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Ink jumped down and slashed towards Horror with his brush. Horror dodged it by teleporting to the side as I knocked off another magic attack by Dust, him sending out more towards me. Dream still shooting positive arrows at Nightmare as he dodged and attacked back. Dust disappeared, I quickly turned behind me, jumping back as Dust tried slicing my back, but then I got hit by the head by Ink's brush as he was trying to attack at Horror who was behind me that had teleported, "INK- WTF!?" "Oops-" Ink said blocking an attack from Horror and I swinged my sword at Dust.

Nightmare then started to laugh, the four of us looked towards the two brothers, Dream, held captive by Nightmare's tentacle as he hissed in pain by how tight it felt around his waist and arms. Nightmare laughed more, "I've finally have caught you! You little annoying cockroach!". "LET HIM G-" Before I got to swing my sword at Nightmare's tentacle, I got knocked out...


I felt myself just floating.. floating in a dark and empty void of space. So.. so silent. So peaceful. It felt better than to be in fighting the people I love but having no choice but to do so.. I don't want to leave this void. I can easily just....

Everything started to shake, like an earthquake. It kept shaking and shaking and shaking until


I flinched as my eyes went wide open, being shaken by non-other than Killer, Cross at the background, worried. I held Killer's rists, making him stop and slowly let go. I looked around. The  room I was room had old brick walls and three uncomfy looking beds, on at the side of the walls and one beside me. I was in one of the old dungeons. Ink and Dream weren't here. Killer hugged me tight as he cried. I chuckled and tapped on his back, making him let go. I stood up, "I'm glad you guys are alright!" "Same here." Cross chuckled.

"Wait, did you guys saw Dream and Ink??" I asked, panicked. The two boys  shakes their heads, "No.."

Terror filled my soul as I was more worried for Ink and Dream for what's about to come for them..

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