Chapter 69: Erin POV

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I woke up and felt strange. Actually, I felt the opposite of strange, but then that made me feel strange.

Maybe it was because I wasn't used to feeling normal after two years of being a puppet. That's right. I'm back. And I'm about to make that everyone else's problem.

When I did wake the next morning, however, my entire body was aching and sore, as if my bones had been scrubbed raw before being stuffed back into my limbs. I was curled on the mattress, my wings sprawled out behind me, and I could feel the sunlight beating onto my face from the window across from me.

I groaned, screwing my eyes shut, desperately holding onto the last few moments of sleep I had left before they were tugged away from me. Stupid sunlight. I slowly opened my eyes, my vision blurred for the first few moments as I peered around the room, my hands clenched around the blankets I was lying on top of. I was alone. Thank god because if Scott had stayed the entire time and I woke up with him I would have punched myself. Or him. The latter would've made me feel better actually.

I propped myself up on my shaking arms, staring down at the white, bloodstained shirt I had been put into sometime during my time unconscious. Like jeez had anyone here ever heard of consent?

My mouth was as dry as Pixandria, and I could taste the blood plastered against the roof of my mouth, metallic as if my tongue was covered in pennies. I resisted the urge to gag, and I would have vomited if I had had anything in my stomach at the time.

Another strangled groan escaped my chapped lips as I sat all the way up, stretching, but instantly regretting it as I curled back up to avoid further straining my aching muscles.

I glanced towards the door, opened a crack, which annoyed me. The audacity this man had to not even close the door... I struggled to the end of the mattress, pressing my bare feet to the ground before pushing myself off the bed, staggering into the wall opposite me. "Weak..." I muttered to myself, and I was startled to hear my voice, raspy and low as if I hadn't drank let alone seen water in weeks. I coughed, after I spoke, into my arm, thanking god that there was no blood splattered across my forearm despite tasting it.

I clenched my jaw before forcing myself forward, opening the door roughly before exploring down the hallway, crossing my arms tightly over my chest as I walked, hunched slightly, my wings dragging behind me.

I began to hear voices a few moments later, a distinct elvish accent masking the first. I turned the corner, and saw my brother leaned up against the wall, his arms crossed as he spoke to Fwhip.

What annoyed me was that they were being friendly, like the man hadn't tried to blow us both up. These two ain't going to be buddies, not on my watch.

"Oh, hey Erin- Good lord you look—" Scott started, eyebrows raising upon seeing me.

"Like a corpse." Fwhip cut off, finishing for him as he looked me up and down, clicking his tongue.

"I was going to say horrible, but yeah that works too." Scott added, glancing at Fwhip than back at me.

I glared at Fwhip. "Shut up or you will be a corpse." I growled; my voice just as hoarse as before.

"Okay then—" Fwhip said, immediately shutting up before adjusting his scarf as he pursed his lips.

"What we're trying to say, Erin, is that you definitely need to eat something and wash up." Scott said, his tone softening as his gaze rested upon me.

I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah how about no."

"You know what I'm not dealing with this." Scott said, looking thoroughly irritated as he grabbed me by the back of the collar and began dragging me down the hall.

"OI—" I snapped struggling in his grip as I was pulled after him, trying to twist out of his hand. "LEMME GO!"

"Nope. We're going to get some food in you and then you're taking a shower and going back to bed. Whether you like it or not." My brother stated, refusing to relent his hold on my shirt.

I scrunched my face, clawing at his wrist yet he still wouldn't let me go. I saw and heard Fwhip snicker as we turned the corner, and I flipped him off before I was pulled out of sight.

"Scooooooooooooott." I whined, drawing out his name as I gave up, staring at the ceiling as he tugged me along.

"Eeeeerin." He said in reply, and I could tell there was a smirk on his face that I desperately wanted to slap off.

"Where are we going?" I asked with a groan, watching as my feet were dragged across the obnoxious marble and crystal flooring.

"To the kitchen." Scott answered simply.


"To get you food. Duh."

"But I'm not hungry—"

"Buh, buh, buh, Phoenix Major don't you start with me. I know you are, it's obvious you're malnourished. And you're dehydrated." Scott cut off sternly.

"I don't care—"

"I know you don't. But I do and there's nothing you can do to stop me from making sure you're healthy."

"Ugh." I groaned again, crossing my arms with a pout, slouching.

He finally pulled me into the kitchen, and to my absolute annoyance, there were already people in it.

Gemini and Katherine's conversation came to an abrupt halt as they saw the absurd sight of Scott dragging me into the room by the scruff of my neck.

"Wha—" Gem started, and I shot her a glare.

"Don't ask." I growled, still with my arms crossed.

"I'm making her eat." Scott said in response to their stunned expressions as he hoisted me up onto one of the barstools lining an island counter in the middle of the kitchen where meals were prepped for the royal family, and where the cooks and waiters would typically eat, I assume.

As the two women stared at me, I quickly slid off the stool, darting underneath Scott's arm.


I snickered as I wove between Katherine and Gem as they hurried over, dodging their hands. Despite my soreness, I launched myself with my wings onto one of the counters, pulling myself up onto the top of the large fridge and perching myself on there, my hands gripping the edge.

Scott stared up on me. "Erin." He said in that stern voice of his that was supposed to make me listen to him but obviously wasn't working. "Get down here."

"Buuut I don't want to." I smirked. "Heh I'm taller than you—"

"Oh, shut up and get down here." Scott replied with a roll of his eyes.

"Actually its quite comfy up here—"


"Oh fiiiiine." I said, faking a pout as I jumped down from the fridge in front of him. "But you're no fun."

"Erin you can't be climbing kitchen appliances—"

"Says who? Where is that life rule? I'd like to see it in writing please." I said, putting my hands on my hips. Scott opened his mouth as if to answer, his brow furrowing, before he closed it again. "Exactly."

Scott rolled his eyes. "I'm making you something to eat, come on." He said, taking my wrist and tugging me back towards the barstools. I sighed before sitting, my wings drooping over the back because I didn't have the energy to keep them up.

We don't question why I did have enough energy to climb the fridge.

"Now what do you want?" Scott asked, leaning against the countertop beside me.

I shrugged.

"We can give you options." Katherine suggested. I had honestly forgotten she was here. "You want breakfast food or lunch food? Its nearly twelve."

I shrugged again. I didn't trust their 'niceness'. She was never nice. At least not to me.

"Come on you gotta give us something to go off of." Scott said, poking my upper arm.

I, yet again, shrugged.

"We're not just going to let you starve." Gem stated, narrowing her eyes the slightest, but not necessarily in an unfriendly way.

"Why not?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't seem to care before when you were about to execute me. What changed? Hm?"

Gem looked slightly exasperated with my questions, glancing at the floor for a moment. "Both sides of that quarrel were in the wrong, and we've realized that now. We've made amends with your brother, and at least I, am now hoping to make amends with you."

I gave her a look, my wings ruffling slightly. "Uh huh...and is this so I don't murder you in your sleep because I will either way, that hat of yours is hella annoying to look at- are you using magic to make it defy gravity or something because a hat with that large of a brim should be on the floor and not on your head—"

"Be nice Erin." Scott said, smacking me across the back of the head rather lightly.

"Have you met me-?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yes. That's why I'm telling you to be nice." He shot back, glaring a bit playfully back.

"Never gonna work~" I replied in a sing song voice which sounded like a dying bird considering how dry my throat was.

"Maybe if I say it enough it'll engrain itself in that thick skull of yours." Scott added with a small snicker, flicking the side of my head.

"Ever heard of erosion? Even if you do it's not gonna last—"

Scott glared at me. "Alright stop being a smarta—"

"Scott," Gem cut off, giving my brother a look. "Kinda getting off topic here."

"Right." He replied. "Come on Erin just tell me what you're having."

"An unwanted conversation." I deadpanned.

"I- I'm going to strangle you—"

"Go ahead."

Scott looked as if he were about to smack his forehead off the counter- or mine. "You know what you're having leftovers I'm not dealing with this." He said evenly, turning around towards the fridge I had scaled a few minutes ago.

I groaned, sprawling my upper body including my arms across the counter. "Noooooo."

"You did this to yourself." He pointed out after a minute or two of rummaging through the refrigerator. I heard the microwave, and looked up, keeping the side of my face pressed against the cold countertop. He removed a container from the microwave several minutes later, and poured its contents into a bowl, before sliding it in front of me with a spoon, the liquid inside steaming. "Careful, its hot."

"Oh. I had no idea." I replied sarcastically, staring inside at the muted, red, runny substance.

"Oh, just shut up and eat it." He said as he sat beside me, leaning on the counter with his elbows.

"But I don't want to." I said, picking the spoon up to stir it with a scrunched nose. "What even is this?"

"Tomato soup. From yesterday." Katherine answered for him, peering over my shoulder into my dish.

"Ew." I said as I pushed the bowl away.

"Why are you so picky-?" Scott asked from behind me. I heard the rough sound of a blade against...bread? Just before he handed me a slice of bread for the soup.

"Why are you so picky?" I repeated mockingly under my breath, scrunching my nose again before chewing on the crust of the bread he had given me.

A little while later I still hadn't touched the soup.

"Come on, Erin, you can't just eat bread—" Scott started, rubbing his face with his hands.

"Why can't I?" I shot back, having hardly eaten half of the slice.

My brother groaned. "Fine, fine, if you're not going to eat the soup, what else will you eat?"

I swallowed my bread. "Yogurt."


"Strawberry yogurt."

"I- okay then." He sighed, defeated, as he headed back towards the fridge.

I ignored the weird look the other two were giving me as I watched Scott rummage through the fridge.

"It's in the other drawer Scott." Katherine called to him, looking quite bemused with my request.

"Thanks." Scott called back with a hint of sarcasm to his voice as he pulled it out of the fridge, grabbing a new bowl from the cabinet above his head.

A moment later he was back beside me, taking the bowl of soup and replacing it with the yogurt. I stared down at it, remaining silent.

"Well? Are you going to eat it?" He asked, crossing his arms as he looked down at me.


"Why not!?"

I didn't answer, instead I stood up, walking back to where Scott had gotten the bowl and where the yogurt still was. I climbed onto the counter to reach into the cabinet which I was too short to reach from the floor, rummaging around and pulling out a cup. I sat down on the counter, looking for a spoon in the drawer to scoop the yogurt with.

"Wha—" Scott stood beside me. "What on earth- if you're going to do that just use the yogurt in the bowl—"

"Its contaminated already." I replied, dead serious as I scooped the new yogurt into my cup.

Scott opened his mouth, closed it again, opened it, before giving up, looking incredibly confused with my antics and me in general. "I don't..." he trailed off, before rubbing his face yet again. "You know what just do what you want."

I hopped from the counter, eating my yogurt from the cup.

"At least she's eating—" Gem pointed out, looking nearly as confused as Scott did.

"Mm. Bye!" I said, darting away with my yogurt in hand out the doors of the kitchen. I laughed to myself as I heard Scott shout my name telling me to come back, his voice getting quieter as I ran down the hall.

My bare feet pounded lightly against the marble as I tried not to spill my yogurt. I almost lost my spoon several times. I took a turn into a room a few moments later...filled with people.

I skidded to a halt staring at the...I took a second to count them. Five people in what looked like the living room. A pair of violently rainbow wings told me the one with his back turned was Joey, speaking to a certain Sausage.

Pearl was sat on the couch, having a conversation with a small gnome I recognized as Shrub. I pursed my lips, remembering the recent events that had occurred which included me uh, maybe kidnapping her, threatening to sacrifice her and...yeah. The third was Jimmy who just seemed to be meandering around.

Their heads snapped up as I burst through the doors. "Heh...hi?" I said at their surprised expressions just as Scott, Gem and Katherine entered behind me.

"Seriously?" Scott asked, looking quite annoyed.

"Okay, first of all," Joey butted in. "Why does the dragon girl have yogurt in a cup and two, WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" He half shrieked, gesturing one of his hands in my direction. "I thought she was weak and sleeping!?"

"Hah. You wish. Not anymore." I smirked, stirring the yogurt for a moment before spooning some into my mouth.

"But why is it in a cup-?" Shrub asked, repeating Joey's question.

"Because its better in a cup."

"But the dish doesn't change the flavor—" Pearl started.

"Yes it does."

"For once I agree with her." Sausage said, which earned him weird looks from the rest of the people in the room. "What? Have none of you had cereal on a plate before?"

"I...don't even know what to say to that," Gem started. "What would happen to the milk—"

"Don't question it. It will get weirder." Jimmy cut in, one of his fin-like ears flicking.

I shrugged, taking another spoonful of my yogurt.

"Back to topic, Erin you can't just run off like that." Scott said, turning me around so I was facing him.

I rolled my eyes, glancing away, before I did a double take. "Wait a second—" I began, before jumping up, grabbing one of his very not frozen antlers. "What happened to your ice?" I questioned, tugging at Scott's hair to look for the frost that had once been there.

"OW-" Scott yelped as I yanked him down, and he slapped my hand away. "What're you talking about!?"

"Y'know, your frosty stuff." I said, letting go of his antler.

"I fixed it."


"What d'you mean why-?"

"I liked it."

Scott rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but I froze everything and made everything cold—"

"So you can't do that anymore-?" I asked, scrunching my nose. "You're boring now?"

"He can still do it." Jimmy butted in. "He just learned how to control it."

"So he's boring."

Scott rolled his eyes. "You know I don't think I'll ever understand you." He sighed, suppressed a small smirk.

"That's the goal." I smirked back, before picking at one of my canines with my thumb. "Where's my daggers-?"

"Why...?" Gem asked, narrowing her eyes at me suspiciously. God this wizard was annoying.

"Because I want them. Duh." I replied with a roll of my eyes.

"Hah, no. Sorry." Scott said, giving me a look that said, 'Don't even try to act innocent.' Of course, I ignored that look. "I don't trust you with them."

"Why not?" I asked, putting on a confused and bemused expression, though mischief danced across my expression for a moment.

"Why not- You literally stabbed me the last time you had your hands on them!"


"I- you- I almost passed out from blood loss AND I have a permanent stab wound!" Scott said, lifting the hem of his shirt and peeling down the bandages wrapped around his abdomen to reveal a line of stitches, red and bumpy, around three inches wide.

"You call it a stab wound; I call it an extra pocket." I shrugged.

The reaction I got was...hilarious.

"Why do we even let her out anymore...?" Katherine asked faintly.

"You don't let me." I pointed out. "I do what I want, when I want, where I want and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

"Eh, I don't think that's true—" Pearl started, but shut up after the look I gave her, returning my glare.

Scott sighed, shaking his head the slightest. "Well, we're done here." He said. "Let's go get you cleaned up."

"No." I retorted, narrowing my eyes.

"Erin you're covered in blood—"

"We've been over this. I. Don't. Care. Do those words mean something else to you or are you just stupid?" I asked, crossing my arms with a small sneer.

Scott glared at me, and without answering he grabbed the back of my collar to drag me out.

"NOT THIS AGAIN!" I yelped, trying to scramble away before it was too late.

"Nope. You're coming with me."


My protests didn't work unfortunately.

I stood in front of Scott just outside the bathroom off of his room with my arms crossed. "No." I said defiantly.

"Erin, you will go in there and take a shower unless you want me to drag you into the tub and scrub you myself." Scott threatened.

"Hmph." I grumbled with a pout. As much as I didn't want to, I knew Scott meant it, and even the thought was degrading and was already giving me second-hand embarrassment. "Fine." I spat.

Scott smiled. Oh, how I wanted to rip it off his face, punch his teeth from his gums and feel the flesh of his mouth tear in my hands- nope, he likes you- you cannot murder him for the fun of it-

I rolled my eyes, before entering the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and double checking that I had locked it correctly.

I stared around the pristine bathroom, before faking a gag about how white and bright and...ew it was. It took me a second to figure out how the shower worked, and I nearly sprayed water all over myself while fiddling with the shower head.

I sighed to myself, before undressing and peeling off my bandages as Scott had instructed me to do. Then I carefully stepped underneath the water. And it hurt like hell. The water hit all of my scars, making them sting horribly, as if they were fresh, and the hot water trickling down my back only reminding me of the blood when it had originally spilt from the wounds.

The water bounced off of the skin stretched between my wings, spraying the water everywhere so I couldn't even just gradually get myself wet. It felt as if hundreds of miniature knives were being plunged over and over again into my back and shoulders. Like hot wires were being pressed deep into the wounds to sear my skin and the layers underneath.

I gritted my teeth. "C'mon Erin you've been through worse..." I muttered to myself as I pushed the feeling of pain out to the back of mind, ignoring it and forcing myself to think of something else. I stared at the bottom of the shower, watching as the red-tinted water slid through the drain mixed with the dried blood matted through my hair, and staining my arms and torso. It kinda looked like fruit punch.

A while later I had decided I was clean enough and Scott better be happy with me. (The water had also started to get really cold- how does that work anyway? Like the water being warm-)

I stepped from the shower carefully onto the mat on the other side, shivering as goosebumps erupted down my arms and legs. I searched the room with my eyes before spotting a white, fluffy towel hanging on the wall. I snatched it quickly, wrapping myself in it as if it were a blanket. It nearly hit my knees as I clutched it around my shoulders.

I again looked around the room, realizing I had brought no clothes in to change into. My old ones were lying in a sad pile on the floor, wet from when I had accidentally sprayed water around the room.

I waddled to the door, muttering under my breath about how stupid I was as I turned the doorknob, unlocking it as I did, peering out the door just to be hit with a wave of even colder air.

Scott looked up. He was sitting crisscross on MY bed, reading a book. "Done?" he asked.

I nodded, clenching my jaw slightly. "I need clothes." I said, clutching the towel around myself tighter.

"Oh- right." He replied, taking a pile of clothes off of the bed beside him, and getting to his feet. He walked towards me, handing me them, and I as carefully as I could without tugging my towel off, took them from him. I quickly relocked myself in the bathroom, letting the towel fall, now stained pink from blood, before looking through my clothes. Underwear, sweatpants, that was normal- but there was no shirt. Just a sports bra that could have passed as a tank top if it weren't cut off at the ribs.

"Idiot you forgot a shirt!" I called out, annoyed.

"No, I didn't! I need to reapply your bandages; I'll give you the shirt afterwards." He called back.

I practically blushed with embarrassment, feeling my face heat up. This was stupid, extremely stupid. Unfortunately, I knew he wouldn't be changing his mind anytime soon, so I just got into the clothes he provided me.

I patted my arms dry, looking at the mangled skin along them, ripped up by scars and thin black burns. It was as if someone who had never seen a body had taken a knife to my arm and started hacking out the rough shape like it were made from wood. I could hardly remember what it had looked like before.

And for the first time in years, I looked up and caught my reflection in the mirror, meeting my own eyes. Scott wasn't lying when he said I looked horrible, and I would never admit it, but Fwhip was right too. The markings scattered on my face were dark and sharp against my skin tone, which was pale, nearly the same shade as my hair as it hung wet by my face, sticking to my forehead and neck. He wasn't lying when he said I was thin and malnourished (whatever that meant) either, my ribs stuck sharply out, as if attempting to stab through my skin like it was wrapping paper. I was skin and bone. I would have been concerned, despite having looked like this nearly all my life. Scott just seemed particularly worried due to the fact I had spent the last two years hiding out in the frozen tundra. It was hard to find food there, alright?

I glanced down at my calloused hands again, my fingertips and palms covered in small white scars. I ran one of my fingers up a burn Xornoth had left on my left forearm slowly, trying not to remember the heat and fire searing my skin to the point where the smell of burnt flesh took days to fade from the room. For a moment, my skin felt slick underneath my fingertips, and I swear for a moment it glinted like silver against the yellow light filling the room. I blinked, closing my eyes to see if I were imagining things.

But instead of seeing the inside of my eyelids, two electric blue eyes stared back at me. In the short time I saw the man's face dead in front of me, I saw dark eyebrows, and a jagged line similar to a scar but not quite, running from his hairline, down over his right eye and to his jaw, almost like a lightning bolt. The look in his eyes was nothing short of mischievous, like he was planning something that would bring himself pleasure but others misery, a feeling I knew all too well.

I released a sharp gasp, stumbling backwards only to open my eyes and see no one was there. Just me, alone, in the bathroom.

"Erin are you okay?" Scott called from the room.

"Yeah, fine!" I shouted back, closing my eyes tightly again to see if he was still there, yet it was just darkness now when I closed them. My imagination...always just my imagination...just like that one morning-

I left the room a moment later, carefully wrapping myself in my wings to hide my uncovered skin from the world.

Scott again looked up from his book. "What happened in there?"

"Tripped. Nearly fell." I lied, shifting a bit on my feet. I desperately wanted a shirt. Scott seemed to sense how uncomfortable I was.

"Don't worry, if you let me do this quickly it won't take long. Come over here." He said, patting the bed beside him.

I shuffled over, sitting down on the mattress while gripping my pant legs to try and warm up my hands.

Scott gently moved my wings out of the way of my torso, grabbing a small kit that I hadn't noticed before from beside him. He took out a small jar filled with a transparent, tinted amber, sticky substance. Some sort of ointment I assume. Then he began to dab it onto the wounds scattered across my stomach, ribs and arms. It stung for a moment, before I felt it seeping into my skin to dull down the aching of my injuries. I sucked in my stomach as he began to wrap the white, fresh bandages around my waist.

"Don't do that." He said, taking a pause.

"Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I'm going to do it too tight and then you'll have trouble breathing." He answered simply.

I sighed, relaxing as he finished up the bandages. He fastened them before drawing back and handing me a crewneck. I turned it in my hands in confusion, seeing the open back of the sweater, fit with a clasp to finish the hem of the neck. I glanced up at Scott, with a raised eyebrow, to ask what it was about.

"Erin, we're in the kingdom of fairies, the clothes are going to be fitted for wings." Scott said, smiling with a small breathy chuckle.

"Oh." I replied, before sliding it on, slipping my wings through the hole before clipping the clasp to keep the neck up just over my wing joints.

"Now turn around."

"Why?" I asked, raising both my eyebrows.

"I need to brush your hair." He answered, taking a brush from the side table. I swear to Exor where was he getting all this self-care stuff?

"Why?" I asked again, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"Because it's a matted mess and it'll be easier to brush and do it while it's wet."

He had a fair point. I sighed. "Just get this over with quick." I said with a slightly threatening edge to my voice, before turning to sit in front of him, relaxing my wings flat against my back. I felt him run his fingers through my hair before he began to gently hack at the ends with the bristles of the brush.

He slowly moved his way up. And I had a lot of hair considering I hadn't cut it for years. Every once and a while I felt a sharp tug on my scalp, or Scott had to roughly brush through a stubborn knot, but other than that he was relatively light. But suddenly he stopped.

"What is it?" I asked, slightly curious at his abrupt halt.

I felt his fingers, still slightly chilling but not frigid, brush my ear, hooking gently around the chain of my earring. "You kept it?" he asked in a quiet voice.

"I'm surprised I haven't lost it." I replied, lifting a hand to brush the earring that I remembered Scott had done himself. "I forgot about it honestly."

Despite unable to see his face, I could almost sense my brother's smile as he went back to brushing my hair. We were nearly done.

I don't want to know how long it took. Maybe a couple hours.

That with the added time Scott insisted on braiding my hair to stop it from getting tangled again. I sat, resting my chin in one of my hands as he carefully braided the strands of damp hair together to trail down my back.

"Done." He said, binding the end of my braid with a ribbon.

"Ugh, finally." I groaned, rolling my eyes as I stretched.

"Oh stop being dramatic." Scott smirked, rolling his eyes right back before tapping my nose.

I scrunched it in response, glaring at him before jabbing his nose in response.

"Ow—" He said, clutching his face with a small whine. "That actually hurt—"

"Ha." I replied, crossing my arms with a smug look.

Scott sighed, dropping his hand back into his lap before glancing up at the clock. "Oh, Aeor its already dinner time—"

With perfect timing, someone knocked on the door, and Katherine peeked inside. "We're having dinner now if you two want to join." She said, fully stepping into the room once she realized we weren't busy.

"No—" I started, but at the same time, Scott said yes. I glared at him, and he glared right back.

"Oh come on Erin you've had a cup of yogurt to eat today—" He started.


"And you need more than that to survive! You're coming, let's go." He said, getting to his feet and grabbing my wrist.

"But I don't want toooooooo." I complained, whining as I was dragged to my feet. I slipped my wrist from his grip, sprawling out on the floor on my stomach.

"Well too bad. Get up or I'll carry you." He threatened, and I instantly shot to my feet. No way was I letting him carry me like a burlap sack throughout the castle.

"I'll see you two in the dining room then...?" Katherine said a bit awkwardly, stepping out of the room. I heard her footsteps slowly fade away after a few moments.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go." Scott said, taking my wrist again to tug me out of the room.



AND SHE'S BACK- believe it or not she is my comfort character, and I may or may not hear her voice sometimes in my head, but WE DON'T QUESTION MY MENTAL STABILITY HERE-

Anyways yeah! New chapter :)

I ALSO have an applyfic now! Its original (not fandom based) and I still have a couple roles I need to fill so definitely go check that out!

I've also been trying to figure out songs for different ships- like Joey and Xornoth would totally be There's Nothing Holding Me Back by Shawn Mendes if you changed the pronouns to masculine ones- and Scott and Jimmy are Sweater Weather for obvious reasons-

But hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! I really do appreciate all your comments, reading them is my favorite part of posting and really lets me know y'all like my stuff although I think it's pretty crap compared to some of the other stuff on here-

ANYWAYS, have a good day y'all and drink some water :)

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