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Mia POV:
It's been two years now practicing, going to school and rescuing! We joined group and called our selves the fairy-squad,
Me, Brandon, Emma, Betty and Greg. The other group is called the rescue-faires, Yvonne, Emma, Andrew and Olive. Who knew there were so many thieves and spies. 

"Emergency!" Brandon shouted from across the room.
"Double emergency!!" Olive screamed.
We gathered in the gadget room, and waited for George and Yuki.

"Gooday, fairy-squad and rescue-faires" said Yuki
"Today" George took over , that's how it had been "we have a double emergency, one is a fire accident in the fair-cooking class and the other is thievery"

Yvonne stood up "we'll take the fire accident"
"And we'll take the thievery," Brandon said
"Then it is decided, go! you guys!" George said

We spread out wings and flew out,
"the thief's in the restaurant" Brandon shouted to us

Betty flew closer "I thought thief's like jewelry stores"she said to me. I shrugged but she was right thieves do like jewels.

The shop was close to us now, I saw a girl with pretty brown hair a really cute and innocent looking kid. She started running as she saw us. Weird isn't she supposed to fly.
"Get her!" I shouted. They followed my lead and flew closer to her, as we landed she stopped her face turned to us. Betty was at my side as she saw the little girl, her eyes widened

Yvonne POV:
"Get everyone to safety!" I yelled.
The fire was dangerous and bigger than expected. Emma helped moved the hurt people with her, then me and olive used our healing powers to help them while Andrew used his water power to help quench the fire. "Do we have everyone to safety?" Olive asks. "Yes..Ye" before Emma could finish her sentence. Another explosion erupted

Mia POV:
I look at Betty, her face his filled with shock, worry and anger.
"Betty." I called her name but she seemed to be in deep thoughts."Betty!!, The thief's is getting away" Betty snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the thief. Okay...Weird the thief wasn't running, she had the same expression as Betty, their gaze meet each other. "Are you okay?" Greg asks waving his hand in Betty's face. "Yes...Yes, I am!" She said. Wait...Where is her voice of determination. Betty never ever stammers! Something's definitely up!
Brandon lunges out from one side and tries to grab the girl but she must have seen him, since she ran towards the forest.

"She's headed for the forest guys!" Betty suddenly says, her face now better than before. Anger and determination on her face "let's get her!" Now that's the Betty I know!

Yvonne POV:
"What was that?" Olive asked Andrew.
"I..I don't know!"
Someone voice rings from the fire "help me!!"
"Someone's in there!" Emma shouts and super flies to the voice.
Andrew joined her five minutes later, he spread his hands and water comes out quenching a bit of the fire, as he lifts his hands to bring another water the fire erupted!!

Betty POV:
I need to stay focused, I'm getting everyone worried! As we run to the forest, my eyes brings an image, I stop mid air and howl in pain... something's wrong!

Mia POV:
Emma was leading us, I could see that she was still thinking, what's making her so worried!? I nearly bump into Betty as she stopped, then she began howling in pain. Greg rushed to her,
"Some...One, some..One!" She kept saying. She whispered a word I didn't here. As I moved closer and held her hand I felt a shock spread through me. I could feel her pain!
"Greg...What's wrong..Owww!!" I managed to say
"She sensed the future, Mia, Andrew's in danger!" He said
"Andrew....And.... Emma!, Butter-fairy and....." She collapsed in Greg's arm.

And who??

"We've got to help her!" I say to Greg. That shock, that pain, it felt dead.

"She'll be all right but we've got to help the rest" Brandon says. I jumped, how did he get behind me?!

"What about the thief?" Greg says. Betty mummured something.

"Betty said Mia should get the thief, that it feels safe that way!" Greg interprets.
"Okay then!" I flew to the direction of the girl. I could see her brown hair even in the green forest. When she saw me she stopped, lifted her hands to me.

She wants me to take her! She isn't gonna run!!
I take her hands and tie her to a tree.
"Who are you?!!!" I ask her
She lifts her face
"Is Betty okay?!"
How did she know Betty?!

I really really really really really really didn't expect to write this! That was supposed to be a cliffhanger I know I'm bad at them!

Any thoughts about the girl?

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