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Here we see you walking to school as we see numerous heroes and villains fight each other and you just walk past the danger like it's a standard routine to you.

(Y/N): "Same day, same heroes, same fights."

We see you head to school and get your things and you head to class and we see Zee Zatara trying to get your attention but you were looking at a poster on the wall about a show she was doing tonight and you ignored that poster and saw a poster about the Pyagrathas Theorem. You then work on your classwork the teacher has assigned to you as Zee was still peeved that you kept ignoring her.

Zee: "Hey!"

(Y/N): "Are you talking to me?"

Zee: "I've been getting your attention for the past 3 days!"

(Y/N): "I was doing my classwork, we have a big test on the Pyagrathas Theorem. You might wanna start studying Zee. I looked through your grades and it's low."

Zee: "How would you know that?!"

(Y/N): "I have the keys to the school's database, you should try getting a study group."

Zee: "Wha- H-how-"

(Y/N): "Let me get back to work please."

You then get back to work as Zee faceplants on her desk.

Jessica: "Zee you okay?"

Zee: *Muffled* "Does it look like I'm okay?"

(Y/N): "You should get that zit on your forehead checked out before it swells too much."

Zee then pulls out her pocket mirror and she sees a gigantic zit on her forehead as her right eye twitches.

(Y/N): "If you stress out, you'll break out."*to the others*"I'd cover my ears if I were you."

Jessica: *covers ears* "Good call."

We then hear Zee screaming at the top of her lungs as it can be heard from a large distance all the way to Homeworld as we see Yellow Diamond working on repairing a gem and she hears it.

Yellow D: "Blue did you hear something?"

Blue D: "It sounded like a human screaming."

Yellow D: "We're lightyears away from Earth, how can a human make such a noise?"

Back to you, we see you working on your assignment and Zee covers her zit with makeup and looks at you and you look at Carol still crying about Hal breaking up with her over text on Valentine's Day.

(Y/N): *while working on the assignment*"He's not gonna come back to you and you know that."

Carol: *While crying* "I know!"

(Y/N): "If guys don't work out with you, then give women a chance. I'm sure Jessica would go out with ya."

Jessica: "Huh?"

Carol: "Wait what?"

(Y/N): "Jessica is single and she has no interest in Hal either. So, problem solved."

Jessica and Carol: "Me with her?"

You then hear the bell ring and you head out of the room as Jessica and Carol look at each other.

Carol: "Uh... why is (Y/N) like this? He's hot but he never notices a girl trying to get his attention. When he looks at a girl he just gives out advice like a therapist."

Jessica: " That's because he has autism."

Carol: "...What?!"

Kara: "Is he stupid?"

Jessica: "No he just sees the world differently and he's not very social."

Carol: "Is that why he doesn't notice Zee or any other girl all the time?"

Jessica: "Yeah, people who have autism don't know any social cues."

Carol: "Oh okay..... Jess, is it okay if we-"

Jessica: "You think I'm gay because I have gay moms and you're gonna take his advice?"

Carol: "Maybe?"

Jessica: "I don't discriminate between boys and girls okay."

Kara: "So you like them both?"

Jessica: "Well yeah but I just got that from my mama Siobhan's side of the family. But uh... and this is just a question, are you um, Bi?"

Carol: *Blushes a bit* "Um, well, I have been a bit curious myself, since you are Bi. That and I got dumped by Hal, twice, and used by Sinestro to get back at Hal."

Kara: "Why don't you just kiss each other and find out."

Carol and Jessica kissed each other for a second and then pulled back and processed it for a bit.

Carol: "Huh, that felt weird, guess I'm stuck being into guys."

Jessica: "Hm, didn't feel that weird to me." *Smacks lips* "Mmm, strawberry?"

Carol: "That would be my lipgloss, all of this doesn't happen on its own."

Jessica: "Alright."

Later, at lunch, we see you eating lunch while listening to music and in the background we see Invincible and Atom Eve fighting a monster as we see everyone running away while you eat your lunch not hearing the battle directly behind you.

Kara: "Seriously? He's not seeing the awesome fight behind him?"

Jessica: "Kara give him a break, he has autism."

Zee: "Should we help Atom Eve and Invincible?"

The hero girls then quickly change their outfits and we see them battle the monster along with Atom Eve and Invincible directly behind you. You continue to eat your sandwich.

Zee: *Sees your still not looking* "Seriously?"

Diana: "Zee focus!"

We then see you move your food as we see the monster tackle Invincible to the table and you pour monster energy into Invincible's mouth and he gets a sudden burst of energy and he finishes the fight by grabbing the monster and throwing it to the sun past Omni-Man.

(Y/N): "Oh my gosh...!"

Zee: *in her head* "Finally."

(Y/N): "I need to check out that book from the school library, Journey to the West."

Zee: "OH COME ON!!!!"

Atom Eve: "Hey Invincible, you okay?"

Invincible: *full of energy*"Woo! I got a sudden burst of energy and I can fly into the sky, I wanna punch Zeus in the face! Woo!"*passes out and fall to the ground*

Diana: "Atom, what has happened to Invincible?"

Atom Eve: "I think that kid made him drink monster energy."

Kara: "Is that bad?"

Atom Eve: "No he's fine, it's a normal reaction to everyone who drinks Monster Energy Drinks."

Later, in the Library, we see you reading Journey to the West and we see Pam sitting with you reading about plants and she sees you.

Pam: "What are you reading?"

(Y/N): "Journey to the West. Man Sun Wukong is such a crack up, did you know that this book is the reason why Shonen Anime was put on the map?"

Pam: "I didn't."

Meanwhile we see Selina, and the others looking at this.

Selina: "So he notices her, but not us?"

Zee: "He's faking it right?"

Jessica: "He's not entirely anti-social, he does talk to some people and he often prefers to stay alone with some peace and quiet."*sees you leaving the room*"And he left."

Later, we see you walk down the halls and you head to your locker and you open it to look through its contents and pull out a calendar that has days of school assignments and house chores.

(Y/N): "Gotta go shopping to get groceries for the month. I hope they have some of that Haribo Starmix."

Later at the market, we see you looking at the shelves of the store as we see items on your shopping list fall into your cart by an invisible force. Meanwhile, it was actually Bayonetta and Jeane fighting some angels in the same store and they're fighting in the same store in Purgatorio while you head to the next aisle. You then look through the shelves and you then grab a pack of pringles and head to the register. Once you make the purchase you head out of the market and you see a pamphlet about interspecies exchange students and you put it in your pocket. You then head out of the market and head home as we see Jeanne and Bayonetta leave Purgatorio behind you and they walk past you.

(Y/N): "Hey."

Bayonetta: "Not much of conversation as always."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Jeanne: "How come anywhere you go my favorite student often ends up in and out of deadly situations?"

(Y/N): *shrugs an I don't know*

Bayonetta: "Just try not to end up in the crossfire again."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Later, we see you head back to your apartment and you head into your room where we see you take a seat and pull out a Junji Ito Manga and you read it.

(Y/N): "Now to kick back, relax and read some manga. Goodbye sweet dreams, hello terrible nightmares."

Then suddenly, we see a beam of light teleport you to the past and you were sitting on a giant chair and you tried to get comfortable.

(Y/N): *Tries to get comfy* "Ughh, come on...who makes a chair like this? It's like it's for some giant woman?"

???: *offscreen*"My diamond, I think I heard a voice."

We then see a Pearl come to you and sees you and you see it was a blue pearl and we see Blue Diamond come into the room as it was revealed that you were sitting on her throne in her palanquin.

Blue D: "What is a human doing on my throne?"

(Y/N): *while reading*"Do you have an extra pillow I can borrow? Who sits in a lounge chair that doesn't have pillows or any comfort?"

Blue D: "I'm surprised that a human has the courage to walk into my palanquin. Perhaps I can save this one as well."

We then see Blue Diamond pick you up and you were unphased by the situation and you were still reading your book casually like everything is normal as a guy named Greg Universe was panicking.

Greg: "How are you so calm about this!?!"

(Y/N): "Hey I'm reading here."

Later, in space, we see you and Greg were placed in the human Zoo that belonged to Pink Diamond and both of you were wearing the clothing of the Zoomans and you still have your book with you and you're still reading it.

Greg: "How can you read at a time like this!?"

(Y/N): "Shush, I'm reading about how a kid turned into a Jack in the box."

Greg: "But we're prisoners! Look around you!"

You look around the area and it's actually a peaceful place and it's a utopia for carefree fun for the Zoomans.

(Y/N): "Looks nice to me."

Greg was speechless, he was questioning how this guy can be so casual about this entire situation. We then see one of the Zoomans named Jay-ten walk up to you and sit next to you.

Jay-Ten: "What is that you got there?"

(Y/N): "Junji Ito Manga called Uzumaki."

Jay-Ten: "Uzu......maki?"

Greg: "This is the worst place ever!"

(Y/N): "Give it 10 minutes."

Frenchie: 10 minutes later.

Greg: "This place ain't so bad."

Wy-Six: "(Y/N), you have introduced us to such a wonderful and scary thing called Uzu-maki, we thank you."

(Y/N): "Just get it back to me when you're done with it."

You then take a nap as the Zoo-mans were curious about you.

Jay-Ten: "He is such an odd one, he acts as if everything is normal."

Greg: "He must have Autism."

Wy-Six: "What is Autism?"

Greg: "It's kind of a thing that the brain does to make people not act like the rest and see the world differently. I read about it in a magazine."

Your earrings then glowed and you heard a voice.

The voice: "It is time to play."

(Y/N): "10 more minutes."

Frenchie: "10 more minutes later."

We see you still taking a nap as we see Holly Blue Agate seeing you taking a nap.

HB Agate: "Why is that human not following directions?! And why is it lying next to the entrance to the door!?!"

Amethyst: "Probably because he's taking a nap? He's not like the other humans we have here."

Back to you, we see Steven, Greg, and the Zoomans where they exit out of the zoo and they see you.

Greg: "You're still sleeping here?"

(Y/N): *wakes up*"Man, that was a good nap."*gets up and stretches a bit*"What's going on?"

Steven: "We're busting you and dad out of here?"

(Y/N): "You mean the guy that makes him Repunzel's cousin 5x removed?"

Steven: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Cool. I would give this place a 4.5 star rating on Yelp but I don't have my phone."

Steven: "How can you be calm about this!?!"

Greg: "Schtoball, remember that thing that people like him have?"

Steven: "Autism? I remember, why?" *Realizes* "Ohh, you mean he has-"

Greg: "Yep."

(Y/N): "So how do we get this door to open?"

Jay-Ten: "Well it opens when people feel hurt."

(Y/N): "Like this?"

You then scream out of nowhere and surprise everyone as we see the door open with Holy Blue Agate there.

(Y/N): "Oh, I thought that was a mirror."

Steven: "It actually worked?"

(Y/N): *to Holly Blue Agate*"Can we go back to Earth?"

HB Agate: "What!?! No!"

(Y/N): "Meh, had to try."*walks away from the door*

Greg: "You're giving up just like that?"

(Y/N): *offscreen*"Yep, I'm going with the flow."

We then see the door closed and Steven then walks up to you as you read your book.

Steven: "You're the least helpful person I have just met!"

Greg: "Steven, he did his best. Besides, those gems are way stronger than all of us."

Steven: "How did he get captured by Blue Diamond in the first place!?!"

(Y/N): "I was reading my book and I was sitting in her chair."

You then hear the voice.

Greg: "Let's go with what she says for now."

The Voice: "It is time for the Choosening, everyone, go to the circle for the Choosening."

Wy-Six: "(Y/N), Steven, Greg, come with us to the Choosening circle."

Jay-Ten: "It is a wonderful time, you must come with us."*to you*"Come please."

(Y/N): "Alright."

We then see you and the others gather around the circle and we see you in the circle.

(Y/N): "Two things you always expect at a zoo, a ton of animals-"

The Voice: "Let the Choosening begin. Jay-Ten step into the circle."

We then see Jay-Ten step into the circle and you see her.

The Voice: "(Y/N), step into the circle."

(Y/N): "And a breeding program."

Greg: "Huh?"

You then step into the circle and we see Jay-Ten kisses you on the lips and she pulls back.

(Y/N): "I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

Greg: " This is a matchmaking thing!?! I knew there's always a catch with these utopias."

Jay-Ten: "I am happy to be choosened with you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "It's ironic when it's the humans that do the breeding in the breeding program."*looks at a certain direction and makes a shocked expression*

Jay-Ten: "What is it (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "The downside of a too loving relationship."

Steven: "What do you mean?"

Wy-Six: "Wait, you mean?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Wy-Six: "The twisted love between those who have been chosen is here!?! The Spiral Curse has made its way to our home, run for your lives!"

(Y/N): *in your head*"It's good to have a campfire story."

We then see everyone running in a panic as you take Jay-Ten with you to the door as Greg and Steven follow you two. We then see the door open as all of the Amethysts run into the room and you and Jay-Ten then head out of the Zoo and before you two can react. You were then zapped by the same beam of light and teleported back to your room and back to the present day.

Jay-Ten: "Where are we?"

(Y/N): "My apartment. Seems like that beam of light that sent me into the past brought me back to the present."

Jay-Ten: "That is normal for you?"

(Y/N): "When you live in a world full of crazy things happening on a daily basis, it becomes routine for ya."

You then get a knock on the door and then you answer it and see Steven at age 16 and he sees you and recognizes you instantly.

Steven: "(Y/N)?!"

(Y/N): "Hello Steven."

Steven: "I thought you were dead!? Wait if you're here then-"*sees Jay-Ten behind you and sees her wave at Steven*"-I don't even want to know how you got back."

(Y/N): "So what are you doing here?"

Steven: "I just moved here and I want to greet the neighbors."

(Y/N): "Oh, hello. Welcome to the neighborhood."

Steven: "You haven't aged a day since 2 years ago."

(Y/N): "It happens when you travel through time."

Steven: "You... you time traveled?"

(Y/N): "Yep. So what's up with you?"

Steven: "I've been through some bad stuff, so I moved out of my hometown and now I'm living in Metropolis."

(Y/N): "Ohh, sorry to hear that. Welp, good luck."

You then close the door as Steven then heads back to his apartment. We later see you and Jay-Ten watching TV and Jay-Ten was laying on your shoulder.

Jay-Ten: "Is this a TV? There's so many people in there."

(Y/N): "Yeah there are. Better educate you about Modern Earth."*looks at Jay-Ten's clothes*"And get you out of those clothes."

Jay-Ten: "What is wrong with my clothes?"

(Y/N): "Loincloths are not the best attire nowadays."

Jay-Ten: "Really?"

Sometime later, we see you knocking on Zee's door and she opens it and sees you and Jay-Ten.

(Y/N): "Time Travel shenanigans happened to me and she came along and she has no other clothes other than the loin cloth she has on. Can you get her new clothes? Her name is Jay-Ten by the way."

Zee: *eye twitches* "...Where....did you....find her!?!"

(Y/N): "Human Zoo in space and we were paired up for a breeding program when I was hit by a beam that sent me back in time and now we're back in the present day."

Zee: *internal screaming*"So....some matchmaker paired you up with her and now you're a couple?!"

Jay-Ten: "I live in his apartment."

Zee was furious on the inside and she kept her composure about it and smiled.

Zee: "Of course I would like to help her."

We later see Zee picking out clothes for Jay-Ten to wear, and inside Zee was furious.

Zee: "So how long have you known each other?"

Jay-Ten: "2 years but it was a few minutes in our flow of time. He showed me his book and he told me a lot about Earth and showed me a Tv."

Zee: "Of course....."*hugs Jay-Ten tightly*"I happy for you......"

Jay-Ten: "You have strong arms. Do you work out?"

Sometime later, we see Jay-Ten in a blue dress with a white jacket and a pair of open toe sandals, but she kept her earrings.

Jay-Ten: "This attire is comfy."

Zee: "You're welcome and I'm... happy you are with......(Y/N)..."

Jay-Ten: *hugs Zee*"You are a good friend Zee."

Zee: "...Thanks."

Later, at your house, we see Jay-Ten reading your books and she is fascinated by what you have in your bookshelf.

Jay-Ten: "So many books you have (Y/N)!"*hugs you*"I knew we would be Choosened together."

(Y/N): "And get ready for the needles Jay-Ten."

Jay-Ten: "What are needles?"

Later, at the Doctor's office, we see you and Jay-Ten sitting on a bench and she was rubbing her arm after getting her vaccine shots.

Jay-Ten: "That hurt!"*cries and hugs you*"Why did you let that man use that needle on me!"

(Y/N): "It's what doctors do, it may hurt a little but it's good for you because he's making sure you're healthy. And unlike where you're from, we have diseases."

Jay-Ten: "And diseases are bad?"

(Y/N): "Yep. Plus Earth is not as much of a Utopia as the Human Zoo but it's home."

Jay-Ten: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "You'll see."

Later, at your house, we see Jay-Ten watching the news and she's how bad Earth has gotten since her ancestors have been abducted from Earth.

Jay-Ten: "By the stars..."

(Y/N): *walks by*"I know right, and don't get me started on the gas prices, they're outrageous."*pulls out the interspecies exchange bill pamphlet*"At least they're trying their best to make the world a better place, even if people are lazy bums."

You then hear a knock at your door.

(Y/N): "Oh that must be the new roommate."

Jay-Ten: "Is a roommate like me?"

(Y/N): "Yep, and ever since your ancestors have been offworld, Earth has met some new people."

You then open the door and Jay-Ten sees a woman with red hair and has a lower snakelike body.

(Y/N): "You must be Miia, welcome to my home."

Miia: "Nice to meet you."*sees Jay-Ten*"Who's she?"

(Y/N): "That's Jay-Ten, she's my roommate."

Jay-Ten then smiles and takes a look at Miia from her hair, her eyes, and her snaketail.

Jay-Ten: "You're like me but with red hair and a giant tail."*feels her tail*"Ooo so smooth!"

Miia: "Hey don't touch there."*pulls her tail away*"What is with you?"

Jay-Ten: "I never seen Earth before, I was born in a zoo for humans."

Miia: "Wait really?"

(Y/N): "It's true."

Miia: "Wow."*feels Jay-Ten stroking the tip of her tail**moans*"Don't touch that! It's sensitive!"

Jay-Ten: "Oh sorry."*lets go*"I am just so happy to see someone like you. But um, where are your legs?"

Miia: "I'm a demi-human, specifically a lamia. I don't have legs."

(Y/N): "You have my permission to help Miia shed her skin Jay-Ten."

Jay-Ten: "Oh yeah, snakes shed skin but um, is it the same process for lamias?"

(Y/N): "Why yes, I did my research."

Jay-Ten: "Okay."

Miia: *blushes embarrassedly*"Shedding in front of people is even worse than being naked for lamias."

Jay-Ten: "It's okay, I never wore underwear ever since I was born and I was okay with it. I tried on underwear but it didn't feel comfy so I just went on without underwear."

Miia: "But what about (Y/N)? Does he mind?"

Jay-Ten: "He looks at the ceiling whenever I'm getting dressed."

(Y/N): "I avoid looking at naked women. It's rude and I wanna give them their privacy."

You then head to the kitchen as we see Miia look around and she sees Jay-Ten's old clothes.

Miia: "A loincloth?"

Jay-Ten: "Oh that's my old clothes, wanna try it on?"

Miia: "Sure."

Sometime later, we see Miia wearing the loincloth and looking at herself in the mirror.

Miia: "Wow, this is a nice outfit."*sees her reflection* "I look good in this."

Jay-Ten: "Wait until you put on the earrings."*takes off her earrings and put them on Miia's ears*"There."

Miia: *sees her reflection*"Wow, these are pretty."

Jay-Ten: "You look like a Zoolamia."

Miia: "What?"*smells something*"What is that incredible smell?"

Miia followed the smell as Jay-Ten followed her and they saw you make a delicious sandwich along with a 5 course meal of a delicious salad and some homemade fries and nuggets.

Miia: *Salivating* "Oh this looks delicious."

When Miia eats a fry she can taste the ketchup inside of it and she enjoyed the food. Jay-Ten then tried the nuggets and she was amazed by the flavor of the chicken nuggets.

Jay-Ten: "Oh my..." *to you* "Where did you learn to make these?"

We then see a cutaway where you put on a white mask and you cook amazing food for any occasion as a celebrity chef known as Chef Mask. We then come back to you.

(Y/N): "I learned how to cook from the celebrity chef named Chef Mask."

Miia: "You mean the amazing chef that can cook anything for any occasion and yet no one knows who he is?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Jay-Ten: "What did you use to make this?"

(Y/N): "This is a vegan meal, what you're eating is a nugget made out of soy."

Miia: "Soy? But it tastes just like chicken."

(Y/N): *pulls out chicken seasoning*"I have seasoning to trick people into eating healthy food."

Jay-Ten: "So sneaky."

You then hear a knock at your door and you head to it and answer it and it was Steven.

Steven: "Hey do you know where the landlord is?"

(Y/N): "I am the landlord."

Steven: "Wait, you own the apartment complex?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, me and my moms own the apartment complex. They live in the penthouse."

Steven: "Your moms have a penthouse?"

(Y/N): "Yep, top floor."

Steven: "Huh, neat." *Smells the air* "Is that chicken?"

Jay-Ten: "No, it's soy imitation nuggets that taste like chicken. He learned the recipe from Chef Mask."

Steven: "The celebrity chef?! I follow his recipes! Well my friend Pearl does but she showed them to me. His work is amazing."

(Y/N): "If you see him, you should tell him that."

Steven: "Anyways."*gives you a rent check*"Here's a rent check for my apartment."

(Y/N): *Takes the check* "Thanks, have a good day."

We then see Steven leave as you then close the door and then you head to the couch and you turn in a certain direction.

(Y/N): "I know you're there."

We then see Bayonetta become visible as Jay-Ten and Miia were surprised to see her.

Bayonetta: "Perceptive as always."

Jay-Ten: "You were there the whole time!? How?!"

Bayonetta: "I would tell you, but where's the fun in that?"

Jay-Ten: "Aww."*looks at Bayonetta's hair*"Oooo your hair is pretty."*sees guns on her boots*"What are those things on your shoes?"

Bayonetta: "Have you never seen a gun before?"

Jay-Ten: "What's a gun?"

(Y/N): "She was born off-world in a human zoo, this is the first time she has ever seen the Earth."

Bayonetta: "Really?"*to Jay-Ten*"And how did a lady like you meet (Y/N)?"

Miia: "You know (Y/N)!?"

Bayonetta: "He's a student and my friend Jeanne is his math teacher at school. That and I am his next door neighbor."

Miia: "Oh, then what are you?"

(Y/N): "She's an Umbra Witch."

Miia: "A witch? Where's your homestay?"

Bayonetta: "I am not a demihuman, I am a human with magic."

Miia: "Oh, so what kind of magic do you use?"

Both Jay-ten and Miia see Bayonetta's clothes transform into casual sleepwear like lingerie as see that her clothes are made out of her own hair.

Jay-Ten: "Your hair is your clothes? That is so amazing! Can you teach me that?"

Bayonetta: "You'll have to learn how to live as a human first, then I might teach you some things about magic."*pulls Jay-Ten towards her*"And trust me, your lessons might be painful to you and fun for me."

Jay-Ten: "Okay..."

(Y/N): "She's a magical equivalent to a dominatrix."

Bayonetta: "And you say that to my face, I like a man with some honesty."*to Jay-Ten*"And one more thing."

Bayontta then applied lipstick to Jay-Ten and held up a mirror.

Bayonetta: "Every girl has to look their best."

Jay-Ten: *sees her reflection*"My lips are red, what is this?"

Bayonetta: "It's called lipstick, it's one of the few things women put on to get the attention of some boys."

Bayonetta then leaves the room as Jay-Ten was fascinated by the lipstick on her lips.

Jay-Ten: "Ooo..."

(Y/N): "Yeah I don't really judge a woman by their appearance. I like a woman with a nice personality. Like you Jay-Ten."

Jay-Ten: "That is so sweet."

You then toss a big blanket to Miia and she catches it.

(Y/N): "You need some personal warmth since Lamias are coldblooded demi-humans."

Miia: "Thank you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "You are welcome."

Later, we see you heading to school and we see Madama Butterfly battling some angels and you just walk past her like everything is normal. When she killed the last angel, she then looked down and saw you going to school. She then taps your shoulder and you look up to her.

(Y/N): "Is Bayonetta controlling you right now?"*sees Madama Butterfly nod no* "Okay, why are you here right now?"*sees Madama Butterfly place a hand on the ground and gestures to get on it*"Oh sweet."

We see Madama Butterfly carry you to Metropolis High and she drops you off.

(Y/N): "Thanks for the ride."

You then head into school and we see you walk past Zee and she was furious about you but she kept her composure incheck.

Zee: *In her head* "How could he just pick up a woman out of nowhere in space after some matchmaker paired them up!?!"

We then see Zee walk up to you while you are reading today's newspaper about what happened today.

(Y/N): "Man these gas prices are outrageous, they went up by a nickel, talk about inflation."*reads the sports section*"Dang it, they lost again! As usual, it's like they're paid to lose on purpose."*sees Steven at his locker*"Hey Steven."

Steven: *sees you walk by*"Oh hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Have you seen the paper today? The gas prices went up a nickel, again!"

Steven: "I know right?"

Zee: "Who was that?"

(Y/N): "A new tenant to the apartment complex named Steven, I'm his landlord."

Zee: "Good...."*in her head*"He still doesn't notice me!?!"

Later in class, we see Zee looking straight at you while you work on your classwork.

(Y/N): "What are you doing...?"

Zee: "Giving you a message through my eyes."

(Y/N): "You're bad at that."

Zee: "Well dig deeper!"

Jessica: *Sighs* "Zee come on, he's not gonna get it."

(Y/N): "I have signed up for the Interspecies Exchange program and now there's a lamia in my apartment."

Jessica: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep, so how are things going for you Jess?"

Jessica: "Well Carol and I kissed to find out if she's into women but she's not. I am bisexual by the way."

(Y/N): "Good for you, but I already knew that when you hung out with Pam."

Jessica: "Oh. Wait how did-"

(Y/N): "She told me about it."

Jessica: "Oh well, it's good to know that."

Zee: "How come you hang out with her instead of me?"

(Y/N): "I don't know, why did you ask me that?"

Zee: "I'll give you a hint!"

We then see Zee pull you in for a kiss on the lips as Jessica saw it.

Jessica: "Woah Zee!"

Zee: *pulls back*"Get it?"

(Y/N): "Message received, Jay-Ten wouldn't mind cause she and Miia talked about their culture and she was told about Miia's culture having women having a communal husband to share. Basically, she's fine with an open relationship."

Zee: "Good, but seriously, it took you that long to realize this?"

Jessica: "Zee he's autistic remember? Why do you think he didn't notice you?"

Zee: *Remembers and realizes* "Ohh... I... (Y/N) I am so sorry."

(Y/N): "It's fine."

Later, at your apartment, we see you and Jay-Ten talking to the Interspecies Exchange Coordinator Kuroko Smith.

Smith: "I see Miia is settling in nicely."

(Y/N): "She is, and she and Jay-Ten are getting along very well."

Jay-Ten: "I helped her shed her skin and I was gentle about it."

Smith: "Well as you must know there will be more demihumans coming to your apartment, I'm just letting you know."

(Y/N): "I can tell you're a lazy person so it wouldn't be a surprise that you didn't tell us."

Smith: *sighs sadly*"And you said that to my face."

(Y/N): "Well I'm sorry but the truth can hurt sometimes but it's true."

Smith: "Nevertheless, just be prepared for anything."

(Y/N): "Okay, I got errands to do."

You then head out of the room as Jay-Ten looks at what clothes Smith is wearing.

Jay-Ten: "What are you wearing?"

Smith: "This is a professional uniform, if you want to make sure you're doing a good job you have to look like a professional."

Jay-Ten: "Can I try on your clothes?"

Smith: "Uh...."

Meanwhile, you were minding your own business until something grabbed you from above your head. The next thing you knew, you were in a tree and you used your acrobatics to get down safely and you saw a small little girl with blue hair and wings for arms.

(Y/N): "Are you a harpy?"

Papi: "Yeah, my name is Papi the Happy Harpy!"*lands on the ground and grab your arm*"Let's get something to eat."*takes one step and forgot what she's doing and looks at you*"Uh....who are you again?"

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) and we're getting food."

Sometime later, we see you and Papi eating some ice cream.

(Y/N): "How did you get here?"

Papi: "I was supposed to read this Cultural Exchange Bill but that was too hard so I ran away."

(Y/N): "Not a good idea, you might get arrested if you're out here on your own."

Papi: "Why?"

(Y/N): "If you're not with a host family then you're gonna get arrested and sent back to your homeland."

Papi: "That's.....not good."

(Y/N): "Yeah it isn't, don't you have a homestay?"

Papi: "Uh......."

Sometime later, we see Papi in your apartment as you told Smith everything about how you met Papi.

Smith: "Can't believe you caught her before I did."

(Y/N): "I did a better job than you have."

Smith: *sighs sadly*"And you said that to my face again."

(Y/N): "Honesty is better than White Lies."

Smith: "Well I was gonna send Papi over to you, but you beat me to her."*sees Jay-Ten looking at Papi's wings*"And I see Jay-Ten is taking a liking to her."

Jay-Ten: "So many feathers! And you can fly?"

Papi: "Yep! I'm a harpy!"

(Y/N): "She's staying here then. I'll make sure she won't run away again."

Smith: "Well okay then, call me if you need anything."

(Y/N): "Alright, Jay-Ten don't burn the house down while I'm gone, I'm going to a chess tournament."

Jay-Ten: "Okay."

Later, we see you playing chess and you beat your opponent which is Riser Phenex.

(Y/N): "Annnnd... That's my 60th consecutive win in a row."

Riser: "Curses! How can a human beat Riser!?!"

(Y/N): "Cause unlike you I have brain cells. Wanna go another round?"

Riser: "...Fine!"

Frenchie: 400 rounds later.

We then see Riser face planted on the table in defeat as you took in another victory.

(Y/N): "You lost and now you have to pay the price of losing."

Riser: *Reluctant tone* "...Fine."

(Y/N): "Your whole peerage and your right to marry Rias please."

Sometime later, we see Riser's peerage in the apartment as we see Jay-Ten fondling Yubelluna's breasts.

Jay-Ten: *while fondling Yubelluna's breasts*"So big!"

Yubelluna: *Moans* "Please, stop. You're being too handsy."

(Y/N): "Sorry about her, she's gotten excited about anything that is on Earth since she was born off-world in a human zoo in space."

Yubelluna: "I understand, I can't believe Riser lost to you of all people, you're a human."

(Y/N): "It's what I do. You girls can have your own apartment here since you don't have to live with Riser."

Mi: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yep, we have a room that can fit you all."

Riser's former peerage: "Thank you."

We then see a demon summoning circle appear in the room and you see Rias appear in the room.

Rias: "I heard what you did against Riser, thank you so much."

(Y/N): "You're welcome umm... I'm sorry, who are you?"

Rias: "I am Rias Gremory, the woman you're gonna marry to."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, if you want to get to know me better, we have an apartment vacant for you."

Rias: "What- I said was-"

(Y/N): "And don't worry there's plenty of space for you, and your friends."

Rias: "But-"

(Y/N): *Gives her the keys* "Oh and here are the keys to your new apartment. And the rent is a monthly charge of 70 dollars per month. We keep it cheap so that everyone can afford their own rooms."

Rias was speechless about you that you took it well about the situation.

Rias: "Uh... okay then..."

(Y/N): "You are welcome ma'am."

Rias: " ...You do realize you will marry me right?"

(Y/N): "Oh I'm flattered, but I already got a girlfriend."

Jay-Ten: "Hi I'm Jay-Ten."*looks at Rias' hair*"You have so much hair and it's really red."

Rias: "Oh, thank you."

Jay-Ten then started to braid Rias' hair, much to her surprise but she didn't mind.

Jay-Ten: *finishes braiding Rias' hair* "And there."

Rias: "Um thank you Jay, you really don't have to."

Jay-Ten: "No problem, any friend of (Y/N) is a friend of mine. And I don't mind sharing (Y/N)."

Rias: "Oh okay, thank you."

Jay-Ten: "What does marriage mean?"

Rias: "It's a ceremony where people who love each other are committed to be together forever."

Jay-Ten: "Oh just like the Choosening back in the Human Zoo?"

Rias: "What?"

(Y/N): "I'll explain later."

Next: Chapter 1: Meeting the Diamonds

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