❥ Classic Maia

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Name : Classic Maia

Nicknames : Classic and Mai

Age : 19

Gender : female

Human/Monster/Other : human

Sexuality : straight

Soul : pink , the color represents Dedication

( That is until Glitchtale existed and changed THE WHOLE FREAKING MEANING- ahem. Real quick I just wanna say that don't hate the series. I really freaking love it but I'm a tad salty that my oc can't be the first pink soul anymore since that would make her a " rip-off ". Then again though , it would make a very interesting fight between Classic and Betty... )

Looks :

( The wings are for aesthetic , she actually doesn't have wings )

( pretend the sweater is pink with a yellow stripe )

Personality : not many people know of the girl since she doesn't have many friends but she tends to keep her face buried in the plants and books then anything else. In school , she's usually quiet unless provoked and when she's close to someone will open up more. She's adventurous and overly curious of the world around her. Though it can lead to impatience.

Likes : she for the most part loves playing baseball , studying crystals and reading the history of the human/monster race from time to time. She enjoys the snow so she can stay inside and read a good book next to the fireplace. A fun fact is that she oddly enjoys spiders so whenever she finds one , she studies them before releasing them back into the woods.

Dislikes : she strongly dislikes having to wake up early in the morning and going shopping because of the repetitive lines. She hates thunderstorms and breaking promises , though she does that a lot. She hates blueberries with a passion , though it depends on what the treat is. Somethings are better not blueberry flavored.

Powers : though she's still in training , she's developed her powers at a early age and still tries to control them. Teleportation is one of her main powers but it has to be used sparingly. Otherwise she'll lose energy. Its why she creates pink crystal platforms to run across. She can create pink crystals from her frost-like breath. Her special attack is forcing your soul to turn pink and paralyze it. It'll make dodging attacks much harder so you have to snap the soul out of that paralyzed state by shaking it before the attack comes your way.

Weapon : a pink crystal scythe

( It was created by gaster and a cool thing about it is that it's fire adsorbent so pinkish fire will stick to the scythe and burn the victim as well as slash them )

Crush : no one yet

Backstory :

Like Frisk , she fell down the mountain but for a reason entirely different. She theorized that there was a deeper reason for the war between humans and monsters other then racism. She took a sharp inhale and jumped down. She met Frisk who led her to Toriel. The timeline was pacifist so they escaped the underground with everyone. That was when she was 12. She grew up since then and found a stable job working in Muffet's bakery in hopes of saving up cash for collage. Life was simple until strange rips in reality began to seep through and the world was in danger.

Theme song : " Devotion " made by Adam Haynes. Title in the form is made by me but it's not what the video is called , its the name of her boss theme in this fandom.

Trivia :

- When shes upset , genocidal or using too much magic the sclera starts to turn black. The more unstable she is , the more black appears until it covered the whole eye. The only source of color is her glowing pink irises. The platforms that she uses to move around in the air crack and shatter as she's too unstable to keep them together with her powers.

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