Chapter 1. Awake.

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Darkness. That's all I see. It's been a long time since I was put in cryo. I was supposed to lose my consciousness but alas, something has failed. I've been all alone for days, weeks, months even. I don't really know. Time means nothing to me anymore. The only thing I can have is Hope. One day, they'll get me out of here. Right?

Strange. I hear... a voice. I can't make out what they're saying. They finally came to get me? Or maybe our enemies? To be honest I'd take any of the two, even if one could lead to destruction. Call me selfish but I want to live once more, not stay like this.


That voice... I recognise it. My beloved assistant. Amiya. Is she here? Then Rhodes Island did launch an operation to save me. Why? I thought they could handle things on their own. Maybe I overestimated them. They need me. She needs me.

Amiya:"Circualtion resumed... vitals stabilised... cardioplegia solution injected. Body temperature low. Administrating Hexamethasone 20 c.c, now."

As soon as she injected that dose I could finally hear my breathing. The familiar beeping of an electrocardiogram. My heart beats at a normal rate. I'm stable.

Amiya:"Get the hemostat! Conditions stable... beginning resection... be careful of VFib."

She has followed my steps. Amiya has always been very smart. Oh, how proud you make me kid.

My heart starts to beat very rapidly.

Amiya:"...Sorry... For making you suffer again."

It's okay. Anything's better than this torture.

After she said those words my vision was regained. I could see her for a second. She asked for my hand and I managed to hold hers. However, my mind was exhausted for being awake for so long. After making a small movement I closed my eyes and truly fell unconscious. It felt like a dream...

Just barely a minute later I was awake. They injected me with something. Adrenaline perhaps. I opened my eyes to see a Medic. It's been so long I thought all this time it was Amiya trying to reanimate me when in reality it was someone else.

Medic:"Are you awake?"

I nodded, making her widen her eyes in response. She turned around with happiness and looked at Amiya who was looking through a window, making sure we're safe. You've grown so much...

Medic:"Amiya, it's a success! The Doctor has woken up!"

She turned around and we looked at each other's eyes. Well, she was staring at my mask's visor but I was looking at her eyes. Slowly, Amiya approached me. She then stood next to me.


Y/N:"I'm here."

As soon as I talked she lunged at me, hugging me with all her strength. After what seems like months of being in a comatose state, getting hugged by someone is rather hurtful yet pleasant at the same time. I slowly moved my hand and placed it on my back to try and return the hug. It hurts to move.

Medic:"C-Careful! You mustn't do that... Don't try to move yet. Your body still hasn't fully adapted to this yet."

Amiya:"Do you... do you remember me?"

Y/N:"Of course. My beloved assistant. I could never forget you."

A look of confusion striked the Medic who looked at some notes. Amiya seems surprised, almost as if hearing I remember her was something unexpected. She hugged back and shed some tears.

It's true however my mind seems... clouded. Some of my memories are foggy. Faces are erased, names are unintelligible and some events are blurry to the point I cannot know what happened. However, I do remember Amiya and some of my operators.

Amiya:"I'm so, so happy... You're back and you do remember... However, I must follow protocol. You understand, do you?"

Y/N:"Of course. Continue."

Amiya:"I'll begin then. I'm Amiya and I'm your assistant. We came here to rescue you. You're a member of Rhodes Island just like us and my partner, Amelia."

She turned around and gave me a happy wave. I nodded at her as a way to thank her.

Amelia:"The Doctor seems to be okay, although I see unknown activity in his brain. His memory could been altered or locked in some ways. It's impossible to know what does he actually remember."

Amiya:"You're the most important person to me. You do remember that, right?"

Y/N:"Of course I do. The day I took you in, your first birthday... and even the coat your wearing."

Amiya:*Smiles* "My first gift."

As soon as that smile appeared it changed into a sad expression.

Amiya:"I don't know how to put this but so many things have changed. That includes me as well. However, you are the most important person to me Doctor. No matter what happens, this will never change."

While Amiya talks I looked at my surroundings. I don't recognise this place. They must've recovered my body and moved me from where I was left. It looks like we're in an operation room. Everything was in ruins. Part of the ceiling was broken, letting us see the white sky. Lights flicker, rubble and dust all around the place... almost like a battlefield. There's more people in the room. Guards, all of them. They must be Amiya's escort.

Y/N:"Where are we?"

Amiya:"It's okay Doctor, we're safe- huh?"

Suddenly, an explosion was heard downstairs. The shockwave made everything shake. The stretcher I was in fell to the ground and by extension, me. I rolled, unable to move. Amiya was about to run towards me until a Guard crouched near me to check my condition. A man came into the room, very shaken. Another Guard.

Guard:"Amiya, we've got a problem! Someone broke into the facility!"

We heard footsteps approaching us, fast. Amiya ordered everyone to take cover. The Guard tending to my wounds dragged me behind the stretcher to put me in safety. Amelia quickly rushed to me to address my condition further.

A man entered the room. His clothes, his mask... I don't know who they are.

He had a crossbow and saw Amelia's animal ears. He fired at her, trying to kill her. I grabbed her shoulder and forced her to crouch, saving her life.


Before he could reload Amiya got out of cover and threw a wave of Art magic piercing his chest and killing him. Various Guards approached the dead body while others went outside to secure the hallway.

Guard:"The way they're dressed... they don't look like Ursus soldiers!"

Amiya:"These outfits... are they from the Reunion Movement? But that is not possible..."

Y/N:"Reunion? Amiya, who are these people?"

Amiya:"I'll explain later. As I said, many things have changed Doctor." *To the troops* "Guards, prepare for battle!"

Rhodes Island Guards:"Yes ma'am!"

Guard:"Curses... are they after the Doctor?!"

Amiya:"No. Nobody else should know the Doctor is here. Damian, can you reach Kal'tsit?"

The Guard, Damian shook his head.

Damian:"I don't know why, but the equipment isn't working!"

Amiya:"...someone has cut off our communications. Have we been discovered by the Ursus government?"

Damian:"What do we do now?"

Amiya:"Kal'tsit won't be able to command the battle as we have originally planned. Dr. Y/N... I hope that you'll be able to take command."

Amelia:"Isn't that a bit too risky? The Doctor only just came to..."

Y/N:"I'm okay. Connection to PRTS should be impossible. Do we have access to drones?"

Amiya:"Yes, we have some with our squad to make sure Dr. Kal'tsit could command us properly."

Y/N:"Let me see."

I stretched my hand to her, prompting her to give me a phone, a tablet- anything to see the drones' P.O.V. Amiya grabbed a phone from her pockets, my phone to be more precise. While I unblock it, she placed a small earplug on my ear by gently lifting my mask a little. As soon as I unblocked it I saw the drones' P.O.V. Amiya must've opened the application beforehand.

Two operators were in the main hall, hiding. One had a SMG and was on the second floor, away from the enemy's reach. The other was behind a fallen pillar, waiting for anyone to come to slash them with her swords. I know these two. Texas and Exusiai. However they're... very grown. Last time I saw them they were so small...

Y/N:"Texas, Exusiai, I'm Rhodes Island's Doctor. Doctor Y/N. I've been given command for this battle. Do you copy?"

The two looked happy to hear my voice. Texas' tail wiggled a little when she heard my voice. Exusiai's ears perked up when she heard me.

Texas:"Doctor... I'm happy you're okay. It's been so long."

Exusiai:"Doctor! I knew you would make it! Oh. I'm so relieved..."

Texas:"Awaiting your command, Doctor."

Y/N:"7 Reunion members are approaching your way. Exusiai, equipment check. Now."

Exusiai:"I'm out of grenades but I still have enough ammo."


Texas:"My blades are ready."

Y/N:"They wear rudimentary weaponry, none of them can inflict damage to Exusiai. There's an open window on your right. They are oblivious of your position. Fire through it. Texas, wait for them behind the open doors. Kill them."


Texas:"As you command."

I blocked the phone, not needing to see the fight to know we will win. Those two are enough to handle the enemy.

Y/N:"Amiya, we have to reagroup."

Amiya:"On it. Guards, grab the Doctor! We're leaving! We will reagroup with our main squad and leave this place!"

Damian:"I'll handle the Doctor!"

Amelia:"Be careful!"

While Amiya and her troops take the lead and make sure the coast is clear, Damian grabbed my arm and placed it around his shoulder to help me walk. Amelia stood close to us just in case we needed some medical assistance. Slowly, we left the place and moved towards Texas and Exusiai. We heard her SMG and some screams from various males. Nothing from Texas or Exusiai. As expected, they won.

We found some stairs and reagrouped with the two Operators who upon seeing me, they quickly came to aid. Texas was now the one helping me stand while Damian watches the front entrance.

Amiya:"We have to follow the plan. We will exit the facility through the underground tunnel. Just a little more. Follow me. Everyone, be ready."

Instead of leaving through the main door we turned around and went through a door that leads us to another hallway, an elevator at the end of it. We all went inside and Amiya clicked the last button. Elevator music started to sound while everyone stares at me.


Texas:"How are you holding up Doctor?"

Y/N:"I've been worse."

Exusiai:"Worse than being in cryo for 10 years, wake up and have to fight? Damn,"

...years? I've been in there for... years?

Y/N:"Trust me when I say: Yes."

Exusiai:"How was it? Being turned into a frozen treat."

Y/N:"Feels like an eternity in there."

Amiya:"You're with us now. Everything's okay now."

Texas:"I have some more chocolate pocky. Want some?"

She grabbed a small Pocky box from her pocket and offered me the chocolate. I nodded and grabbed it, lifting my mask enough to put it in my mouth. It's the first thing I eat for a long, long time. I patted her head, making her tail wiggle.

The elevator doors opened and we resumed the operation. No time to fool around, we have to get out of here. We kept walking until more Reunion soldiers appeared. Texas gently placed me behind a car and got ready to intercept. Thanks to the drones following us all this time I can offer assistance to the Operators.

I saw various Reunion soldiers armed with machetes going down the exit ramp. Some also had handguns. Better to not let Texas face them alone. They spotted us and charged at us. My real concern are the mainteinance stairs. I doubt they sent two small task teams to get me. There could be more of them and we haven't checked that place.

Y/N:"Texas, deal with the attackers. Exusiai handle the ones armed with firearms. Guards, offer Texas some help. Make sure none of them get to us. Amiya, watch the maintenance stairs. Do not let them flank us."

Everyone:"Yes, doctor."

Exusiai crouched next to me to keep an eye on my condition while she fires at the Reunion members. Texas and the 10 Guards Amiya came with started clashing swords with the enemy. Texas was more than capable to handle the situation but with the guards on her side it was an easier fight.

As I expected, the maintenance doors opened and a Reunion member heavily armored came from it. He had a huge riot shield made of black materials. Exusiai turned around and fired at him but the bullets bounced out of the shield. One of them landed near me, almost hitting my leg.

Y/N:"Stop firing! Amiya, take care of him now!"

Exusiai clicked her teeth but did as told, still aiming her gun at him. Damian stood up to defend us if needed while Amelia got intimidated by that guy's presence. Amiya started launching Art after art. She was inflicting damage but the armored soldier was very persistant. He kept running towards us, trying to ignore the pain as much as possible.

Finally, Amiya killed him by sending one powerful Art that went through his head. We all felt relieved but then two more came out of the stairs.

Damian:"You have to be kidding me..."

Y/N:"We need reinforcements. Texas, come over-"

???:"Sorry I'm late."

A woman dived over our cover and charged at the two armored man along with another two Operators. They had Rhodes Island badges. I peeked over my cover to see Texas and the Guards dealt with the situation thanks to RI reinforcements.

Amiya:"Instructor Dobermann!" *To me* "Doctor, she won't be able to hold for long!"

Y/N:"Aid them."

Amiya:"Yes, Doctor!"

I looked over my car once more to see the other operators, walking our way in a calm state. They handled the situation masterfully.

The two armored soldiers fell rather quickly thanks to the reinforcements. Amiya was able to take precise shots at them with Dobermann's and the other two Vanguard's help. Once dealt with, Dobermann turned around and walked towards me. Not before ordering her squad to remain vigilant and scout the area for more threats.

Exusiai and Texas regrouped with me along with the pink haired boy who was checking my condition. He's a healer.

Amiya:"Dobermann! You made it!"

Dobermann:"It's an emergency. My team got attacked by Reunion as well. I rushed over to join you as soon as I could."

Y/N:"Reunion. Who are they?"

Dobermann:"An organisation made up by the infected. Always thought they were a little extreme..."

Exusiai:"Sir, imagine the Nazis with cute wolf ears." *Texas look at her* "No offense."


Dobermann:"The situation is only going to get more chaotic from here on out. We need to leave Chernobog right now."

Amiya:"We've already rescued the Doctor so we can retreat according to the plan."

Dobermann:"Speaking of which..."

Dobermann got closer to me and gave me her hand, wanting to shake it. I accepted her proposal and shook her hand.

Dobermann:"Doctor, you probably don't know who I am but you do know Amiya. For your safety, I believe it would be wise to trust me on your protection. My squadron and I are ready to defend you with our lives. That's why we came here for."

Y/N:"I'm not going to let your lives go to waste. We're all getting out of here alive."

Dobermann:"I hope you can live up to the expectations then."

Y/N:"What's the plan?"

Dobermann:"We're going to escort you from Chernobog, which is the Ursus city we're currently in, back to Rhodes Island. We're in an abandoned facility in Chernobog and should now head west."

Amiya:"But... since we're cut off from Dr. Kal'Tsit, Dobermann and I have lead our separate teams westward to a rendezvous point before confirming our signal to retreat. That is, assuming everything goes according to plan."

Dobermann:"It'd be nice if things were that smoothly."

Y/N:"What other squadrons are in the area?"

Dobermann:"Two more. Leaded by operators Ace and Nearl. Two of our most veteran operators. Today is our last day to get you out of here, Dr. Y/N. But... I have a bad feeling about this."


Amiya:"What's the matter?"

Damian:"A call, from Rhodes Island!"

Amiya:"Are our communications back on? Is it Dr. Kal'tsit?"

Before anyone could answer, my phone unblocked itself a voice coming from it. Ah, I missed her too. PRTS (Primitive_RhodesIsland_Terminal_Service) is our A.I. It helps me in the operations.

PRTS:"Sorry, but not quite."


PRTS:"The Emergency Neural Connection Request System was activated. Interference has also been detected from Rhodes Island's end and only partial Neural Network is possible. Currently unable to establish communication with Kal'tsit who was yet to return to Rhodes Island. Your safety is confirmed, therefore my mission is complete."

Dobermann:"This piece of... do we really have time for this?"

PRTS:"If you do not need to connect to Rhodes Island, communication will be severed momentarely. I am sincerely sorry for having interrupted your party."

Y/N:"Ignore her. PRTS, I wish to reconnect with Rhodes Island's systems."

PRTS:"Analyzing... voice sample analyzed. Identity confirmed. Welcome back Dr. Y/N. Connecting to the Arknights program. Neural Connection required. Requesting permission."

Amiya:"Doctor, are you sure you want to? Your Sanity may not be-"

Y/N:"I have to." *To PRTS* "Permission granted."

PRTS:"Welcome home, Dr. Y/N."

My brain recieved a small shock. The phone vibrated, the screen changing a couple of times into various different tabs. Until it changed completely. A single application was opened: Arknights. I was able to see the status of my Operators, their strengths and weaknesses, worries and doubts...

I can use my brain to move the drones and see what's going on. I'm able to calculate possible outcomes for fights in mere seconds, give orders and react to the enemies advances before they even happen. However, this much power has a cost. It takes a huge mental toll to do all of this. The effects of having my brain connected to an A.I and at multiple servers in our base have permanent effects on my body and mental state. I have to keep myself sane. Which is why...

Y/N:"Amiya. Sanity potions."

Amiya:"I brought 2 with me."

Dobermann:"I also brought one just in case. I knew something like this could happen."

Before making any moves, I watched the new members of our squad.

The blond guy, Noir Crone. Experienced in defending other Operators from heavy hitters. Veteran, 8 years in combat. Kind and easy going. Wears a mask for unkown reasons. Infection status confirmed. 4%. Trivial risk.

The blue haired girl, Fang. Former police member. Fast and agile. Combat experience of a year. Believes in reinsertion of criminals. Can be problematic in certain... "unorthodox strategies". Way too kind for her own good. Infection confirmed. 1%. No risk.

The brown haired girl, Leia 'Plume'. Vanguard, less agile than Fang but vastly more resiliant and stronger. Assigned to me as a personal bodyguard. Military service in Pontifica Cohors Lateran. Combat experience in RI of one year, but I assume she has seen far more battle than that. Not infected. Very loyal. Exploitable.

The girl with the mask. Yato. Vanguard, extremely agile but fragile. Requires protection for good performance, but can be useful to handle the enemy's initial onslaught. Combat experience of 8 years. Infection confirmed, 6%. Moderate risk. Note: She's photo-sensitive. Prolonged exposure to the sun may have negative effects on her battle performance. It's a cloudy day. No need to worry.

The pink haired boy, Ansel. Battle medic. He's quick on his job, but lacks the experience in battle to be more efficient. He's also useless in a fight, requires protection at all times. However, he's good in what he does. Not infected.

The last one, our cat girl. Jessica. Blacksteel agent. Sniper, extremely accurate for just having a handgun. Useful to take down enemy drones. Has a tendency to get scared. Self-esteem problems too. Regardless, combat performance cannot be ignored. She's good. Experience of 2 years. Must give her support in order to boost her confidence.

Amiya, Texas and Exusiai I'm familiar with. As for Dobermann, I talked to her and saw with my very own eyes what she's capable of. Besides there's so much you can say for your typical good soldier who follows orders, am I right?

Y/N:"Everything's ready. Let's continue with the plan."

Amiya:"Very well. I'll take the lead, Doctor."

Y/N:"I trust in you. Move."

Amiya nodded and started walking up the ramp with me following her. Everyone else followed, keeping an eye on possible ambushes. By Dobermann's orders Plume was assigned to me as my very own shadow. She stays next to me and make sure I don't take detours or anyone tries to take me down. I don't mind. It's true I'm the most important person in this group. My death would mean all of this was in vain.

Let's leave this place. There's a lot of work to do.

Chapter 1-1 Guidance. (Amiya.)

Before we begin, I'd like to explain what this is all about. All chapter will contain extra small chapters that give extra conversation or interactions with the main character and some other operator. Keep in mind they're all cannon, but they're not necessary to read if you do not wish to. They are not essential to understand the book's events. They're also all of them in your P.O.V unless specified. Now, enjoy!

As we walk towards the city of Chernobog to reach Rhodes Island, I took the opportunity to have a chat with Amiya. I wanted to make sure she remembers my teachings, see how much she has improve. She happily walks besides me, remembering my lessons.

Y/N:"How can you improve the survival rate of a Vanguard unit?"

Amiya:"Deploy them to deal with the enemy's initial assault. Once dealt with, keep them around if in good state. Otherwise retreat them. If the enemy uses snipers, deploy a fast sniper unit like Exusiai or Jessica. If the enemy has advanced weaponry, a Medic to deal with their wounds. If there's too many, a second Vanguard."

Y/N:"How can you deal with heavy armor without a Caster?"

Amiya:"Use a guard like Dobermann to throw their balance. Once on their ground, hit their weak spots. It's impossible for them to move in a full suit of armor, they need to expose some parts to let the human inside move. You can also use a Defender to take him on while a Sniper or a Guard helps them out."

Y/N:"Very well. How can you use arts without making the infection advance?"

Amiya:"Concentrate. Do not let the energy overwhelm you. Channel it into small forms to reduce the amount of crystals in your body required to use the art. Once ready, throw it. Don't stay idle or you will be making things worse on yourself."

Y/N:"Good. You've haven't slacked off in the slightest."

Amiya:"When you..." *Sigh* "I had to step up in your absence, try to take leadership alongside Dr. Kal'tsit. It was soon very clear I'm not a good leader. But at least I had to mimic you the best I could. What a better way to do so, than remembering everything you taught me?"

Y/N:"You've done a great work Amiya. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Amiya:"I don't know Doctor. Many have died for my mistakes. Can you consider that 'great work' Doctor? I think not."

Y/N:"Many more have died by my orders. Orders I forced them to follow. Death is unavoidable. No matter how many you wish to save, some will die nonetheless. Be happy you're here and can save lives by today's actions."

Amiya:"Thank you, Doctor. Thank you for your guidance."

Y/N:"You don't need to thank me..."

Amiya:"...just doing my work."


Chapter 1-2. Long-awaited reunion. (Texas)

The group was about to reach Chernobog. Before so, they stopped a moment to rest for some minutes and be as fresh as possible, just in case Reunion is present in the area. Texas was sitting next to Y/N, eating her chocolate as usual. She still has a couple of boxes in her pockets. Y/N was addressing the situation with PRTS as well as preparing various strategies for the future battles.

The girl glanced at Y/N every now and then. She and I have been together ever since she was a 'puppy' as Exusiai says. Texas rode all the information about the cryostasis. As expected, his body was kept intact for 10 years which means he hasn't aged a little. She, on the other hand, did age. Old enough to understand why she missed him so much.

However... talking to Y/N wasn't very simple. He's a workaholic. Anything not related to war or the cure to Oripathy bores him. She's also afraid The Doctor may not understand her feelings or even worse, that he may not share them. So instead, she decided to stay silent.

Y/N looked at his right to see Texas staring at the ground. Her ears have fallen too, an indicator that she's sad. The Doctor placed a hand on her shoulder and stared at her, making Texas look back.

Y/N:"We'll get out of here. Don't worry. I've got this."

Texas:"Right. Doctor... is it really you?"

Y/N:"What do you mean?"

Texas:"You are more... eloquent with your words. You expressed worry for Amiya and have been more kind to us than your last three months before cryo. Are you sure it's still the same you?"

Y/N:"I'm going to tell you something Texas. When you spend what felt like ages in solitude, looking at absolute nothingness you have time to think, reflect about your actions. There's little I regret. One of those things is, not spending more time with the people I truly cared about. I know what you all think about me. A heartless monster that's capable of anything for the mission's-"

Texas:"That's not true. We don't- I don't think you're like that. You saved my life. Amiya's, Exusiai's and many others. Even Dr. Kal'tsit has some... affection towards you."

Y/N:"I doubt the last thing you said. Back to what I was saying, I always cared about you all. I was forced to do what I had to in order to gurantee our survival. I'm willing to do the same thing if it means victory. However, I'd like to create proper memories with all of you. Open up a little. So long you don't mind me doing so."

Texas:"I wouldn't. I'd appreciate if you were more honest with us. Once we're out of here I'd love to spend as much time with you as possible. I'd like to..."

Texas bit her lip, not having the courage to finish that sentence. Y/N patted her head and nodded.


Texas:"D-Doctor, we talked about this. Can you please restrain yourself from patting me in public?"

Y/N:"Very well."

Texas may looked a little angered that the Doctor patted her, but her tail...

It was wiggling very, very fast.

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