Chapter 11: An Encounter in the Library

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For the next few days Reina has been spending most of her time in the library. It almost seemed more like a school than an orphanage. She had learnt a lot and her days started to become into a routine. She would have breakfast in the morning, head straight to the library for some reading, break for lunch, help Gloria watch over her shop and spend the rest of the day reading again. There would be children playing outside and in the dining hall too but she hadn't officially met anyone. Truth be told, she wouldn't mind making some friends while she was at it but wasn't too sure how to approach anyone. Talking to someone new was always a hassle.

From what she noticed, despite the orphanage being very big, there were only about thirty or so children with a variety of different ages, some around the same age as her, some much younger. She walked over the library in the morning and carried her books over. It was always empty in the morning which made it the best time of the day. She walked over to her usual sitting spot when she noticed someone else already there. Without a second thought, she immediately walked over the opposite direction, picking up a random book in the process.

'Smooth. Real smooth.'

She sat in a desk and looked at her from the corner of her eyes. She had short, curly black hair with frizzy strands and a neat little ribbon. She had a book opened up in front of her but didn't seem to be reading, instead her eyes were fixated out of the window.

"You know you can go over and say hi. She won't eat you," Ana whispered in her ears.

"Shush!" Reina muttered almost too loudly and quickly covered her face with a book, terrified that she was heard.

She was so embarrassed that she didn't hear the tiny footsteps walk towards her until she took the book away from her face and noticed the girl standing in front of her. Her mind was going through too many thoughts to process what to say. The girl gently took the book from her hand and turned it over, that was when Reina noticed she was holding it upside down. Not to mention that fact that it was in a different language she couldn't read or understand.

"I haven't seen you around, which room do you stay in?"

She was talking to her! Reina blinked a few times as they looked at each other.


"Yes, in the orphanage."

"Oh no, I live on the top floor of Gloria's shop."

"Really? How old are you?"


"That's the same as me," she pointed at the book in Reina's hand, "You can read Azelic?"

"Um...No," she finally replied.

"Didn't think so," she grinned as she let out her hand, "I am Amyra."

"Nice to meet you!"

It wasn't before long there was giggling, and laughter filled through the library. Amyra came from a family of healers who mainly resided in Adelphia. While Reina felt strange talking about herself, Amyra seemed to listen intently and didn't pass any judgement. She didn't even mind at all when Reina told her she was a human. Amyra would nod, pause and ask questions in the perfect places, she would even make jokes and every time she laughed her hair would dance around her face. It was the first time Reina had talked like that with anyone. And a realisation her.

She made a friend.

Once she started, she couldn't stop. She ended opening about herself and told her everything. She usually wouldn't bother trying to explain herself to anyone but today, she wanted to. She wanted someone to listen, to at least understand. She told her about the human world, about Clary and the bullying, about her mother, how she met Gloria, the incidents in the lake, even about Ana. She never told anyone about Ana. Ana was her dreamworld. Her whole world.

"I don't think you're strange at all," Amyra shook her head, "fantasies help with concentration when doing magic."

"I guess I remember Gloria mention something like that."

"Yes, magic comes from within and you need to somewhat imagine it, to make it work," Amyra reached her pocket and took out a wand similar to the one Reina pulled from the tree and watched curiously as Amyra slowly waved it, turning the pages of the book to a close and lifting the book into the air, "you need to imagine the pages moving, the way they bend and the sound they make. And you need to picture lifting up the book in your mind, like this."

"That's amazing..."

"It's not as easy as it looks. Because if I lose my concentration even for a second," the book came falling into the table with a loud bang, "it falls."

Reina nearly jumped at the loud sound. One day, she would be able to do something like that herself and she couldn't wait. Montgomery was the wandmaker in their town, all the wands go to him for mending and according to Gloria, most wands generally take a month to be created and become ready to use. Except for specialists like Montgomery who take up to a week. A week is definitely better than a month but her heart raced every time she thought about the Tree of Eldor and the little twig that she picked from it. She didn't know how much longer she could wait to be holding that wand in her hand.

"Magic can be powerful but not everyone can use it to its potential, so we use wands to make it easier to control."

"So it's not coming from the wand?"

"No," she said, "and the best type of magic is done through your eyes."

"The eyes?"

"Yes. Only the most powerful of witches and wizards can use magic without a wand, and use their eyes instead."

"How do you learn to do that?"

"You don't. You're born with it. The only person I know who could do that was Aldric, you know before he lost his eyesight."

Reina could have talked for longer but was interrupted by the growling sound of her stomach, to which Amyra grinned.

"You want to go get food?"

"Yes, but it's not lunch time yet."

One thing led to another and before they knew it, they were sneaking off behind the dining halls and into a large door at the back. Amyra placed her wand into the door lock and whispered some words that were completely foreign to her, before the locks started turning, "easy-peasy."

"Where are we going?"

Once the doors opened there was a large kitchen. It was a beautiful sight, with pans and utensils floating in the air, knives cutting through fruits and vegetables against the cooking board, the sound of sizzling and boiling water and in the far corner a shining light which Reina recognised immediately.


Pretty turned around at the sound of her voice and gave a loud squeak and flew towards them.

"Look at you working hard, what an angel you are," Amyra cooed as if she was talking to a baby. This made Reina amused until she remembered talking to her in the same way just a few days ago.

"I'm not an angel, I'm Pretty."

"Of course you are, can you do us a favour please?"

"Oh I like flowers."

"Not flowers, a favour."

"I like favours too."

"Then can you give us some food?"

And at that, her the smile disappeared, "No! Gloria says food is only for breakfast, lunch and dinner."

"Pretty, pretty please? We have cat-cats..." Amyra said, taking out the piece chocolate and waving it in the air. Pretty's eyes glistened as she licked her lips. After some intense battling with her mind, she finally gave in to the temptation which seemed to be too hard to resist.

But just before she could take it out of her hand, the door burst wide open, and a loud noise echoing through the room.


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