Chapter 5. Rhodes Island.

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Kal'tsit's office. I place a rarely visit and I don't want to be in. She's in her office chair, writting a report of the operation. I was sitting in front of her, not wearing a mask and enjoying a cup of coffee I made. She also had one. Kal'Tsit likes my coffee.

I don't need to wear the suit around Rhodes Island if I don't want to. Although my immune system is as good as a corpse's, inside the ship I don't have a risk of dying from illness. Moreover, I'm also working on finding a way to improve my body. Wearing this suit is quite a bother.

Kal'tsit:"So, Ace is confirmed K.I.A?"

Y/N:"No. He's missing in action."

Kal'tsit:"I doubt he can face Talulah on his own."

Y/N:"Until we find a body... or his remains, we won't know. Talulah was heavily injured and poisoned. Perhaps he can flee."

Kal'tsit:"Very well. Now, there's a couple of things I want to inform you about. First, have you been informed of what Reunion truly is?"

Y/N:"I remember Exusiai said something like 'Nazis with animal features.' Other than that, no."

Kal'tsit:"I'll have a word with Miss. Exusiai later. The Reunion Movement is an organisation that looked to protect the infected from the Terran oppressors. Founded by Talulah, they grew in numbers before we could even react to them. Firstly they only acted in Ursus. In no time, their presence was seen world-wide."

Y/N:"Who's Talulah."

Kal'tsit:"We don't know anything about her."


Kal'tsit:"To face this problem, I've been thinking of striking a deal with the L.G.D and-"

Y/N:*Laughs* "You're going to bent the knee for those useless pricks? I don't need their help."

Kal'tsit:"What you need is to tone your ego down a little and hear me out."

Y/N:"I'll listen, even if what you're going to say won't convince me."

Kal'tsit:"The niece of the current governor, Ch'en is interested in joining us until we've defeated Reunion. With access to L.G.D's resources we could-"

Y/N:"Tell her to stay in her mobile city. I don't need L.G.D, I need you to shut the hell up and listen for a second."

Annoyed, Kal'Tsit relaxed on her chair and sighed, giving me the opportunity to talk.

Y/N:"Reunion's soldiers behaved erratically. They relay on their commanders to make decisions for them, almost like they have no survival instinct. Talulah is our real problem here. I have an idea. If we use the Originium in the sanity potions along with an enhance booster drug, we could create a toxin that-"

Kal'tsit:"Outrageous. I thought you wanted to change your ways, Y/N. You want to make a bio-chemical weapon?" *Chuckles* "Another war crime to the list, Y/N? What will it be next, taking civilian lives? Execution of hostages?"

Y/N:"Ironic, because Reunion has murdered countless innocent lives already. We're not dealing with persons, but animals. Those barbarians have used the Catastrophe to destroy an entire city."

Kal'Tsit:"So you wanna go down in history like one of them?"

Y/N:"More like a saviour. History is written by the victors."

Kal'tsit:"I refuse to start the production of weapons that cause unnecessary agony, a weapon that could harm mankind more than the Originium already does. That's why all the data about Oripathy and Originium are highly encrypted, right? So only you could take advantage of this, right? You truly are a monster, Y/N."

Y/N:"It takes one to kill another. If not, why did you bring me back?"

Kal'tsit:"Because as much as I hate it, I need you."


Kal'tsit:*Sigh* "Kal'Tsit will be here in a week. We have time to figure something out. I'll keep you informed if anything Reunion related comes up. For now, get back on work Y/N. I need you to lead the Oripathy research once again."

Y/N:"Will do. However, I'd like to go back to my office, see if things are left untouched and most importantly, what have you done with all I left you."

Kal'tsit:"What, you're going to judge my decisions now? You regret giving me command, don't you?"

Y/N:"No. I regret not being there to guide you."

Kal'tsit opened her eyes in surprise. She looked at the ground, refusing to face me. I stood up and walked to the entrance while I put on my mask. Before I could grab the doorknob, she stopped me.



Kal'tsit:"I..." *Clicks her teeth* "Your coffee. As good as I remember it. Thank you."

Y/N:"You're welcome."

When I went out, I noticed Exusiai leaning on a wall, patiently waiting for me to come out so she could talk to me.

Exusiai:"Ah, Doctor! We have so much work to do!"

Y/N:"You founded the files I told you?"

Exusiai, using Amiya's notepad managed to find the files Amiya uses to keep track of our dailiy activities.

Exusiai:"Indeed. It seems we have potential recruits to look at, as well as organize your room, go over the basics of Rhodes Island management and finally, continue with your research on Oripathy. Oh, I almost forgot. Operator Nearl wishes to see you. Something about 'exercises', Doctor."

Y/N:"I think I told her to begin tomorrow..." *Sigh* "Send her to my office. Let's go."

Exusiai nodded and followed me towards my office. On our way there I notice how many people got in my way. They simply wanted to see me for themselves, not believing I was here again. One in particular decided to approach me. A face I know pretty well.

Greythroat:"Doctor. Long time no see. I would've liked to participate in your rescue, but I was tasked with a different mission. May I come with you?"

Y/N:"Do as you wish."

Greythroat:"Then allow me to follow you."

I nodded and walked towards my room. Greythroat glanced at Exusiai with a little bit of disgust. She's not fond of the infected. Exusiai ignored the look her ally gave her and kept walking with me.

As soon as I walked into my office I sighed. My bed is on the far right side of the room, the sheets having the Rhodes Island symbol. However, the bad wasn't properly made. Someone has been sleeping in here without my consent. To the left, a window that's open. In mid of the room my desk, the only thing that wasn't touched. The computer is off and all the files and folders are left untouched. There's also a photo of me, Kal'Tsit and Theresa. We were all so happy there...

To the left side there's a small chemical bench with many test tubes, glasses containing liquids with originium in them and a couple of briefcases with different products I made 10 years ago. The test tubes are used and, given the dangers of originium I can only think of another Doctor who has the skill and authority to even attempt this. Next to it, a bookshelf with mainly books about medicine, physics, mathematics and some literature books.

There's also a portrait in the room. A protrait where Kal'Tsit and I are seen in front of Rhodes Island when it was being built. Both were happy for this new opportunity. The portrait, unlike the rest of the room, was recently cleaned. Hmm...

Next to the bed is my wardrobe. It's open. In fact, there's someone in there kicking their feet back and forth, going through my clothes. When we approached them and stood behind them, the three of us sighed in disappointment.

Gravel:"C'mon, c'mon... The Doctor's gonna be here at any second now... I need to get something before he catches me..."


Gravel released a small scream and bumped her head with the wardrobe. She looked back and saw me. A small nervous smile appeared on her face.

Gravel:"O-Oh! Hello there Doctor! It's a pleasure to see you again! As you can see, I've grown a lot! Hehe... S-So... you come here-"

Y/N:"Out. Now."

Gravel:"Y-Yes Doctor."

She left in a hurry not wanting to anger me. I sighed, closed my wardrobe and threw myself on my bed, releasing a huge sigh.

Exusiai:"Doctor... we have lots of work to do. Shouldn't we..."

Greythroat:"Can't you see the Doctor's tired? Let him rest."

Y/N:"She's right. I'll rest later."

As much as I'd like to get some sleep, we have to get to work. The more I do today, the less for tomorrow. I stood up and sat on my desk, turning my P.C on.

Exusiai:"What are you doing here anyways?"

Greythroat:"The Doctor invited me and I wanted to pass some time with him. Is there a problem?"

Exusiai:"No, not really."

Greythroat:"Thought so."

When I introduced my password, I used PRTS to quickly decrypt any file in my computer. I can do it myself, but PRTS is much faster than I. As he did that, Exusiai sent me the files of various new possible candidates for Rhodes Island.

Exusiai:"I think a couple of'em can be good additions to our ranks, Doctor."

Y/N:"Rosmantis, Kroos and Reed. These three interest me."

Exusiai:"Should I start with the paperwork?"

Y/N:"Yes. Once you're done with that, bring them to me. I want to see your work."

Exusiai:"Aw, you don't trust lil' ol me?"

Y/N:"You have the attention span of a child, Exusiai. I doubt you can finish a single one."

Exusiai:"Is that a challenge?"

Y/N:"Consider it one."

Exusiai:"Well, what do I get as a reward?"

Y/N:"Anything you want."

Exusiai:"You're gonna regret that~"

Exusiai left the room, giggling to herself.

Greythroat:"I agree, I doubt she can finish one. These infected folk think they're-"

Y/N:"I think we established our points for this subject back before I went into cryo, Greythroat."

Greythroat:"Correct but I still want you to see the reality of things. This 'cure Oripathy' is a waste of time. Just make a vaccine and-"

Before she could say anything else, Nearl went inside the room. As soon as she did Greythroat stood up and left. Nearl watched her leave, confused at her behaviour.

Y/N:"It's best if you let it slide."


She walked inside and stood in front of my desk, waiting for instructions. I took the arm sling away and grabbed her hand. Slowly, I put it down to her hip.

Y/N:"I want to try your flexibility. We're going to move your arm up and down until it hurts. Please, don't try to hold in the pain. As soon as you notice anything, tell me."


With her hand grabbed, I stretched her arm as much as she could. No reaction. That's a good start. Then, I slowly guided her upwards. It was when the arm went a little above her shoulder when she started complaining.

Y/N:"Okay, could've been way worse. Please, repeat the same thing 20 times on your own."

Nearl:"Can I do it here?"

Y/N:"You MUST do it here. I didn't dismiss you."

Nearl:"Ah, of course."

I walked to my chair and sat there. It was hot in my room, so I decided to remove my mask. Nearl widenes her eyes and kept staring at me. I ignored her and started looking at every file I can gather from Rhodes Island since 10 years back in time till now.

It seems Kal'tsit has launched an astonishing low amount of operations against Reunion or other enemy forces. In fact, for 2 years after going into cryo our operators hasn't been deployed once. That explains why Reunion had so many advantages against us. Talulah was prepared for war while Kal underestimated our enemy and decided to only deploy 3 squadrons. A bad idea. Underequipped, outnumbered and outskilled. What a shit show.

Economically Rhodes Island has been thriving, and it makes sense. Reunion appeared 5 years ago. War is one hell of a gold mine. Trading weapons and equipment, the little operations she has done along with all the donations from the infected we keep safe. She managed to transform our PMC into the NGO she always wanted.

Something she really work on was her research. She found a way to improve the productivity of our farms, a way to protect Rhodes Island against a Catastrophe in case escape is not an option and managed to get some of my Oripathy files and create a thesis based on that. What little she could get are all the things I've discovered with her help. Still, credit where is due, she got some things right.

Lastly, there aren't too many new additions to our roster. The girl from earlier, Lappland along with a boy called Courier and another girl called Melantha. I'll see them whenever I can.

I glanced at Nearl who finished her exercises and was now staring at my face.

Y/N:"You finished?"

Nearl:"Huh? Ah, yes. Anything else?"

Y/N:"Try to do the same but backwards. Put your arm in the back, stretch it as far as possible and move up until it hurts. 20 times."


She kept on doing what I asked. In the meantime, I decided to clean my room a little.

Nearl:"Can I help you, Doctor?"

Y/N:"First finish your exercises."

Nearl:"Okay. Can I ask you something?"

Y/N:"Of course."

Nearl:"Why do you... care so much? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it but it seems is not the usual thing. The most veteran operators were confused at why you were treating us. Word is you never did in the past, that you let your medics handle the wounded."

Y/N:"That is correct. Is there something wrong with me taking care of you?"

Nearl:"No! I... prefer it like that."

Y/N:"Then why do you need a reason then?"

Nearl:"I don't. Just curious."

Y/N:"Well, how about this: I care deeply for all of you. Specially for my little Squire."

Nearl:"T-That was in the past. It's been 10 years of that!"

Y/N:"I know, but for me you'll always be my squire. How was it, Nearl? That you were going to be both my sword and shield?"

Nearl:"...on my defense, I was reading lots of medieval literature."

Y/N:"I see. Jokes aside, you don't have to worry. I had time to think. Even if some... things in me haven't changed, I'd like to get closer to all of you. Give you something to remember me for."

As I was saying that, I was putting some books in my bookshelf to organise it in the way I like until Nearl hugged me from behind, placing her head on my neck.

Nearl:"Don't say that. We're not going to let you die before us. We will make it, together."

Y/N:"I'm not saying it like I want to-"

Theresa:"I'm going to be there for you. I'll keep you safe. Even if the whole world dares to be against you... I'll stand by you. Just like you did for me."

Those words... hearing them after so long did a number on me. My heart skipped a bit. A tear threatened to fall, but I managed to avoid doing so.

Y/N:"Thank you, dear."

Near:"D-Dear? Oh..."

I shook my head, remembering who I was speaking to.

Y/N:"My apologies Nearl I wasn't trying to-"

Nearl:"You don't need to apologise. I like the sound of that. You could call me by that more often."

I turned a little, facing her. She had a beautiful smile. Her cheeks were slightly pink. She closed her eyes, waiting for me to take a step.

Kal'tsit:"Y/N? Are you here? Can I come in?"

Before I could dissapoint her, Nearl released me and walked towards my bed.

Y/N:"Yes, come in."

Kal'tsit opened the door, looking straight at me.

Kal'tsit:"I wanted to apologise for the rude words I spoke without-oh. Miss Nearl. I didn't see you there."

Y/N:"I'm supervising her recovery. You must do those exercises daily, but try to go a little further each day. Never try to keep going if it hurts, you hear me? We're trying to recover you not do even more damage."

Nearl:"I got it. Guess I'll see you around... my dear."

She smiled at me and nodded. When she said that last part, I jumped a little. Kal'Tsit had a similar reaction, not expecting to hear that from her. Nearl happily left, walking to her own room while humming a beautiful tune we could hear even when Kal closed the door.

Kal'tsit:"So... de-"

Y/N:"She's teasing. What can I help you with?"

Kal'tsit:"As I said, I wanted to apologise. I treated you poorly, even though you came here to aid me without question. It's just... I don't want you to trip on the same stone again, Y/N. When will the carnage stop? When will you cease to make monstrous acts to win?"

Y/N:"When I can find a different solution. Kal, I don't do this for pleasure. This is what has to be done if we want to protect the innocents. Have you forgotten the point of Rhodes Island? To protect the infected, to find the cure for Oripathy, remember? How do you expect me to protect them against an enemy that has no limits if you don't let me break mines?"

Kal'tsit:"Is it so wrong to ask that, for once, you don't take all the blame for acts I've also committed?"

Y/N:"I came up with the ideas, I executed them. I killed many more man than you will ever do in your entire life. You can take the blame for anything you like, Kal. Your hands will always be more clean than mines."

Kal'tsit:"Then wash them. You want to stop, right? I gave you a chance. Let us partner up with L.G.D. Please, bent the knee this time."

She got closer, placing her hand on my torso.

Kal'tsit:"Things can't be like old times, but I'd like to work with you. Not against you. Regardless of how much I dislike your strategies, your thoughts on things, your lack of restrain... your still my best friend. Please..."

Y/N:*Sigh* "Make an appointment. We'll see what this Ch'en can offer."

Kal'tsit:"Thank you."

I nodded and smiled to her. She smiled back and stood there in silence.

Kal'tsit:"I must go. There's lots of paperwork and I have to call Ch'en."

Y/N:"Don't stress yourself, okay? Come by if you need to relax."

Kal'tsit:"What does that mean?"

Y/N:"Well... I can make you another cup of coffee, if you need one."

Kal'tsit:"Oh. Maybe I will then."

She left the room, leaving me alone. Before I could do anything, I recieved an e-mail. It's Exusiai. She finished with all the paperwork for the new recruits, now we just have to confront them.

In any case, I decided to leave my room and walk towards the war room, a place were we discuss the strategies for our next operations. No one should be there now. Or at least, that's what I thought.

When I walked in, I saw Dobermann going over the recordings of my drones, studying possible outcomes the fights could've had if she made certain decisions instead of me. I leaned on a wall and watched with interest. She's a good commander, but fails to realise the potential some of her troops has. She's scared of taking risks. Understandable, but that makes her weak.

I walked towards her making my presence known. She was sitting in a chair, watching the screen so focused she didn't realise I was there regardless of how much noise I made. When I placed a hand on her shoulder, Dobermann jumped a little in surprise. She turned to see me and released a sigh of relieve.

Dobermann:"Don't scare me like that, Doctor."

Y/N:"My apologies. May I ask what are you doing? You should be resting."

Dobermann:"I can stand idle for so long, Doctor. I need something to do."

Y/N:"So long you don't use your hands..."

Dobermann:"Voice commands are a thing."

Y/N:"That's the fight against Talulah."

Dobermann:"Yes. I'm trying to figure out a strategy that could work, but nothing. How do you come up with these plans on the fly Doctor?"

Y/N:"It's not a lie when I say I faced worse. Also, PRTS does help a little."

Dobermann:"Ah, I forgot. You have PRTS in your brain. How does it... feel?"

Y/N:"You don't feel anything. In fact, if I'm not focusing it's almost like it's not there. PRTS only assists me on combat. Everything else is up to me."

Dobermann:"That doesn't ask my question doc. How did it felt? When you fought Talulah for example, how does it feel to be so fast?"

Y/N:"You feel everyone else being slower than you. When you can figure out what the enemy's going to do before they do, no game is ever fun to you anymore. And that includes battles. I know some of you think I didn't see that wave that threw everyone to the ground coming..."

Dobermann:"...but you did told us to play dead. You somehow knew it would happen. Then Ace... you knew he would have to be sacrificed?"

Y/N:"Not him in particular. Maybe Noir. Or Nearl. Someone with a shield would have to stay behind and cover the rest. It just so happens that Ace was the better suited for this. More experienced in solo missions than Noir, and in a better condition than Nearl."

Dobermann:"It's scary. How you can come up with all of this in mere seconds. To think you can decide who dies and who doesn't..."

Y/N:"Had to be me. Someone else might have used this power wrong."

I sat next to her and watched the recordings in silence, providing feedback whenever she needed it. It's fine if I take a break for a little bit. Just for a little bit...


A throne made of stone. A mobile city, far away from Rhodes Island. Talulah sits in her throne, arms crossed and eyes fixated on a shadow in the corner of her throne room. Her missing eye was replaced with a visor, one that looks extremely similar to her real eye but it's differences were noticeable.

The voice of a man came from the corner, speaking to Talulah.

???:"He got you good."

Talulah:"I underestimated what he was truly capable of."

???:"You should've had a hint after what he's done to Crownslayer. She's asking to abandon Reunion. She's afraid."

Talulah:"I'm more concerned for another of our parts. W. Watch her. None of her mines blew up after the Doctor left the scene."

???:"You think she let them through?"

Talulah:"Most likely, but knowing how this Doctor seems to know everything at all times, maybe he managed to avoid them."

???:"How do you plan to win against something like this? Someone who's various steps ahead of us?"

Talulah:"We cannot win if he's playing on their side. We simply must bring him to ours."


Talulah grabbed a vial from one of her pockets. A vial containing Originium. She played with it, looking at it with a smile.

Talulah:"We need a surprise. Something he cannot expect."

???:"That's too risky. Your infection will advance way more than anticipated. You won't see the end of it."

Talulah:"Irrelevant. Whether I live or not is unimportant. Reunion must survive at all costs. The Doctor will be our saviour. Just watch..."

He will join us. One way. Or another.

Chapter 5-1 Mate. (Lappland)


Lappland was inside her own room, watching a show in her television. Ever since the incident in the medical bay where that Doctor dared to look at her that way she has been more... docile. In a calmer state. Why? Prior to any of this, she just wanted to duel Texas and that's it. Now she has lost that eagerness to fight her.

The aura he emanates... one of dominance. Of power. She cannot help but feel attracted to it.

She needs answer. Who is he exactly?

Lappland stood up from her bed and walked out, marching towards the medical bay for answers. She knocked, grabbing the attention of one of the medics.

Ansel:"Ah, Lappland. Here to visit Texas?"

Lappland:"Indeed. She's here?"

Ansel:"Yes." *Points at Texas's stretcher* "Over there."


She walked towards Texas who was eating her pocky and watching videos on her phone. Out of curiosity, Lappland sneaked up on her and peaked her phone. She got even more intrigued. In the video, The Doctor appears in it surprisingly. He was playing with a much smaller Texas, back when she escaped her family and joined Rhodes Island.

Lappland:"Mon dieu. What a cutey. Would be a shame if The Doctor figures out what you really are, eh?"

Texas sighed and removed her earplugs. She then looked at Lappland in annoyance.

Texas:"Shall I call The Doctor to make you shut up again?"

Lappland:"Why yes, call him please. I came here looking for him anyways. More like... information."

Texas raised an eyebrow, confused. Lappland has never been interested in anything other than fighting, killing or dueling her. The thought of this woman being around Y/N sent a shiver down her spine. Something Lappland noticed. A smirk appeared on her face.

Lappland:"What is it? Why that reaction? Wait, don't tell me... did the puppy fell for their master?"

Texas was enraged beyond belief. If it wasn't for her broken leg, she would be throwing punches by now. Lappland on the other hand was very amused.

Lappland:*Laughs* "You?! From all the girls he can get, what makes you think he's going to chose a stray dog? You don't even have a fa-"

Texas:"Stay away from him. First and last warning."

Lappland:"No can't do, puppy. However please do tell me. How does he look like under the mask? Is he handsome? Intimidating, perhaps?"

Texas:"Even if I knew I wouldn't tell you."

Lappland:"Oh so you don't. Such a shame. Well, off I go then. I'll pay The Doctor a visit. Don't worry, I'll be nice with him. Very, very nice."

As Lappland left, Texas started to throw a tantrum not wanting her to approach her Doctor. She stopped as soon as she hurt herself, making Shining appear and scold Texas for moving so much. When Lappland left the room and closed the door to the medical bay, her smile dissappeared.


I chosed you~

Chapter 5-2 Remembrance (Exusiai)

Exusiai sent the e-mails to Y/N. She smiled and released a small moan of satisfaction. It took her a long time to write them, but she was finally over. Now it's time to think of what her reward can be.

Exusiai:"How about... a walk through our park? We could go there and- No! People are going to make wrong assumptions! Damn..."

She stood up and looked through her wardrobe for something to wear. One piece of clothing catched her eye. A coat, looking exactly like Y/N's but for a more femenine body. She softly smiled and thought of the past:

It was cold. A very cold place. Bandits were roaming her town, looking for infected to steal from, to hurt... or worse. Her step-sister along with a group of operators should've been here by now to help them, but there's no sight of them.

That was until various Defenders and Guards appeared to fight the enemy bandits. A man, wearing a black mask and a blue coat appeared aswell, giving orders to the operators. A small Exusiai peeked her head through her hiding spot, behind some crates, and looked at the battle unfold. She was mesmerised by the operator's effiency.

Exusiai went out of her hiding spot and walked towards that man. He turned to look at her and had to double check to make sure what he was seeing was real. A small child, walking up towards him.

The Doctor:"This place is not safe. Leave."

Small Exusiai:"M-My sister. L-Lumen. S-She hasn't returned yet."

The Doctor realised who this girl is. She sneezed due to the cold, making him sigh and take off his coat. Y/N placed it around Exusiai and carefully grabbed her, carrying her in her hands.

The Doctor:"I know your sister. She should be around here. We'll find her, don't worry."

He did as he said. Not only did they find her sister and the rest of her squad, but saved all of them. Exusiai grabbed Y/N's old coat and tried it on. It was a little big for her, but after a long time she can finally wear it without the coat looking strange on her.

I'll repay you Doctor. Somehow.

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