Chapter 59 - Alex

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As I leaned in to kiss my Luna, a shout went up.

We were under a full attack. This differed from my cousin's Mate Meet, with only fifty wolves. This was an entire pack, which meant hundreds. People in my pack were going to die today.

I focused on my mate since Lachlan had informed me of his new-found intuition and the plans he and his mate had set in place.

"Victoria, I know you are a warrior, but I must keep you safe until the mate bond settles. My sanity will allow nothing else."

Before she could respond, I kissed her. I felt the mate bond seal, and her emotions flowed through. Her nervousness over meeting me and her fear of rejection was easing, and her protectiveness over her new mate was gaining strength. This was not a time to be under attack. We would kill our own pack members to get to each other.

"Give me an update!" I yelled through the link to my Beta.

"The Sands pack is closing in. Both Montross and our warriors are ready. I advise you both to stay in there, but I know you won't."

His reply was followed by Alpha rings opening, one after another, all across the field. I glanced around and saw the Lunas and lower ranks being loaded into several vans to be taken to safe rooms.

"Victoria, I need you to go to the safe rooms." She was already shaking her head.

"I am a warrior and a damn good one, and I can stop others from dying today. I will never run again." Her voice showed her confidence, and her stance showed she meant business. My wolf was proud to have such a mate, but we just found her.

"Victoria, plea..."

The shouts prevented me from finishing, and she gave me a quick kiss before running out of the structure. I was one step behind as we saw the wolves coming over the hill into the valley below us.

We had only a few more minutes before they would arrive. I wrapped my arms around my mate from behind and felt the tingles from every spot we touched. It was easily the best moment of my life. And the worst, I thought as I watched the wolves gaining ground. At least they will be tired when they arrive. The Sands pack doesn't border my land, even though he is part of our Interpack, or was—until the packs involved killed his daughter.

Blood Alpha Cooper walked up to me slowly, gauging my reaction. "We are here to help if you approve." Victoria tried to take a step back, but I held her tightly.

"Are they under an Alpha command?" I asked him.

"Yes. More than over half of them are fighting it, but there are too many to absolve at once." He paused as he looked around. "If we can separate them from their Blood Alpha, that would help. He can give commands as fast as we absolve them."

"Is he with them?"

"Yes. He's in the rear in human form, riding on the back of an Alpha wolf." I was happy to hear that. 

Today is the day he dies.

"Victoria, this is Mahani Blood Alpha Sam Cooper. Sam, this is my mate and Luna." My pride shone through with my words.

"Pleased to meet you, Luna Sinclair. Now, let's get you out of harm's way." He was thinking the same as me.

"I'm not leaving. I am the head female warrior of my pack, and I am fighting with the rest of you." Her words had a finality to them, and I knew I could not get her to back down. I debated giving her an Alpha command as we watched the wolves coming closer. They will work until we are fully mated. She turned to look at me.

"Don't." That one word spoke volumes. She can feel my feelings and some of my thoughts at this stage. "I will not easily forgive something like that." I'm not happy, but the mate bond is fragile right now. 

I need to focus on the threat.

"All fighters, grab a partner or two and put your backs together. Protect each other!" I yelled as I grabbed my mate and moved toward the back. Usually, I would order a full frontal assault as they entered the clearing, but not today. We are defending until the Mahani can get rid of the commands.

I want to see how many back down or flee.

I glance over to Lachlan, who is trying to get Grace through an Alpha ring, but she, too, is being stubborn.

My eyes catch the first wave entering the clearing. I quickly realize the men on the front line aren't mine as they attack the wolves. They are in human form. Upon closer inspection, their fighting techniques are some I've never seen before. They are rapidly taking down wolf after wolf without killing them.

They must be the Mahani. I glance at the open Alpha rings and see more coming through.

I realize I'm still holding on to Victoria and let go as I speak. "Do not leave my side."

"Same goes for you." I couldn't help but stare at her. I still can't believe I finally found my mate.

A painful yelp coming from my right tore my attention away. The fighting was now everywhere. I watched Sam move closer to his daughter as he started yelling out while taking down several wolves. 

"You will disregard all Alpha commands given to you!"

I watched as over half of the surrounding wolves stopped in their tracks and lay down on their hunches.

"Kill anyone not in your pack!"  I heard a familiar voice ring out.

No! That will pit everyone against each other! I quickly turn to Victoria, who now has a blank look on her face. I instantly check the mate bond, and it's fighting the command, so she's not moving.

"You will disregard all Alpha commands given to you!"  Sam yells again.

My mate falls to her knees. I think fast and move her head close to mine.

"You are not to follow any Alpha commands but mine until we are fully mated!"  Her wolf's eyes glow as she registers the command. I give her a hand back to a standing position as she shakes herself.

"Thank you, Blood Alpha." She says automatically.

"Alex," I say as I stare into those beautiful eyes. In all my life, I have never been distracted during a fight or battle. The mate bond is doing this. I need to focus.

A fireball shoots through the air, setting a Sands wolf on fire and tumbling away. The Sinclair wolf previously pinned under it crawls away, obviously severely hurt.

It's Kayla!

That moment gave Victoria and me the clarity we needed as we watched a Mahani Beta leap over to Kayla, taking down any wolf attempting to finish her.

"You should not have interfered with my daughter's vengeance!" Blood Alpha Sands yells as he heads toward the fallen she-wolf. "That Montross boy gave up my beautiful girl for what?! A lowly Omega?! And now you think I'm going to allow a Montross bitch to unite these two packs that caused the death of my child?! NEVER!"

He threw himself straight at the Beta, knocking him away. As he turned back to Kayla, I was already in motion. What I should have seen was that Victoria was, too.

She stood over Kayla in human form, ready to defend her. My mind registered Sam's voice, still absolving commands as Blood Alpha Sands faced my mate.

"You will die today, bitch! No one gets to be happy with my daughter dead!" And then he shifted, torn clothes dropping to the ground around him, and growled at my mate.

Victoria stood her ground as I shifted. MATE!  My wolf yelled to me as I closed the distance between us by jumping onto the colossal wolf of Blood Alpha Sands and grabbing the scruff on the back of his neck.

In my vision, I see Doc put her back to my mate, both protecting Kayla, who is now still and bleeding on the ground. 

This needs to end. Now.

Sands throws me off in his rage. I jump right back to him, teeth bared. The two of us are locked in on each other, our teeth ripping whatever we can reach. After several minutes of the most brutal battle I have ever been in, I feel my resources dwindling as I search my enemy's eyes, only to see madness there.

I suddenly feel Victoria through the mate bond. She's trying to tell me something, but we can't mindlink yet. Her wolf reaches out to mine, and I see the image she's projecting.

Back up. Let him leap. Duck down. Damage his underside. Go for the neck while he's distracted.

It's a basic technique that's rarely used because we all know it. In his present madness, he would never expect it. It's also something I would have never thought of doing.

My growl is fierce as I take a step away. Sands thinks I'm hurt and jumps with teeth bared, thinking he's going for the kill. I step into the attack while crouching down, bringing my teeth up to his belly, and drawing blood.

His stunned expression at the unexpected pain is the break I need, and I go for his throat. He tries to bring his paws up to slash my stomach, but I bite down hard and rip my muzzle away, tearing his throat out.

There is a gurgling sound, then blessed silence. The bastard is finally dead. I glance around to find the fighting has stopped.

My first thought is to shift back until I hear my mate's voice.

"Don't you dare! Wait until I get you clothes." She comes over and inspects my injuries as I try to lick her face.

My mate is bruised up, and I see a few slashes, but no actual damage.

"Let's get the medics over here!" I hear Doc yell as I look back to Kayla, who is now in human form, lying on the ground in her blood, her stomach torn open.

My emotions flared, and so did Victoria's. Kayla had always been so strong, even after everything that happened to her. Sands' ultimate threat to see Kayla dead seems all too real now. I can't believe I'm watching her bleed out. I look at my Luna and see a few tears cascading down her face.

My wolf lets out a woeful howl, and Victoria wraps her arms around my massive bulk as we watch the Mahani Omegas kneel next to Kayla.

"We have a heartbeat!"


I had so much fun writing this story. Thank you for reading! 
— April


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