The secret

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They called Miss Black and when they told her what they had found she was stunned and she came in a rush at the big old house,even though she lived like about ten blocks away.


Miss Black:(panting)Huh wait let me just breath a sec....(She lay on Lila's bed)Ok so please show me where u found it?

Lila:Ok come and see mam,its right over there in the closet.

Miss Black drew near to the closet in slow motion like in a dramatic movie.

Lila then wispered to Alexa"Hey,why is she walking so slow like that" then Alexa said"Girl you are so rude,just shut your mouth maybe she is just tired".

Miss Black slowly lifted the mermaid statue and a secret door opened inside the closet.

Miss Black:Girls l have something to tell you(she locked the door),this mermaid statue has been lying here since this house was built and only the pure of heart could see it.You girls are the first ones to see it.And now you deserve to know the truth of why,where and how this mermaid statue was here in the first place.

Both of the girls listened attentively and their eyes were wide opened with so many thoughts in their minds.They were frozen.Then finally Alexa managed to let something out of her mouth even though it did not make that much of sense.

Alexa:Whattt,l am so confused is this real ,Lila pinch me ,OMG l cant believe it l trully can't what is going on?

Lila then pinched her very hard.

Alexa:Oww l didn't mean it(sobbing).

Miss Black:Ok so let me tell you,more than 6decades  ago l was a princess ruling a wonderful ,good lovely kingdom.But then my selfish sister Ivrine wanted the throne all to herself even though she ruled another neighbouring one just a few miles out of mine.l managed to flee here but my mer-people are still stuck there under her rule.(She now spoke with red teary eyes)And l needed someone or some people to help me to dethrone her once again.So l am glad u are here.

Alexa:Wow l am stunned why do you look so young then,l mean you are more than hundreds of years old ,Miss Black if that is even your real name?...

Miss Black:You see l am a mermaid and my real name is Enitiana.We mermaids age very slowly.

Lila:What!,you are a mermaid then how come you have feet.

Enitiana:Well l have this magical neclace that l wear so if l want to be a mermaid l become a mermaid and if l want to become a human l become one.

Lila:Woh cool,this is a lot to take in..

Alexa:You can say that again..

Enitiana:So if you want to help me just say a yes and you will be my new recruits and if not well...

Alexa:Well ,what?

Enitiana:I will kill you ..


Enitiana:Joking l will just memory wipe you and you will forget all about this conversation.

Lila:Mmm thats better.

Enitiana:So are you in?

Alexa & Lila:YES!!!

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