Judgement Day Arrives.

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When we arrived in Nashville which was late Monday afternoon. We went to the hotel and dropped off our luggage and headed to the arena where we were summoned to the office.

Mercy and I knocked and once we heard, "Come in." We opened the door and walked in and found Becky, Ashley, Rollins all gathered around the room. Hunter was seated behind his desk.
"Well this is a little foreboding." I said. "By the way Reb. Your mother says hi." Becky nearly shot to her feet until Ashley grabbed her shoulder. And motioned for her to sit down. Which surprisingly enough. She did.
Hunter then began, "Alright as I understand it there's a bit of unresolved issues between Daniel and Becky. Chief among them is a baby boy that Becky kept secret from Daniel. Not it's not my place to get involved. But you two did start a raucous last Tuesday night that disrupted activity backstage. Now as much as I'm inclined to suspend Daniel and Seth along with Becky and Sasha. I'm not going to. Instead of doing that. We're going to have a mixed tag match at TLC and I know it won't do much in terms of quashing this personal beef between you two." He looked at me and Becky. "Another thing is that. After TLC Daniel and Sasha will be drafted to Smackdown. So the quicker I get one part of this combustible mix out of Raw and away from Seth and Becky. However I can't guarantee that you will be separated at each big event. That clear?" All of us nodded. "Good. That is all."
We all left his office, Lynch and Rollins went to their locker room although Becky did shoot me a look of disappointment, as Ashley, Mercy and I headed to catering. Ashley and Andrade asked how our Thanksgiving break went.
Mercy and Ashley talked while Andrade and I just watched as our girls just talked.
"So." Ashley started, "What are your plans for the Christmas holidays?" She asked me.
"Mercy and I are going to spend the holidays with Mary Quin, her parents and cousin. Why were you two angling for a way out of a family get together or two?" I said.
They tried to hide the desperation when Ash asked, "I mean we can change our plans if you have the room?"
"Ohh we do. But please dispense with the bull." I smiled as Ashley grinned at how well I could tell she was lying. Something very few people knew about me was how well I could spot a lie. Or tell who was lying.
"Okay. Me and Andrade would like to spend Christmas with friends than with family." Ashley explained. I looked to Mercy.
"What do you think, Mercy honey?" I asked.
She smiled at Ashley and Andrade. "I think we can find the room. Besides, we won't have many visitors or boarders during Christmas." She said.
"Very true." I grinned as I wrapped my right arm around Mercy. "Well, it seems you guys have a place to go this holiday." Andrade shook my hand as Ashley got up, walked over to me and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you, Daniel." She smiled.
"Yeah. A veritable safe haven for those..." Before I could continue, Rollins and Lynch came up with smug smiles on their faces.
"Well, if it isn't Banks and Boyce. I hope you enjoy the last two weeks your on 'our' show. Because you won't be enjoying yourselves when we win the mixed tag team match at TLC."
"Do you know for sure or is that thing between you legs doing all the talking and thinking or does Becky somehow play you like the puppet you are?" I looked to Becky as I was well aware that Rollins didn't like to be called or even thought of as someone's puppet.
"I'm no one's puppet." He said angrily.
"Really." I got up and walked around to behind Ashley and Andrade. "I could have sworn that was what you were. I mean. You did beat Lesnar at Summerslam. But is that what the fans wanted or was that what Becky wanted? Hmm?" They both looked at me coldly. "Hmm. I see. Well, come on, Mercy honey. Let's let the puppet and puppet master have time to think of an explanation." I couldn't help but laugh along with Mercy as we headed down the hall to our locker room.

"Your so mean, baby." Mercy grinned.
"Well, I was in the moment.  What do you want from me?" I kissed her forehead as we entered our locker room.
"Well, if we weren't on the card tonight, I'd suggest just to leave and return to the hotel and we could order out, and possibly have some fun." She bit her lower lip and smiled as she did so.
"So, who are you against tonight?" She asked.
"As far as I know I'm supposed to go against, Lashley." I told her.
"And I think I'm supposed to go against Kairi Sane." The moment she said that a knock came to the door.
"Yes?" I asked as I opened the door.
"Slight change in plans guys." The production tech said. He handed me a card and I read it.
"Thanks." I said as I closed the door. "Well, our matches are cancelled at least yours. According to this. It will be me and you versus Lashley and Lana."
"Probably to get us ready for the mixed tag at TLC." Mercy said.
"Probably. But we're not going to lose are we, Mercy?" I grinned as did she.
"No we won't." She approached me and kissed me and after a moment or two. We got prepped for our match against Lana and Lashley.
As we were getting ready, I ran through what my plan was for Mercy during Christmas and I wanted to do something special for her.
But my focus was broken by Mercy as we were up next. "You okay, baby?" She asked wrapping her arms around my left.
"Yeah. Just running through a few ideas for Christmas break." I smiled at her.
"We'll be fine, baby. Let's focus on the match, then after we can focus on each other." She grinned.
"Mmmm. Can't wait, Mercy honey." I smiled as I kissed her as we arrived at the gorilla.
My music hit and me and Sasha headed out to the ring where Lana and Lashley were waiting.

35 minutes into the match, Sasha and I have kept each other fresh with frequent tags throughout the match and even though Lashley and Lana did get a few shots in and made a great effort but after I performed a Tiger Suplex on Lashley and was in the corner near Sasha setting him up for a superkick but I noticed Lynch and Rollins coming down the ramp. Smirking like they had already won the mixed tag match Hunter set up for TLC earlier this evening.
All their presence did was make me put more power into my superkick and when Lashley got up. I nearly kicked his head clean off his shoulders. Which froze Lana in place as I went for the pin and got the victory for Mercy and I.
But it wasn't just Lana I shocked to a standstill. Sasha pointed to Becky and Seth and I noticed that they had wide eyes and wide open mouths from the shock of the impact from the superkick I performed on Lashley. I laughed at the shocked expressions on their faces and rolled out of the ring. Sasha and I headed to the back, even walked past Becky and Rollins. We headed to the trainers office and got checked out then returned to our locker room and got changed into some clean casuals.

We sat on the sofa in our locker room, we watched the rest of the nights Raw and since we were sure we would face Ashley and Andrade next week or face Seth and Becky as a sneak peek at our match at TLC. And if it was the latter then Mercy and I would definitely give them a taste of what to expect at TLC. You can count on it not being a friendly match. Or anything remotely civil in nature. At TLC. It was most definitely going to be a war.

After Raw went off the air, Mercy and I grabbed our arena bags and headed to the hotel with Andrade and Ashley riding with us. We just hung out with them in the hotel restaurant and just chatted about the coming Christmas holiday. "So, what should we expect for Christmas break you guys?" Ashley asked.
"Well," I started. "Since the house will be almost bursting at the seems. I would say just expect to have some fun with friends and family. Mostly friends." Mercy elbowed me in the ribs causing Ashley and Andrade to laugh. "But seriously it will be a fun time with Mercy's family, Rebecca's mom is coming from Ireland to spend the holidays and I can't wait to see her again."
"That's right, Mary and you got along really well." Ashley said.
"Yep. And when Rebecca stopped talking to me and broke up with me that way. Mary wasn't all that happy with her daughter." I added.
"Well," Ashley started, "I heard through the grapevine that since Seth lost his Universal Championship at Crown Jewel, he's been trying to live vicariously through Becky's reign as Raw Women's Champion."
"Yeah. That does sound like him alright." I said sorrowfully. "If he can't have a title. Then he can mooch off of Becky's success."
"You want to know what the best part is?" Ashley asked.
"Do I want to know?" I asked in response.
I could tell that Ash was close to bursting. "The best part is. That she's growing tired of his lazy ass and that she regrets leaving you for him."
"Well, that would certainly explain the look of disappointment she had on her face after we left Hunters office, and I feel sorry for her, Ashley. I really do. But I'm with Mercy now. Rebecca had her chance." I reminded her.
"Baby." Mercy started. "Maybe you can be friends with her."
"Now don't you be going soft on me now." I chuckled.
"Listen. I'm not really going to trust her either. But it sounds like she may need an outlet or someone to listen to her troubles." I looked at Mercy and Ashley. Then over my shoulder and saw Rollins and Lynch.
"I'm not going to lie. It would be nice to be there for Becky. But until she actually comes out and says she needs some help or needs someone to talk to. I'm staying out of any squabble they have." I told them honestly. Not two seconds after I said that. We heard...
"Shut it Kolby. You have done nothing but ride ride my coat tails since you lost your title to the Fiend at Crown Jewel." Seth tried to reign in Rebecca's anger and growing in volume yelling. Which from my experience was a futile thing to even try and do. She looked at our table and saw me staring along with Andrade, Ashley, and Mercy. I don't know what it was. But I had a feeling that I'd get a call from her sometime that night.
Pretty soon she left Rollins in the hotel restaurant alone and just left.
I turned back around and Ashley and Mercy could tell that I had a gut feeling about something. "Oh I know that look." Mercy said.
I looked at my girl and smiled as I slid my hand over hers. She clutched my hand in hers tightly. "Not to sound hokey." I grinned as did she and Ashley. "But, do you trust me?" I asked Mercy.
"Of course I do." She smiled. I leaned over and kissed her.
"Well the reason I ask that is because I'm not sure how, but I have a gut feeling..." I started.
"That Becky is going to call you tonight some time." Mercy finished for me.
"Yeah." I replied nervously.
"Baby." I looked to Mercy. "I do trust you. And I always will. And I believe that if she calls you and asks for help. You being the man I know you are. Will give her any help she needs. A shoulder, an ear. But I know you won't fall for her again or do anything to jeopardise our relationship. Our love." She smiled. " And as long as you remember that you are mine and I'm yours and remind Becky of that. I'll be happy."
After dinner, Ashley and Andrade headed to their hotel room and Mercy and I just went for a walk around the local park before heading up to our hotel room. "Mmm. Nice night. Cold. But nice." I joked making Mercy smile and laugh.
"Ohh, what am I going to do with you?" She asked as she giggled.
"Oh, I don't know. Break up with me?" She shook her head as we laughed at my little joke. "Hmm, you can move in with..."
"Already done that baby." She giggled.
"Oh yeah." I smiled. "Well, I can think of a few things. Some we can do tonight, the other will have to wait until Christmas or New Year's." I looked to Mercy and leaned down and kissed my girl. We soon made our way to our hotel room and for the next few hours had a real hot, steamy and passionate round or two that ended on the sitting room floor of our hotel room. Mercy was grinning as she gently glided her hand over my chest  and she looked up at me with a smile. I returned the smile as she slid up until her lips nearly touched mine. "I love you, Mercy honey."
She smiled as she kissed me and said, "And I love you too, Dani baby." She kissed me once more as she rested her head on my left shoulder.
"Mercy?" I asked.
"Hmm?" She replied.
"What would say if I asked Becky to join us on Christmas break?" She lifted her head up and looked at me.
"I think it would be great. But there is the glaring fact that Mary will be there."  She reminded me.
"Well. To be honest. They really need to reconcile or reconnect." I said. "But first, I would like to wait and..." My phone went off and Mercy reached over to the pile of clothes, reached into my jeans pocket, pulled my phone and checked the screen.
"It's Becky." She twiddled the phone between her right hands middle finger and thumb. Then answered it, "Daniel's phone? Sure. Yeah, hold on." She held her hand over the mic of the phone. "She sounds really freaked baby. So be careful."
"Thanks Mercy honey. Becks?" Mercy got up and ruffled my hair as she went into the bedroom. "Whoa slow down. Where are you?" I looked to Mercy who had a confused look on her face as she was getting ready for bed. "What the hell are you doing, you know what. We'll discuss this when  I get there, but I'm coming to get you now. Hold tight." I hung up, got up and looked to Mercy.
"What's up?" Mercy asked.
"Becky's in the hospital." I told her.
"Why? Something go down between her and Rollins?" She asked.
"Not sure, aside from the blowup we saw. But apparently she wants me to come get her. So. For tonight. We're going to have a guest in our hotel room. But I'm not going to ask about what happened until I get there." I said while getting ready to head out and get Becky from the hospital. "I'll be back in a while Mercy honey." She smiled as she kissed me.
"Be careful." She grinned as did I as I headed out for the hospital.

When I arrived at Nashville General, I approached the front desk. "Excuse me. Can either of you ladies tell me which room a Rebecca Quin is in. A doctor then touched my shoulder.
"Are you her boyfriend?" He asked.
"No. Just a friend." I told him.
"Follow me." And I did. He explained that Becky was involved in a dispute at a bar that turned violent in a hurry and was given the choice once she was brought to the hospital to either call a friend, or boyfriend to come get her. Or go to jail for a couple nights. I'm sure you can figure out which choice she made.
"Anything wrong or that I need to know, doc?" I asked.
"She will have quite the hangover in the morning. And she'll have a couple bruised ribs and jaw for a day or two." We stood outside her room. "All in all. She's lucky to have friends who care."
"Thanks doc." He left me at the door to her room and I walked in. Becky looked at me with redness around her eyes. "Ooh, Reb. I wish I could say that I didn't see this coming but I somehow did." She stood up and carefully walked over to me. "I know you don't want to answer this question but I have to ask. Why call me instead of Rollins?"
"Things aren't going well between me and Seth." She said.
"Really. Last time I saw you together before that argument in the hotel restaurant tonight. You seemed pretty happy together."
"Looks can be deceiving. Thing is, I'm sure you heard me point out when I blew up at him earlier this evening mention him losing his Universal Championship."
I nodded, "He lost it to the Fiend at Crown Jewel right?" She nodded.
"Yeah. And ever since then he's been living off my fame and my title reign, not to mention he's been obsessing about getting another title of his own. He's been obsessed about it so much that he hasn't touched me in weeks." I looked at Becky and just studied her facial expressions and even looked for little micro-expressions, anything that would tell me if she was lying or even close to it. I found no indication that she was lying.
I sighed and said, "I wish I could do something about it Becks. But I'm with Mercy now."
"I know. I see how happy you make her. And I remember being that happy myself, with you. Then my ego got in the way and I just cut you out of my life and started dating Seth. Don't tell my mother this.  But she was right. I did make a mistake when I stopped talking to you. Thereby letting you go. I do regret that. But you have Mercedes and you seem like your old self." She smiled albeit hesitantly bordering on begrudgingly. "I hate to admit it, but Mercy is perfect for you." I looked at her wondering what happened to the woman who was pissed I came back.
"Who are you and what have you done to Becky Lynch?" I asked making her giggle.
"Daniel. I really think. As much as it pains me to say this, I think that you and her make a beautiful if not cute couple."
"Well. I was going to wait. But, I cleared it with Mercy. And I would like to invite you to our new home for Christmas." Becky grinned. "However,  I should warn you that your mom will be there. Along with Mercy's family, Ashley and Andrade, Bayley will possibly be there as well. A rather impromptu Four Horsewomen Christmas reunion." Becky grinned at the prospect of spending the holidays with Mercy and me. Her mom was going to be a real tough customer if she saw Becky. But I was working on a plan to take the bend out of both their hooks and crowbars. Becky's and Mary's. "There's only one rule. A couple actually. First. No Rollins. No talking about him or thinking about him. Period. Second. Absolutely no hostility towards each other that goes double on hatred. Don't need it during the holidays."
"That sounds doable." She smiled. As did I. "Oh, I didn't answer your question about why I called you instead of my soon to be ex boyfriend Rollins."
"Thinking about dumping him, finally."
She chuckled. "Yeah."
"And what was your reason for calling me?" I asked her.
"I knew you would not leave me alone. Like I did you. Seth only cares about himself. While you. You care about others before yourself. Always loved that about you. Your compassion for others."
"Well, we've bent each other's ears enough. Ready to go?" She slid into my arms and hugged me tightly.
"I'm sorry for everything Dan."
I returned her hug and said, "Becks. I made peace with the fact you dropped me for Seth, and I know that I'll eventually be okay with you not telling me about our son." She grinned as she looked up at me. "And if your being honest about breaking up with Rollins..."
"Ahh. You have a plan." She said smiling at my evil grin.
"Yep and it's a doozie."I then pulled away from her and said, "We better go or they'll think we want to stay here."
We headed to my rental car and then to the hotel. Once inside the hotel room, Mercy ran up and hugged Becky. Which surprised me and shocked Becky. I tried to stifle a laugh as Mercy pulled away from Becky.
"You okay?" Mercy asked.
Becky nodded." She's fine Mercy honey. She just got into a fight in a local bar that turned violent pretty quick and when the paramedics and police arrived at the scene. They gave her a choice. Either call a friend or call her boyfriend or spend a couple nights in jail." I told her.
"Yeah. I called Daniel because I knew he wouldn't let me stay a couple nights in a jail cell. Even just to sober up." Becky smiled at me along with Mercy.
"It was really tempting considering the heartache you caused me." I snickered.
"Baby." Mercy scolded.
"It's okay Mercedes. I understand that even though he's made peace with the fact I stupidly left him for Seth. There will be residual hatred or bad feelings between us for a while." Becky said.
"I'd really like to know." Mercy and Becky looked at me. "I know I'm beating a dead horse here. But why didn't you at least call and tell me that we had a son together and more over that you lost it."
"Well, aside from the fact nobody knew where you were or where to find you. I was scared." She looked to the ground.
"Of me?" I asked. She nodded. "Why?"
"Because I was afraid that you'd blame me for losing the baby." I bobbed my head once in understanding her point. She wasn't the only one in our relationship back when we were dating that had a bad temper.
"Good point." I glided my tongue between the in between my bottom lip and teeth. "Was there anything that was holding you back aside from that Becks?"
Mercy looked attentively at Becky as she and I waited for the Man to answer. Becky shook her head slowly and said, "Seth. I was afraid if I told you he'd think I was trying to get back with you."
"Why should it matter to him? It wasn't his and your baby you lost. It was ours. Yours and mine." Then a thought crossed my mind. "Becky." She looked at me. "Did anyone know you were pregnant? Aside from you obviously."
"Well, mom. Ashley, and..." I slowly approached her as she her face turned from a look of deep thought to one of horror. "Seth." Mercy looked at me and even though I wanted to tear the Architect apart. It had to wait until either morning, the next live event or TLC.
"Can you tell me what happened the day you lost Robert?" I asked her. Mercy sat her down on the hotel rooms sofa and we both sat on either side of her. Mercy on her right and me on her left. She told me that she was at the gym with Seth getting ready for a match at last years TLC and she noticed that Seth was hitting her harder and harder, claiming that it was to prepare her for the triple threat ladder match at TLC between her, Asuka and Charlotte. I didn't believe it for a second. When she felt a pain in her stomach a couple days later... She tried to shake it off and ignore the pain of it. Thinking it was just indigestion caused by the pregnancy. When she started to cry, Mercy gripped her right hand and I grabbed and held her left trying to reassure her as she continued telling us the story, "Then it just got so bad that I had Seth drive me to the local hospital and it was an hour later they cut out our little boy," She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Our little Robert out of me and let me hold our little boy."
I stifled a sob as I asked, "What happened next?"
"Umm, I called mom and gave her the news that I lost the baby and even told her the name of the baby. She didn't answer of course as she didn't like the fact I left you for Seth. I didn't tell anyone else. When Ashley found out. I swore her to secrecy but. I should have had her tell you in case I couldn't do it myself." Mercy got up and sat to my left as I could hardly contain the tears coming from my eyes. "He was a beautiful baby, Dani. He had your jaw,  and my red hair." I smiled at that.
"So he was going to literally be the perfect boy huh?" Mercy and Becky scoffed and gently chuckled at my attempt at levity.
"He most certainly would have been." Becky smiled as she hugged me followed by Mercy doing the same. After a moment or two, we pulled away from each other, Mercy and I got up from the couch and said our good nights and see you in the mornings to Becky as she moved around the pillows on the couch, and used her jacket as a blanket only for Mercy to snag one from the bedroom.
"Okay, well. You get some rest Becks. And I'll tell  you my plan to help you break up with Rollins in the morning."  She smiled as I kissed her forehead. Mercy grinned as we just watched Becky lay back and almost instantly fall asleep.

When me and Mercy got into bed, she looked at me and asked, "You okay baby?"
"Yeah. I will be in time." I told her as I leaned over and kissed her, and laid on my back as she smiled as she turned off the light and rested her head on my chest.
"I'm so proud of you." She cooed.
"For what?" I asked.
"For not leaving Becky at the hospital, although I'm sure it was tempting to just let her stew for a couple days in a jail cell." She and I giggled at her comment. "But then you would be beating yourself up over it later."
"Yeah. Well, I'm just hoping she'll be okay and that she'll actually ask for help when she needs it not because there's no other choice." I replied.
"I'm sure she will baby. We both have known her to be fiercely independent and bull headed at times. Just like you were before you left. But you came back and now your more even tempered, at times." I gently tickled her ribs a bit which made her snicker. "You may look different on the outside now. But your still the caring, gentle, sweet guy we all know and love on the inside." She lifted her head off my chest and leaned up as I leaned down and she kissed me.
"Speaking of caring, Mercy. Why did you hug Becky when we came into the room? I ask because you two weren't really on speaking terms since your return much less before I came back." I pointed out.
"Well, when I heard that she was in the hospital from you before you left. I kind of decided a temporary cease fire was in order between me and Becky." I nodded.
"Okay. Just so you know. She knows I'm yours now. And she also understands that she had her chance with me." Mercy smiled as I repeated what Becks said at the hospital.
"Good. Just as long as she understands that your mine. I'm happy." I kissed the top of Mercy's head and we soon closed our eyes and said, "Goodnight, Mercy honey."
"Goodnight, Dani baby." She fell right to sleep and I followed suit with some difficulty not long after.

The next morning, I woke up before Mercy and smiled as she was laying on her side facing away from me. I leaned over and kissed her right cheek, which made her smile in her sleep. I got up, changed from my sleepwear and into casuals. Then went into the sitting room of the hotel room and found Becky on her phone reading news reports. I crept up behind her and she smiled as I said, "Morning, Becks."
"Morning, Daniel. Thanks for letting me crash here tonight." She slid her legs off the couch and I sat next to her.
"No problem. Sleep well?" I asked. She nodded. "Good."
"You?" I nodded then moved my head in a side to side motion. "So so huh?"
"Yeah. Not the first time that's happened. And I'm sure it won't be the last."
"Daniel. I just wanted to remind you as to how sorry I am about leaving you for Seth and definitely for not telling you about our son." She wrapped my left hand in both of her hands.
"Becks. I told you last night that I made peace albeit begrudgingly with the fact that you left me for Seth. And I'll make peace eventually for you not telling me about our son. So for now. Consider us in a cease fire of sorts." I smiled as she hugged me.
"Thank you, Daniel." She grinned.
"However, breaking the news to your mom that we made peace is going to be quite the task at Mercy and I's place at Christmas time."
Becky chucked, "Very true. Why don't we call her now?"
"You sure you want to do that?" I asked her.
"Might as well. If anything just to get it out of the way before Christmas."
"Good point." I nodded. I pulled Mary's number on my phone and before I could press call.
"Morning, guys." Mercy tiredly said.
"Morning, Honey." I smiled.
"Morning, Mercedes." Becky grinned as Mercy came over to us and sat at my left.
"What you doing?" She asked.
"We're about to call Mary Quin and tell her the good news. That Becky will be joining us for Christmas."
"Okay. Well. Go on." She urged and I kissed Mercy's cheek before pressing the call button.
It rang a couple times before Mary answered, 'Hey, Daniel. I'm looking forward to seeing your new home.'
"Thank you, Mary. Hey, listen. Mercy and I have something to tell you." I started only to be interrupted by Mary.
'Your going to have a baby?' She guessed.
"No. Nothing quite as groundbreaking." I chuckled as did Mercy and Becky.
'Your getting married?' She asked.
"No not until I take care of a few things required for that." I tried my best not to burst out laughing.
'I give up. What is it?' She asked still full of excitement.
"Becky and me along with Mercy have uh, declared a cease fire or have agreed to a peace treaty." I told her.
'Really?' She asked.
"Yes, Mary. Really. She's sitting right here next to me and Mercy." I nodded to Becky.
"Hey, mom." She said nervously.
'Hey, Rebecca. So I take it that you and that Kolby are on the outs finally.' I nearly burst out laughing as Mary was close to the truth.
"Not yet, mom. But after TLC in a week and six days. We'll be no longer dating." Becky smiled.
'And I take it Daniel has a plan to help?'
"Yes, mom."
'Good. Well, I'm glad you two are actually talking at least. You and Daniel. Not you and that walking monument to pomeade.' We all nearly belted out a good laugh at that.
"Yes, mom. And I  won't ruin the relationship between him and Mercy." Becky smiled at us as she said that.
'Okay. Good. I'd really hate to have another reason to hate you for another few years. Now I'll be seeing you at Daniels for Christmas. And you take care of yourself.' Mary happily said.
"Yes, mom. I will." Becky blushed.
'And Daniel.' Mary called out.
"Yes, Mary?" I answered.
'You take care of Mercy and Rebecca.' I smiled as I looked at Mercy and Becky.
"No trouble with that, Mary. See you at my place." I grinned.
'See you for Christmas, bye you three.' She hung up and I put my phone in my pocket.
"Glad you got it done, Becks?" I asked her. She nodded.
"Well, that eliminates the dark cloud that would have been hanging over our place during Christmas break." Mercy giggled.
"Very true." Becky and I said in unison. Mercy hugged me tightly.
"That was so cute you guys." She smiled.
"Well, it would seem that. The animosity between us Becks is gone." I said looking in her eyes. "And to be honest I'm pleased as punch that it is." I extended my hand.
"As strange as it may sound, I am too. I've missed talking to you, Dan." She smiled as she took my hand and shook it.
"He's missed talking to you too." Mercy said making Rebecca smile. And I wrapped my left arm  around Mercy.
"Yeah. It's true. I have." I agreed.
Becky smiled and asked. "Well, what's the plan you came up with to help me with Seth."
"So glad you asked." I smiled as I laid out my plan that would help Becky with Rollins.
The more I talked about it. The more Becky and Mercy smiled.

We put the plan into action a week before TLC.
Mercy and I had a big 'fight' in catering. We screamed so loud the crowd in the arena could probably hear us. Then a big fight broke out between Lynch and Banks. Mostly about who will win the mixed tag team match at TLC. They even made a bet. The plan was going real well. And the night before TLC, Mercy and I went out to dinner and had a grand time just talking and laughing. We went for a walk around Minneapolis, Minnesota and returned to the hotel and had the wildest round we've ever had.
When it was all over, Mercy was laying on top with her back to me and I gently slid a blanket over us and held her tightly against me and she sighed completely relaxed and content. "Tomorrow nights the big night baby. Are you ready for the final act." She asked smiling form ear to ear.
"Mercy honey. Some men are born great, others achieve greatness. And there are some who have greatness thrust upon them. And tomorrow night. Your man will be one of the people who had the rare opportunity to put one over on Rollins' egotistical ass." I smiled as did she. "I'm most definitely ready for the final act." I kissed her forehead and just rested my head on the pillow and along with Mercy, fell fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning to Mercy's smiling face, which made me smile as well. "Morning, baby."
I yawned and replied, "Morning Mercy honey." We kissed each other and she slid out of bed and out from under the blanket we were under. She looked so perfect in all her glory, I grinned as I watched her slowly walk to the bathroom swaying her hips as she went and halfway to it she looked back at me. "Care to join me for a shower baby?"
I chuckled and said, "Not at all Mercy honey." I got out of bed and joined her in the bathroom and she started the shower and turned to me and kissed me.
"You know. I'm one lucky girl. I have a man who loves me, friends who care about me. And hopefully by summertime next year. I'll have a new husband and possibly have a baby or two." She smiled.
"Is that a wish or a hope?" I asked. She grinned at my question.
"A little of both." She grinned.
"Well, if Christmas break goes well. You just might get your wish." I kissed her and continued, "But I like to think I'm a lucky guy as well. I mean, I came back to drive my ex nuts in masked hopes of getting the girl I remember back. Only to still drive my ex nuts and find another girl to replace the one I lost years ago. And I have not regretted a moment of it. Nor will I ever," I kissed her forehead. "Regret having you." I kissed her cheek. "As my girl." She smiled as I kissed her lips. "You my dear Mercy. Are the love of my life. And it's thanks to you and Ash that I found out about Becky's secret and and I was able to at least make peace with the fact she kept our son secret from me. However, I'm really proud of the fact that we were able to strike a peace treaty with Becky."
"I like that too baby. And the mere fact she's coming to our home for Christmas break is wonderful. Not to mention she will be able to talk with her mother face to face is an unbelievable feat. And it's all because of you." She giggled as she ran her hands through my hair. "But if anything else. I'm glad you came back to WWE and that we decided to try and be a couple. And as you said, if Christmas  break goes well I'll get my wish and I hope it does so  I can get my wish." I smiled at her and she slid her right hand behind my head and pulled me in for a long passionate kiss. And when we pulled away we got in the shower and washed each other off and dried ourselves off and got ready for TLC.

When we arrived at the arena for TLC, we headed to catering after dropping off our arena bags at our locker room. Ashley and Andrade sat next to us along with Pamela. We talked about the upcoming matches between Carmella against Bayley, Charlotte against Sarah Logan. But the match that was talked about most was the mixed tag match between me and Sasha against Lynch and Rollins. Halfway through our conversation with Pamela, Andrade and Ashley Becky and Seth walked by our table but Ash and Pam noticed Becky smile at Sasha and I as she passed. Ashley was the first to speak up. "Okay what's going on guys?" She asked.
"We're not going to say anything. All we will say is that Rollins is going to feel what I felt when Becky broke my heart years ago. The only thing is, Becky won't be coming back to me." I told Ashley much to the surprise of her, Pam and Andrade.

When TLC came on the air, Mercy and I went to our locker room, got dressed for our match and sat on the sofa in our locker room. Well, I sat on the sofa and Mercy sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms round Mercy's waist and she wrapped hers around my neck as we waited for our match to come up. Bayley won her match against Carmella. Charlotte won her match against Sarah Logan. Even though Sarah gave her one hell of a fight.
When it was time for our match against Lynch and Rollins. We got up and headed to the gorilla and I was impressed by her attire for the night. She wore an old west style buck skin and buffalo hide jacket with fringe along with aged wood colored top and bottoms with salloon sign red mixed in. She arranged for the attire for TLC and our match against Lynch and Rollins a week ago. And I was shocked beyond reason as to how beautiful and alluring my Mercy was in the attire.
When we reached the gorilla, Rollins and Lynch were already in the ring and Mercy and I put on the finishing touches to our attire for the night. Mine was a neon cowboy hat and she also put on a cowboy hat along with her LEGIT BOSS shades. Before our music hit the speakers she looked at me and asked, "How do I look baby?"
" Absolutely intoxicating, honey." I leaned down and kissed her and she held her hat so it wouldn't fall off as we kissed. When her music hit we headed out to the ring.
Sasha and Becky started the match as Rollins and I stood on the apron in our respective corners.

Thirty six minutes into the match. Sasha and Becky had traded control of the match and when Sasha tagged me in I leapt over the top rope and ran at Rollins and decked him off the apron and celebrated as he got up and slid into the ring I started delivering a barrage of lefts and rights. each one more sharp and bone shattering on impact. He soon headbutted me and I reeled into the corner to Sasha's left. He then fell to his knees and made a mad crawl to his corner and found no Becky. He looked to the ringside and found her looking at him with a piercingly angry stare. 'What are you doing?' He asked.
'Making up for a mistake I made years ago.' She told him. He argued with her a bit while I 'struck up the band'. When he stood up and looked to me only to get my size 12 and a half right on the chin which made him spin around and fall to the mat. I smiled as I walked over to Sasha and kissed her. 'What do you think, honey? Add insult to injury or go for the pin?'
Sasha smiled as she looked to Becky who walked over to our corner and she grinned and looked at me. 'I'd say insult to injury baby.' I turned around and stomped my foot twice and ran up and delivered my own Curb Stomp to Rollins and pinned him for the three count victory for me and Sasha. Sasha got in the ring and leapt into my arms and I smiled as we celebrated. Becky came into the ring with a mic and approached the unconscious Rollins.
"Seth. You have done nothing since you lost the Universal Championship to the Fiend at Crown Jewel back in October. Is ride my coat tails. And I've had enough." She kicked him in the gut. "I made the mistake of leaving a great guy like Daniel for you. I just didn't know that you were a mooch until you lost your title and started living off my success as Raw Women's Champion." She took off the engagement ring he gave her during a vacation they had in September. And threw it at him. "I don't want anything to do with you. Anymore." She walked over to us and handed me the mic. Sasha patted her on the back as I approached Seth.
"Well, it seems like karma finally came to collect on your ass Rollins. What would have made this moment even more perfect would be if you still had the Universal Championship and it was on the line. But I'm happy that Becky has seen 'for lack of a better term' the light as it were as to how you really operate. And what happened to you couldn't have happened to a better scum sucking, ass kissing, jackass like you." I looked back to Becky as she approached me along with Sasha. I crouched down as I continued, "She's free of you." I said pointing to Becky. "And if you ever try and bully her in any way. What happened to you tonight. Will feel like a vacation compared to what will happen if you get anywhere near, as of, twenty seconds ago, your ex fiancee. I'll take great pleasure in beating the ever loving shit out of you." I stood up straight and lifted me left foot and sad, "Say goodnight, Gracie." And kicked him in the face knocking him out. Once he was out cold me, Becky and Sasha headed to the back.

When we reached the back, Becky walked up to me and hugged me. "Thank you, Daniel. You too, Mercedes." She smiled as she pulled away.
"It was our pleasure, Becks." Mercy grinned as she slid her right arm around my waist.
Then Hunter came up, "What was that?" He asked.
"Would you believe Karma?" I asked. Making Mercy and Becky laugh.
"Well, since Rollins and Lynch are over. That means that we have no 'it' couple for Raw." He complained.
"Really. How about Andrade and Ashley. Or does the all powerfull Game answer to his diluted and senile father-in-law still." He got really angry when I said that. "So as far as I know Hunter. You still have a possible 'it' couple for Raw in Andrade and Ashley. While Sasha and I will be the 'it' couple for Smackdown. starting from when we all come back from Christmas break. And if I hear that Becky is hurt by Rollins. At all. After I get done dealing with him. I'll be coming after you. And I'll show you what a real hunter looks like." He swallowed hard as Becky, Sasha and I headed to her locker room to get some stuff for her to change into and her arena bags and led her to our locker room where she changed in the shower area as Mercy and I changed in the main room of the locker room. Once we were all ready to go, we went to my rental and got in then made our way to the hotel after making a pit stop at a fast food place for something to eat.
Once at the hotel, Mercy and I escorted Becks to her hotel room, so she could get her stuff and helped her carry it to our hotel room where she bunked on the couch for the night. We ate our burgers and fries and drank our soft drinks and tossed the empty containers and cups into the trash and headed to bed. But Becky grabbed my arm and I sat on her right side and Mercy grinned as she observed from the doorway leading into the bedroom.
"Daniel." She started. "I just want to say how thankful I am to you and Mercedes for helping me with my Rollins problem. And I want to reiterate how sorry I am for choosing him over you years ago." I patted her right shoulder.
"Becks. I'm your friend. I think I always have been. Deep seething hatred aside." She slapped my right arm as she chuckled. "But we recently rekindled our friendship. What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't help you out of a toxic relationship. Besides. It was gratifying to stomp Rollins' head in." I snickered. "As for you leaving me for him. I got over it. And you will someday forgive yourself for doing it." I smiled as did she. "I'm not perfect. Neither are you. But as long as we learn from our mistakes. We'll be fine." Becky grinned. "Understand?" She nodded. "Good. Now. You go to sleep we have a long week ahead before Christmas break."
"Okay, Dan." She turned on her side and I pulled the blanket over her and patted her shoulder one more time.
"Sweet dreams, Rebecca." I walked over to Mercy and kissed her lips as we headed to bed ourselves.
"That was sweet, baby." She grinned.
"Thank you, Mercy honey." I replied with a smile. "You know I'm glad she and I are friends again."
"I know. And it's going to be a fun Christmas break with her, Ashley, Andrade, her mom, and my family in our home." She giggled we changed for bed.
"Yeah. It will be interesting. That's for sure." I smiled as we got into bed and turned off the lights and cuddled up under the blankets. "I love you, Mercy honey." I kissed her forehead.
"And I love you, Dani baby." She kissed my cheek. We rested our heads on the pillows and drifted off to sleep.

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