The Mandalorians (1)

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My father and I stood out in the freezing cold, looking for our bounty. Dad pulls out a tracking fob and holds it out, moving it left and right.

We listen closely to the beeping of the fob as it begins to beep continuously. Dad held it in the direction of the settlement several dozen yards ahead. We then make our way towards one of the nearby buildings that appears to be a bar.

Inside we see a man, a Quarren, and a cyborg who were looking down at a pinned Mythrol they were threatening, which ironically happens to be our bounty.

The Man yells something at us, but we ignore him and enter the bar, standing at the counter with our backs turned.

The Man looks down and sees that his mug has been knocked over.

Man: <You spilled my drink...>

Neither of us respond, angering the Man.

Man: <Hey, Mandalorians! I said, you spilled, my drink...>

The Man approaches us, gaining the attention of the Quarren who drops the Mythrol. The Quarren stands behind us as the Cyborg stands on my left.

Bartender: He says you spilled his drink. It's fine, it's on me...

The Man looks down at our armor.

Man: <Is that real Beskar Steel?>

The Man scrapes his knife against Dad's chestplate. Bad call.

Bartender: Here.

The bartender slides a drink down the counter, which Dad catches and smashes into the Man's face. I take out my blaster and shoot the Cyborg once in the leg, making him fall on one knee and grab him by his neck, ramming his head into the counter.

Dad grabbed the Quarren by his tendrils and smashed his face to the counter. The Man goes to stab him but I immediately shoot him in the shoulder, allowing Dad to grab the knife and stab it into the Man's side.

The Quarren runs for the door, but Dad fires his fibercord and catches the Quarren by the ankle pulling him back into the bar. I see the Quarren going for his blaster and shoot it out of his hand before blasting the door panel. The Quarren gets stuck in the center as the door shuts and cuts his body in half.

We both look towards the Mythrol who laughs and sit down.

Mythrol: Thank you. Thank you very much, you have my heartfelt gratitude.

Both of us just stare at the Mythrol.

Mythrol: Uh, you know what? Here. You take my credits. By yourselves a drink.

The Mythrol pushes his credits in front of us, but we ignore them as Dad puts down a bounty puck that projects a 'WANTED' poster of the Mythrol's face.

Mythrol: Uh, is that a bounty puck? I-Is, that me?

I simply cross my arms as Dad's gaze doesn't waver.

Mythrol: Look, there must be some mistake. I can get you more credits-

Dad: We can either bring you in warm...

Dad moves his cowl, revealing his blaster.

Dad: ...or bring you in cold.

The Mythrol sighs and holds his hands out, just as Dad brings out a pair of binding cuffs. As he leads the Mythrol out, I take the Mythrol's credits from the table and place them on the counter in front of the bartender.

Y/n: Sorry about the mess.


We lead the Mythrol outside and stop in front of a Kubaz ferryman. The Kubaz greets us in his native tongue.

Dad: We need passage to the yards.

The Kubaz plays a note with a flute he had on hand and a speeder comes up, being piloted by an astromech droid.

Dad: No droids.

Kubaz: <I assure you, this speeder is brand new. It's the latest model->

Dad tosses a chip which the Kubaz catches and looks at.

Kubaz: <At your pleasure.>

The Kubaz plays another note that sends the droid speeder off and another speeder comes up, being driven by a man. The speeder looked run down and sputtered smoke every often.

Driver: Where to?

Y/n: This thing better not fall apart halfway towards the yards.

The speeder then drives towards the shipyards, with the driver looking through a scope of some kind. The Mythrol looks at us.

Mythrol: You know what he's looking for? (to the driver) You're looking for Ravinaks, right?

Driver: It's clear right now. But be careful near the port. Everyone dumps their gray-holds out. They think the whole entire planet's their own personal skank pit.

The driver the pulls us up to the Razor Crest.

Driver: Here ya are.

The Mythrol shakes his head in disbelief and looks at us.

Mythrol: You're kidding me, right?

Dad: Get out.

The three of us climb out of the speeder as the Mythrol rambles on.

Mythrol: I'll get us a Livery Cruiser. No big deal! It won't come out of your end! I'll pay for it-

I slaps my hand over the Mythrol's mouth and yank him forward.

Driver: Hey, it's time to go. Let's saddle up!

Dad pays the driver, who gladly pockets the chip.

Driver: I'd stay off the ice, if I were you.

As the driver takes off, the Mythrol turns to us.

Mythrol: Do you really think there's something to worry about?

Y/n: There's always something to worry about.

The Mythrol watches the speeder drive off further into the distance and suddenly get dragged down by a Ravinak that broke through the ice. The Mythrol yells runs towards the ship.

Mythrol: Open the hatch! Open the hatch!

The Mythrol looks back and sees the ice begin crack and break, meaning the Ravinak was heading right for them. The Mythrol screams as Dad and I yank him into the ship and the Ravinak grabs onto the left landing gear.

The Mythrol falls onto the seat right of the pilot chair.

Mythrol: Dank Farik that close! "Stay off the ice." That's the understatement of the millenium!

Dad starts flipping switches and prepares to take off but the ship jerks backward.

Mythrol: It's got us! It's gonna pull us under!

Dad then turns to me.

Dad: Take the controls.

Y/n: On it!

Dad opens the door down to the cargo bay.

Mythrol: What are you doing? We gotta get outta here!

I see Dad grab his sniper rifle from the wall and opens the side hatch, where he sees the Ravinak, gnawing at the landing gear. He levels his rifle and fires a blast that shocks the Ravinak, making it screech and let go of the ship.

As the Razor Crest ascends into space, Dad enters the cockpit and taps me to move. We trade seats, and Dad takes the controls with me sitting in the left seat.

The Mythrol breaks the silence.

Mythrol: I like your ship. She's classic. Razor Crests, am I right? Pre-Empire?

Dad/Y/n: ...

Mythrol: I have a lot of credits, by the way. That's why I offered to hail a Cruiser.

Dad/Y/n: ...

Mythrol: How much are they paying you?

Dad/Y/n: ...

Mythrol: Is it true that you guys never take off your helmets?

Dad/Y/n: ...

Mythrol: (sighs) I think I have to use the vacc tube. I mean I can do it here, but if you've never seen a fledgling Mythrol evacuate their thorax, you're lucky guys. Trust me...

I shake my head, quietly.

Mythrol: Clearly there's nowhere for me to go, so uh, I'm gonna look for that vacc tube if it's all the same to you guys?

Dad taps a button that opens the door to the lower cargo bay.

Mythrol: Great.

The Mythrol exits the cockpit and heads down, seeing the tube to his right.

Mythrol: Found it! Thanks! It may take a while, I'm molting! This feels a lot better! I haven't evacuated since the solstice.

Dad stands up and nods for me to take the wheel. I sit in the pilot chair and hear him quietly head down to take care of the Mythrol.

Mythrol: I was hoping to be free for, uh, Life Day. Maybe even, uh, get home to the family. But I guess that's not gonna happen this year.

I then hear scuffling down below and a loud hissing noise, knowing Dad had just thrown the Mythrol in a carbonite encaser.

I hear Dad come back up to the cockpit and watch me throw the slipspace switch, watching as we enter hyperspace.

Dad comes up and holds my shoulder.

Father: You did good today.

I don't reply as we trade spots, allowing him to take the controls.

Dad sets the ship on autopilot and turns to me.

Dad: What's bugging you, pal?

Y/n: It's nothing. Just... haven't been sleeping well.

Dad: Nightmares?

I slowly nod.

Dad: Well, when we head back to Nevarro we'll get our next job. For now, try get some rest. I'll be right here if you have another one.

Y/n: Thanks, Dad.

Dad nods as he spins his chair to the controls. I lean back and sigh, closing my eyes and listening to the quiet hum of the ship.


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