Chapter 43: Gemini POV

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I was stood on the balcony of my tower, overlooking Azurite. My staff was propped up against the banister as I leaned against it, the upper half of my body dangling over it.

A shiver ran up my spine, it still happened, but it was nothing compared to what it used to be...But this time, it wasn't from the curse. A cold, strong wind had swept through the city coming from the direction of the city entrance, bringing in dark grey storm clouds. My braid was whipped behind my back, and I held onto my hat to stop it from blowing away.

That's when I heard a distant screaming, and saw a tall figure enter the gates. I squinted and saw something white spreading down the street they were walking on. People were running in every direction to avoid the cloaked figure, and I sighed.

I rapped my staff on the ground, and hopped over the banister, floating down and landing a few feet in front of the man.


"Gem." He said, looking up, His voice sounded hoarser than the last time I saw him, like he was sick.

I glanced down at the red crystal hanging around his neck, giving off an evil glow. "What brings you to Azurite?" I asked. Normally, I came to Rivendale.

He bit his lip, which I noticed had been bitten raw. "I found another prophecy." He said quietly, pulling a large, weathered book from underneath his fur-lined cloak.

I blinked. "You- you what?" I asked, slightly startled. "Like the one about you and-"

"Just read it." He cut off and handed me the old volume. I brushed the frost off the title and could barely make out the name on the leather cover. The Book of Prophecies.

My eyebrows raised, and I flipped the book open to a page he had marked. I read over the short paragraph, and my eyes widened slightly. I looked back up at Scott. "You think it's you and...?"

He nodded and brushed some of the frost from his hair. "I thought it was Aeor and Exor at first, but the "hot and cold" line got me."

I nodded along. "This is...a situation." I said slowly. Then I looked back down at the crystal. "How'd you get that?" I asked, starting to get suspicious.

"It was weird." Scott said. "Shrub burst into the palace yesterday saying she didn't want it anymore."

"That is strange...especially since Shrub gave the emperor crown to Katherine yesterday." I said.

"She did?" Scott asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes...Katherine wants us each to build a garden...not sure how that'll work in Rivendale but...wonder why Shrub gave it away..."

"Yeah..." Scott said slowly.

"Scott." I said sternly. "Do you know something?"

"No- Well," He started. "She thought she'd find her people when we defeated Xornoth. She thought that maybe since she couldn't, he might be coming back...When I told her I didn't think so, she realized she may be the last gnome and just...left."

"Poor Shrub." I said quietly. "I'll go talk to her later...thanks for telling me about...this." I said, closing the book. "Mind if I keep it?"

Scott shrugged, and I took that as a yes. Then he looked up at the clouds gathering. "I should get out of before, you know." He said in a low voice.

"Ok. Just tell me if anything comes up." I said, managing a small smile.

Scott gave me a sharp nod before turning around and stalking back out of the city.

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