Rachel's POV: Missing Alice

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I feel like I betrayed Alice, I told her I would be there for her through it all. I wasn't there when she needed me the most. Now she's gone, Alice just disappeared. I'm so worried because everyone is ending up dead.

Knock knock.

I ran straight to the door hoping it was Alice; it was just a couple of cops.

"Are you Rachel Hall?" The officer with the beard asked me.

"Yes. Did you find Alice?"

"No, we need to ask you a few questions. Do you mind if we come inside?" The woman cop asked.

"Yes, please come in. I'll show you to the living room." I closed the front door after the police entered, and then lead the way to the living room where we sat. The police sat on a couch that was parallel to the one I sat in.

"Where were you at the time of Alice's disappearance?" The woman cop asked.

"I was at home helping my dad with the basement all day. She texted me though. She wanted me to go over because she was upset, but I told her I couldn't." I answered.

"Can your father confirm that you were home all day with him?" The woman cop is the only one asking questions while the other one took notes.

"Are you actually thinking that I had something to do with this? I wouldn't ever do anything to her. She is my best friend. Yeah, my dad can confirm it! He is in the basement right now!" I practically yelled at her. Seriously? Me, a suspect? I don't think so!

"We will talk to him when we are done with you. Do you know anyone that would want to harm her?" The other officer was still taking notes. I can't think of anybody that would want to harm her.

"Not one person. She did have a date with some guy named Alex though. They went out on Saturday. She met him online."

"Interesting. Have you heard from her after her date with Alex?" The woman cop raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, she said it went well. That's the night I told her about Steven. She didn't talk after that. The next day she wanted me to come over, I haven't heard from her since." My heart started racing, I wanted to be with Alice. I want to be at her house messing around doing each other's nails. I miss my best friend. I wish I knew she was safe, she wouldn't do this.

"Did she say anything about seeing this man again?" I started thinking about her question.

"No, she was too upset to tell me more about him after the news of Steven." Could Alex of done this? I mean it's not like she was talking to anyone else.

"You said she met him online, do you know which website it was?" I introduced her to the site. This is my fault. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer.

"The site is Chat and Meet." I cried. "Her username is thatbabealice. I made the account for her."

"So you know her password then?"

"No, she made her own password." I answered truthfully.

The male police officer clicked the button on his walkie-talkie.

"We need a unit on Chat and Meet. Get on to thatbabealice's profile and find out who Alex is." The officer spoke for the first time in a while.

"10-4" I heard come out of the walkie-talkie speaker. The woman cop directed her attention to me again.

"Do you mind if we have a look around?" Why do they need to look around?

"Sure go ahead." I'm not going to bother bringing up a warrant. I have nothing to hide. Alice isn't here and I didn't do anything to her. The police looked around in every room. I have no idea what they are looking for. They found their way to the basement and went down. I heard them talking to my dad, but it was muffled. I can't hear what they are saying. After about ten minutes of talking the officers came back up the stairs and let themselves out. I could hear their sirens going off as they drove off. They must have gotten a call.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and viewed Alice's profile. Maybe I could find something here. I looked through the comments on her profile and there weren't any. I clicked on each picture looking for any comments, and again there weren't any. It's as if everything was deleted.

I went to herfriend's list and the only one there was Alexander. He is the only person onher profile. He had to of been the person responsible for Alice'sdisappearance. I clicked on his profile and looked through everything. He had astatus update from two hours ago. "I haven't talked to her sinceSunday, what did I do wrong? :(" He must be talking about Alice.I think he has something to do with this and he's trying to throw everyone off!I hope the police find him and he tells them what he did to her!    

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