Chapter 5: Trying Out New Schools

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Here we see you and Kelly setting up your things in an apartment in Amity Park as Kelly was confused about Jessica coming along.

Kelly: "Why is Jessica here?"

(Y/N): "I legally adopted Jessica as my pet rabbit. And having a pet is a lot of responsibility."*hands Jessica a carrot*"I just need a good pet sitter for the job."

Jessica: "You know I can take care of myself right?"*eats the carrot*"You don't need a pet sitter for my sake."

(Y/N): "But a pet is a big responsibility and I want to be a good pet owner."

Jessica: "Well.....I don't have an argument for that."

(Y/N): "Which is why your cousin will be watching you and keeping you company while I'm away."

Jessica: "Well alright, guess we can catch up."

(Y/N): "Welp I'm gonna go to Casper High then."

Jessica: "Okay, but again, not a pet."

(Y/N): "But I got the legal documents to prove it."

Jessica: "Alright, alright I get it, can't deny the legal system."

(Y/N): "Great, now then. Let's start with Day 1 at Casper High."

The next day we see you and Kelly at Casper High and Kelly sees it's normal so far.

(Y/N): "So far so good."

Kelly: "Yes, a nice normal school."

We then see a ghost attack and it was Spectra fighting Danny.

(Y/N): "Is that the guidance counselor? Man she looks nice in a suit like that. Keep up the work out Ms. Spectra!"

Spectra: "Uh who was-"

Danny: "(Y/N), he's autistic."

(Y/N): "And I'm transferring to a new school and I just need to decide which one to go, so I'm spending a day at each of them to see which one is good for me." *to Kelly*"What do you think of this place?"

Kelly: "AHHHHHHHH!!!! Ghosts!"

Danny: "Okay that's offensive."

(Y/N): "Is that a no on Casper High?"

Kelly: "How about a school that is less likely to be attacked by the Supernatural."

Danny: "Yeah that's definitely a no, sorry (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "It's okay. To be honest, I like this place. The people here are nice, even the ghosts like Spectra and Desiree."

Spectra: "Speaking of Desiree, have you seen her?"*sees you hold up a soda bottle and see Desiree in a hot tub in it*"She's in that bottle. A genie in a bottle is cliche."

(Y/N): "I thought it was a classic."

Danny: "Yeah, but the genie would be in a lamp."

(Y/N): "Nah, I'd rather have something that is practical carrying Desiree around, plus I wished for some furniture in the bottle, even the hot tub in there cause I want her to be cozy in there."

Danny: "Wait there's a hot tub in there?"

(Y/N): "I was her interior decorator."

Sometime later, we see you and Kelly leave Casper High and head back to the apartment until you come across Nichelle Lodonna sitting on the bench.

(Y/N): "Nichelle? What are you doing here?"

Nichelle: "I lost my fans because I never did my own stunts."

(Y/N): "Don't people know that already? Everyone knows actors have stunt doubles to do the dangerous stuff."

Nichelle: "But people thought I did my own stunts, and I lied to everyone about it and now I lost my fans."

(Y/N): "Maybe I can help you get them back. What you need is some training, one genre at a time."

We then see a montage of you training Nichelle in martial arts, weapons mastery, and in every other sport even the oddball olympics. You then taught Nichelle how to diffuse a live bomb under a timer, taught her how to be the final girl in a horror movie by being chased by Lauren aka Scary Girl wielding an ax and wearing a hockey mask, taught her how to fight like an actual action hero.

After some time, we see Nichelle is now fully trained as well as exhausted as you look at her.

(Y/N): "You are ready."

Nichelle: "Thanks."

Later, in Daten City, we see you and the girls go into a new apartment and you turn on the news and see that Nichelle's action movies are selling like hotcakes and she has won 40 oscars for doing her own stunts.

Kelly: " really helped Nichelle in her career as an actress."

Jessica: "Yeah, not bad (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Thanks, now then onto Daten City High."

Jessica: *looks at the city* "Are you sure about this place? It looks a bit... seedy."

(Y/N): "Seedy? What does that mean?"

Kelly: "What Jessica is trying to say is that Daten City can be a bit disreputable."

(Y/N): "Well a city has to be known for something, even if it's bad. Besides we've just got here so give it a chance."

Kelly: "Well, okay but if anything does get bad or worse, it's a hard pass."

(Y/N): "Fair enough."

We later see you and Kelly arrive at Daten City High and you and Kelly see that it's normal.

(Y/N): "Not a bad place so far."

Kelly: "It looks nice."

(Y/N): "Let's have a look around."

You and Kelly then walk around the school and you see a lot of people are worshiping a girl named Barby and you see a poster of her

(Y/N): "Now we know who the most popular girl in school is."

You then walk past two girls, one with blond hair and the other has more of a gothic outfit.

(Y/N): "Huh, they seem nice. Better talk to them later."

Kelly: "If they're not being worshiped."

Later on, we see you and Kelly looking around the place as we see Barby walk by and she sees you.

Barby: "Oh, you new here?"

(Y/N): "Just looking around, I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you. The last school I went to doesn't have enough funding for special case kids like me so I have been transferred to another school and I have to pick the 9 that were given to me, this is the second one."

Barby: "Oh my, that's awful, well I'm sure you'll find Daten High to be suitable."

(Y/N): "Okay, hey who were the girls with the blond hair and the purple and pink hair? They seem like nice people."

Barby: "Wait what? Where did they go?"

(Y/N): *points to a direction*"They went that way."

Barby: "Thank you."

We then see an entourage of students carry her to that direction as you and Kelly look at each other.

(Y/N): "She seems nice."

Kelly: "Yeah, she does."

(Y/N): "See and you said this place would be bad. Never judge a book by its cover."

Kelly: "I guess it's not all bad."

You and Kelly then see the school logo change into something that represents panties and stockings.

(Y/N): "I could've sworn that it had a bee themed logo."

Kelly: "Okay then."

(Y/N): "Well they changed the logo at a moment's notice."

Sometime later, at lunch, you and Kelly see the same two girls riding a car in the halls as you then fall backwards on your back as we see Kelly get out of the way of the car as it drives over you and the tires didn't hit you. You then get back up and turn to Kelly who was freaked out from the car nearly hitting her.

(Y/N): "I'm guessing this one is a no then?"

Kelly: "You think!?"

(Y/N): "Alright, let's pack up and head to the next one."

Sometime later, we see you and Kelly head back to the apartment and you see the same two girls from the school.

(Y/N): "Hey there."*smells rosemary in the air*"I smell rosemary, wait are you two angels?"

???(Panty): "Well duh, how can you tell?"

(Y/N): "Angels smell like Rosemary."

Kelly: "Wait, how can you tell?"

(Y/N): "Bayonetta and Jeanne always battle Angels and I end up in the crossfire enough times to know what angels smell like."*to the two girls*"Anyways, what brings you two here?"

???(Panty): "We're fallen angels and we have to get enough coins to buy our way back to Heaven. Name's Panty and this is my sister Stocking."

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) and this is Kelly and Daten City High ain't the school for me cause the lack of understanding of the traffic safety laws from you two."

Stocking: "Wait, were you trying to transfer to Daten City High?"

(Y/N): "Well my last school Metropolis High had to transfer me because they didn't have enough money for Special Case kids like me. I have Autism by the way."*looks around*"Hey where's Barby? I thought she wanted to hang out with you two?"

Panty and Stocking: "Uhh..."

(Y/N): "She has blond hair, pink clothing, and has an entourage with her everywhere she goes. Does any of that ring any bells?"

Stocking: "One actually and it's because of this."

Stocking holds up some Heaven Coins and you look at them.

Panty: "She was a ghost and we beat her and she turned into these."

Kelly: "Another reason why this place is not a place for you (Y/N), ghost attacks."

Panty: "Woah hang on now, ghost attacks don't happen all the time."

Stocking: "Panty we face them like 2x a week, and it's only monday right now and they're pretty relentless."

Panty: "Alright maybe 2x a week."

Stocking: "Sometimes the ghost attacks the city or just a group of people, or for Barby's case a whole school."

Kelly: "Okay so that's another school not safe for you (Y/N)."

Stocking: "Why are you focused on the safety of a school?"

(Y/N): "I've been given 9 different pamphlets for 9 different schools and the first 2 were unsafe because of ghost attacks."

Kelly: "Also this city is pretty seedy."

Panty: "Seedy? What the fuck does that word mean?"

Stocking: "She's saying the city is a complete shithole."

Panty: "Oh."

(Y/N): "Welp it was nice meeting you girls, it's onto the next school."

We later see you and Kelly at the next school, which was Honnouji Academy and Kelly managed to get you and Jessica a luxury suite for all 3 of you.

(Y/N): "Well this is the place, and it's really big."

Kelly: "I can't believe the students here are separated by classes."

Jessica: "Neither can I, so what do they do here?"

Kelly: "Well they have clubs, maybe (Y/N) can make some friends in some of them?"

(Y/N): "Let's check it out."

We see you and Kelly head into the school and you both look around and see how big it was.

(Y/N): "Huh, this place is bigger than 40 football stadiums, maybe more."*sees club sign up sheets*"Oh here's some sign up sheets."

While you are choosing a club to join Kelly then sees a girl in a very revealing outfit named Ryuko fighting off some people with superpowered clothing. We then see Ryuko win the battle as Kelly then grabs your hand and you both head for the exit. We then see you and Kelly head back to the suite.

(Y/N): *while getting dragged by Kelly*"Where are we going?"

Kelly: "Out of this school cause this place is dangerous."

Jessica: "What makes it dangerous?"

Kelly then holds up her phone to show footage of Ryuko's battle with a club president and Jessica was shocked to see that.

Jessica: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "We came across 3 bad ones, only 6 more schools to go."

Jessica: "I'm choosing this time, how about we go to St. Vincent Barbarino High?"

(Y/N): "How come you get to choose?"

Jessica: "Cause you chose the last 3, so let us have a turn."

(Y/N): "Fair enough."

We later see you all at St. Vincent Barbarino High where you all see it's perfectly normal.

Kelly: "Well Jessica found the right one."

(Y/N): "It looks good so far, no ghost attacks or no crazy fights."

You both look around and see that there's nothing out of the ordinary so far.

(Y/N): "Not bad."*looks outside*"It feels like home already."

Kelly: "What makes you say that?"

(Y/N): "There's a group of criminals getting beaten up by a superhero."

Kelly: "Say what?"

Kelly then looked to the side and saw Stripperella beating up some common thugs.

Kelly: "Is that Pam Anderson?"

(Y/N): "Or someone who looks like her."

Kelly: "I think we should leave her be."*sees that you're gone*"Oh no..."

As we see Stripperella take down the last thug she then sees you walking up to her.

Stripperella: "Oh you really shouldn't be here."

(Y/N): "Oh sorry Ms. Anderson."

Stripperella: "I'm not Pam Anderson, I'm just someone who looks like her."

(Y/N): "Okay, hey if you got a minute, I have a question. I'm finding a part time job around these parts while I'm attending this school and does being the Backstage Manager for a stripclub sound like a good job?"

Striperella: "Hm, well as long as you are not there just to get freaky with the girls there then it's a good job."

(Y/N): "Well I have autism and I thought that keeping track of the showtime schedule for a strip club sounded like a good job to me. The Tenderloins has an opening for the position and I just wanted your opinion on the matter since you look like a stripper yourself, no offense."

Stripperella: "None taken and it's a good place to work. Most people may not know it but strippers have a good career in exotic dancing since it pays well."

(Y/N): "Yeah I did some research on the subject too, and it's a very misunderstood career."

Stripperella: "I hear ya."

(Y/N): "I'll get my resume to apply for the job."

Kelly: *comes to the area*"I don't think so."*to Stripperella*"Sorry his previous school doesn't have the budget for special case kids like him and we've already gone to 3 schools."

Striperella: "Well I can assure you that this school is perfect for him. Since there are no more teachers that tried to destroy the city."*realizes what she said*"Did I just say that aloud?"

You and Jessica: "Yep."

Kelly: "Look I know you're trying to do your job, but this is not the school safe enough for him. He always gets himself in danger and he thinks it's normal."

Jessica: "It's because he's autistic."

(Y/N): "It's true."

Stripperella: "Well I understand that being a parent of a special case child can be difficult. He thinks that anything weird is normal to him."

Jessica: "I was adopted to be his pet rabbit to protect me from perverted me from turning me into a teen mom."

Stripperella: "Really?"

Jessica: "Yep, I still have the bunny suit."*sees you give her a carrot*"See? He's being a responsible pet owner for me."*eats the carrot*

(Y/N): "I have the legal documents to prove it and I've settled this matter in court with She-Hulk as my lawyer. And she has been my choice of a lawyer ever since."

Stripperella: "Huh, you get surprised by autistic children everyday."

Kelly: "Yep, and as for working in a strip club, I'm afraid the strippers there might do something to him."

(Y/N): "Fair enough."

Later, back at the Apartment, we see you, Kelly, and Jessica looking at the 5 remaining pamphlets for 5 different schools.

Kelly: "Now it's my turn, so far you two have chosen some unsafe and weird schools."*grabs the pamphlets* "Alright, let's see here, how about Hachimitsu Academy?"

Jessica: "That doesn't sound too bad."

We later see you all at Hachimitsu Academy where we see you and Kelly looking around and see it's an all girl school.

(Y/N): "Huh, it seems they want to convert this school into a co-ed variety. I respect their decision on that."

Kelly: "Well you get your own dorm here, so let's find you a place to set up."

As Kelly was finding you a place to set up she noticed there were a lot of crows outside.

Kelly: "Why are there so many crows outside?"

(Y/N): "Maybe it's mating season? Maybe there's a crow whisperer among the students, who knows?"

Jessica: "Hmm... well you have to wear a uniform to attend school."*pulls out the school uniform*"Luckily I managed to get one for you."

(Y/N): "Oh thanks."

Jessica: "You're welcome."

Kelly then noticed the students as she looked outside and saw that they're dressed up like they're in prison.

Kelly: "Uh...."

(Y/N): "Is something wrong?"

Kelly: *to you*"Oh uh nothing, nothing's wrong why don't we-"

Jessica: *Notices the students* "Um, why are the students wearing prison uniforms?"

Kelly: "Uh..."

(Y/N): *sees some women in charge of the prison*"Maybe we can ask those 3 girls?"

Jessica: "I don't think that's a good idea."*sees you gone*"And he's gone."

We see you walk up to the prison wall and you see a woman with silver hair and a very well endowed figure.

(Y/N): "Excuse me ma'am, why are those guys in prison uniforms?"

Meiko: "Huh?"*sees you*"Who are you?"

(Y/N): "I"m (Y/N), I'm a special case student from another school and I have autism. And why are the guys here in prison uniforms?"

Meiko: "Because they committed a crime by peeping into the girls bathroom."

(Y/N): "Oh, they're peeping toms. Guess that makes sense, just try not to go overboard with them. Also who's in charge here?"

Meiko: "The Underground Student Council, I'm the Vice President Meiko Shiraki, Hana Midorikawa our secretary, and the president is Mari Kurihara, she has eyes and ears all across the school through the crows here."

(Y/N): "Is that why there are so many crows here? I thought it was mating season."

Meiko: "Oh they're here to be Madam President's eyes and ears."

(Y/N): "Sounds like you respect her very much."

Meiko: "Of course, without her I wouldn't be who I am today."*sees you look up and down her body*"Hey! What are you looking at!?!"

(Y/N): "Did you workout a lot and do you find it hard to lug around the bulk on your chest?"

Meiko: "I beg your pardon?!"

Jessica: *comes in* *chuckles nervously* "What he meant to say is that he wants to know why your chest is so....large."

Meiko: "I have a diet for certain foods to give my body fat to convert into muscle through my workouts. That is why my body is like this."

(Y/N): "Oh I see, you're an attractive woman who also has the strength of 10 men, I respect a woman with a workout regimen. I helped Eva and Doris from my old school be their fitness coach by motivating them to reach their fitness goals."

Meiko: "I see..."

(Y/N): "Can I be your fitness coach?"

Meiko: "Yes but first, who is this woman in green?"

(Y/N): "Oh this is Jessica Cruz, we met at a rabbit adoption and I adopted her to be my rabbit, I did it to help her from becoming a teen mom because she was in a sexy bunny suit when the bunny adoption happened."

Jessica: "I wasn't an actual bunny."

Meiko: "I see, so you have no desire to treat her like she's your slave?"

(Y/N): "Nah that would make me an irresponsible pet owner, I clean up after her, I give her proper food, and I groom her hair."

Jessica: "Trust me, his brush techniques are amazing. My hair has never felt so soft."

Meiko: "Do you have legal documentation to prove this?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

You then hand the legal documents to Meiko and she takes a look at them.

Meiko: "Hmm, well it seems perfectly organized and it seems you settled this adoption to court and won and your lawyer was Jennifer Walters the She-Hulk."

(Y/N): "I chose her to be my primary lawyer cause she can handle herself as anyone's lawyer and benchpress Mount Everest with one hand."

Meiko: "Okay then, well then. I must get back to-"*feels her breasts being fondled by you*"Wha- hey!"

(Y/N): "A 70 in the Cup size E range."

Meiko: "How dare you lay your hands on me!"

Jessica: "He was just curious, that's all."

(Y/N): "I can figure out a woman's bust size through direct contact."

Meiko: "I see, you groped me out of curiosity and not carnal desire. I understand now, so that means you're a special case student."

Kelly: *comes in*"There you are."*to Meiko*"I am so sorry ma'am, we're just trying to find a school that is safe for him to go to. We have to go to a different school because his last school doesn't have the budget to teach special case students."

Meiko: "It's alright, he was curious and I'll overlook his actions."

???: "Vice President."

Meiko then stands at attention and then stands aside as you see Mari Kurihana coming to you.

Mari: "Why did you let this boy grope your breasts Meiko?"

Meiko: "Madam president, he's autistic and he was curious about my breast size so he measured them through direct physical contact. There was no carnal desire from him ma'am, I am a 70E Cup ma'am."

Mari: "A special case student, that I will overlook. For special case students like him, I make some exceptions. Punishing the mentally challenged and autistic people is where I draw the line."

Meiko: "Understood madam president."

Later, we see you, Kelly, Jessica are looking through the pamphlets again.

Kelly: "Only 4 schools left and I chose a bad one."

(Y/N): "Maybe Desiree has something, she didn't get a turn yet."

You then pull out the bottle and rub it as we see Desiree come out of the bottle.

Desiree: "Yes, can I help you?"

(Y/N): "We got 4 more schools to choose from and we all had a turn except you. What school should we go to next?"

Desiree: *looks at the pamphlets*"Hmm, Yokai Academy sounds like a nice place."

(Y/N): "Well yokais are spirits so they must have a lot of school spirit."

Kelly: "Yeah it's perfect, I hope it's safe and not weird."

(Y/N): "Only one way to find out."

Later, we see you all on a bus to Yokai academy and by the time you reach the stop we see you and the girls get off of the bus.

Kelly: "Is this the right place?"

(Y/N): *sees the school*"This is the place, it has the picture of the school on the pamphlet. Perhaps we can get a better look at the school when we get there."

Jessica: "Right, we should see this ourselves."

You and the girls head to the school and so far it's pretty normal and nothing weird is happening.

(Y/N): "Not bad, pretty good so far."

Kelly: "Aside from it look like it's from a horror movie."

Jessica: "What makes you say that, it looks pretty normal here."

We see you walk past a student as he smells something.

Random student: "Did I just smell a human? Meh, probably my imagination."

Jessica: "Uhh..."

Kelly: "I'm sure that's a coincidence."

You then see the math teacher and you walk up to her.

(Y/N): "Excuse me ma'am, if you're tutoring someone, what would you do?"

???(Ririko): "Well, if I was tutoring someone I'd just take them to a special studying area and help them on what they're doing wrong and-"*smells something in the air*"Is... is that human?"

Kelly and Jessica flinched again, first the student now the math teacher.

(Y/N): "Dang it, I forgot to put on deodorant, sorry my last school didn't have enough money in the budget for special case students like me and my friends Kelly and Jessica are looking for a school that is right for me cause I can't tell what's normal and what's not normal because I have Autism."*sees a small scale on her neck*"Hey, is that a snake scale?"

Ririko: "Oh yes, I'm a lamia, I'm just in a human disguise."*looks around and whispers to you*"Don't tell anyone that. We have a rule to keep our monster identities secret and if a human is spotted on the premises they would be killed on the spot."

(Y/N): "Really? I'm a human and your school selected me to enroll here."

Kelly and Jessica both facepalmed.

Jessica: *Went over to you* "Well we are not all humans here, obviously."

Ririko: "Oh that's nice."*smells something in the air*"I must be coming down on something, cause I think I smell 3 humans here."

Kelly: "Yeah it must be... hay fever yeah that's it."

(Y/N): "What are you talking about? Her nose ain't wrong, me, Jessica, and Kelly are humans."

Then in an instant everyone in the school heard what you said and they all looked at you 3 as Jessica and Kelly could only facepalm.

Random student: "Wait, those 3 are humans?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm the special case student that is gonna enroll here."

Jessica: "Uh (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Jessica pointed to the students and everyone was ready to destroy them on sight.

(Y/N): "Welp so much for this school."

Jessica: "Ya think?"

(Y/N): "Good thing I keep this handy."

You then put on a sling ring and you make a portal under your feet and you, Kelly, and Jessica fall into it. We later see you 3 fall into the apartment as we see Kelly take the bottle from you and summon Desiree.

Desiree: "So how did it go?"

Jessica: "We were almost killed because of you!"

Kelly: "(Y/N) told everyone there that we were humans."

(Y/N): "Wasn't I supposed to?"

Jessica: "No... no you were not."

(Y/N): "I did try to tell them I was selected to enroll in their school as their special case student, they probably didn't get the memo."

Meanwhile, at Yokai academy, we see the teachers going there with the documents they come across a file about you and they see that you were selected to enroll at the school.

Ririko: "Huh, what do you know? I guess he was chosen to enroll here. Whoops."

Back to you.

Kelly: "And yet, they tried to kill us, real nice Desiree."

(Y/N): "Perhaps I can choose the school."*looks through the pamphlets*"Hey, here's one I know about."

Jessica: "Wait what?"

(Y/N): "Monster High, my family went to New Salem for Halloween and the guys at Monster high know how to party. I know some of the monsters there."

Kelly: "That won't try to kill us because we're humans."

(Y/N): "Oh no, they're not like that. They are learning to grow closer with humans due to the monster hunter known as Van Helscream trying to hunt down monsters which made the gap between monsters and humans extremely wide. During every Halloween before my friends at that school showed the true meaning of Halloween, monsters used to hide from humans thanks to that stupid monster hunter."

Jessica: "Hmm, well okay we'll check it out, but if they start hunting us down, it's a hard pass."

(Y/N): "Of course."

Later, at New Salem, we see you and the girls arrive at Monster High and both Kelly and Jessica see monsters everywhere.

(Y/N): "It's just like I remembered it when I first came to New Salem after that Halloween party."

Jessica: "Yeah..."

You and the girls head into the school and the girls see that you are getting along with the monsters pretty well.

(Y/N): "Hey everyone. Hey Ms. Steam, you got rust on your shoulder, you should get that checked out."

Robecca: *sees the rust*"Oh thank you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "It's good to see ya again Ghoulia."

Ghoulia: *Groans*

(Y/N): "Why am I here? Oh my last school doesn't have the budget for Special case students like me, so I am currently looking at other schools to see which one is good for me."

Ghoulia: *Groans*

(Y/N): "Yeah I know it's unfair."

Jessica: "You speak zombie?"

(Y/N): "It's a very poetic language. There are different varieties of zombie languages, there's the walkers, the flood, 008, I am pretty rusty with Clickers."

Kelly: "You told us you are multilingual, and I wasn't expecting you to speak zombie."

(Y/N): "It's a wonderful world of being Autistic."

Jessica: "Well, so far so good."

(Y/N): *pulls out a tennis ball*"Hey guys go on!"

You then throw a tennis ball in a certain direction as we see werewolves chase after it.

(Y/N): *to Jessica* "They really like to fetch."

Jessica: "Wow."

(Y/N): *sees Cleo*"Hey Cleo, have you checked your boots for sand?"

Cleo then checks her boots and we see sand come out of them.

Cleo: "This always happens to someone like me."

Jessica: "I'm sure it does."

(Y/N): "That's what happens when you live in a pyramid in the desert, always expect sand to get into everything."

Cleo: "And its super annoying."

Kelly: "I think we have a winner."

Jessica and Kelly then see a large tentacle come out of a locker and grab a random student.

Kelly: "I take that back."

Jessica: "Let's go."

Cleo: "Woah hang on, what's wrong?"

Jessica: "Sorry we're just looking for a school safe enough for (Y/N), you know how he is."

Cleo: "Yeah I do, he once tried out bullfighting with Manny as the bull and he won the bullfighting by making Manny ram into a tree and he got Toralei and her friends to play with cat toys."

Kelly: "And you're sure this place is... safe for humans in general?"

Cleo: "Well this place is built for monsters, not for humans, but there is one student who's both sides of the same coin."

Jessica: "Who, Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde?"

(Y/N): "Hey Jackson, mind listening to some music. Holt told me to find him some music from humans and I want his opinion about it."

Jackson: "Oh sure."

You then put headphones on Jackson and when he heard the music he turned into Holt.

Holt: "Yeah baby! Who knew humans can make some sweet tunes!"

Jessica: "What the...? Uh, Cleo explanation."

Cleo: " Oh yeah, see Jackson is a rare case, he's a human when he's not listening to music and when he listens to music he turns into Holt."

Jessica: "So, what kind of monster is he?"

Ghoulia: *groans*

Cleo: "He's a hybrid between a fire elemental and a human. That's what she said."

Jessica: "So kind of like Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde?"

Cleo: "Uh, well that is exactly like that."

You then pull out a laser pointer and you point the pointer and Toralei then sees the red dot and she chases it.

Cleo: *giggles* "I like to see her make a fool of herself trying to get that dot."

Toralei: *While trying to catch the dot* "Stay still! You stupid dot!"

Kelly: "Sorry to make this trip short, but this school is not safe for a human. It may be safe for a half human but not a human-human."

Cleo: "I understand, it's a pity he would have made a great right hand man for moi."

Later, at the apartment, we see you and the girls looking at the pamphlets again.

Jessica: "Only two schools left."

Kelly: "So which one do we go to?"

Desiree: *points to the first one* "How about this one?"

Jessica: *Reads the pamphlet* "Tokioka Academy, that doesn't sound so bad."

Kelly: "It better not be a prison school."

Sometime later, we see you and the girls at Tokioka Academy and you all are wearing electronic devices on your necks and wrists.

(Y/N): "Huh, guess these are part of the school uniform?"

Jessica: "You're not the only one. Look at the people around us."

You and the girls see that everyone is wearing them even though they're not students.

(Y/N): "Must be a city or state law or something. Maybe one of the local students can tell us what these are for?"

You and the girls then look around the school and you see a girl with silver hair and a school uniform, her name is Anna Nishikinomiya.

(Y/N): "Excuse me ma'am, I'm new around here and I would like to ask. Why does everyone have to wear these metal bracelets?"

Anna: "Oh those devices prevent you from saying lewd words or doing lewd things. They're called PMs and if you try to say or do anything lewd then the light on the collar will glow red and alert the Decency Squad."

(Y/N): "So anything that is considered lewd is outlawed?"

Anna: "Of course, my mother made those laws herself. She plans on spreading these laws all over the world."

(Y/N): "Oh well I'm a special case student chosen for your school cause my last school doesn't have the budget for special case students. So I'm going to different schools to see which one is right for me. That's all."

Anna: "I see, well I hope you like this school."

(Y/N): "Well love and lust are two things. Lust is an instinct that makes you love someone for their body, while love makes you like someone for who they are. It's like Light and Darkness, without the light there wouldn't be any shadows and without darkness there is too much light to work with, taking out 1 is bad enough, taking both out is even worse. If you try to remove lust from everyone then they wouldn't be able to love, if people can't feel lust then they wouldn't be able to know what love is. Is that the kind of future you want or what your mother want?"

Anna then thinks for a minute about what you said and she thinks really hard about it which takes like 1 minute and then she realizes the answer.

Anna: "Oh my god."

Jessica: "What?"

Anna: "I've been growing up without knowing what anything that is lewd looks like, if I can't lust then I can't love, then... what can I do?"

Kelly: "Um... move out of this school?"

(Y/N): "How about learning by doing?"

Jessica: "Or, read about it?"

(Y/N): "Hmm, I got an idea."

Anna: "What is it?"

You then kiss Anna on the lips as both Kelly and Jessica saw it happen.

Jessica: "Woah!"

Kelly: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N): *pulls away*"There we go."

Kelly: "Why would you kiss her like that!?!"

(Y/N): "My moms taught me that if there is someone who can't feel lust, a simple kiss solves everything. I kissed her and now she feels lust in her body, problem solved. Okay, onto the next school then."

We see you, Kelly, and Jessica leave as Anna was feeling something in her body like she never felt before, which was love. We later see you all at the last school, which was Hope's Peak Academy and you see numerous students there.

(Y/N): "Well this place isn't so bad. Let's check it out."

We see you and the girls head into the school and you see some students, the only person that you are familiar with is a certain girl with large pigtails, bear hair pins in her hair, a school girls' outfit, and a red skirt and her name is Junko Enoshima. When she sees you she was displeased to see you.

Junko: "YOU!"

(Y/N): "Me?"

Junko: "Yeah you! You shut down my show!"

Jessica: *to you* "(Y/N), do you know her?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, I sued her for the content of her reality TV show. It's like Total Drama but as a murder mystery where you lose you actually die, so I sued her and took it to court with the help of She-Hulk before the very first episode could air and now she's trying to find ways to kill me out of revenge, but all of her attempts failed. This is Junko Enoshima by the way, she's the Ultimate Fashionista and Ultimate Despair."

Kelly: "And now you're here?"

Junko: "I can kill him no problem!"

Junko then pulls out knives and throws them at you as you casually dodge them and then you catch some of them and throw them back at Junko and use them to make her stuck on a nearby wall.

Kelly: "Okay if she's gonna try and kill you on a daily basis, then this school isn't safe."

Jessica: "And this is our last stop."

(Y/N): "Well I could be called the Ultimate Survivor, although people would try to kill me to stop my reign."

Kelly: "Yeah... definitely unsafe."

(Y/N): "Well I did survive worse."

Jessica: *to Junko*"Look, his school doesn't have enough money to educate Special Case Students like (Y/N) so we are trying to find a school that is safe for him, he tends to wander into danger. Into other dimensions, onto other planets, or even into other universes."

Kelly: "He has autism."

Junko: "Yeah I know, I met him a long time ago when I was in court against him. The first episode of my show never got aired because of him."

(Y/N): "That's because I had someone to investigate the show before it aired."

Jessica: "Who?"

???: "Me!"

Kelly and Jessica then hug each other out of fear as they see someone with a feminine body move away from the lockers in a suit that blends in with the lockers and we see that woman take off the suit and it's revealed to be Izzy.

Kelly: "Izzy?"

Izzy: "That's right, it's me, Izzy, Izzy Bond."

Jessica: "Uhh..."

(Y/N): "Just go with it, it's best not to question it. Izzy is the one person random enough that not even Junko herself wouldn't expect."

Jessica: "Right, and you got her help and what did you do for her?"

Izzy: "He agreed to sue Chris once he saw what both Junko and Chris had in store for people in their shows."

(Y/N): "She's a human swiss army knife, a tool for everything."

Jessica: "Noted."

Izzy: "Plus (Y/N) and I are so alike."* jumps and grabs onto a pipe and grabs you with her legs*"We are oddballs."*throws you into the air swing herself above the pipe and then caught you in a bridal position*"He sees everything weird as normal and I am the weirdest girl you all know and you all turned your nose on all 9 of the perfect schools for the guy."*tosses you into the air and then grab the pipe with her hands and caught you in a leglock from behind you and then lets go of the pipe and made you land on your feet*"The problem is not the schools, it's you two trying to decide a school for him, you see he's a guy who can handle anything those schools throw at him. And right now he can handle me, being me around him. As you can see he hasn't cracked yet. He's autistic and all of those schools are perfect for him, the problem is because you two are not thinking like him."

Jessica: "We just want a safe school for him to go to."

Izzy: "Well if you want to know what school is right for him, you need to walk a mile in his shoes."

(Y/N): "Yeah, that's the answer."

Kelly: "What makes you think you know best about his well being?"

Izzy: "If you ask me, if you want to find a school for a weirdo like him, find another weirdo to help him."*gets on a head stand and hold you in the air with her feet*"Since I'm a weirdo myself, I can find the best place for him."*throws you into the air with her feet and then get on her feet and caught you in a bridal position and get you back on your feet*"Straight logic. Haha!"

(Y/N): "You know for someone who has a light build, you are very strong."

Izzy: "I'm good at a lot of stuff, that's why I had a license to kill before it expired. I just forgot to renew it."

(Y/N): "You know, I like you Izzy. You get me."

Izzy: "Thanks and you are like me."*jumps onto your shoulders*"You live with danger and it lives with you."

Kelly: "Anyways, we must be going back home to do....homeschool."

Izzy: "Oh come on Kelly, you worry too much. He used to work at Playtime Co."

Jessica: "Playtime what?"

Izzy: "Playtime Co, it's a company that makes these lifelike toys that were made from human children and (Y/N) was a part time resource extraction specialist."

Jessica: "What did he... extract?"

Izzy: "Just some toy parts from towers with some fun puzzles with a crew of his. And between him and the other employees he was actually nice to the giant toys. He gave Pugapiller some treats, gave Huggy Wuggy some much needed hugs, and he gave Mommy Long Legs some needed love."

Kelly: "Well that doesn't sound so bad."

Jessica: "Yeah, so what was his actual job?"

Izzy: "Getting small toy parts to make a big toy, that's all."

Jessica: "That's it?"

Izzy: "Yep, the company knew he was autistic so they wanted to give him a job that wasn't dangerous and kept him safe from trouble. But that doesn't mean he might get eaten by the monsters the company made like Mommy Long Legs or Boxy Boo, cause his co-workers get torn to pieces or end up inside of a monster's belly left and right and (Y/N) is the only guy who survives everytime thanks to his autism. Guess his autism is a superpower."

Kelly: "I suppose so, but we've been to so many schools and none of them are safe for him."

Izzy: "Neither are his other jobs, just look at his resume."*pulls out a copy of your resume*"Sierra went into his computer and printed out a copy of (Y/N)'s resume and man he survived worse than anything those schools throw at him."

When Jessica and Kelly looked through the resume they were horrified by the dangerous jobs you had.

Kelly: "Oh my god! Martial, Carter, and Dark!?! They treat their employees like their test subjects."

Jessica: "Lexcorp is no better either, I should know, I met and fought the owner and his sister!"

Kelly: "How are you alive!?"

Jessica: "I don't even know what Cognitoinc is?!"

Izzy: "Told ya he lives with danger."

Kelly: "Forget these schools, there's no place anywhere safe for him! For now on he's staying in his apartment safe in Metropolis, wrapped in bubble wrap and-"*gets slapped by Izzy*"Ow!"

Izzy: "Get a grip woman! He's perfectly fine with living in danger. He's intact from spending a day in those other schools isn't he?"

Both Kelly and Jessica see that you're completely intact and you weren't hurt.

Kelly: "Well..."

Jessica: "Guess we don't have an argument for that."

Izzy: "Exactly, sure some of those schools have ghosts, monsters, and who knows what, but at the end of the day (Y/N) was completely unharmed."

Jessica: "I guess you're right."

Kelly: "Yeah, I guess we were a bit overprotective. Casper High didn't seem so bad, apart from the ghosts it looks like a nice school."

Jessica: "And Yokai Academy is a nice school once (Y/N) gets along with the students."

Izzy: "Plus there's actually a human student there already."

Kelly: "Really?"

Izzy: "Yep."

(Y/N): "Well let's look at the pamphlets again and see what school I should stay at."

Izzy: "Sounds like a good idea. By the way, I bumped into a really smelly and buff guy with a black overcoat on the way here and he said he's your brother or something. His name was Jack-"

(Y/N): "Big Jackson Horner."

Jessica: "Jack who?"

Izzy: "Oh yeah, he's that evil brother you sent to jail awhile back. That guy wants the attention from their parents but he doesn't because (Y/N) has autism and he said some really hurtful words to (Y/N). Which made him ugly cry."

Kelly: "Where is he now?"

Izzy: "Outside of the school."

You and the others then head outside and see Big Jackson Horner and his crew.

Jackson: "Hey there big brother, you heartless piece of shit!"

(Y/N): "Jackson, what do you want?"

Jackson: "I came around collecting lantern rings selling them to the highest bidder all over the world and I'm here to get one from your hippy veggie eating girlfriend of yours. As you can see, I've been busy."

Jackson then opens up a crate full of multiple lantern corps.

Izzy: "Uh, where did you get those?"

Jackson: "Oh I killed some lanterns here and there, especially these guys."

Jackson then gestures to his men to bring out an injured John Stewart and Hal Jordan along with Dexter, Sinestro, and Carol.

Kelly: "Oh my...."

Jessica: "Hal....John...Sinestro....Carol....and.....Dexter!?!"*changes into her lantern outfit*"You'll pay for that!"

Jessica then flies at Big Jackson as he then throws yellow powder at Jessica as she falls to the ground.

Jackson: "Nice try lady, don't you know how many Green Lanterns I killed?"

You then charge in and jump into the air and grab a handful of rings and you put on a green ring, a violet ring, a indigo ring, red ring, blue ring, orange ring, yellow ring, black ring, and a white ring.

Jackson: "Hey hands off of my stuff!"

(Y/N): "It's not yours to begin with, I am merely borrowing them."

Jackson: "You never used a power ring before!"

(Y/N): "They run on concentration."

Jackson: "You give them back!"

Jackson then pulls out a sword and tries to attack you with it as you casually dodge the sword and then you jump into the air and land in a tree and then you concentrate and come up with a lantern oath that unites them.

(Y/N): "In Darkest day in hopeless night. I hear evil's call of blight! I am an ally to good and embodiment of all the light, for those who side with evil's might. Beware my power Omega Lantern's light!"

We then see a lantern outfit that has a symbol that is a combination of all the other lantern corps appear on your body and then you put all of Big Jackson's goons into a large cage and then you use the rings to make a giant safe and you put him into it.

(Y/N): "There we go."

Jackson: "Get me out of here! You heartless, emotionless monster!"

(Y/N): "Oh I'll get you out alright, into the Phantom Zone!"

You then use the rings to create a portal to the Phantom Zone and you throw Big Jackson into the portal. You then land gently onto the ground and you make a fan construct to blow away the yellow dust off of Jessica and you use the white ring to heal the other lanterns.

John: *sees you in your lantern outfit*"Woah...."

Jessica: *sees you in your lantern outfit*"(Y/N) have a power ring from every lantern corps."

(Y/N): "Are there other colors I can try out?"

???: "Stewart, Jordan, Cruz!"

You and the others then look up and see a squad of Green Lanterns led by Kilowog and he helps the other lanterns up.

Kilowog: "We've been trying to find the Green Lanterns that we sent to this planet to find Stewart and Jordan here, but we lost contact with you two. What happened to them?"

(Y/N): "Same thing that happened to these guys."

You then point to the crate full of lantern rings as Kilowog was shocked to see not just green lantern rings but also power rings from other lantern corps.

Kilowog: "Oh my god...."

(Y/N): "And that's not all. Come and see what my brother has done to them."

You then open the transport truck door and the lanterns see all of the taxidermy statues of all the lanterns your brother has killed and stuffed, including the only Orange Lantern Larfleeze.

(Y/N): "Get a long look at this everyone, this is what happened to people that cross my brother or if they have something to profit off like their lantern rings and their stuffed bodies."

The lanterns were horrified from the awful things your brother has done to the lanterns he captured and killed.

Kilowog: "Oh that is all kinds of wrong."

Jessica: "How can your brother be so cruel?"

(Y/N): "It's not just lanterns he's profiting, it's also rare animals, giant monsters, dinosaurs, biological weapons, weapons and gear from heroes and villains, whatever gets him money he will get it and sell it no matter what happens to the people around him or the planet. If he tried to kill off Earth's mightiest heroes and sell their stuff to the highest bidder he would, he doesn't care about the Earth, the only things he cares about are his wallet and himself."

Jessica: "Like Lex Luthor times a million?"

(Y/N): "Exactly."

Hal: "But dude, how did you manage to use multiple lantern rings like that? One from every Lantern Corps, even the bad ones."*to Sinestro, Carol, and Dexter*" No offense."

Sinestro, Carol and Dexter: "None taken."

(Y/N): "Okay first of all, no lantern color is considered, 'bad' they're just used for a person's desires, and second, the other lantern corps offered me a job even the Orange lantern corps but where they're stationed is not part of my commute. I'm not cut out for law enforcement or anything."

Hal: "I thought you were supposed to be dead to get a Black Lantern ring."

Jessica: "Black what?"

Hal: *to Jessica*"Black Lanterns, you know how our rings use willpower, black lanterns use death."

Carol: "But you have to be dead to use them."

(Y/N): "Yeah sometimes lantern rings have a hard time between the actual emotion or just their just emotionless, that's how the Dawnbreaker came around."

Sinestro: "So then how are you using the black lantern ring?"

(Y/N): "I usually go to a goth coffee shop to listen to Crimson's dark poetry and I had a goth phase when I was a tween."

Hal: "So the ring thinks you are dead cause you were dead inside?"

(Y/N): "Eh, probably or it must be my autism cause I don't really express emotions much."

Kilowog: "Huh, you are a strange little human."

You then take off the rings and you are back to your normal outfit and you put them in your pocket.

(Y/N): "Well that was a day."

???: "Hey guys."

You and the others then see Izzy accessing files on a computer and she finds something shocking.

Izzy: "Did you know that Big Jackson stole a bunch of money from Metropolis High's funding for the education of special case students?"

Jessica: "No."

Kelly: *Realizes* "Oh my goodness, it makes sense now! He was trying to get his brother killed in these other schools."

(Y/N): "Yeah that would be something he would do."

Jessica: "What happened then?"

Izzy: "He used the money to buy buttloads of Compound V to make himself super strong."

Everyone: "What!?!"

Jessica: "I can't believe he would do something like that!!"

Kelly: "What do we do now?"

(Y/N): "Would this be enough?"

Everyone then sees you open a giant safe that has all of Jackson's money. Sometime later, we see you back at Metropolis High and we see the hero girls hugging you because they're happy you're back.

Babs: "We are so happy to have you back!"

Diana: "It was horrible without you!"

Zee: "But more importantly, how did you get the money?"

Jessica: "His evil brother's bank account."

Kara: "I can't believe he killed off all of those other lanterns just to make money."

Diana: "He is truly an evil person."

Karen: "What happened to him?"

Jessica: "He's in the phantom zone."

(Y/N): "Speaking of Phantom Zone."

You then use the lantern rings to open a portal to the Phantom Zone and you pull out Ursa from the Phantom Zone and close the portal behind her.

Kara: "Gah! Ursa!"

Zee: "Why would you bring her here?!"

(Y/N): "She lost her planet and she needs a place to stay besides the Phantom Zone."

Kara: *Sighs* "Fair enough."

Ursa: "I can't believe I got rescued from the Phantom Zone by a human."

(Y/N): "Sometimes a little kindness can change someone's heart."

You then hand Ursa a flower as she then blushes a bit and you leave.

Jessica: "Well that happened."

Kara: "Uh Ursa, you okay?"

Ursa: ".........There were no flowers on Krypton......"*sniffs and cry tears of joy*"I am so happy right now."

Kara: "Um, okay then..."

Diana: "It seems that (Y/N) showed kindness to Ursa and gave her a change of heart."

Babs: "Huh, that's something Jessica would do."

Jessica: "I... okay yeah, that's true."

Ursa: "I think I found the one for me."

Girls: "Oh boy."

Sometime later, we see you set up a Zoom call to the people you met from your time at the 9 different schools you went to.

(Y/N): "Hey everyone. It's good to see you all again."

Danny: *On video* "Hey (Y/N)."

Sam: *On video* "Hey there."

Meiko: *on video* "You come to chat with us?"

(Y/N): "Yeah sorry that I can't stay at any of the schools ever since I got Metropolis High's funding back for educating special case students like me."

Danny: *on video*"How?"

(Y/N): "My evil brother Big Jackson's bank account."

Meiko: *on video*"I heard about him, he's a despicable man."

Danny: *on video*"You have a brother?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, but now he's in the Phantom zone."

Sam: *on video*"The Phantom zone?"

(Y/N): "It's like a prison dimension for very bad criminals who are incredibly powerful."

Ryuko: *on video*"Serves that bastard right, the way you talked about him he deserves to be there."

(Y/N): "So what have you guys been up to?"

Moka: *on video*"Well every student who tried to kill you faced detention except me and my friends of course."

Sam and Danny: *on video*"What?!"

Sam: *on video*"Okay I've heard of being an outcast but isn't that a bit much?"

Moka: *on video*"Yokai academy has a no human policy, so any human on sight will be killed on the spot. They all got into detention because (Y/N) was selected to be one of the school's special case students."

Cleo: *on video*"Well unlike your school, Monster High welcomes human students. If it's like your school then Jackson wouldn't be around at all since he's half human himself."

Danny: *on video*"So he's a halfa too?"

Cleo: *on video*"Well he's part fire elemental."

(Y/N): "How are things at Monster High?"

Cleo: *on video*"Well it's tiresome since I wanted you to be my right hand man when you transfer here. Jackals may be servants to Egyption royalty but I need someone unique to be my right hand man."

(Y/N): "What about Ghoulia?"

Cleo: *on video*"She's my left hand, not my right."

(Y/N): "Gotcha."

Junko: *on video*"Well, it's hard to cause despair nowadays since you sued me and my show since me and my sister are under house arrest and now we're being monitored everyday at school."

(Y/N): "You were gonna murder actual people on the show. So Meiko, how's the prison block at school?"

Meiko: *on video*"The prisoners are doing their hard labor and I have to keep them doing hard labor by whacking them with a riding crop."

(Y/N): "Ouch, well at least they're getting some honest work done."

Meiko: *on video*"Yeah, it's a good thing that the president of the Underground Student Council draws the line with special case people like you. I just don't have the heart to punish you like I punish them."

(Y/N): "I understand, besides I was just visiting your schools to see which one is good for me. Maybe you guys can visit my school."

Danny: *on video*"Sounds like a good idea, anything to get away from Dash."

(Y/N): "And maybe Lancer too I take it? From what I've heard he takes Dash's word over yours just because he's on the football team right?"

Danny: *on video*"Yeah."

Ryuko: *on video*"Love to visit ya, but keeping Mako in one piece takes a lot of my time so that's a no can do for me."

Meiko: *on video*"I'll ask madam president if I can visit metropolis if I can get time off. Maybe our secretary will be in charge in my absence."

(Y/N): "Glad to hear it. By the way, the guys at Playtime co want to hire me back. Good thing I kept the uniform."

Sam: *on video*"Playtime Co?! You work there?!"

Danny: *on video*"What's Playtime Co?"

Sam: *on video*"It's a toy factory that has zero ethics on their employees and turns people into living toys."

(Y/N): "At least the job pays well, and the toys are nice once you get to know them."

Sam: *on video*"Well it's your funeral."

Next: Chapter 6: New Friends Visiting.

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