Chapter 15

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I wake up to Sunny licking my face and fussypaws in the corner of the room. She was soooo lazy. I kissed Sunny letting him know I was awake and he goes to wake up Ginger.He is getting really good at climbing the ladder. I use the toilet ,brush my teeth ,and run downstairs for breakfast. Mmm, i smell blueberry pancakes. I run around the kitchen barefoot, getting them all floury. "Kimaya, I brought your slippers for a reason!" mummy says. "Sorry, I'll go get them" i run up the stairs and slip on my Unicorn Slippers. "Pacake!" Clara squeals as daddy brings her into the kitchen. "Sorry, missy but you can't have pancakes, you can have blueberry baby food tho" mummy smiles."Buberry!" Clara trys to say. Ginger comes down the stairs in her slippers. Humph, she didn't forget. Daddy gave Clara to mummy. It seemed like in the mornings Clara wanted daddy and at night she wanted mummy. "DA DEEEEE!!" she screams. "Ok, Ok" he takes her back and she giggles. "Mum, theres this new game app called Roblox, Can i PLEEEAAAASSSSEEE get it on my phone???"  lexi put on her cute face. "ME TOO!!!" I shout. "You don't have a phone" lex says. "I have an ipad!" i say. "OK AS LONG AS ITS FREE YOU ALL CAN GET IT EXCEPT CLARA OF COURSE!" Mummy shouts. We all go to our rooms and download it. I came downstairs looking through my avatar which was ugly. "Can we get robux???" ginger says. Mummy sighs and gives us her credit card number. I edited my avatar with some robux. Now it looked like me!!! I was about to get a mummy in rp (roleplay) when mummy (real one) said "put away the devices its time for breakfast". I grumble but eat anyways. Mummy said we have freetime on our device only for one hour on Sunday and Saturday. Not fair! 


Yesss, time to play on my ipad! I looked at my notifications.....1000 FRIEND REQUESTS???!?!?!?AWESOME! I accepted them all and went back to playing on brookhaven. Then I saw it. User: RonaldWeaslyLetsh8themalfoys . (He had a hideous avatar) "MOMMY, DADDY!!!" I scream really scared. Ginger hangs from her top bunk. She looks scared too. Daddy comes always. I jab my tiny finger at the screen. He looks terrified. "FRIGGIN FRICK!!!" Daddy yells. Mummy comes because daddy always says bad things when something bad happens. "Darling, it's ok...its just online." mummy says but looks worried. My username was: KimayaKittyKat. Would he be able to tell??? Would he hack me???? Nope, Instead he offered to be my father in roleplay. I obviously said no. "Hey, Kimaya i think we are in the same server!" Ginger says. "Really whats your user?" i ask. "GingerGlitter, you?" she asks. "Cute username, mine is KimayaKittyKat" i say. "WE ARE IN THE SAME SERVER!!!" ginger exclaims. 



That stupid,stupid,stupid roblox. There eyes where glued to the screen! I checked my watch. Time for lunch and there screentime was over. FINALLY! "LUNCHTIME, AND ENOUGH SCREENTIME!"I yell. I could literally hear there groans and I was downstairs! "I made salami baguette sandwiches!" i say.  I pretty much hear a stampede coming down the stairs. "Muuuum, you didn't set the table, now I have toooo..."cody complains. "Excuuuuuse me but women are not maids" lexi says. "You know what, today the boys will set the table, c'mon girls lets watch the tellie."i smile. "Lets watch rainbow girls!" "No lets watch killer" "No..."

A/N: Hey everybody! I have absolutely no idea what to write so put it down in the comments what I should write about next.....or I probably won't write. LETs GET UP TO 300 VEIWS...SEND THIS STORY TO YOUR FRIENDS! TO GET A SHOUT OUT FOLLOW AND COMMENT ON MY STORIES!

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