Chapter 15 - Nicolas

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Kayla and I returned to her home, a castle in the center of the Sinclair pack lands. Big open spaces around it made it easier to defend. I noticed where the forest came closer to it, but there was still open space to cross before entering. No one was approaching without being seen. I also noticed cameras and sensors everywhere.

People were waiting outside, watching the area we were coming from. Well, here goes nothing.

Kayla reached out to me, reassuring me that everything would work out. She's sure not everyone will be happy, but we will make it work.

I still can't believe she accepted me so quickly. We were both so sure the other would reject them!

We came out of the woods at a good speed and headed toward the group. There were several gasps and a few aaw's, but nothing hostile.

Our wolves slowed to a walk and then stopped a few steps away. We nudged each other and licked muzzles before shifting back. I immediately wrapped her in my arms to show everyone she was mine.

"How are you dressed?!" came from a young she-wolf. I noticed a male standing to the side with a sad smile. I could feel his pain from here. Did he want my mate?

I looked closer as my instincts led me. His pain is more profound, a severed mate bond. He also looked familiar.

"Everyone, this is my mate, Nicolas Kelly." She said proudly. "I promise I will introduce you all in smaller groups, but I need to show him where we will live right now. Amber, could you please take over for me for the week? We will move into my family's old wing with the children, so I'll need help to get it ready."

"You're staying here?! Thank you, Goddess. I was so worried." Her eyes went wide before her next comment. "Wait, children?"

"I am raising my brother's children," I said.

"Which are now mine," Kayla said with a huge smile. "I'm going to go pack so I can meet them. We will return as soon as we can."

I glanced back at the male, a Delta, as he stepped closer.

"While I don't wish to die today, I want to hug my sister. Is that okay?" He said to me.

I reached out a hand to shake his and let my calming power flow through the touch. He stared into my eyes before replying, "That is one very nice power. Your Blood Alpha did it, too. Do I radiate some need?"

"We can sense pain." The man blushed a bit.

"This is my other brother, Keith. You met Lachlan earlier." My lovely she-wolf said.

I smiled as I pulled Keith closer so my girl could give him a side hug. That was as much as my wolf would allow right now. I had her other side.

"Maybe you can get some answers now, little brother."

"Answers?" I asked.

"About the mysterious Holly. We have all prayed to the Moon Goddess that she survived. Maybe we can ask the Blood Alpha since Keith's mate was Mahani."

I quickly put up a wall between my thoughts and Kayla's, as putting small clues together was my specialty, and I had a bad feeling.

"What happened to her?"

"My mate died saving her. I heard her scream the name right before the bond broke." Keith whispered.

"How long ago?" I know I will not like his answer.

"Five years ago next month."

Kayla stiffened in my arms as she could feel my mind close off. Her wolf let its displeasure known through the mate bond.

"Can we go inside?" I asked.

I know new mates don't do well in this situation, and I didn't want whatever was about to happen to be public. I glanced around anxiously at the pack members.

"Yes, let's go upstairs. Keith, you too. I'll see the rest of you later." Kayla pulled both Keith and me inside and up the main staircase.

"Kayla?" Keith questioned.

"Wait," was all she said. My wolf is whining in my head that his mate is upset.

Once we reached a hallway on the fourth floor, Kayla stopped and looked around with her wolf eyes. I pushed some power through the mate bond so she would actively feel someone in the area, not just see them. She closed her eyes, and I felt her trying to use this new power. I tweaked it a bit, guiding her wolf.

"What was that?" she asked, opening her eyes.

"My wolf was showing yours..."

"No," she cut me off. "You shut your mind down. I felt it."

"We see it as putting up a wall so others can not hear our thoughts." My wolf was upset that its mate was unhappy and was reaching out to comfort her.

"Nicolas, I'm not angry. Calm down." She assured me as she touched my face. My lady's smile made my insides melt.

I pulled her body to mine and put my nose where her mark would go, inhaling her natural fragrance. My wolf instantly calmed as she pulled back with a knowing smile.

"You shut down your mind at the mention of Holly. You know who she is, but didn't want to let me see. Or is it couldn't? Are you her Gamma?"

"Yes," I mumbled.

"She survived then. Can you tell us anything about her?" Kayla asked.

"Not without her permission."

"Maybe I can meet her when we go see the children?" Kayla was getting excited again. My beautiful mate was also brilliant. She figured it all out without me saying a word.

"Nicolas, can you tell me anything about my mate? Her name, maybe?" Keith softly asked.

I sent a quick mindlink to Blood Alpha Cooper, letting him know the situation. He didn't seem surprised, so I'm guessing he already knew. I asked him for permission to talk about Keith's mate. He agreed.

I turned to Keith, still holding Kayla in my arms.

"Her name was Noelle. I'm sorry, I know little about what happened as it was before I came. I was raised in a different tribe."

"Who was Holly to her?" Kayla asked.

"Her sister."


Intrigue! More to come!


In this chapter:
Amber (Kitchen Staff/Kayla's friend)
Noelle (Keith's mate/deceased)
Holly (Noelle's sister)


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