Chapter 60: Jimmy POV

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Just letting y'all know I'm changing the 'James Pov's' to 'Jimmy POV's' so no one gets confused-


The sun shone through the window of the spare bedroom I was staying in, the warm Overgrown light bathing the room in a soft glow.

I had been awake for who knows how long, staring up at the ceiling. Scott's words from yesterday at lunch kept repeating over and over again, each feeling like a fresh stab to the chest. Why would he do that? Why had he done all of that? Like most days recently, I found myself close to tears, but I sat up, wiping the water from my eyes before they had a chance to fall.

No, don't think about him. He isn't worth your crying. He doesn't care, so neither should you. I desperately tried to tell myself, but that just opened the door to flood gates. The hot tears poured down my cheeks, dripping over my chin and landing in my lap.

"No- No stop." I begged in a whisper to myself, screwing my eyes shut to try and stop the crying as my breathing shook and started to come in sharp quick gasps. I forced myself to take deep breathes. Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out- nope. I choked down a sob, covering my face with my hands. Why was this happening again?

It took almost twenty minutes for me to calm down. The sobbing had stopped, and the occasional tear found its way down my face, but I had managed to stop.

A moment later though, there was a knock on my door. "Jimmy?" Came my sister's voice from the other side of the wood. "You awake?"

"Y-Yeah." I answered quietly, still sitting cross-legged in my bed, slightly hunched over.

I could practically feel Lizzie's concern radiating through the door. "Can I come in?" she asked gently.

I nodded, before I realized she couldn't see me. "Yeah." I said again, choking down a fresh sob and wiping all remnants of tears from my face. Although, there was nothing I could do about my red eyes and sticky face.

The door creaked open quietly and Lizzie peered inside, her long pink hair in a neat braid. Her face fell slightly when she saw the state I was in. "Oh Jimmy." She said softly, stepping all the way into the room and closing the door behind her.

I felt my eyes begin to sting again and I covered my mouth with my hand to stop myself from wailing aloud. Lizzie sat down on the edge of the bed, and as soon as she opened her arms, I crawled over to the end of the bed, burying my face into her shoulder and bursting into tears, racking sobs shaking my body.

My sister rubbed my back in soothing circles, staying silent for a while as I just cried, pouring my pain out through the tears, my hands wrapping around the folds of her shirt.

It was a while before I remembered to breath, taking deep breathes that hurt my chest, sending sharp pangs through my lungs.

"Hey, hey, just breath." Lizzie said quietly. "It's okay. Now what started all of this?"

"It- It's him!" I wailed into her shoulder. "I- It's been so long I- thought I was fine- I was fine until he came back-"

"Shh..." Lizzie whispered as I broke into another fit of sobs. "Hey, Jimmy, look at me." She gently lifted my chin up to look up into her face, and my murky brown eyes met her sea blue ones. "Scott does not deserve you, okay? He chose to leave you, and that's no one fault but his. If he can't see you how I do, he is not worth one single tear of yours, okay? I know it's hard but trust me. You'll find someone who cares more than he ever could."

I nodded, wiping the tears from my face again, steadying my breathing. "Thanks." I said, once I had calmed down enough to speak.

"Hey, it's what big sisters are for." She said with a small smile. "I came to see if you wanted to come down to the apothecary with me to see Joel."

"Yeah- Yeah I'll come." I said, nodding along as I spoke, my voice leveling out now instead of shaking.

"Scott's going to be there, are you going to be okay?" she asked, frowning again slightly, her expression laced with concern.

"I'll be fine." I said after a moment, putting much more confidence than I felt into my voice. "I'll be fine..."

"Alright." Lizzie said, standing back up and brushing her jeans off. "Be ready in ten, I'll be waiting in the entrance hall." She shot me a smile before getting up and leaving, shutting the door behind her.

I exhaled quietly to myself, before getting to my feet, massaging a few bruises on my torso from the battle a few days previously. I went over to a dresser filled with clothes Katherine had provided me, opening the drawer, and throwing a few articles of clothing on my bed, before retreating to the bathroom. Katherine had also ensured me and Lizzie both had bathroom, because of our whole dehydrating problem.

I brushed my teeth quickly, before washing my face, erasing any remnants of tears from my cheeks. I glanced up at my reflection in the mirror. I looked exhausted. But so did the rest of us, so it didn't really bother me much. I dabbed at my face with a towel to dry it off before heading back into the main room and changing.

Before I left, I pulled on a forest green letterman type jacket. It had been chilly for summer considering... I kept it unbuttoned though because the collar dug into my neck uncomfortably.

I left my room quickly, jogging down the winding staircases and clean hallways of the House Blossom castle to get to the entrance hall. My room was situated on one of the higher floors.

When I got there, Lizzie was waiting for me. "Let's go." She said, smiling at me and gesturing out the archway.

We began to walk down the pathway down the hill the castle was perched on, down towards the apothecary. It was pretty chilly out, a light frost covering the ground, getting heavier the closer we got to our destination. Soon, ice was crunching beneath out feet, and I pulled my jacket tighter around me from the chilly breezes. The apothecary was even worse, icicles hanging from the edges of the roof, the windows frosted over.

The corners of my mouth twitched into a frown, but I still approached the door, rapping my knuckles sharply against the wood.

It took a minute, but after a moment, the door swung open. Katherine stood behind it, wearing a pink blouse with flower embroidery along the edges.

"Oh! Hello." She said. "Sorry- I was expecting Gem. Come in!" She said, opening the door all the way and stepping out of the way so we could enter the building. The room was freezing, despite the temp being turned up to 75 degrees. "Be careful, the floor is...icy." Katherine said, glancing over to the left wing of the room, blocked from my vision by a wall that helped form the entrance.

"It's okay." I answered, Lizzie following me inside. Lizzie gave Katherine a friendly wave before striding straight around the wall. I followed her to see her walking quickly to Joel who lay on the other side of the room.

I followed her quickly across the room, my eyes flicking to Scott sitting in a plastic chair next to Erin's bed, his arms crossed as he stared down at the sheets. He hadn't even acknowledged me and Lizzie entering the room.

I ignored him, arriving at Joel's bedside. Lizzie had already sat down at the end and had already struck up a conversation with her husband.

"Hey." Joel said as I sat down on the end of the bed.

"Hi." I answered, again glancing towards Scott, whose back was mostly facing us. Joel followed my gaze and his eyes also landed on the elf.

"He's been sitting there all night." He hissed so that Scott wouldn't hear us, although I swear, I saw his pointed ear twitch. "Hasn't moved since I got back from lunch yesterday."

I frowned. "He hasn't?"

"Nope. Just sits there staring at the girl." Joel said, turning his attention back to Lizzie.

"How are you feeling?" Lizzie asked as he slid his hand into hers.

"Good, actually. Still sore, but aren't we all? We really underestimated those two." Joel answered with that laugh of his and a cheeky grin.

But at that moment, the sound of the door opening echoed through the room and in came Gem, her large wizard hat bobbing up and down as she walked. She was carrying a large platter of sandwiches with her. "Hey guys!" she said cheerfully. "I got lunch!"

Katherine came down the stairs behind the apothecary desk. "There you are- Oh, thanks!" She said, coming out from around the counter and helping Gem put the large platter on the nightstand next to Erin's bed considering it was empty and close to all of us. "I was just thinking of going to get food-"

"Don't worry about it, you and your sisters are already doing so much." Gem reassured. "Joel, Lizzie, Jimmy, Scott, you want some?" she asked, pulling a stack of paper plates out from under her arm.

I nodded, my stomach growling. It was almost twelve now, I had slept right through breakfast. Lizzie got up first, grabbing two plates and throwing a sandwich onto one, handing it to Joel.

I got up after her, getting my own food before sitting back down on the edge of the bed, this time facing towards Gem, Katherine, Erin's bed, and Scott's back.

"Scott, you want anything?" Gem asked.


"Scott, you haven't eaten since yesterday." Katherine said sternly.




"You're going to starve!" Katherine cried.

"I don't care."

"No, you don't. You don't seem to care about anything anymore!" She said, and I was surprised to see the fairy close to tears. She turned her back to us, but I watched her wipe her face with her hand.

Scott wasn't upset by this; he didn't even react. Just continued to stare at Erin with an emotionless expression.

I stood up again, heading to Katherine's side. She looked up at me and wiped another tear that had started to slide down her cheek. "He-He's just so-" she started.

"Want me to try?" I cut off, still speaking in a hushed voice.

"Jimmy, I don't think that's a good idea-" Lizzie said from behind me.

"I agree, he may become violent if we press him." Katherine answered quietly, but I ignored the two, plopping one of the sandwiches on the plate and approaching the elf.

"Here." I said, putting it in front of him.

For the first time he looked up, glancing at the plate with a look of anger, before swatting it away, almost knocking it from my hand. My eyes narrowed, and I shoved it towards him again, jabbing him in the chest with the edge of the plate.

He glared at me, one filled with hatred, his arms falling from crossing his chest. "Are you asking for me to strangle you?"

"No, I'm asking for you to eat." I said, nudging him again with the plate.

"No." Scott said, his nose scrunching in disgust.

"Yes. You need to eat." I told him.


"I won't leave you alone until you do." I said, giving him a look. Scott was incredibly annoyed now, by my presence, my request or both I wasn't sure.

"You better leave me alone." He growled.

"Then take it." I countered.

"You'll leave me alone if I do?"

"Yes, I will." I sighed.

Scott then snatched the plate from me. "There, happy?"

"You have to eat the food on it as well." I pointed out.

Scott rolled his eyes. "Seriously? Why does this concern you so much..." He took a bite of the sandwich then gave me a look.

"Thank you." I said, turning to Gem, Katherine, and Lizzie, who were all wearing slightly stunned expressions. I gave them a short bow. "And that's how you do it." I said quiet enough so that Scott wouldn't hear me.

"Wha- How-" Katherine started, staring in awe at Scott who was now eating his lunch.

"Magic." I giggled, giving them jazz hands.

"Well, someone's in a better mood." Lizzie said, crossing her arms and giving me a somewhat affectionate smile.

I rolled my eyes, but I smiled back. "Yeah, I suppose so."

It was late now.

Me and Lizzie had spent the day with Joel, playing card games and talking. It was quite enjoyable actually.

It was eleven according to the clock hanging on the wall in the middle of the room. Lizzie was planning on staying the night with Joel, and I was getting ready to head back up to the castle.

I waved to Lizzie, Katherine and Lavender, the sisters were cleaning up for the night, when I passed Scott's chair. And he was asleep. I blinked, staring at him. He was in the same position as before, but his head was bowed, his face contorted slightly, like he was in an uneasy sleep. Those chairs could not be comfortable.

I crouched down next to him, brushing the hair out of his face to make sure he really was sleeping.

"What are you doing!?" Katherine cried but stopped in her tracks on her way here when she realized.

"He's asleep." I said softly.

"He's probably exhausted. It must be stressful being around so many people." Katherine said quietly, approaching Scott as well. "I guess we'll have to move him to his bed-"

That's when Joel spoke up. "Can you bring him somewhere else? It's freezing in here." He said with a bit of a shiver.

Katherine glanced at Lavender. "We don't really have a place-"

"I can take him. I'll find somewhere." I offered, tucking a fallen strand of my dirty blonde hair behind my ear.

"Jimmy-" Lizzie started, before she sighed, squeezing the bridge of her nose. "Is this really the best idea?" She asked.

"It's fine. I got it." I reassured her. But there was no way I could drag Scott all the way up to the castle. I exhaled slowly, letting all my anxiety and stress out through the breath, before shaking Scott gently. "Come on, we're going to find you a room." I said softly, as to not wake him completely.

After a moment of rocking him back and forth, he began to come to. "What...?" he mumbled, still half asleep.

"I'm bringing you up to the castle." I said quietly, tugging on his sleeve to help him to his feet. Scott stood up, rubbing his eyes.

"Hm?" He asked, his voice hoarse from sleep.

"Just follow me." I decided upon saying, tugging his sleeve with me towards the door. I half expected him to stay rooted to the spot, but he began to follow me out, dragging his feet slightly. A small smile spread against my face against my will as I led Scott from the room, not daring to look at Lizzie or Katherine's faces.

We left the building, and cold wind instantly whipped my face. I was surprised Scott didn't wake up right away from the violent change in temper. But I guess he was used to it at this point...

I led him by the wrist up the winding path towards the House Blossom residence almost as if he were a child, making sure to move slow so Scott wouldn't wake up all the way and realize what was going on. He was sleep walking at this point.

I pushed open the large doors to the castle, leading Scott down the halls and up the staircases. I didn't notice when it happened, but now, somehow, I was holding his hand. I felt my face get warm, but I just continued to bring him towards the rooms we were staying in.

When we got to the hallway, I froze. I didn't know which rooms everyone was staying in. But I also didn't want to disturb anyone trying to sleep...

"Come on." I whispered, pushing the door open to my room, and pulling Scott in carefully. There was an armchair I could sleep on if I managed to get Scott to sleep in the bed.

I shut the lights off in the room, before pushing Scott gently onto the bed. Scott sat down, staring at the ground, still half asleep.

"Come on." I repeated, trying to push him down so he would lie on his back. But then he blinked and looked around.

"Wha-" He started as he grabbed my wrists to stop me from lying him down, looking around in panic. "What are you- where am I-"

"Hey, calm down, I just brought you to a room to sleep. You passed out in that chair." I explained, trying to keep the impatience out of my voice as I tried to shove him down onto the bed again.

"No- But Erin-"

"She'll be fine. Katherine and Lavender are with her." I answered, pushing him back down.

"Stop- let me up-" He snapped, swatting at my hand. But I pressed the side of his face against the pillow, holding him down. I saw his cheeks flush the palest pink, and my own face got hot, but I kept him down. "You need sleep Scott." I said softly, and it instantly reminded me of something. God, it felt so long ago...


"Sorry, that took so long-" Scott started as he sat up from his desk, rubbing his face wearily.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." I cut off from sitting crisscrossed on Scott's bed. "It's a lot of work, I know."

Scott said, approaching me and the bed. "Yup... It took me three hours to get Erin to sleep. I'm glad she's staying but gods it's hard to get her to relax..."

"I know. I watched." I said with a smile. "She looked like she wanted to tear your head off."

"She always looks like she wants to tear my head off." Scott sighed, faceplanting on the bed beside me.

"Poor Scoot." I snickered.

Scott lifted his head, giving me a playful glare. "I told you to stop calling me that."

"But it's cute." I smirked, scooching closer and playing with a lock of his blue hair that had fallen in his face.

"It's stupid." He corrected, sitting up and playfully swatting my hand away, but then his face fell. "Sorry it took so long; we can do something now-" but he cut himself off with a yawn.

"I think you need to sleep. You woke up at the crack of dawn this morning and its almost midnight." I said, finding his hand and tangling our fingers together.

"Jimmy-" He started with a guilty expression.

"Shush." I said, pressing a finger to his lips. "You don't need to do anything for me. Let's just go to bed, okay?"

"But I promised-"

"It's okay, Scott." I told him, smiling slightly.

Scott shook his head, his expression still guilty as he squeezed my hand.

I rolled my eyes, exasperated. "You are so stubborn. Listen, your tired, you're going to bed."

"I'm not tired-"

"Don't lie to me."


That was the last straw. I pushed Scott over, forcing him to lie down before lying on top of him, pressing our chests together. I smirked as I saw Scott's cheeks turn pink as if he had gotten sunburned. "Jimmy-"

"We're going to sleep now." I said, moving down and resting my head on his chest. Scott stayed still for a moment before I felt his hands dragging gently through my hair. "Okay..." he said quietly.

I smiled. "I win." I answered, wrapping my arms around Scott's torso, and closing my eyes. I heard Scott sigh.

"Only because I'm letting you."

"Don't you dare take this away from me."

"Okay, jeez..."

I snapped back to reality. That wasn't us anymore. This was us. I stared back down at Scott. My hand was freezing from pressing the side of his head to the pillow.

"Can you let go of me now?" Scott growled, and I felt my face get hot.

"Yeah. Once you try to sleep." I shot back, feeling frost grow across the webbing between my fingers.

Scott made a strange growling sound in his throat, but he stayed still.

"Close your eyes." I said in a soft, teasing voice. Scott glared at me.

"Shut up." He said before he did close his eyes. "Better?"

"Yes. Now try to relax. Please?"

"Fine." He grumbled. "But you have to let go of me first."

I pulled away from him, sitting back up on the bed. Scott, to my surprise, went through with it, keeping his eyes closed and staying down on the bed.

I stayed there for a minute, watching him in case he tried to get up again, before getting off the bed myself and digging through a drawer of the dresser filled with the clothes Katherine had provided me with.

I pulled out a pair of pants I could sleep in and a warm sweatshirt to make sure I didn't freeze while sharing a room with Scott. Then I retreated to the bathroom to change.

I came out, adjusting the collar of my sweater. To my surprise, Scott's shoulders were rising evenly as he took deep breathes. He was asleep again.

Before I could stop myself, a sappy grin spread across at the sight of him. He was cute- wait, what am I saying? He's not cute. I mean-

I sighed, dropping my old clothes back into the drawer and walking over to the plush armchair in the corner.

I curled up, trying to get comfortable, wrapping my tail around my legs so I'd fit. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world...but it was better than the floor.

I yawned, closing my eyes, and attempting to drift off to sleep.


Yay! Flower Husbands fluff! Ish... Thought I'd give y'all some after all the angst- but don't worry. The angst is definitely not over. Enjoy this while it lasts.

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