End: Mister Chicken

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You know how sometimes you snore so loud, you wake yourself up?

Today is one of those times.

With a loud snort, you startle yourself awake. The interruption makes you grumble because it cuts short a particularly delicious dream. One that involves — of all things — Jeon Jungkook showering your face with soft kisses.

"Jeon Jungkook," you mumble, keeping your eyes shut because it feels like the whole ocean is trapped inside your head, jostling here and there with the slightest movement.

After everything that's happened, you still want to see him, even if it's just within the confines of your dreams.

Now that the red haze of your anger has dissipated, you're able to see things more clearly. Maybe you've been a tad too dramatic. Stern logic tells you it might have been better to listen to Jungkook first before cutting him off from your life, especially considering how much he's become a part of it. Last night, you missed him so much, you had to drink to dull the ache of his absence. If only—

Something heavy lands on your chest, robbing away your breath. If you have any doubt what it is, it's quickly blown away by the air that fans across your face as a warm body cuddles you from the side. Dread fills you in an instant as countless possibilities fly past your head. You rush to recall the events from last night, the effort made difficult by the massive gaps left behind by the copious amounts of soju you've imbibed.

Mister Chicken!

The words pop in your brain with matching police sirens in the background.

Oh please no.

You remember stumbling your way to the door to get your food. Then, here comes the tricky part. For some weird reason, Mister Chicken Delivery somehow transforms into Jeon Jungkook. If you slept with a random stranger because you mistook his identity, then you're going to dig a hole and bury yourself alive.

There's only one way to tell for certain, though.

Holding your breath, you force your eyes to open. The bright light of morning momentarily blinds you, so you lift your free hand to shield your gaze. Slowly, you move your head toward your companion's direction. A cloud of messy, dark hair comes into view. Whoever he is, he has positioned his head in that exact spot by the crook of your neck that makes it impossible to see his face. The rest of his body is also covered by your thick your comforter. You sigh in disappointment and decide to try something else.

With tentative movements, you pinch the edge of the comforter and lift it bit by bit. First, you reveal a single dark mole on the curve of his neck, then the wide expanse of his very naked back. The blanket drops along with your jaw. You pat your own body and to your relief, you still have your shirt and panties on. You don't usually bother with a bra and pants when you're home alone.

What exactly happened? 

Swallowing back a groan, you try to wiggle yourself away from him and the sticky situation you got yourself into. Unfortunately for you, despite your best efforts not to wake the stranger in your bed, he stirs and pulls away. You snap your eyes shut. Hopefully, if you pretend you're asleep, he'll leave of his own accord.

A soft curse drifts to your ears. Then, you feel the mattress dip as he rolls away. When his feet land on the floor, your curiosity gets the better of you. You peek from underneath your lashes. The first thing you see is his broad chest tapering towards his slim waist. The honey-toned skin of his abdominal muscles flexes as he turns this way and that searching for something. Unlike your earlier suspicion, he is not completely bare. He has a tight pair of boxer briefs on, covering—

At the sight of something you've never seen outside the internet or the realms of your imagination, your eyes involuntarily widen. You swallow and like an idiot, choke on your own spit. Your cover is blown by the succeeding coughing fit.

Meanwhile, your guest spurs into action. By the time you wipe the tears off your eyes, you barely catch sight of his back as he runs out of the room. At least there's someone who wants to avoid an awkward confrontation as much as you. Kicking away the blanket, you run to your closet and slip on a pair of sweatpants. You're rummaging for a bra when you hear his voice.


You freeze.

Although it's deep and scratchy from sleep, it's undeniably familiar.

Relief washes over you. At least he's not some stranger from the street, but at the same time, knowing it's Jungkook, you can't decide whether you want to disappear or run straight into his arms. This moment feels like you're at the precipice of a roller coaster. Although you're apprehensive and weak-in-the-knees, you're left with no choice but to take the plunge.

Turning around, you finally see his face.

Joy swirls inside you, making your insides twist.

He's beautiful.

Even with his hair sticking out in every direction.

Even with face all puffy and round.

Even with lines on his cheeks taking on the pattern of your pillow.

He's so beautiful, your mind struggles to form complete sentences to describe just how much.

And then, he smiles.

It's the kind that starts as tiny creases at the edges of his eyes and ends with his teeth in full view. If you were out of breath then, you're barely breathing now. With the smallest of gestures, Jeon Jungkook delivers the biggest impact.

"Good morning, noona," he says, a hand ruffling the top of his head.

"G-good morning."

You quickly run your gaze down the rest of his body. Thankfully, he's now dressed in his usual baggy sweater and pants, which reminds you that just moments ago, the two of you were in bed together. Without thinking, you blurt out the question that's foremost in your mind.

"D--did we sleep together?"

"Uh... You mean like... ah---"  He tugs on the collar of his sweater. The action draws your attention to the flush creeping up his neck. "N-noona, what exactly do you mean?"

"Did we... um, you know..."

He raises a brow. "Ah... you mean that?"

"Yes," you nod, feeling your cheeks blaze with equal embarrassment. "That."

He waves his hands so vehemently, you're almost insulted. Is the thought of doing that with you so abhorrent?

"Noona, I would never!"

"Never?" You frown.

"Take advantage of you while you're drunk. Th-that's what I mean."

His answer pacifies your ruffled feathers. "I... I see."

"Yeah..." He bites the inside of his cheek. "It's just that you...um, you puked."

At his words, memories start flooding your head--- bits of desperate accusations, pieces of unguarded confessions. It seems like last night, you spilled more than just your guts. You don't regret it, though. At least you've said some of the things that need to be said. However, there are still questions that need to be answered. Until then, you need to strengthen your resolve.

That means no touching, no sweet nothings, no Jungkook anything.

Oblivious to your inner turmoil, Jungkook goes on to say, "I couldn't let you sleep with dirty clothes, so I-- I changed your shirt."

"You did?" Your hands cross over your chest. "Did... did you---"

"I closed my eyes. I swear!" He holds a hand up.

"The--then why were you in bed with me without any clothes on?"

"Ah, well..." He clears his throat. "I had to wash my clothes, too. I was trying to find something in your closet that would fit me but then---" His gaze meets yours then quickly flutters away. "Noona dragged me to b-bed and wouldn't l-let go."

"I... I did?"

You cover your face with your hands knowing what he said is entirely plausible. You're a terribly clingy drunk. On several occasions, Yoongi had to sleep over because you wouldn't let him leave.

"You did." He gives you a sheepish grin. "I was planning on moving to the couch once you fall asleep, but I... I guess I was tired too. I must have drifted off."

"I'm so sorry." Unable to bear the weight of your shame, you walk to the bed and sit on the edge. "I--- Let's forget about last night."

Instead of a reply, you hear his footfalls. Then, his legs appear in your line of vision. You look up and find him barely an arm's length away.

"Noona, what if I don't want to forget about last night?"


All of a sudden, Jungkook kneels in front of you so his face is now at eye-level. You lean back, surprised, but unless you scramble across the bed, there's really nowhere to go. Breath hitching, you wait for his next move. When Jungkook covers your left hand with both of his, you forget about your no touching rule. How can you possibly deny him when he's looking at you with this wide, earnest gaze?

"Because last night, I promised to love you and never let you go. Those are promises I intend to keep."

Your breath leaves you in a loud whoosh. "Jungkook-ah..."

A few days ago the mountain of unresolved issues between you seemed insurmountable. At this particular moment, however, there's only one thing in your way.

"But... what about that girl?" you ask.

His eyebrows wrinkle. "What girl?"

"When you were gone, I... I searched your name online." When you see his alarmed expression, you hasten to add, "I didn't mean to stalk you. I just... I was just wondering why you suddenly disappeared. Then I found a tweet. You were in a restaurant with your friends and there's this girl... s-she was hugging you."

"Ah... so that's why." Clicking his tongue, he gets up without letting go of your hand and takes the spot next to you. "She's my younger cousin who's currently studying in Shanghai. That night, she had a little too much to drink and was all over the place. I can call her right now, wait."

He stands up, but you grab his sweater and pull him back down. "You don't have to. I believe you."

"Noona really thought I would cheat on you?" Jungkook tucks stray strands of your hair behind your ear.

Staring at the floor, you mutter, "Technically, it won't be cheating. It's not like we're together or anything."

All those days spent crying because of his cousin! You feel silly. This is why people need to communicate before jumping to conclusions.

"What do you mean?" He takes your hand again like he can't stand a minute without touching you. "As far as I'm concerned, we've been together since the day we went on our first date."

You glance up. "How was I supposed to know that?"

"I-- I thought it was understood?"

"No! Two people need to agree on these things, right?"

"Right." He gives you a half-smile. "I'm sorry, noona. I should have asked you properly and made things clear."

"It's not your fault. I could have done the same, but I've never done this relationship thing so---"


"Ah! I need to come clean too. When we were chatting, I told you guys I've been in several relationships, but the truth is you're..." You bite your lip and slide a glance his way.  "You're the f-first person I've gone out with. I guess you now think there's something wrong with me?"

Jungkook shakes his head. "Of course not. I'm... I'm honored to be your first. To be honest, I thought you and Yoongi-hyung---"

"No way! He's like my brother." You grimace. "The thought is just... weird."

He chuckles. "I'm glad. Actually, I'm really, really happy. I'll take care of you, noona. I'll do everything I can so you'll want me to be your last, too."

"Are you sure about that, though? I'm much older than you, Jungkook-ah." When he looks like he's about to deny it, you say, "I know you lied about your age. Wh-why did you do that?" 

The smile slips from his face and his upright posture sags. It feels awful to be the cause of it, but if the two of you want to start again, it has to be on a clean slate.

"I was afraid you won't even consider going out with me if you knew," he says. "I wanted to at least have a chance."

"You're not wrong." If you knew it earlier on, you might have put up more barriers. For other people, five years may not seem like much, but in the society you live in, the gap is wide enough to raise a few eyebrows. Since you're not the type to go with guns blazing to forge new paths, a few raised brows are enough to intimidate you. But now that you know him, what's another three years? You and Jungkook connect on so many levels. When you're together, he's just him and you're just you. For him, you're willing to take some bullets. "I'm glad I got the chance to know you."

"Then, our age difference... noona doesn't mind it?"

"I don't. In fact, maybe I'll use it to my advantage."

Hearing that, a lazy grin spreads across his face. Jungkook tilts his head and cups your face. "Noona-ya... what do you want Jungkook-ie to do?"

At the onslaught of charm, a kaleidoscope of butterflies is let loose inside your chest. It's a miracle you didn't expire right then and there.

"I... I..."

"Do you want Jungkook-ie to kiss you?"

"Wh-what? Y-you can't!" You swallow hard, throat as dry as a desert. 

"Why not?"

He brushes his thumb across your lips, his eyes tracing the gesture. You swear your heart stops beating for a second.

Or two.

"We... the two of us... we don't have that kind of relationship yet!"

"Is that the only problem? Then," he takes your hand again and brings it up to his lips, "Y/N-ya, let's be together."

You pull your hand away and gently hit his shoulder. "Y/N-ya? Jeon Jungkook-ssi, who gave you the right?"

"Noo----na," he says in a singsong voice. "I love you."

"Ugh, stop acting cute."

Even though you say that, you're grinning from ear to ear. You just can't help it. Jeon Jungkook's aegyo is irresistible.

"I won't. Not until noona tells me she loves me back."

You wrinkle your nose in embarrassment. "But I already told you last night. I remember."

"But I want to hear it again." He pouts. "Please, noona. Say, Jeon Jungkook saranghae."

"Jeon Jungkook saranghae," you say with the most saccharine voice you can muster.

Jungkook cups his ears, throws his body back towards the bed, and just as quickly springs back up to give you a hug. "Noona," he says next to your ear, "to me, there's no one more perfect than you. Even when we were just talking online, I spent months falling in love with your wit, your humor, your kindness. Then by some stroke of luck, I met you in real life, too, and I knew. That was fate. We're fated." He pulls back so he can look you into your eyes. "That day, I never should have left like that. I was scared I didn't quite meet your expectations. I was worried you'll think I stalked you. There were so many things spinning through my head, I forgot what was most important--- being with you. I'm really sorry, noona. I reall---"

You lean forward and press your lips against his.

"That's my first kiss," you say after moving away. "I'm giving it to you because I love you. Only you. I think meeting you was fate, too. You should never have to worry again about not meeting my expectations because you've already exceeded every one of them. What happened--- it was my fault, too. I lost my temper and jumped to conclusions. I'm sorry, Jungkoo---"

Just like you did earlier, Jungkook cuts off your speech with a kiss.

Smiling, you close your eyes and bask in the sensation of his lips caressing yours. With gentle nuzzles at each corner and a teasing stroke at the seam, he coaxes your mouth open. Your arm snakes around his nape to welcome him. He starts by sucking the tender flesh of your lower lip into his mouth and giving it tiny, harmless nibbles. Once he's savored every inch of it, he moves on to your upper lip and traces its dips and curves with his tongue. When that same tongue slips inside your mouth and flicks against yours, you mimic the action. His taste is a heady mix of chocolate and truffles. With a soft moan of pleasure, you tug at his hair, eager to have more. In response, Jungkook's hands roam your back. Without breaking contact, he lifts and re-positions you on top of his lap. You straddle his waist. He presses your body closer. The two of you move against each other in search of delicious friction. Stopping for air, his mouth roams along your jawline before dropping to the racing pulse on your neck. He licks the spot, causing tingles to run up and down your arms. You're in the process of lifting the hem of his sweater when he stops you.

"N-noona," he groans, resting his head against the crook of your neck. "Let's---" he inhales a lungful of air, "stop here for now."

"W-why?" you half-whine, half-pant.

"Be-because, when we do it for the first time, I want it to be special." He lifts his head up and drops a kiss on your cheek. "I want it to be memorable for you."

You poke the mole beneath his bottom lip. "As long as it's with you, it's special."

"Is that so?" He raises an eyebrow, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Then, without warning, he stands up, taking you along with him, and throws you into bed. "Then let's do it," he says with a saucy smirk.

"Jeon Jungkook," you squeal as he traps you beneath him and tickles you until you scream. "Stop! I'm---" You laugh. "Ah stop! Or no more kisses for you!"

The threat works because he finally rolls away.

"That's not fair." He lies on his side, taking the spot next to you. "How can you put kisses on the line?"

"It's not fair to use your strength against me either." You playfully punch his arm.

He grins and brushes the back of his hand across your cheek. "What strength? Noona, I'm so weak for you."

Capturing his hand, you kiss his wrist. "As it should be."

"Yes," he gathers you close and kisses your forehead, "as it should be. Now, shall we order some chicken?"



A/N: It's done!!! I had so much fun writing this chapter. Oh my god. What did you think of their kiss? :P :P :P

Anyway, if you liked this little fic, please don't forget to like the chapters. Also, let me know which member you'd like to see next! :P

P.S. I tied several times while trying to find the right GIFs. It's only fair you guys suffer with me. :P

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