Chapter 27 - Internship

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Day 1 of Internship:-

In front of Gran Torino's house:-

' This doesn't look like an agency but this is the address that All Might gave. Based on what he told me Gran Torino seems to be a very strict person ' Izuku thinks after looking at the old two story house.

He opened the door to find a normal living room with a sofa set with a small table in the middle of the room. Short shelves and a TV arranged in a typical way. As he stepped on the floor, surprisingly the floor didn't make a sound considering the looks from outside. On the sofa was the man Gran Torino, a short old figure with yellow boots, gloves and cape over his white costume sipping some tea.

" Have a seat " he offers him to seat in front of him.

' He seems nice ' Izuku thinks.

" Thank you " he thanks him and takes the place on the cushioned chair.

A few seconds after he sat down, a sudden warning signal starts to come from under the chair.

" Attention! Ready for emergency evacuation! The pilot will be ejected in 2 seconds! " the voice informs.

" Wait, what do you mean by ejeeeeeeeeee " Izuku screams as the chair lifts up with sudden acceleration, smashing him into the ceiling.

He hits the floor thanks to gravity with the chair falling near him.

" What kind of chair is that? " he barely produced those words still lying on the floor.

" What? You know I am old " he asks him to repeat.

In a minute he stood back up. Recently he was able to recover from injuries at a surprising level.

" What kind of chair was that? " he repeats.

" It's my intruder chair and you are an intruder " Gran Torino bounces off the wall and lands a kick on Izuku chest sending him into the wall this time.

' All Might wasn't kidding when he told that he is strict ' he thinks as he feels his back hitting the wall.

" I am not an intruder " Izuku screams.

" Then what are you? " he questions him.

" I am All Might's student, Izuku Midoriya " he informs.

"Ah, Toshi's student. I thought you would be a big guy like him. Have a seat " he again offers him to sit down.

" No, thank you. I have learnt my lesson " he refuses.

" As you wish. Any questions before we talk? " he asks.

" Yes, why do you have such a system for intruders and why do you think that an intruder would seat on that chair if you ask him to seat? "

" If it is a polite intruder like that one from the internet, he would seat and fall in my trap. And besides, I alone can handle some small thugs without breaking a sweat " he informs.

" Enough with questions. Kid, get me 12 chicken noodle cups and 6 bottles of orange juice from Shimoto general store " he orders him.

" Wait, where is that place? "

" Don't you have that fancy machine with you that tells you everything. Use that "

" Okay " Izuku quickly hurries out the door.

Sometime later:-

" I am back " Izuku speaks, panting after the long run.

" What took you so long kid? You have to work harder on running "

" If I could use my quirk then I would be here sooner " he tells him.

" That reminds me, your quirk. Toshi told me that you are a special case in the line of successors. Anyway, are you ready to show me your quirk? " he asks him.

" Yes, I a " before he could finish, Gran Torino sent him flying into another wall.

" Kid, you are slow. Here, I will let you attack first " he speaks hovering in the middle of the room.

Izuku takes this opportunity and charges One for All in his legs, ready to attack.

He jumps, expecting to collide with Gran Torino but he just hovers to the side and he is now headed towards the ceiling. He tears through the ceiling of the first level and gets stuck in the floor of the second level of the house.

Gran Torino came up the stairs and stare at him stuck in the floor.

" Help, please. I am stuck " Izuku asks for help.

" Sure kid " he bounces off the walls and stomps on him with all his force.

Izuku got slammed into the floor the second time from the ceiling.

' This is worse than me breaking my arm after using One for All the first time. How am I still alive after getting slammed this many times. This is why All Might was shivering while telling his name ' he thinks.

" Hey Kid, remember that you have to pay for these repairs " Gran Torino shouts from the hole in the ceiling.

Izuku drags himself to the couch to recover from getting attracted to the walls, floor and ceiling. While he was resting, Gran Torino prepared two noodle cups.

"Let's have some food kid, it's kinda late " he hands him a cup.

" Thank you " he thanks him.

" One for All is a powerful quirk but you are slow, kid. If you are this slow then you would be crushed in no time " he tells him while eating.

" Yes, during our training Bakugo just toasts me. Even if I use One for All he would just quickly dodge it with his explosions and I am then vulnerable to his attack. All Might is teaching me how to control One for All but his method doesn't seem to work on me " he replies.

" I see. Do you young people study physics in school? " he asks.

" That's an odd question out of nowhere, but yes we have that subject " he replies.

" You know back in my days they taught us about electronics. All the fancy stuff that runs your phone. We had to study about batteries. I first thought that what's more to learn about batteries but there were a lot of things I didn't know. You should learn how a battery works. Maybe it will help you in your physics " he tells him.

" How's that related to my quirk? " Izuku asks, confused by the sudden change in the topic.

" Toshi says that you are a smart boy. If you smart then you will figure it out " he replies.

Day 2 of internship:-

Izuku was doing some chores in Gran Torino's house. While working he was thinking about yesterday's conversation.

" I studied almost everything I could find about batteries. Gran Torino was right. There were many things I didn't know. Who knew that storing a lot of energy in a small place can be explosive. That's why they spread the energy on a large surface in batteries. And they output less amount of energy to provide the energy for a longer amount of time " he starts to mumble to himself.

" Wait, is that the reason he asked me to learn about batteries. One for All is the energy I need to store over my entire body like a battery. Then I could use One for All at lower power but for a longer amount of time. I don't have to charge One for All each time I use it. That would increase my speed. And I could constantly charge One for All across my body at a slower rate to further increase the time I could use One for All " he tries to distribute One for All across his body. As soon as he was to do that energy was leaking out in the form of green electricity.

Gran Torino sees this and calls him " Kid, catch me ".

He launches himself at him. This time Izuku quickly dodges the attack with his new ability.

" Good kid, now lets play " Gran Torino starts to bounce all around the room and attack him from all direction. Izuku would dodge most of his attack but occasionally, he would get flung into the walls.

Day 3 of internship:-

" Kid, we are going out " Gran Torino informs him when he enters the house.

" But where are we going sir? " he asks.

" We are going to Hosu city. I have some work with the city " he replies.

' I can't wait to experience my first day of actually going out on the streets. Although, I doubt that his work is going to be patrol. I might bump into Ida ' he thinks.

Day 5 of internship:-

At the Hosu city hospital:-

After the whole Hosu city accident, Izuku, Ida and Todoroki were in the hospital. The police chief briefed them about the whole Killer Stain accident. They chose to keep their name anonymous instead of going through a court session.

The doctor entered the room to check on the three patients.

 " Todoroki, you can be discharged today. You didn't have any major injuries so, you just needed some rest to heal. Till then just rest " the doctor told him after he examined him.

When he checked Izuku he was surprised by the results.

" Midoriya, most of your injuries are almost healed. That's odd. Based on your injuries, you would have to stay in the hospital for at least three days. Do you have a quirk related to healing or something like that? " the doctor asks him very confused.

" No. But, it has occurred to me before too. I was able to recover from most of my injuries at a faster rate than most people " he replies.

" Interesting. Well, you too can be discharged today. I will work on your discharge papers and will send a nurse to remove the bandages and prepare you " he hurried out through the door.

" Good for you Midoriya. Now, you can still continue your internship. I am sorry you both got dragged into this due to my foolishness " Ida apologise.

" No need to apologise. It wasn't your fault. I was glad that I found you before the hero killer could do anything. And I am sorry for leaving you alone here. I was supposed to accompany you. But I will try to visit you. You are just a few hours away from here " Izuku tells him.

" Hey guys, I think there is a weird old man spying us " Todoroki speaks looking through the window.

Izuku cautiously looked out through the window. His expression changed from serious to confused in a moment.

" Todoroki, it's just your father. I get it, you are making a joke to lighten the mood of the room " he starts to laugh, Ida accompanying him.

" But, I am serious " Todoroki couldn't understand why they were laughing.

The laughter got interrupted by the notification sound from their phones.

" Oh, there are so many messages from everybody. They are asking if we are fine or not. They must be worried when they found out that we were in the hospital. I must reply to them " Ida speaks checking through his phone.

Izuku too had many messages from most of his classmates. From Kirishima, Aoyama, Asui, Kaminari, Shoji, Yaoyorozu, Ojiro and more. But he didn't get one from Ochako. He sort of expected, not to get a message from her. But still, he felt sad and came up with reasons for her action.

' She might not know that I am in the hospital. Probably she must be working hard for her internship that she forgot to message me ' he thought.


At Gunhead's agency:-

Ochako was on her break from Gunhead's training session. She messaged Ida asking how he was doing after the battle in Hosu city. She scrolled down the chats to find Todoroki's number but stumbled across Izuku's number.

' Maybe I should message him ' she thinks.

' Izuku :-- How are you doing after your battle? ' she typed the message but hesitated to send it.

" Uravity, I need to teach you something " Gunhead called her.

But she didn't hear him calling, lost in her thoughts. He came near her and peeked a bit into her phone.

" Sending a message to a special friend " he whispered slowly in her ear as a joke.

She startled at the sudden voice in her ear.

" No. It's no one " she tells him in a sad tone, deleting the message she typed.

Gunhead noticed her tone and patted on her head to console her.

" Let's start our training. I need to teach you something important " he tells her.

" Yes sir " she kept her phone aside and got ready for training.

" Your martial arts skill was already great from the start. So, I just had to teach you how to combine it with a weapon like a staff or a knife. So, you have learnt most of the Gunhead Martial Arts technique. Congratulations " he praises her.

" Now, to what I want to teach you. You have a very good quirk but it requires you to remain in close range of the opponent. That puts you on a disadvantage. So, I have thought of a good ranged attack for you. We are going to practice that for the rest of your training here "

" Thank you very much Gunhead sensei " she bows to thank him.

Last day of internship:-

At Gran Torino's house:-

Izuku was fighting Gran Torino in the living room. They both were bouncing around the whole room targeting each other and dodging. Izuku got more control on his new technique 'One for All Full Cowl'. He now had the idea to manage both the duration and power of the technique. 

' I should try that ' he thought of using a new move he was secretly practising.

On coming in contact with the wall, he prepared himself for the move. He pumped more power in his right leg than his left leg and launched himself. The unbalanced force made him spin a little, allowing him to do a mid air sweep attack with his legs. Gran Torino who didn't expect this and got hit by his right leg. He got thrown towards the wall but saved himself from hitting the wall. 

" What was that kid? " he asks him.

" That is a new move I am working on. I noticed that my punches are very predictable. So, I thought that I need to increase the ways I attack. I was inspired by my friend Ida who uses his legs to attack. So, I was working on it for the last two days " he told him.

" You have learned a lot, kid. I think you will become a great successor to Toshi " he tells him.

" Thank you sir "

At Gunhead's agency:-

Ochako made two rubber pellet float and aligned them in front of her eye level. She took another rubber pellet and kept it in her hand. She then looked at the target and aimed the pellet toward the centre of the target.

' Focus. Keep your focus only on the pellet and the target. Increase the gravity for a moment and then remove the gravity ' 

She increased the gravity between the pellet in her hand and the floating pellet for a moment. The pellet instantly gained high velocity due to the high attraction force of gravity and shot out like a bullet. It hit the centre of the target. ( This move is like a bolt getting shot out of a crossbow but instead of strings, the bolt is accelerated by gravity )

" That was a bullseye Uravity. Great shot " Gunhead praised her.

" Thank you very much. You took your own time to teach me this move " she thanks him.

" Oh, it was nothing. I just saw great potential in you. Besides, it was your hard work that you pulled out this move. I just thought of an idea inspired by my own quirk. Just keep practising the move. You will eventually get used to it and would be able to shot at a faster rate. Have you thought of a name for this? " he asked her.

" Yes. I will call this ' Gravity Bullets '. It's like shooting a bullet but with gravity " she replied.

" Excellent name. I was right about recruiting you as an intern. Maybe you can work here again next year again if you want " 

" I would be honoured to work with you again "

Phew! This is the longest chapter up till now.

That's why I split the previous and this chapter. This is big on its own. Anyway, this and the previous chapter are sort of bridging chapter to the next big thing. Plus, I wanted to give them these new abilities, so that's what this chapter is about.

And I skipped the Hosu city accident and Hero killer part cause everybody knows what happened.

A bit more info about the moves:-

One for All Full Cowl works a bit different. He can use 100% of it without breaking his bones. But now it is nerfed by duration of Full Cowl. Using more power decreases its duration. And it takes a reasonable amount of time to charge it again. So, it's not logical that he would just crush through his enemies using One for All at 100% all the time. There would be a balance between power and speed. To keep things fair and not make him total op.

I also gave him ' Shoot Style ' with Full Cowl because the summer camp arc is not going to happen in the story. 

' Gravity Bullets ' is a new move for Ochako to give her some advantage in ranged fighting and not always rely on touching her enemies. In battle, she would use those rubber pellets plus she could even shot debris in the battlefield. The bullets will hit hard on the enemies, that's for sure.

Quick fact:- There is a small reference to someone that comes in the fourth season of the anime.

Anyway, I may take your leave (P.S. the next chapter will take some time)

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