Chapter 3 || Once I was 7 years old... ||

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Nicholas Malfoy was beyond annoyed. This imbecile in front of him kept running around screaming, jumping up and down. Does he not have the manors that their mother and father thought him? He raised his chin defiantly to the loud 7 year old that was his brother. Lucas or Luke Malfoy was now currently running around the gigantic Malfoy library bugging him to play quidditch. Nicholas didn't even want to play! he wanted to stay inside wrapped in a comfortable blanket and reading a  nice book. 

His even younger brother Draco also whined and tried to drag him out to the field, now four years old and able to walk Draco loved quidditch as much as Lucas does. And with both their nagging and whining Nicholas or Nico as his mother calls him couldn't take it any longer. He desperately looked at his mother who just entered the library hearing the whining of the two. Narcissa Malfoy smiled at the sight. She loved all her sons dearly, but Nicholas was always the quite one. He didn't like to go outdoors or play quiditch as much as his brothers. He never talked much and preferred to stay in the comfort of the library 24/7 and to be honest she was worried for him.

Narcissa sat next to Nicholas who was sitting in the couch buried in pillows and books. She nudged her son and smiled at him "go on Nico you might have some fun" Nico inwardly scowled but then a plan came up in his mind that made him smirk devilishly. He placed all the books in a table and let himself be dragged by Luke and Draco to the field.

The only reason he agreed was because he wanted revenge for a little prank his brother had pulled a few days ago. And he want it bad.

------- Time Lapse ------

Nico took his place in the air as chaser with his brother. He waited patiently for  his plan to unfold and played along. After he scored five times he noticed Lucas's broom started acting up. Lucas who was trying to race his way started going the other direction.... to the direction of the lake.

Luke started to panic "hey- what?! stop!" Nico stayed back and watched with a slight grin, Draco tried to help but Luke's broom lurched forwards and then nosedived.... into the lake. Lucas came back up gasping for air, his clothes and hair all wet. Nicholas laughed and stopped in front of his brother stepping back as he jumped out the lake "so brother what have you learned today?" Lucas just glared and stood there dripping wet.

"Never ever mess with Nicholas Armand Malfoy" and with that he turned as gracefully as a seven year old could and started walking back to the manor. 

Yay finished another chapter, hopefully I would be able to publish another chapter in the weekends and I hope you like this chapter. Please enjoy it and tell me what you think!


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