Chapter 9. Prep time.

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Y/N, Kal'tsit and Nearl are reunited in the panic room inside Texas room. Kal'tsit is showing images of the hidden outpost Reunion is in on a computer.

Y/N:"So, you tell me all the Originium is stored there?"

Kal'tsit:"Yes. They have all the crystals stored there and ready to be taken. I assume they need the entire month to take all of it away."

Nearl:"Would explain why they need a month for that. There's an entire list of different bank accounts used to make sure the government don't get suspicious about all the money that's being passed from account to another. They must've bought lots of Originium."

Y/N looked at the screen in silence, studying the place and thinking of Kal'tsit's explanation. Something feels off for him.

Y/N:"P.R.T.S, are you thinking the same as I?"

P.R.T.S:"Feels off."

Y/N:"Correct." "Kal'tsit, how did you get all this info exactly?"

Kal'tsit:"From a pen-drive inside a safe in Alberto's room."

Y/N:"It was there? Filled with information that could compromise Reunion and their operations? The map of the outpost, files upon files of every movement made by Reunion inside Saracusa... how convenient, don't you think?"

Kal'tsit:"Are you implying they set up a second trap?"

P.R.T.S:"Alberto was a loose end. He had to be taken out one way or another. By using Rhodes Island to deal with him, you gurantee the loyalty of the other families. After all, we are the ones who entered their territory, shed blood and took charge of one of the clans."

Y/N:"They can use the assets of the remaining famiglias to their advantage. You outnumber the enemy, what do you do? Lure them into a position you can easily defend with overwhelming numbers."

Kal'tsit:"Their own outpost..."

Nearl:"By the time we get in, those Reunion could recruit from Siracusa come from behind and trap us in. We would all die."

P.R.T.S:"But that would mean someone really strong and powerful is present there to ensure their success in this operation."

Y/N:"So, you put your strongest fighter while letting someone you think is a spy gives manipulated information to your enemy."

Kal'tsit:"Talulah didn't stop W to lure us into her trap..."

Y/N:"Correct. If we go there, she will kill us. If we don't, she will consume the Originium and get strong enough to do it on her own. It's a win win situation for her. That's the reason she needs an entire month. She can't just consume all the crystals without dying in the process. She has to assimilate them all in multiple doses, not all at once."

P.R.T.S:"Also, it's very possible the map it's being showcased is manipulated. There is no reason to give your enemy the location of all the traps and guards if you want them to fall into a trap."

Nearl:"You put your most replacable men in easy positions for the enemy to take care of right at the start of the battle. Then, when they are in a good position, you surprise them."


Kal'tsit:*Sigh* "This was pointless."

Y/N:"Not entirely. We now know where she is. It's also a confirmation that Talulah is here. Also, we have Lappland. We can take advantage of her newfound position as the capo of one of the famiglias."

Kal'tsit:"We still have to do scouting of our own. If the information is lying we need to be sure of what we're up against."

Y/N:"True. Let's wait for the reserve team and-"

Before Y/N could finish his sentence, Jessica barged inside the room. She sprinted inside the panic room and looked at Y/N.

Jessica:"Doctor!" *Pants* "I-It's Lappland and Texas!"

Kal'tsit:"What's wrong Jessica? Speak clearly."

Jessica:"They are fighting!"

As Y/N, Kal'tsit and Nearl discussed their plans, Texas and Lappland are facing each other. Jessica is on the rooftop, looking at the two in worry. Texas who had previously drawn her blades at Lappland threw them to the ground and raised her guard. Lappland, who never backs down from a challenge, does the same, getting ready to throw fists at Texas.

Lappland:"I must say little puppy, I never thought you had it in you. You don't want to do this. You'll end up badly."

Texas:"Are you done? Let's put you in the infirmary and move on with the operation."

Lappland:*Chuckles* "Okay... let's get this party started."

The two approach each other with clear intent of having a fight. Jessica panicked and yelled at them to stop. Since they were ignoring her, Jessica sprinted back into the building to alert The Doctor. Greythroat looked at the scene, chuckled and kept mounting guard in case more Reunion soldiers appear.

Texas threw multiple jabs to test Lappland's reflexes. As expected, she blocks them with her arm not letting Texas do any damage. Taking a step to the side to avoid another jab, Lappland threw a strong punch at Texas. She blocked it but grunted, feeling the power behind that punch. Although skinny, she deals lots of pain when punching. Something Texas kept in mind during the fight.

Lappland threw various high kicks, all of them getting blocked by Texas. Back to the offensive, Texas took a couple of steps forwards and threw a superman punch. Lappland slapped her fist away and grabbed her coat, bringing her into her knee. However, Texas placed a hand on her knee to avoid hurting herself and quickly back-handed Lappland's face, forcing Lappland to release her.

The white wolf took a step back and threw a roundhouse kick to retaliate. Texas moved her body back, dodging the attack. She however lost the initiative, Lappland now throwing multiple punches at Texas to force her to block. When Texas tried to dodge to the side, Lappland saw it and feinted a punch quickly throwing a kick that hit Texas right on the left cheek. She fell to the ground and stood up quick enough to now actually dodge another kick from Lappland. She realised it's better to not go for dodges and just block.

Texas decided to calm down and stay patient, letting Lappland do whatever she wants. Thinking she has the advantage, Lappland threw punch after punch. To catch her by surprise, Lappland threw a punch at her ribs, making Texas scream in pain. Just when she thought she had Texas, Lappland went for a punch aimed at her face. Texas surprised her by entering a boxing stance and quickly duck, moving her body to the side to avoid the punch. Texas then threw an uppercut that hit Lappland directly on the chin.

Lappland flew to the ground, her head dizzy and having difficulties to stand up. Texas smirked, knowing she just won. She waited for Lappland to patiently stand up just in case. She did. The white wolf slowly got back on her feet and raised her guard, not as cocky as earlier. She was pissed. However, the fight was just over.

Taking both by surprise, a hand fell on their shoulders. When they turned to see who was interrupting them, that very same hand slapped their face so hard it printed a red hand on their faces. Texas widened her eyes and stared at the ground as soon as she heard her assaliant's voice, ashamed. Lappland got humbled... yet weirdly aroused at the same time.

Y/N:"Imbeciles. We are in deep shit and you two decide to start killing each other? Morons. I asked for you two in this operation beacuse I thought you were the best of the best. Maybe I was wrong." *Looks at Lappland.* "You. Go get that chin looked by Shining. You got your ass beaten out here. I expect you to train more when we get back to R.I"

Lappland:"Yes, Doctor."

Lappland smirked at him, not caring in the slightest that he slapped her face nor that she lost the duel against Texas. Her tail was wiggling like crazy. Y/N groaned, fully aware why. Kal'tsit, Nearl and Jessica that were also present left the scene, knowing Y/N has the situation under control.

Texas was still looking at the ground, rubbing her face. Her ears and tail were down, expressing her sadness.

Y/N:"You're supposed to be the mature one. Why do you fall for her provocations? This is what she wants, Texas. If Lappland can get a reaction like this out of you, what can our enemy do?"

Texas:"...I'm sorry, Doctor."

Y/N:*Sighs* "Don't apologise. Be better. We all make mistakes, you fucked up once. Don't do it again."

Texas:"Yes, Doctor."

Y/N patted her hair, making her ears perk up at the sudden gesture.

Y/N:"Nice punch. Just like I taught you. Next time, put more back into it. You could've knocked her out."

Texas:"That's exactly what I was trying to avoid. It was not my intention to put her to sleep. We're here for an operation after all."

Y/N:*Chuckles* "Right, of course. Does it hurt?"

Texas:"No. I'm more ashamed than hurt."

Y/N:"Don't be. Dismissed. Next time Lappland tries to get in your head, go find me. I'll find a way to distract you."

Texas:"W-We shouldn't. Not while-"

Y/N:"That's not what I meant."

Texas:"Oh. Right, right."

Suddenly, helicopters were seen arriving from the distance. All of them have the Rhodes Island emblem. The reserve teams have arrived.

Texas:"Cavalry is here."

Y/N:"Yes. Take as much time as you can to rest, Texas. The next operation could start at any moment."

Texas:"Yes... dear."

As soon as she muttered those words, Texas left the scene. Y/N ignored her remark and walked upstairs and towards the rooftop to greet the operators. Three helicopters landed on the rooftop. In the first one, Ansel, Yato, Gitano, Noir and Dobermann who immediately walked towards The Doctor to speak with him. In the next helicopter, Fang, Plume, Cardigan and Lava. In the last one, Vanilla, Adnachiel and two new operators. Kroos and Steward.

Dobermann:"Doctor, sir. The reserve team is ready. We are ready to start the new operation."

Y/N:"Let's wait until the rest of our group have rested. Put Adnachiel and Kroos as our guards. Let Greythroat and Jessica rest a little."


Dobermann turned around and ordered her operators to do as the Doctor said. Both Adnachiel and Kroos nodded and went to take Greythroat and Jessica's position. The Doctor then signaled Dobermann to follow him, which she did.

Y/N:"I am concerned, Dobermann. Our troops although good, are not as skillfull as some of the people we're going to fight. I haven't seen these 'Steward' or Kroos in a fight yet. While others like Yato and Noir may have trouble keeping up with our foes."

Dobermann:"All of them are experienced in fights, Doctor."

Y/N:"But experienced is not all, you need talent. Do not get me wrong, all tools have their time and moment. However I need tools I could use for more... hard works."

Dobermann:"You want me to recruit new operators?"

Y/N:"Yes. I want to recruit as many operators as we can. Expanding our army will make us more effecient. We can ensure we have the perfect operator for the job at all times. I cannot relay on Exusiai to deal with every sniper, specially since her weapon is not designed for that. I cannot relay on Nearl to keep us safe against arts, when she herself cannot handle said attacks."

Dobermann:"I understand. I'll try to look out for possible operators from now on."

Y/N:"Good. Now, come with me. Kal'tsit and I are going to plan our next operation. I want you to lead the scouting squad for the enemy outspot."

Dobermann:"I'm ready, sir."

Y/N nods and walks back to the panic room within Texas old room. There, Warfarin and Shining are healing Lappland's wound. Texas is there too, smirking. Kal'tsit and Nearl are looking at the info they have to try and figure out what could be true and what not, obviously not getting much that could be of use.

Y/N:"Girls, listen up. The reserve team has arrived. Kal, Nearl. I think we should send a scout team and try to figure out their defenses before launching an assault."

Nearl:"I agree. Going out there blind is not a good idea."

Kal'tsit:"Very well. Volunteers?"

Dobermann:"Melantha and Plume will volunteer."

Kal'tsit:"They do?"

Dobermann:"They will."

Y/N:"If we wait a little, Jessica could also follow you. Let her rest and we have one hell of a scout."

Texas:"I volunteer too."

Y/N:"No. You stay here."


Dobermann:"What are our objectives?"

Y/N:"Find weak spots, figure out their defenses and traps. Discover what we are up against: Vehicles, enemy troops, their leaders... Lastly and only if possible, try to find where Talulah is hiding."

Kal'tsit:"Don't get spotted. If any of you get found they'll know we're there."

Nearl:"We want the enemy to believe their trap will fall. If they see scouting parties around their base, they'll know it won't."

Dobermann:"Understandable. I'll talk with the operators and get them ready."

Y/N nods and watches as Dobermann leaves.

Kal'tsit:"Are you sure those 4 will be enough?"

Y/N:"Positive. Jessica's agility far outmatches anyone currently here. Plume is used to guerilla warfare. Dobermann too. Melantha is agile, stealthy and deadly. She'll manage too."

Kal'tsit:"Very well. I'll give the 4 some cameras to let us see what they see. Nearl, help me getting everything ready."


The two leave the panic room. Just as Y/N was about to leave, Shining grabbed his hand to stop him.

Shining:"Can we talk?"

Y/N:"Of course."

Shining and Y/N stood in Texas room. They speaked in a lower volume to make sure no one can hear them.

Shining:"In the information Nearl and Dr. Kal'tsit have, there's mentions of originium drugs for arts users. They didn't told you anything in belief that it may be another bluff. I think not."

Y/N:"Are you sure?"

Shining:"Ever since your... 'departure' Reunion has been toying with originium far more then R.I. It's not hard to belief they managed to create an enhance booster. If you can recover one for me, I'd figure out what it is exactly."

Y/N:"Very well. I'll keep it in mind."

Shining:"Thank you, Doctor. Good luck in your operation."

Hours passed and the operation was launched. As the four operators made their way through an artificial forest made inside Saracusa that's used for far more things than just decoration (none of them good things) Y/N and the rest watch the operation go thanks to the cameras those four operators have in their foreheads.

The Doctor and his loyal operators are in the living room, watching a laptop's screen showing the 4 cameras. The cameras have built in night vision which is a godsent. After all, they waited for the night to make it easier for them to sneak through enemy patrols. Jessica and Melantha had no trouble to move from tree to tree. Dobermman and Plume weren't as agile, so they had to wait for the enemy scouts to leave the area, waiting inside bushes.

Warfarin:"Why is Talulah sending her boys out in the open? Doesn't she want to lure us in?"

Kal'tsit:"Correct. Now, if her base is hidden in this forest, wouldn't it be weird if there was no squadrons guarding the forest?"

Warfarin:"Well... a little, yeah."

Y/N:"Besides if they get one of us while protecting the place, even better for them."

The four girls finally arrived at the enemy outpost. They were hiding on a small cliff, all of them prone. They used the cameras to check out the defenses. The outpost was built in a plain, surrounded by walls that are not made of durable materials. Most likely, they didn't have time for those. In the entrances of the outpost are watch towers with a single guard each, the watch towers having a turret those guards can use.

Y/N:"Zoom in on the towers."

Dobermman zoomed in on the towers.

Kal'tsit:"Those turrets are made to stop ships, not humans. One bullet from those hitting us and we'll turn into gibs."

Greythroat:"Dobermann, can you move the camera to the guard, please?"

Dobermann did as told. Greythroat looked at the guards and sat back on the couch, nodding to herself.

Greythroat:"The masks Reunion have are not as durable as they look. They are ballistic masks, made to stop small calibers. My bolts can penetrate that. Let me handle them and a frontal assault could work."

Y/N:"Very well. Greythroat will stay outside and deal with the watch towers. Scout team, what else do you see?"

Jessica spotted some of the traps inside the outpost. They look almost like rocks, but they are not. Those are mines.

Kal'tsit:"W, what can you tell us?"

W:"Strange. Those are not APL's but rather, AT's. Designed to deal with tanks. Something's off."

Jessica kept looking at the mines until she saw something strange on one of them. Looks like a timer of sorts.

W:"Clever. I understand now."

Y/N:"Tell us."

W:"Unlike the anti personel mines, those does not blow up when a person steps on it. It needs much more pressure. So, if you put a timer on them you can control when the explosions happen."

Y/N:"You get the troops out of there and the enemy is the one in the recieving end."

Steward:"Wouldn't dynamite or C4 be a better option for that?"

W:"You want to kill the enemy, not destroy the entire outpost. AT's although having a huge explosion blast, are made to destroy what steps on it not the enviroment around it. Much easier to control."

Y/N:"Can you defuse them?"

W:"Knowing Talulah, she must have placed a lot of them. It's not a good idea. Best course of action would be to find however has the detonator and deal with them."

Y/N:"Understood. Scout team, keep looking out. What else do you see?"

Melantha spotted what seems an electricity generator. Some Reunion members were messing with it. It seems is not working as intended. Some of the generators are in a bad state.

Melantha:"We could always make the lights go off."

Texas:"If we get an operator with explosives there, blowing up the generators will ensure there's no lights."

Kal'tsit:"We have some night vision googles with the equipment we brought, along with some flashlights. The frontal assault team could go with flashlights to blind the enemy while a second team inflitrates the outpost with night vision."

Y/N:"Yes, but we still need to find more things to sabotage. Mines, turrets and the electricity. Are there any other entry points?"

Plume looked at the right side of the outpost. We can see the pipes dealing with the drainage system of the base. The pipes are big enough for a person to fit.

Plume:"It's... an idea."

Lappland:"I'm NOT swimming in sewage!"

Plume:"All drainage systems, specially those made in F.O.B's have a place where a human can easily enter it in case it's damaged. Normally that entry point is inside one of the buildings. Not the Command Center, to avoid the smell, of course."

Dobermman:"I can see what looks like a small hut, north side. Could it be that?"

Plume:"Absolutely. Small, yet spacious enough for one or two persons to go inside the drainage system. Plus you can store items there, like suits to not let the smell be placed in your clothes."

Y/N:"It's located near the generators. Two volunteers?"

No one said anything. Y/N rolled his eyes and founded two "volunteers".

Y/N:"Amiya and Lappland, thank you for volunteering."

Amiya:"W-What? Oh man..."

Lappland:"I am not going to-"

Y/N:"Yes, yes you are."

Lappland:"Sir yes sir."

Jessica:"Doctor! Eyes on the Command Center! I-It's that..."

In Jessica's screen we can see her looking at the Command Center, zoomed in one of the windows from the second floor. There, Talulah can be seen. She is currently sitting on her chair speaking with two persons I don't recognise. Most likely new foes.

Jessica:"Who are they?"

Kal'tsit:"The one with the armor I do know. Codename:Mudrock. A mercenary. Her reasons to fight for Reunion are unkown, maybe just for money."

Y/N:"Then he is a potential ally. What about the girl?"

Dobermman:"No idea, but... she looks cold."

Y/N:"Right. In any case, Reunion is stepping up their game. Those two, along with a pissed off Talulah could be trouble. We need our strongest fighters to buy time. They'll handle them while the rest sabotages the outpost. Once the Originium is destroyed, we are out of here."

W:"If we can spot the enemy garrison, I can put claymores around the place to blow the Reunion troops to smithereens."

Melantha:"Eyes on the garrison. Looks big."

W:"The bigger it is, the more explosives it can fit. Let me handle that."

Y/N:"Good. So far, W will deal with the garrison, Graythroat with the watch towers and Amiya and Lappland with the generators."

Kal'tsit:"We haven't seen the Originium yet."

Y/N:"And we're not going to. The Originium should be in the Command Center where is the most safe. Ordering the scout team to get inside just to catch a glympse of them is too risky. I'm not going to put them in danger, more than they already are."

Kal'tsit:"I know."

Y/N:"Good job team. Return to the base."

The scouting team nodded and made their way back home. Meanwhile, Y/N and Kal'tsit spoke in private.

Y/N:"Those two... they worry me."

Kal'tsit:"Strong as they may be, I can deal with them."

Y/N:"You and I most likely can, but the rest of our troops... I do not know. Talulah herself already gave us lots of trouble. Many of us got injured. Now, we're fighting two new enemies I know nothing about. Things could get ugly."

Kal'tsit:"So? What do you suggest."

Y/N:"I need you to bring our Specialist from S.W.E.E.P."

Kal'tsit:"How do you know about her?"

Y/N:"You're not good at encrypting, dear. I know about the covert team you use for those... black ops. Bring her here."

Kal'tsit:"I want her safe, Y/N."

Y/N:"I know. One more thing."

Fiammetta. I think it's time we put her out of retirement.

No side chapters for today. Next chapter tho, it's gonna be a blast. Just saying.

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