Chapter 14: Feathers

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Sausage had practically shrieked in my ear, sprinting forward to meet Kat. It had struck me odd when we first came across him, that his beloved dog was absent— seems I was about to get my answer.

"Sausage, it's so good to see you!" Katherine didn't seem to mind the fact that Sausage immediately lunged for his dog, completely ignoring the fairy's presence.

"I knew you'd find me girl!" Sausage had dropped to the ground, instantly getting tackled by Bubbles and her many, many kisses.

"And you guys too!" My attention was drawn back to Katherine and the grin she wore as she looked up from the reunion towards me and my brother.

"How the hell did you find us—?" I asked, practically the same thing Fwhip had asked Sausage when he had come running into the ruins of Rivendale.

"Well I—" Katherine wasn't given the chance to answer before, just as Sausage had tackled his pet, Violet tackled her. She just barely managed to stay on her feet while Violet buried her snout into the crook of her neck, knocking her hood off. She had cut her hair since the last time we had seen her, the dark brown curls falling just below her jawline. "—Violet, hi baby—" she laughed, wrapping her arms around the dragon's neck. "I missed you too."

"Vi, calm down," I said, still breathless. I grabbed onto the satchels of supplies fitted around her shoulders and spine, trying to pull her back.

"As I was going to say," Katherine continued, running her hands along the dragonling's scales. "We," she gestured down to Bubbles. "came across a man while we were trying to find shelter. He told us to head south, that we'll find friends along the way. And here we are."

"Did that man happen to be an elf wearing a lot of gold and speaking very cryptically?" Fwhip asked.

Kat blinked. "Yes? How did you—"

"Yeah he just ditched us too."


Fwhip nodded, his lips pressed into a line. "Yep. But anyways— ow–!"

"It's great to see you!" I said after elbowing my brother, giving him a look. "Been managing?"

"Yeah, about as well as we can." She answered, brushing a few puddles of dragon slobber from her shoulder. "What're you folk doing in this area anyhow?"

"I can explain!" Sausage's hand shot up from the ground where he was laying on his back, Bubbles' paws pressed against his chest. He sat up, allowing the little dog to get comfortable in his lap. The lavender bandanna (a souvenir from Katherine, I'm sure) around her neck wasn't centered, the knot halfway undone. "We have a solutionnn~" he singsonged.

Katherine raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

"Y'know, the dead people problem— ow, would you stop doing that?!" Fwhip yelped after I elbowed him for the second time.

"The dead people— Oh." Katherine's eyes widened. "You don't mean—"

"Yup. Those dead people." Sausage nodded. "There may be a spell in the AEL—"

"Wait what's the AEL?" Fwhip interrupted.

"The Ancient Elven Library, keep up tinker brain." Sausage replied. "As I was saying, we've gathered clues leading us to a spell of true necromancy, and that spell is in the library."

Katherine had frozen in place, a look of dumbfounded confusion plastered across her expression.

"It's a lot." I added, taking a step towards her and gently nudging her shoulder with mine. I shot a glare at Fwhip at the mumbled "why does she get treated nicely" that left his mouth, before smiling at Katherine. "We can explain more on the way. But we have to get moving again, we're kind of crunched for time."

"Uh huh..." Katherine nodded slowly. "I was trying to be polite and wait for you to explain, but is there a reason you all are covered in tattered, sweat and bloodstained clothes too? I don't believe fashion has changed this drastically since the Great Catastrophe."

"You never know with Joey and his ridiculous decrees." Sausage shrugged.

"That is besides the point."

"Not really, one of Joey's brigades ambushed us." Fwhip cut in. "As you can tell by the eh, multiple avian corpses." He opened his arms wide, gesturing towards the sprawled out bodies along the cliffside.

Katherine muffled a shriek with her palm. She definitely had not taken notice of them previously. "For the love of the Spring," she exclaimed. "You three—" Violet huffed indignantly. "—four, cannot keep yourselves in check, can you?"

"Excuse me—" I started.

"Gem, sweetie, no offense but even you are no match for these two's antics." Katherine said, pointing towards Fwhip and Sausage.

"What ever do you mean by that?" Fwhip asked, blinking innocently back at us.

Me and Katherine ignored him.

"So, before we continue on this little quest of yours, you are all going to sit your butts down and I'm going to make sure none of you are fatally wounded—" She said stubbornly, pulling a bag from within her cloak off from over her shoulder.

"Kat we don't have time—"

"Sure you do. What's the deadline?"

"October thirteenth."

"Perfect, because the library is nearby if I remember correctly and we have plenty of time to get there and back before then." Katherine said with a small smile. She was in full-on mom mode. "You can enlighten me on this wonderful plan of resurrection while I make sure you're not dying. Plus your hair is an absolute mess, let me fix it—"

"This is life or death Katherine!"

"And so is the state of your hair!"

Katherine dragged me down by the elbow to the ground, seating me in front of her. I grudgingly stayed put, letting her undo the ribbon at the base of my braid, running her fingers through it.

Although annoyed, I had to admit, it was nice to have another girl around now. I loved Fwhip, I really did, but he couldn't care less about how my hair looked when I did it. I guess Sausage somewhat counted as a girl— but he had been wearing his blue bracelet for the past several days so it didn't quite count. Also, he was Sausage.

"Now that you say it..." Sausage said in response to Katherine, glancing Fwhip up and down with overly dramatic narrowed and skeptical eyes. "Both the Tays need grooming." And he dragged my brother to the ground beside him.

"I'm not a child—" Fwhip said, swatting at Sausage's hands as he tried to take down his makeshift man bun.

"Yeah, because if you were I would not be using the word "grooming" while referring to you, or else I'd be in some deep legal shit." Sausage stated flatly. "I mean you are far too straight but—"

Fwhip's face was bright red.

I stifled a snort with the inside of my elbow, watching my brother stammer before giving up and swatting again at Sausage's head.

"The bigots do hate such fabulousness," Sausage continued with a shit-eating grin and a slight hair flip, dodging Fwhip's blow. "Why they don't want children as gorgeous as I am is beyond me."

"Absolutely no clue, Sausage." I replied, trying to hide my smile behind my hand.

Sausage continued to babble on before beginning to actually inform Katherine of his search and discovery of the clues leading to the book, while she rebraided my hair. I chirped in with my dream, about how Erin had told me that the book was in the Ancient Elven Library.

"She spoke to you?" Katherine had asked shrilly. "From the dead?!"

"Well this is Erin we're talking about—"

Fwhip on the other hand was trying his best to remain annoyed, his expression drawn up tightly. Eventually, however, he gave up, relaxing his shoulders against Sausage's chest while the other messed and brushed through his hair with his fingers.

"So," Katherine began quite some time later, tying the ribbon around the end of my braid. "If we can find the spell and its requirements by the thirteenth, which according to the very dead Erin is in the Ancient Elven Library, we have a chance at bringing Scott and Pearl back along with her?"

"Basically." Sausage shrugged.

"That seems like a very slim chance."

"And if we don't try there's no chance at all. I'm willing to take the risk. So is Fwhip, so is Gem." He said, his tone becoming stern. "You can join us, but we'll do this with or without you. We have to."

Katherine drew her lips into a line. "Joey's reign of terror needs to be put to an end. I want to help you do it."

"Thank you, Katherine." I said, letting out a near silent breath of relief.

"If this all goes wrong and we bring forth a zombie apocalypse, I'm blaming you three."

"Sounds good." Fwhip said, followed by a thumbs up and an overenthusiastic grin.

I rolled my eyes, pulling my newly braided hair over my shoulder. "Now that we're done with makeovers, we actually have to get moving."

"Moving which way?" Sausage had a good point.

"Well it's uh... in this vague area? Somewhere?" I replied, lifting an arm up half heartedly to gesture around.

Fwhip gave me a look. "That is so helpful Gem, wow." He deadpanned.

I glared back. "I've only ever gone to the library from dragon, I need a bird's eye view— but Violet's tired, after the fight, I think I'd be too heavy for her at the moment." My eyes flickered to the dragonling as her head perked up at her name, taking dule note of her deep, pant-like inhalations.

"Would she be able to carry me?" Katherine asked, brown eyes shining at the prospect. "Just for a couple of minutes? I could try and spot the roof."

"Katherine. You already have wings." Sausage said, sounding out every syllable with a boxed gesture of his hands.

Katherine lifted her chin up a little bit in indignation. "Fairy wings aren't meant for high altitudes. I won't be able to clear the peaks enough to see anything around us. But I'm light, Violet should be able to carry me a short distance, even tired."

Violet chirped, sticking her snout into the conversation upon her name being mentioned again.

I glanced between her, and then to Katherine. "You can try, Kat. But if she starts swaying, steer her down as quick as you can." I said, catching my cheek between my teeth a little nervously. "Be careful."

Katherine nodded. "I will. C'mere girl." She said, waving Violet over. She fitted the heel of her boot in one of the loose straps of the packs Violet wore around her shoulders, using it as a stirrup. Then she swung herself up onto Violet's back, adjusting her position along the dragonling's spine.

I whistled. "Up." I directed, pointing towards the sky once Violet looked at me.

With a determined nod, Violet bounded forward (Katherine's knuckles immediately turned white around the supply packs), leaping off the ledge and launching into the sky.

The first couple beats of her wings seemed to be a struggle, but after a moment she was steady.

Katherine continued to raise into the air, becoming smaller and smaller. Within minutes though, Violet had already begun her descent. She landed with a light thud, a few plumes of dust raising from beneath her claws.

"That way," Katherine said, brushing her windswept curls from her face. She pointed slightly southwest, just out of line of the sun which had started to set. "The library is that way."


A jagged rattling of the hinges preceded the slow opening of the door.

It scraped against the floor, getting slower every time it hit a groove of the stone. I gave it an extra nudge, and the hinges gave way completely, the door falling with a sudden clatter against the ground.

"Oops." Sausage said in a loud whisper as the dust resettled. Bubbles trotted over and sniffed at the door frame.

I glared at him. "Don't."

Fwhip helped me hoist it back up and lean it against the wall, before we proceeded to the stairwell. The already opened stairwell.

"What—" I had been preparing to use my best elvish pronunciation, but it seems like it wouldn't be needed. The words scrawled around the circular opening were already giving off a pale glow, the stairs in view and descending down into darkness.

"Someone's already here." Sausage said, for once his voice lowering down to a hushed tone.

"Who else knows about it? It's only us, Scott and... Shrub." Katherine's sentence trailed off, the littlest flicker of hope visible behind her eyes.

"You really think she could be here?" Fwhip asked.

"I guess we'll find out." I said, starting first down the staircase.

The braziers were empty of fire. Unlike the last time I was down here, they didn't light upon our presence. A murmured spell and Sausage's staff burst into flames from behind me, casting the stairwell in a flickering orange light.

We entered the hall off of the landing, just the same. Empty braziers, no sign of life.

"This is a tad bit unsettling." Fwhip said from somewhere near the back of the group. Violet chirped in agreement, and I glanced over my shoulder to see her wings folded and tail tucked. Not a good sign.

"It's fine. Scott's not with us, maybe they just light up for elves." I said, trying to hide my own uneasiness.

"Maybe." Katherine agreed.

I could feel my heart pummeling away at my chest in the silence that followed. Just our echoing footsteps as we moved closer. With every step it seemed to get colder, the stone hallways blending into the bookshelves of the labyrinth of a library.

"It's freezing down here." Katherine said after several minutes, her lower lip trembling slightly. She had pulled her hood up, pinching it beneath her chin.

My eyes moved along the ceiling, catching glimpses of frost glittering in the firelight in the corners where the shelves met the ceiling. "Yes... freezing." I murmured. Fwhip pulled the cuffs of his jacket over his wrists out of the corner of my eye. "Odd."

The frost slowly turned to icicles the further we ventured into the library, dripping from the ceiling and narrowing down to deadly points.

"So, I have a question." Fwhip said, breaking the sudden silence, his voice loud in the quiet. "How the hell do we know what book this spell is in?"

"Um," Sausage began. "Trust our gut?"

"We learned a while ago not to trust your gut specifically, Sausage." Fwhip replied.

"Excuse me—" Sausage feigned hurt, placing a dramatic hand on his chest. "I practically predicted the Great Catastrophe, my gut is offended."

"Your gut needs to get a few more brain cells. Unfortunately your head can't spare any." Fwhip muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Don't worry about it."

"Guys, shut up." I hissed, stretching out my staff to stop all of them behind me. "I hear something."

"Hear what?" Sausage asked, leaning forward over my shoulder, the warmth of the flames flickering on his staff uncomfortably close.

"Well I won't know until you stop talking!" I snapped back. The group fell completely quiet (except for Sausage's obnoxiously loud breathing by my ear, but I'd have to ignore that for now), and I strained my ears for another hint of the noise I had heard before.

It was further away now, but still close... panting. Ragged breaths, loud and caught in their throat. Before a word.

"Wait..." Someone called out, pleading.

A chill rocketed up my spine, either from the freezing temperatures down in the library, or because of the familiarity of that voice.

I knew that voice.

"This way." I took off in the direction of the voice, closely followed by the rest, Violet's claws clicking against the stone. Katherine had picked Bubbles up in her arms so that the little dog could keep up, hurrying after Fwhip and Sausage who was right beside me, still carrying our light.

This time the voice was louder when it spoke, but I couldn't make out all of the words. It was getting colder, the floor covered in a thin layer of what could be frost or snow, the icicles along the ceiling reaching over two feet long. I just ran faster, my lungs burning and chest hammering with anticipation. It couldn't be, there was no possible way—

For a moment it felt like we hit a stop, everything seemed to slow. It could have just been my excitement, my imagination telling me we weren't going fast enough. But then we burst through the invisible barrier, rounding the corner.

"SCOTT?" I shouted out, hoping beyond hope for an answer. It had to be him, who else could it be? I wasn't worried about the hows, at the moment. How would he have gotten here, how was he alive when I myself had buried him. Right now I was worried about the ifs. If he was here, if he was alive.

There was a figure in the next hallway, around the corner, suddenly alight with the glow from the flames.

Scott's expression was startled, and full of fear. A thick smear of red ran down his chest and streaked his hair, his antlers shifting like an illusion and his skin white in the firelight.

I hadn't seen that face in three years.

But whatever I was feeling, a word so much stronger than excitement, clearly wasn't shared. The others were shouting, disbelief raked the air like firecrackers, I couldn't make out a thing they said.

Whatever was in Scott's hands clattered to the ground, before he took off in the opposite direction, disappearing into complete and utter darkness.

"WAIT STOP!" I was begging. Now the hows were coursing through my mind. He was dead and buried under several feet of dirt back in Rivendale. He could not be here. Was the library playing tricks on us? Had I spent too much time alone? The others had seen him, right? It wasn't just me?

I didn't have time to voice these questions, however. I couldn't stop running. I had to know. I was gaining speed, quite ahead of the rest of the group. I plunged in the direction Scott had slipped away into, hoping that I could reach him.

"GEM HOLD ON—" My brother's voice faded into nothing. I wouldn't listen, I couldn't listen.

And suddenly I was falling. It was all darkness, all empty, no sense of direction, no sense of up or down. Panic seized my throat, choking out the little breath I had left. I was falling.


I stumbled.

I was on my feet again. But still, like a blindfold, everything was in shadow. My hands were empty, my staff was gone. I flinched as the bottom of my cloak brushed my calves.

"Guys?" I called out, my voice echoing in every direction, slowly ebbing off into nothing. No answer. I was alone.

Where was I?

Light exploded over my head in a sudden, blinding stream. My knees buckled, arms flying up over my head. My knees screamed in pain as they hit the ground first, my own scream caught behind my teeth. I felt blood pool beneath my tongue from where my cheek had gotten trapped as my jaw tightened.

But nothing happened.

Slowly I opened my eyes, getting back to my feet. Light from nowhere shone down on me, a spotlight. My surroundings were still in darkness, except for the little circle enclosing me in. Where on Empiria was I? How had I gotten here? I was just in the library—

Another spotlight flickered on in the distance.

I froze.

There was a figure in this one too.

Magenta hair hung in loose locks, dampened and sticking to his skin, pointed ears angled far downwards. He was pale, very, very pale, his arms and bare back covered in a sickly layer of sweat. He whipped around, frantic, his violet eyes wide with something far bigger than just fear. His chest was heaving, and laced down it was a... scar. A gaping scar where something had once pierced, leaking a small, trickling creek of crimson down his abdomen.

We locked eyes.

His lips parted in shock, before in desperation he lunged forward in my direction.

I flinched in horror as a hand, somehow paler than him, grabbed hold of his face from the darkness. It clamped over his mouth and jaw, dragging him back.

The man clawed at the wrist and hand keeping him back, tears beginning to stream down his face. His chest heaved harder, he was choking. He was thrashing, drawing black blood from his captor's skin.

I wanted to help, but I was rooted to the ground. Unable to move, unable to do anything to help the elf escape.

Another hand found its way from the shadows, this time covering the elf's eyes, exposing his bleeding neck as they yanked his head backwards.

And with one final tug, the man was pulled entirely into darkness. He was gone.

No more struggle. An empty spotlight. Silence. Silence until—

"Ah, the wizard arrives."

No. No, not this. My heart was begging to escape my chest, throbbing against my ribs. I was crumbling. I thought I was rid of that voice for good. His face still haunted me, that peaceful tear streaked face that I had covered with dirt. But he was gone. However... if Scott was here... his brother was.

I turned in every direction, hoping to catch sight of Xornoth before they could catch sight of me.

I had done a full 360, facing the opposing spotlight again.

Someone was yet again standing in it.

Magenta hair, bare chest, blackened charcoal skin and those horrible, horrible red eyes, piercing the darkness between us. His black lips curled into a grin. And then he was gone. Memories from years before, old memories that I wanted so desperately to forget flooded back. Violence and blood and fighting and death, so much death. It was war.

"No, please—" I didn't want to beg. But I was helpless. My hands trembled, my knees ached, warm and sticky from where they had hit the ground. Xornoth appeared just feet away from my circle of light, hardly visible in the shadow. "Leave me be."

He stepped forward.

"You heard her."

A new voice. My eyes flickered around, hoping to find the source without taking my eyes off of the elf. I recognized this voice too. But it wasn't Scott's, it wasn't Xornoth's, it wasn't Fwhip or Sausage's or Katherine's or Erin's. It was something much older, something from much farther back in my memory.

Xornoth raised an eyebrow, seemingly just as confused as I was.

Then a light tap echoed from somewhere behind me.

And then the area exploded in light.


I blinked.

I was somewhere much different.

Bookshelves sprawled out before me in every direction, hallways going on as far as the eyes could see, thousands of miles, forever, repeating on every side and in every way. An uncountable amount of books and shelves and hallways, mirroring each other.

I could hardly breathe. So many places in so few minutes. Or had it been hours? Or days? I couldn't remember how long it had been since I chased Scott down the hall, since I was with the others.

But I wasn't alone.

A different man stood before me. Much, much different. His brown skin was glowing in the warm light of this new infinite room, his dark hair in hundreds of little braids pooling from beneath the wide brim wizard hat he wore. My hat, only a deep shade of green, like what you would see upon looking up at a leafy canopy, deep within the woods. His brown eyes were crinkled in a warm, welcoming smile, one that I knew all too well, his vaguely pointed ears pierced with gold. And in his hand was a staff, branches curling up around the emerald set inside, holding it in place.

No. It couldn't be.

"Forest?" I hardly dared to breathe his name. First Scott, now him. How many would I see from the dead today?

His lips split into a smile. "It's been a while, Gemini Tay."

All of my composure collapsed, all of my hesitation and caution gone immediately when he spoke. I threw myself into his arms, hardly holding back a sob. I didn't care how he was here, because he was here. After seven years he was here. His goodbye still tortured me on the nights that sleep wouldn't come to save me. Now would I get a new one?

"I'm very happy to see you too, Gemini, but we have little time." A more urgent tone was apparent now in his voice. I wiped away a few of my tears, waiting to feel my mentor's arms release around me to stand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice hardly more than a croak. "How are you here?"

"This library holds many secrets. Too many to figure out in a singular lifetime." Forest said in answer, the look in his eyes one of excitement, a look he used to get when proposing a new idea or spell or anything of the sort. One of adventure. "I know what you're here for. I know what you plan to do."

I swallowed. "Are you here to stop me?" I asked. My hands were shaking again, but this time they clenched into fists. "Because you can't."

"Quite the contrary, young wizard. I've come to give you advice." He said, tapping the bottom of my chin to tilt it upward. "I see you've kept that confidence, Gem. I'm glad. You've made a very good High Wizard. The best, even. I knew you would."

"Not better than you." I replied quietly.

"Yes. Better than me. You're blind to my faults, Gemini. There are many." His smile turned slightly sad, but quickly changed into an expression of urgency. "But I carry a warning for you."

"A warning?" I repeated, frowning. "For what?"

"For one you seek to bring back to the land of the living. It is necessary now, yes. But her power is far, far too great." Forest's knuckles turned pale as they tightened around the neck of his staff. "Power that is not hers. One day you will be given a choice. A choice to save her, and let loose something that should never be brought forth again, a consuming darkness that has once seen the light of day and will wreak chaos and havoc if it does for a second time, or let her die and save the lives of millions. You must choose."

My heart pounded. Erin. "When?" I asked, fear clawing at the back of my throat.

"You'll know when the time comes. Make the choice, make it quick, make the right one. I know you will." Forest said, tipping his hat forward the slightest. "My time is running out. And so is yours. The clock is nearing midnight on the eleventh."

"What—? It's— no it's the eighth—" I stammered, my jaw tensing sharply. "How?"

"Like I said, this library holds many secrets. What you seek is close by. Get it, and then get out." Forest said, lips forming a stern line across his face.

"Okay..." I murmured. Get it, and then get out. "When will I see you again?" I thought I knew the answer. I didn't want it to be true, but I knew.

"I'll be there when you need me, Gemini. But I fear that next we speak face to face will be a far more grim time." He said. "I hope it is not soon. Good luck, Gemini, and farewell."

And the room was closing in on me, the shelves collapsing on each other and rocketing towards us, pages flying and tearing from the binding in a tornado of ink and parchment. I opened my mouth to say a goodbye, one that I hoped would reach him. But nothing came out as I was sucked into the whirlwind of stories.


I gasped.

I tumbled towards the ground, hitting something warm and soft and solid at the same time. Hands grabbed onto me, keeping me on my feet. I blinked.

"Gem oh my god where did you come from—?" Sausage had a strong grip on my forearms, keeping me standing. I winced as my staff clattered to the ground, hitting the stone brick. I thought I had lost it—?

"I don't—" I stuttered, looking behind me. It was just a bookshelf. There was no infinity room, no Forest, no dark abyss with Xornoth's thrashing figure getting pulled into shadows. Just a bookshelf. "I don't know."

"You just disappeared a moment ago." Fwhip was there too, relief flooding his eyes. "We thought you got lost. How did you get over here?" I didn't know. I ignored the question.

"Thank the holy ones you're back though." Katherine added, Bubbles still in her arms. Violet nudged the side of my face at the same time, running her scaly snout along my cheek.

"Mhm..." I exclaimed, looking around. What was the last thing that I had seen with the group?

Scott. It was Scott.

But all evidence of snow or frost or ice was completely gone from the hall. Gone.

"You all saw him too, right? I'm not going insane." I asked, looking around at the other three.

"We saw someone." Fwhip said in reply, raising an eyebrow. "Who did you see?"

I swallowed. The taste of blood was gone from my mouth. Had I even bitten my cheek—? My knees were fine, no more scrapes. "I don't know anymore." My voice came out in a quiet murmur.

Maybe I was losing it. Too long in the wilderness with too much hope and too much imagination. Or maybe...

My eyes caught sight of something on the ground just a few feet away. Something long and thin and white and grey.

I pulled myself away from Sausage's hold, taking a few steps in its direction, and kneeling down.

"What is that?" Katherine asked from behind me.

I picked up the feather, scattered with grey owl patterned streaks, turning and holding it up to Sausage's firelight. Scott's feather. He was here. I knew it.
















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