Chapter 1: Scott POV

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No. This couldn't be happening. Not to me.

I paced back and forth in front of the window, biting my lip raw.

"Ok, uh, calm down Scott." Erin said. She seemed to be panicking as well from the way her eyes widened and her pupils dilated. "We have to make sure it's you first."

"Of course, its ME!" I snapped and the trees shook outside from a cold breeze that had just swept by. "Why else would this be happening!?" I tugged at my hair near my scalp. "Oh no, oh no, oh no."

"Scott, snap out of it!" Erin said and looked around nervously. I saw what she saw. Frost was starting to creep up the walls.

I gestured to it pointedly. "How to you explain that HUH?" I asked.

"Maybe it's because you have no frickin heaters in this place!" She snapped and rubbed her upper arms. She was still in her pajamas which consisted of a pair of shorts and a sports bra. No wonder she was cold. Me on the other hand, I was surprisingly comfortable in the chill of the room.

I grabbed a hoodie from my closet and handed it to her before sliding on the t-shirt I had been wearing yesterday. "Let's check out outside to see how bad it really is."

Bad. It was very bad. The ice on the ground was at least an inch and a half thick. The air was freezing, or at least I assumed it was considering the fact Erin's face was already red with cold. Even I felt a little chilly out here. The icicles puncturing the ground looked even worse from here. They were at least seven feet tall, and I couldn't tell how deep they went.

"There was no way any of the farmland survived this..." I said slowly and I felt fear start to creep up my spine. How would I feed the people? They were going to starve. And what would happen if I left the kingdom? Would I bring this winter on everyone else?

I heard Erin's teeth chattering. "Let's get you back inside." I said. What would happen to Erin? Would she be able to stay here? Would I be able to stop it?

For some reason I felt a twinge of guilt when I saw the "cod" Erin had put in the pond a few months ago had died.

Erin nodded vigorously and we stepped back inside. It was a little better inside the palace. Erin quickly tried to start a fire, but it just wouldn't start.

"I'm sorry I-" I said, feeling like it was all my fault, which it was.

"Scott, stop. It's fine." She said and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. I bit my lip again and immediately tasted blood.

"What am I going to do?" I moaned and started pacing again. "How do I stop this? Erin?"

"What? Am I supposed to know?" she asked. "I'm not really an expert on ice."

I started to tug at my hair again and I heard the unmistakable sound of hail starting to pound against the roof.

"On second thought," Erin added. "Panicking seems to make it worse."

"Well duh." I snapped. "But how do I stop panicking when I'm unconsciously destroying everything." I could feel the stress starting to get to me. "What am I going to do? The empires going to starve!"

"You're a mess Scott. Sit down." Erin said sharply. "You stay here. I'll go to Gem; tell her we're experiencing a cold wave and ask her if the Crystal Cliffs can spare any food."

"But you hate-" I started.

"Buh, buh, buh. You stay here and try to work this out." She said.

"You're in pjs!" I burst out.

"I'll change." She said. "You, try to sleep or something, figure out how to calm yourself down." She headed towards the door.

"Be safe." I called after her and she turned around, walking backwards.

"When has that ever helped me?" she smirked and disappeared around the corner.

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