do so. I chose this lifestyle thinking it would be best for us, but I didn't care what she wanted."

She brings out the paperwork that only Miguel knew about.

"In order for us to possibly reunite in the future, I need to secure it. If we win, these documents will transfer my role as boss to whoever you decide."

The Petali Organization were thrown into a whirlwind of disbelief. Even Luis steps forward to look at her. "Signora, is that true?"

"It is. These documents include the gun operations, the fronts, and some access to my wealth to start anew. I'm giving up the mafia life. The only things I want to keep are my home and the legitimate funds I earned from the businesses I oversee."

Back in the old days of the mafia, those who left the group would never be seen again. If found out for snitching to unowned authorities, they would be sleeping with the fishes. But thanks to the late Mr. Petali, he consolidated their power where people can leave and return if needed for personal reasons.

With this, Bianca can live a somewhat normal life without fear of retaliation.

 " pick your replacement?" Marco asks from his phone.

"My replacement will be whoever you vote on. Every one of you is eligible for the role."

Another verbal stun grenade she threw in.

"Take the rest of the day to discuss and I will agree to my replacement. Tonight, we shall celebrate the potential transfer of power. Thank you for everything, mi famile."

"THANK YOU, SIGNORA ORCHIDEA!" Her men shout at once.

Tears of appreciation leave her eyes. "Grazia. I'm proud of you all."

She hangs up the video call. Miguel's thumbs attend to her tears. Soft kisses on cheeks to show how proud he is of her.

After she collects herself, he speaks. "Mi esposa, while they think, let's make the most of today. What would you like to do?"

"Some photos of us at different places. Could.....I see your home in Spanish Harlem?"

"Of course," he confidently smiles. She stands up and pulls him to where sunlight is pouring in. Luis snaps some photos of them in different poses including her being carried bridal style.....

Photos of them walking hand in hand on the George Washington Bridge. Him kneeling before her while she jokingly pulled his head back. Lying next to each other in the grass of Central Park before enjoying ice cream together. Her booping his nose with Rocky Road before licking it off. He returns the favor with his Mint Chocolate.

Miguel's feet almost hesitate upon stepping onto the curb of East Harlem. Both the good and bad of memory lane was waiting for him. With the encouragement of his wife and Diego, he takes a leap of faith. 

I'm going to be okay. It won't hurt anymore.

Bianca and the others give him space to take everything in.

Children are playing soccer while the melody of drums and guitar fill the air. Savory and sweet scents dance out from the doors of bakeries and restaurants.

To Miguel, some things had changed. He points out the former stores that he and his brother would steal ice cream and other necessities. Even the streets where they would pickpocket.

"My husband was such a rascal," Bianca jokes.

"He still is," Diego jokes.

Miguel leads them to the Graffiti Hall of Fame where he and his brother would watch artists display their talents.

"Oh, that wasn't there before."

Along a purple painted wall is the artist's masterpiece. Two caramel arms working on the unknown creator's heart with a spray can in one hand with a stencil in the other. Both arms revealing bone and cartilage to highlight the intensive labor that they included.

They take in the details of the piece before taking photos of them with it.....

Crunch. Her eyes light up from the savory taste of the arepas de yuca. "Mmmm! Que buono!"

"Oh, try this as well," Miguel drizzles some lime on a chicharron de cerdo before feeding her.

She bites it from his hand. The deep-fried pork dances on her tastebuds. "I might die from all this good food."

The four enjoy some more appetizers while pink and orange streaks of light stretch across the sky. They head off to Giuseppe's Bakery where all of her men are waiting.

Marco bows to her. "Signora, we have decided our Signor. After talking......we want Luis to take over."

The chauffeur's feet shuffle in place. His eyes almost pop out of his head. "But I voted for you, Marco. You kept Isabella safe-"

"That is true. But you know the ins and outs of the business since Mr. Petali employed you. You sacrificed your life for Signora when she was attacked by the Triad without thinking about it. You will be a great boss. I will slug you though if you act out of line," he jokes at the end.

Chuckles come out of their mouths. Bianca takes out the paperwork and gives it to Luis to sign.

"I believe you will do great," she encourages him.

Luis embraces his boss for the unexpected opportunity. He humbly signs on the dotted line as Signor Luis Romano of the P-

Bianca stops his hand. "If things go well, let your last name grace the group."

He nods before taking a breath. Signor Luis Romano of the Romano Organization.

The men celebrate with glasses of champagne to celebrate their old boss and potential new boss. The bakery's staff brings out a two-tier white wedding cake to celebrate the marriage of Miguel and Bianca.

The newlyweds share bites of cake before she pulls him in for a long kiss. His arms around the small of her back to keep her close to him.

"The best day I could ever ask for," he whispers while pushing back strands of her hair.

"Me too."

Wedding music plays from the speakers. Their hands move into position to dance as husband and wife. Feet glide around with their passion coming out of their hips.

After Luis drops them off at the home, the married couple dress for bed. Holding each other close for what seems like the last time. 

"I love you, Bianca Petali."

"I love you too, Miguel Dominguez-Petali."

They can't fall asleep at the moment since the next phase of the plan will come into play. They hope Diego, Luis, and Marco will survive it.

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