The Marshal

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It had been several weeks since the fallout on Nevarro. Our mission hasn't changed: return the Child to the Jedi Order. Problem is, they practically erased when the Empire began. Finding just one has been an impossible task.

Dad said that for now we should be focusing on finding more of our people to help track any Jedi. Currently, we were walking through an industrial town with the Child in his crib between us.

Lots of red eyes were staring at us as we walked down the pathway. Eventually we came to small house and saw a brown-skinned male Twi'lek guarding the door.

Dad: We're here to see Gor Koresh.

The Twi'lek glances at the Child, making me keep my hand near my blaster. He then gestures inside.

Twi'lek: Enjoy the fights.

We made our way in and saw two Gamorreans battling in a ring with vibro-axes.

Dad sits beside an Abyssin which I can only assume is Gor Koresh.

I then sit beside Dad as the Child moves next to me.

Koresh: You know this is no place for children.

Dad: Wherever I go, so do the kids.

Koresh: (scoffs) So I've heard.

Dad: My son and I have been quested to bring it to his kind. If we can locate other Mandalorians, they can help guide us. I'm told you know where to find them.

Koresh: It's uncouth to talk business immediately. Just enjoy the entertainment.

One of the Gamorreans gets knocked by the other's axe-blast, making Koresh grunt.

Koresh: My Gamorrean's not doing well. (to his Gamorrean) Kill him! Finish him! (to Dad) Do you gamble, Mando?

Dad: Not when it can be avoided.

Koresh: Well, I'll be the information you seek that this Gamorrean's gonna die within the next minute and a half. And all you'll have to put up in exchange is you and your boy's shiny beskar armor.

Dad: I'm prepared to pay you for the information. I'm not leaving my fate up to chance. Least of all, my son's.

Koresh: Nor am I.

Koresh suddenly whips out a blaster and shoots the opposing Gamorrean about to kill Koresh's. Several of Koresh's men stand around me and Dad, training their blasters at our heads.

Koresh: Thank you for coming to me. Normally, I have to seek out remnants of you Mandalorians in your hidden hives to harvest your precious shiny shells. Beskar's value, continues to rise. I've grown quite fond of it. Give it to me now, or I will peel it off your corpses.

Dad: Tell me where the Mandalorians are, and we'll walk out of here without killing you.

Koresh: Though you said you weren't a gambler.

Dad and I prime our whistling birds, which Koresh's thugs don't notice. I look at the Child, making him tap the panel to his crib and seal it shut with him inside.

Dad: I'm not.

Dad and I fire out whistling birds, killing the thugs. I kick the crib away as Koresh's Gamorrean jumps out of the ring to tackle us, but we move to the side and I shoot him in the head.

The Twi'lek guard grabs Dad in a body hold, making me fire my fibercord and yank him off. Dad fights two other thugs that came over, as I used my fibercord to choke the Twi'lek.

I see Koresh making a break for the exit and just snap the Twi'lek's neck. Dad kills the last two guards with his knife and we rush after him.

As we see Koresh running, (which was slow, considering his weight) Dad fires his fibercord and catches Koresh by his ankle.

Dad takes one end of the cord and throws it over a streetlamp, yanking Koresh up so he's looking at us upside down.

Koresh: All right, stop! Stop! I'll tell you where he is! But you must give me your word that you won't kill me.

Dad: I promise that you will not die by my hand. Now, where is the Mandalorian you know of?

Koresh: Tatooine.

Dad and I look at each other, before looking back at the hanging Abyssin.

Y/n: You're lying. We've been to Tatooine countless times, and never did we once run into another Mandalorian.

Koresh: My information is good, I tell you! The city of Mos Pelgo. I swear it by the Gotra.

Dad: Tatooine it is then.

Dad starts walking with the Child as I aim my blaster at Koresh's head.

Koresh: Wait, wait! You said you wouldn't kill me!

Dad stops and looks over his shoulder.

Dad: I gave you my word that I wouldn't kill you. Never said anything about him.

I smirk and look at Koresh.

Y/n: Say hi to your 'Gotra' for me.

I shoot the Abyssin in the head, before holstering my blaster.


Dad flies the Crest to Mos Eisley Spaceport and we land in Peli's docking bay. As we come out, I have a satchel over my left side, holding the Child. We then see Peli herself, tell her droids to back away.

Peli: Sorry, gang. Come on. You know they don't like droids.

Dad: May as well let them have at it. The Crest could use a good once-over.

Peli: Oh! So he likes droids now. Well, you heard him. Give it a once-over.

Y/n: Hey, Zero!

Zero then pokes his head out the door.

Zero: Yes, Master Y/n?

Y/n: How many times have I- Ugh, forget it! Just help Peli and her bots if they need an extra set of hands.

Zero: Of course.

Peli: (chuckles) Now you're traveling with a droid? I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Mos-

I show Peli the Child as I flip the cover off the satchel.

Peli: Oh! Thank the Force! This little thing has had me worried sick!

Peli then takes the Child out of the satchel.

Peli: Come here, you little womp rat! Looks like he remembers me. How much do you want for it? Just kidding. But not really. You know if this thing ever divides or buds, I will gladly pay for the offspring.

Y/n: Peli, listen. My father and I here on business. We need your help.

Peli: Then business you shall have. Care for me to watch this wrinkled critter while you two seek out adventure?

Dad: We've been quested to bring this one back to it's kind.

Peli: Oh, well, I can't help you there. I've never seen any like it. And trust me, I've seen all shapes and sizes in this town.

Dad: A Mandalorian Armorer has set us on our path. If we can locate another of our kind, I can chart us a path through the network of coverts.

Peli: You and your son have been the only Mandalorians here for years, from what I can tell.

Y/n: Well, apparently we've been told that there's one here in Mos Pelgo.

Peli: Oh. Boy, I haven't heard that name in a while!

Dad: It's not on any of the maps.

Peli: That's because it was wiped out by bandits. Once the Empire fell, it was a free-for-all. I didn't dare leave the city walls. Still don't.

Dad: Can you tell us where it used to be?

Peli: Depends who's asking. You wanna see it? R5! Bring the map of Tatooine.

A red and white astromech droid starts rolling towards us.

Peli: No, take your time. Seriously. You just can't get good help anymore. I don't even know who to complain to.

The droid stops and then produces a map of the planet.

Peli: Okay. This is a map of Tatooine before the war. You got Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, and up around this region, Mos Pelgo.

Y/n: Maybe I need to clear my visor, but I'm not seeing anything.

Peli: Well, it's there. Or at least it used to be. Not much to speak of. It's an old mining settlement. (nods at the Crest) They're going to see that big hunk of metal long before you land.

Dad: Do you still have that speeder bike?

Peli: Sure do. It's a little rusty, but I got it.


We travelled for several days, getting directions from Tusken Raiders and stopping for camp every so often.

Eventually we had finally found it:

Mos Pelgo.

Dad and I hop off the bike and head into what liked the cantina. We see a bartender cleaning the counter and walk up to him.

Bartender: Can I help you?

Dad: We're looking for a Mandalorian.

Bartender: Well, we don't get many visitors in these parts. Can you describe him?

Y/n: Looks like us. Dusty armor, jetpack, helmet with a T-visor.

Bartender: You mean the Marshal?

Dad: Your Marshal wears Mandalorian armor?

I look to the left and see a green Mandalorian.

Y/n: Dad.

Dad follows my gaze as the Mandalorian walks into the cantina.

Mandalorian: What brings you here, strangers?

Dad: We've been searching for you for many parsecs.

Mandalorian: Well, now you've found me. Weequay, three snorts of spotchka.

The bartender puts down three glasses and a bottle and the Mandalorian grabs them.

Mandalorian: Why don't you join for me for a drink?

The Mandalorian sits down at a table and takes off his helmet, showing seasoned man in his late forties or early fifties.

The fact that he just took his helmet off without a second thought, shows that he wasn't truly a Mandalorian.

Marshal: Never met real Mandalorians. Heard stories. I know you're good at killing. And probably none to happy to see me wearing this hardware. But then I see the little guy...

Dad and I turn and see the Child trying to look into a pot on the floor.

Marshal: ...and I think, "Maybe I pegged you boys, wrong."

Dad: Who are you?

Marshal: I'm Cobb Vanth, Marshal of Mos Pelgo.

Y/n: My father takes Mandalorian tradition very seriously, so even though you can't see his face, know he's probably trying think of the quickest way to shoot you.

Vanth: You sound pretty young for a Mandalorian.

Y/n: And you seem older than how most Marshals would look. Can I ask how you came across that armor?

Vanth: Bought it off some Jawas.

Dad: Hand it over.

Vanth: (takes a sip of spotchka) Look, pal, I'm sure you call the shots where you come from, but 'round here, I'm the one that tells folks what to do.

Dad: Take it off.... or I will.

Y/n: He means it, Vanth.

Vanth: (nods to the Child) We're really gonna do this in front o' the kid?

Y/n: He's seen worse.

Vanth: Right here?

Dad: Right here.

I grab the Child and stand to the side, allowing Dad and Vanth to duke it out. Both of them had their hands ready by their blasters and were about to go for them, until we began to feel rumbling.

Dad, Vanth, and I head outside and look in the distance. We see the sand shift apart and watch as a large worm-like creature bursts out and eat the Bantha at the far end of town.

Vanth: Maybe we can work something out.

Later, Vanth began explaining to us about the town and the worm.

Vanth: That creature's been terrorizing these parts since long before Mos Pelgo was established. Thanks to this armor, I've been able to protect this town from bandits and Sand People. They look to me to protect 'em. But a krayt dragon is too much for me to take on alone. Help me kill it, and I'll give you the armor.

Dad looks down for a moment and meets Vanth's eyes.

Dad: Deal. We'll ride back to the ship, blow it out of the sand from the sky, use a Bantha as bait.

Vanth: Not so simple. The ship passes above, it senses the vibrations, stays underground. But I do know where it lives.

Y/n: How far is it?

Vanth: Not far.


Dad, Vanth, and I were now riding out to the dragon's cave. Vanth was explaining to us how he got the armor from the Jawas.

Vanth: The town was on it's last legs. It started after we got the news of the Death Star blowing up. The second one, that is. The Empire was pulling out of Tatooine, and there was blaster fire over Mos Eisley. The occupation was over. We didn't even have time to celebrate. That very night, the Mining Collective moved in. Power hates a vacuum and Mos Pelgo became a slave camp overnight.

Y/n: How'd you escape?

Vanth: Wasn't easy, kid. I lit out. Took what I could from the invaders. I had no idea it was a camtono full of silicax crystals. I guess every once in a while, both suns shine on a womp rat's tail. I wandered for days. No food, no water. And then, I was saved.

Y/n: The Jawas?

Vanth: Right on the nail, kid. The Jawas wanted the crystals, and offered their finest in exchange. My treasure bought me more than a full waterskin... it bought my freedom.

Y/n: The armor. Did the Jawas tell you where they got it from?

Vanth: Never asked. I was too focused on saving my home.

We make our into a canyon and Vanth signals us to stop. We got off our speeders and aim our weapons as we began to hear howling.

A pack of Massiffs then start crawling out of cover, one by one.

I lower my rifle and roar out at them like a massiff. I make my way out towards the pack and growl and howl at them. Two of the massiffs come up to me and sit under my arms, huffing with their tongues.

Several Tusken Raiders walk out and Dad comes out from behind the speeder, signing to them.

Vanth: You boys wanna tell me what's going on?

Dad: They want to kill the krayt dragon too.


Later, Dad, Vanth, and I were sitting around a campfire at the Tuskens' camp. Dad and was telling the chieftain an idea on how to kill it while Vanth and I just watched.

One of the Tuskens hands a black melon to Vanth which he sniffs and leans to Dad.

Vanth: What am I supposed to do with this?

Dad: You drink it.

Vanth: It stinks.

Dad: Do you want their help?

Vanth: Not if I have to drink this.

The chieftain then signs and points at Vanth.

Dad: He says your people steal their water and now you insult them by not drinking it.

The chieftain signs more and growls angrily at Vanth.

Dad: They know about Mos Pelgo. And how many Sand People you killed.

Vanth: They raided our village! I was defending the town!

Y/n: Cool it, Vanth.

Vanth: (throws melon in the fire) I knew this was a bad idea.

The chieftain stands and growls louder, stirring the other Tuskens.

Dad: You're agitating them.

Vanth: These monsters can't be reasoned with!

Vanth and the chieftain began to yell at one another till I fired my flamethrower. Everyone was quiet until I shut it off.

Y/n: Both of you, knock it off!

Dad: If we fight amongst ourselves, the krayt dragon will kill us all. (signs to the chieftain) Now, how do we kill it?


When morning rose, the Tuskens lead us to the dragon's home on Banthas. We were atop a cliff that overlooked the dragon's cave as one of the Tuskens was leading a Bantha to it.

The chieftain then began to sign to Dad.

Dad: They say it lives in there. They say it sleeps. It lives in an abandoned sarlaac pit.

Vanth: Lived on Tatooine my whole life. There's no such thing as an abandoned sarlaac pit.

Y/n: There is if you eat the sarlaac.

Dad: They're laying out a Bantha to protect their settlement. They've studied it's digestion cycle for generations. They feed the dragon to make it sleep longer.

Y/n: It honestly shocks me that a monster that big has lived all this time.

Dad: Watch. The dragon will appear.

The Tusken below roars out to the dragon before running off. I look closely and can see the dragon was going for the Tusken and not the Bantha.

Y/n: It's going for him!

I jump off and use my jetpack.

Dad: Y/n! NO!

I narrowly swoop through the dragon's teeth and grab the Tusken, flying back up to the group. The dragon retreats back into it's cave, ignoring the Bantha.

I set the Tusken down and Dad and the chieftain come over. The Tusken that I saved hugs me with all his might as the chieftain pats my back.

Y/n: (laughs) Happy to help.

Dad: Don't do that again. I mean it.

Y/n: I won't.

Later we make back to their camp and the Tuskens start discussing a plan with a small diagram of bones and rocks.

Vanth: What are the bones?

Dad: That's the krayt dragon.

Vanth: And those little rocks?

Dad: That's us.

Vanth: It's not to scale.

Y/n: Looks like it to me.

Vanth: It can't be. That's too big.

Dad signs to the chieftain and verifies.

Dad: It's to scale.

Vanth: I've only seen it's head and neck. It's bigger'n I guessed. Might be time to rethink our arrangement.

Dad signs to them and the chieftain drops more rocks around the diagram of the krayt dragon.

Vanth: Now that's more like it. Where are they gettin' reinforcements?

Dad: I volunteered your village.

Vanth looks at Dad like he'd lost his mind.


As we drove back to Mos Pelgo, Vanth explained his dislikeness for the Sand People.

Vanth: They attacked us less than a year ago. Killed half a dozen of us by the mining camp. I'd say I took down about as twice as many Tuskens.

Dad: The town respects you. My guess is, they'll listen to reason.

Vanth: I wouldn't be so sure.

Vanth rounded up the whole town in the cantina and the three of us stood in front of the by the counter.

Vanth: (gestures to us) These here are Mandalorians. You know what that means?

Weequay: We've heard the stories.

Vanth: Then you know how good they are at killing. Now, these two got a problem. I got a suit of salvaged armor and the Mandalorian creed says it's theirs to take back. But, I've got a problem too. A krayt dragon has been peeling off our pack animals and sometimes taking our mining haul with it. It's just a matter of time before it grows tired of Banthas and goes after a couple of you townsfolk, or even, so help us, the school!

The people all murmur and shudder at the thought.

Vanth: Now, as much as I've grown fond of the armor, I'm even more fond of this town. The Mandalorians are willing to help us slay the leviathan in exchange for returning the armor to its ancestral owners.

Weequay: Well, that settles it.

Vanth: There's more. We can't take on the krayt alone. And the Sand People are willing to help.

The people then groan and shout about the follies of the Tuskens.

Y/n: My father and I have seen the size of that dragon. And it will swallow this entire town should it ever get hungry enough. Dank Farrik, you're lucky this town isn't already dust in the wind.

Dad: We know these people. They are brutal. But so is the Dune Sea. They've survived for thousands of years in these sands, and they know the krayt dragon better than anyone here. They are raiders, it's true. But they also keep their word. We have struck a deal. If we are willing to leave them the carcass and its ichor, they will stand by our side in battle and vow never to raise a blaster against this town until one of you breaks the peace.

The people all look at one another and clamor in agreement.


After gathering explosives from town, the people of Mos Pelgo and the Tuskens all ride out towards the cave of the krayt dragon, with Dad, Vanth, and I taking the lead.

Eventually we make it to the cave and everyone starts unloading. A lone Tusken heads out to the mouth of the cave and kneels down, feeling the ground.

He stands back up and signs at us.

Vanth: What'd he say?

Dad: He says it's sleeping. If we listen closely enough, we can hear it breathing. Let's get to work. The Tuskens say the belly is the only weak spot, so we have to hit from below.

Y/n: We're gonna have to bury charges at the opening of the cave before we wake it up, which isn't gonna take a lot.

Dad: We'll also have to get it angry enough to charge. Once it's far enough out and the belly is above the explosives, you hit the detonator.

After having done as discussed, one of the townsfolk comes over and hands the detonator to Vanth.

Woman: Here you go, Marshal.

Vanth: Thank you, Jo. You stay safe, huh.

As the woman leaves, Dad, Vanth, and I make our way over to the harpooners and see three Tuskens walk toward the cave with their blasters.

They then roar out to the dragon to wake it up, making it moan and bellow. The Tuskens fall back to us and we get ready.

The dragon comes out, missing the Tuskens that had called it and the others fire harpoons at it's head.

The dragon then starts heading back into the cave, pulling the Tuskens and townsfolk on the ropes with it.

Dad: It's going back in.

Vanth: I'm gonna hit it.

Y/n: No. We only got one shot. We gotta it get out.

The townsfolk and Tuskens start shooting and throwing grenades at it, making the dragon come out further.

Vanth: Now?

Dad: It's gotta come out further.

The dragon started spewing acid at the Tuskens, as it crawled out further.

Dad: Almost... NOW!

Vanth hits the button and the explosives go off underneath the stomach of the dragon. Tons of dust started to fog the area, making it hard to see.

Vanth: I don't think it's dead.

Dad: Me either.

Y/n: So, now what?

Suddenly we feel rumbling and see the dragon burst out of the top of the cave, spewing acid at everyone.

Vanth: It's picking us off like womp rats. Let's get after it!

Vanth grabs his helmet and blaster and all three of us fire our jetpacks, flying off towards the top of the cave.

We stop on the left side of it's face, and start firing at it's head. The blasts, however, don't seem like they're hurting it.

Vanth: This ain't doing a thing!

Dad: Just keep shooting.

The three of us keep firing at dragon, gaining it's attention and avoiding its mouth. We jettison back down and watch as the dragon retreated back into the cave.

We waited for it to come out of the mouth of the cave again, only for it to burst out of the sand behind us.

Y/n: Dank Farrik! How fast is this thing?!

Dad: I've got an idea. Get it's attention.

I keep firing my sniper rifle as Vanth fires the missile on his jetpack, sending it exploding into the dragon's head. The dragon roared and started heading straight for us.

Vanth: Got it's attention! Now what?

Dad: You still have that detonator?

Vanth hands it to Dad.

Vanth: So what's the plan?

Dad: Y/n, take care of the child.

Y/n: Dad?

Dad then strikes my jetpack, making me fly from them.


I vaguely see Dad do the same to Vanth as he jettisons away. I roll on the ground and stop by the speeders and watch as Dad was yanking on the Bantha's leash.

I then watched in horror as the dragon ate Dad and the Bantha whole.


Vanth crashes by me and stops, taking off his helmet in shock.

Everyone was frightened until the dragon burst out and it's mouth opened up, being electrified as Dad flew out holding his rifle.

He then fired the detonator and the dragon's body exploded, making the head drop to the ground, dead.

Everyone cheered, Tuskens and townsfolk. Vanth patted my back.

Vanth: You got one crazy father, you know that, kid?

Y/n: (laughs) Don't have to tell me twice.


Several hours later, the Tuskens and townsfolk were cutting at the remains of the dead krayt dragon. Dad and I were given a large chunk to take back.

Plus the townspeople were also willing to lend one of their speeders as compensation. So, least I can ride back with feeling cramped.

Vanth comes over and straps the armor all together with a rope, putting it on the back of Dad's speeder.

Dad: Sorry. I didn't have time to explain.

Vanth: No need. This was well earned.

Dad: It was my pleasure.

Dad and Vanth shake hands.

Vanth: I hope our paths cross again.

Dad: As do I.

Vanth turns to leave, but stops.

Vanth: Oh, and be sure to tell your people I wasn't the one who broke that. (points to the jetpack)

As Vanth leaves, the Tusken chieftain and massiff come over. The chieftain grunts to Dad and then points at me before gesturing to the massiff.

Y/n: What did he say?

Dad: Apparently the Tusken you saved before was the chieftain's brother. They want you to take the massiff as gratitude.

Y/n: They're giving me one of their animals?

Dad: Apparently so.

The chieftain comes up and hugs me.

Y/n: Ohh! (hugs back) Again, happy to have helped.

The chieftain nods to me and leaves as I stick my hand out to the massiff and it rubs his head against my palm. I growl at it like a massiff and it hops on the back of my speeder.

Dad and I then take off, the Child riding with Dad, and head back towards Mos Eisley.

As the sun began to set, I look over at the mountains and saw what looked like a hooded-figure. I blink several times and see the figure now gone.

Guess the desert was starting to get to me....


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