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Enitiana fell on her bed and covered her pillow over her face and started screaming on top of her lungs.She wished the ground just simply would open up beneath her feet and swallow her slowly into the ground,past the mantle,outer core and finally reach the inner core where she would burn to death if she would  still be miraculously alive.She had caused too much pain to those that did not deserve it,those around her.She thought she was a curse to everyone and the only way to stop a curse was to kill it!.

She then closed her eyes,thought for a moment,made up her mind and then took an old rope at the corner of her room and decided she was going to strangle herself to death.She then stood up on top of the bed unsophisticatedly.

Her hands were trembling and sweat dripped down her forehead,before a millisecond her whole body was drenched in sweat.Was it really a wise descision to kill herself?All of these thoughts were now in her mind and idiotically decided to ignore them.

She couldn't bear what the world would do to her next,she just could not.Before she tied the rope to the light above her head, Groillar called and knocked outside the door.She ignored him and wiped her tear stained face.Groillar then shouted again now with a worried voice as he spoke and said"Please child,open the door now!!!.Listen to me you have a gift dont waste it"."The only gift l have is death upon others". Enitiana said and then she closed her eyes and put the rope around her neck, jumped off her bed then suddenly a sharp pain shot through her head, and she coughed up blood and then sweet relieving bliss came.She was finally free from all the pressure she had ever had.No more worries right.Enitiana's chapter was over and she was now at peace finally.

Groillar opened the door with so much force that shattered the door into pieces and his eyes grew wide with horror.He was dumbfounded. A tear tried to escape from his eyelids but he forcefully put it in and then went over to her and said"Ohh my stupid sweet daughter what have you done,why have you done it!!.Then he went and untied her from the rope and lifted her as delicately as possible as if she was a feather and carried her to the bed.Blood slowly trickled on the floor.He could just no hold his emotions any longer as he saw Enitiana.Her body was not getting cold and it seemed lifeless.He cried and cried as if he had lost the only thing he cared for in this world.Tears trickled down freely on his face.He then remembered that there was a flower outside the building he could retrive and it would bring Enitiana back to life.

He then went out of the room and went outside of the large dark grey old building.The windows were covered in a mixture of dust and blood.The building itself resembled an abandoned prison were the most terrible criminals were brought.As he was going down the steps,it seemed that a single wrong movement could shatter them into a puff of dust.He slowly walked down and finally reached the door to the outside but two vulpigs guarded the door with bloodshot eyes and their bodies were still.One had a pale tiny body and its name was Shilala and the other was stout named Chignovole.And Groillar was only half its size.

Groillar:Uhm gentlemen,may l go out l just need to get some food for the prisoners.

Shilala:(crackling laugh)Why do you always want to give those peasants food.You are not starting to like them right?

Groillar:Of course not ,they are simply rubbish.

Shilala:Good or else Miss Maiveillo will turn you  back into what you once where.

Groillar swallowed a lump down his throat and tried to not let his emotions overcome him.

Chignovole:Groillar you smell of blood,rare mermaid-blood.Is there something you are trying to hide from us?

Groillar:Why would l lie to my "friends",there is nothing just let me go outside please.

Chignovole:You are lying to us,l can sense it.

Chignovole then unceremoniously picked Groillar up from the ground and hoisted him.Groillar tried to fight back but his punches had no effect to the beast.

Shilala just laughed and said"You are so pathetic,try as you might but have this in your tiny brain,we are your superior so do not do something stupid!!!".

Groillar then thought of an idea.He then slowly lowered his head and acted as if he was dead."Hopefully this works"he thought to himself.Chignovole then noticed this sudden stillness and looked at Groillar.

Chignovole:What has happened to him,were my claws to much for him.

Shilala:Ohh no you may have killed him,you idiot,Miss Maivello will kill us.

Chignovole:No she wont,let us just dump his body outside other creatures will finish him off.

They then went to the magic closet and banged the door three times, a sudden spark of sunlight shown and they threw him in.

Then quickly went back to their posts and acted as if nothing had ever happened.

Groillar then opened his eyes and saw himself.He was infront of a mirror and wondered what strange creature this was ,he looked different with hazel eyes,a chizelled jaw,thick furrowed brows and had a muscular figure."What just happened?,Am l human?,am l on earth?"he thought to himself.

Suddenly Lila came into the room and replied"Good afternoon sir,how are you now feeling today?"

Groillar:Wh-what happened?

Lila:We almost hit you by a split second,when you were on the road,it seemed as though you came out of no where.

Groillar:Where am l?

Lila:Uhmm sir,you are in Calderberry and l am Lila Crimson Johnson.

Groillar:Uhmm l need to think for a moment.

How do l even come up with these names?😂

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VeeSae stories📖🖊

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