Day Eight: Lost In Thought

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This chapter goes out to sailormewmew she was the first person to comment on my book and has been a great supporter since the beginning.

Rachel and I didn't talk much, there wasn't anything to say. Yesterday was a nightmare, one we would never forget. Travis didn't come down this morning, it worried me. He could of gotten caught dumping Ashley's body, if he did he wouldn't tell anyone we were here. Rachel and I would end up starving to death. Right now I don't care about starving; I have no desire to eat anything. Everything got out of hand last night; I knew Travis was crazy but I didn't know it was to that extent. I should have stayed home that day. I should have just waited until I could see Alex the next day.

I haven't really thought much about Alex since I've been here. I miss talking to him every night. He made me smile all the time, he made me feel beautiful. I wonder what he would think of me now that I've killed someone.

I started thinking about what I would do if I ever got out. I don't know what I would do; I really don't want to explain that I killed a girl. I wondered what my mom was doing; I hope she's doing well. I don't want her crying over me, I'm not dead yet. She would be so disappointed in me if she knew what happened. I wondered how the girls before us died. I couldn't stop thinking about Emma; I never heard about her before. Her note said that she was pregnant, where is she now? I had so many questions, but nobody to ask them to.

Last night played over and over in my head. The only image I saw was Ashley taking her last breath. It hasn't even been a whole day, but it feels like it has been haunting me forever. I wanted to tell myself that it wasn't real, but there was no point in lying. I wouldn't believe it anyway.

I decided to turn on the news. I sat there for a while waiting for something about Rachel and I, but nothing came on. It felt like everyone just gave up and lost hope. We were just a dead end I guess, they don't know us so why would they care? I hope Rachel's dad and my mom come together; they both need someone there for them. I know that Rachel and I are afraid for our lives, but I can't imagine how they feel.

I wasted away the whole day on the couch, but it wasn't like I was wasting much. I wish I was back at the diner; I needed to feel my dad's presence. Being there made everything better, no matter what the situation was. I started getting tired so I picked up Precious and brought her to the bedroom with me. Rachel was already asleep in the bed. I put Precious down next to Rachel and walked over to the dresser. I changed into shorts and a tank top; I don't like sleeping in my regular clothes. I crawled into bed with Rachel and Precious and fell asleep once my head hit the pillow.

I woke up in the middle of the night to Travis shaking Rachel.

"Why don't you go to the couch tonight?" I heard him whisper to Rachel. I felt her sit up and get out of bed. I opened my eyes and saw them walk out of the room together. I got out of bed and peeked through the door. I saw Rachel sit on the couch while Travis stood behind it. I saw a needle in his hand; he stuck it in the side of her neck. "I don't want you to ruin this for me." I could hear him say.

"What did you do to her?" I yelled. I didn't want him to know I was awake, but I was overprotective of Rachel. Travis walked towards me.

"Don't worry, Princess. That will help her sleep; now we can have a little time to ourselves." He shot me a smile and softly pushed me into the bedroom. He walked in after me and shut the door. "It's nice to have a little privacy, now get in bed." I stood there afraid of what could happen. "I said get in bed!" Travis demanded. I crawled in bed and took deep breaths. Travis stripped down; the only thing he was wearing was his boxers.

"What are you doing?" I asked with my trembling voice. Travis crawled into bed with me and got under the covers. He didn't answer my question he just tried to pull my shorts off. I pushed his hands away and started crying silently, I didn't want him to see my fear.

"You said you loved me, why are you so afraid?"

"I can't do this, it isn't right." I whimpered.

"If we love each other then there is nothing to worry about." I looked away as he spoke. "You weren't lying, now were you?" He turned my head over so it was facing him; he gave me such an angry look.

"I wasn't lying, I don't lie." I cried. I had to say something. He looked at me with so much anger in his eyes; I didn't want him to hurt me or Rachel.

"Well, now that that's settled." Travis leaned in and kissed my cheek. My body was quivering. He undressed me and slid off his boxers. Before I knew it he was on top of me, making his way with me. I tried to fight it but no matter what I tried to do my body wouldn't move. I wanted to hit him, but my arms wouldn't listen to my brain. It was like I was frozen, the only thing I could do was cry.

After what felt like forever Travis finally finished. He kissed me on the lips and fell asleep half on top of me. I wiped my lips off and cried all night long. I tried to get up but I just couldn't, my body was in shock. I cried more than I ever did in my whole life combined. I tried to fight the exhaustion, but it over powered me and I fell asleep.

I had a dream that felt so real. I was in bed and Travis was gone. My father was sitting on the bed next to me, he wiped away all of my tears.

"Don't worry sweetheart, everything is going to be okay. I'm watching over you, I will always be here with you. Don't lose your faith; you're going to make it out of here alive, I promise you." He told me as he moved the hair out of my face.

"Daddy, I'm not strong enough. I can't do this much longer. I'm so scared; I really need you right now. I miss you so much." I started bawling my eyes out. My heart felt like it was breaking all over again.

"You are strong enough, don't quit now. Follow your gut instinct, it's always right. I promise you, my child. You are going to live a long and happy life; this is just one terrible obstacle you have to overcome. Please remember, I am always with you even if you can't see me. I love you, Alice." I went in to hug him; I needed his shoulder to cry on. The moment I wrapped my arms around him, he vanished. I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"Please come back, don't leave me! I need you more now than ever!" I screamed. He never came back.


OMG so her dream actually made me tear up. Is it just me, or did that happen to anybody else?

Your votes and comments are always appreciated. ❤️

I'm sorry for this chapter. 🙁

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