Chapter 37 - First Date

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3rd Person POV:-

The next day in the morning:-

UA common room:-

 Even though the time was early afternoon, not many people were in the room considering the fact that most of the day everyone is awake in the early morning. But as it was their summer vacation and numerous of them were tired after their trip to the beach yesterday, it was expected. Yet the early risers like Ida, Shoji, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Koda and Sato were in the room already doing their daily work. The room was filled with the mouthwatering smell of the delicacies being prepared by Sato along with others helping him.

"It's pretty late for breakfast. We should have just made lunch " Todoroki suggests, instantly freezing the yoghurt.

" It is better to have a hearty late breakfast than an early lunch. Besides, lunch would become too heavy after the others ate a lot of food yesterday " Ida explains.

" Also it is much easier to make breakfast than lunch " Sato adds as he tosses some vegetables in the pan.

" The drinks are ready. Sato, is there anything else you need help in? " Yaoyorozu asks placing the drinks tray on the kitchen counter.

" No, the current helpers are good and we will be able to handle it " Sato replies.

" Fine, then I shall start waking the others " she picks up a pan and spoon and a megaphone to wake the heavy sleepers.

Slowly the others began to come down and admire the food on the counter. The girls came first except for Ochako and then Tokoyami, Ojiro and Kirishima arrived.

" Damn it, I overslept. Now, I will have to double up my today's training! " Kirishima exclaims.

" Don't worry, we will catch up to the schedule " Tokoyami tells him.

" Is it just me or Momo is not able to wake the next person. Whose room was the next room? " Jiro asks.

" It must be Shinso's. That means we gonna hear the pa.. " just as Ojiro spoke, they heard the loud sound of the metal spoon striking the steel pan amplified by the megaphone. The rest of the boys stumbled down the stairs except for Izuku.

" You know Shinso, you should make a habit of waking up with the sound of an alarm and not a loud noise that wakes the entire dorm " Ida lectures him as he does to everyone for not being punctual.

" Can you repeat? " he asks.

" Are you that slee... " Ida became silent as he fell in his trap.

" Finally, some inner peace " he spoke and began to sleep again on the couch in the room.

" Jeez, I was shit scared on hearing that pan. Shinso has guts to sleep after that sound. I wonder if anyone else could sleep through that noise " Kaminari yawns.

" It seems like Midoriya has survived. He isn't here " Aoyama points out.

" Yeah, I don't notice Ochako either. Are they still in their room sleeping? " Hagaruke asked.

" No, I checked Ochako's room when I came to wake everyone. Her room wasn't locked and she wasn't there " Yaoyorozu informed.

" They have gone to the hospital for their checkup. They had an early appointment in the morning. Ochako told me they should be back around this time " Tsu told them.

" Speak of the devil and he comes to ruin the breakfast " Bakugo sulks.

Izuku and Ochako entered the room. They were quite surprised that the whole class was present in the room and was having a very late breakfast.

" Isn't it too late for a breakfast? " Izuku asked.

" We know. It's a long story. Anyway, you are lucky that you weren't woken up from your sleep by the sound of a bomb " Sero yawned.

" So, how did your first date go? " Ashido gave them a smirk.

" It wasn't a date! We had to go to the hospital " they both shouted, embarrassed by her teasing.

" Okay. Besides, I made a plan last night after finding out that you two are together now. We are going on a double date " she announced the plan.

" We are going on a date today! " Kirishima exclaimed, spitting the fruit juice on Mineta.

" You have any problem with it babe? " she asked him with a friendly looking smile on her face but they all can see a devilish aura creeping behind her.

" Not at all " he quickly replied, chills flowing down his spine. He knew that whenever she would talk about anything related to romance or dating, she was dead serious, and there's nothing anyone can do to change her mind.

" Do you two have a problem? " she asked the new couple and they too were scared by her aura behind her smile. They immediately nodded.

" Then it's decided. Come on Ochako. We gonna get ready for the date. Would you be kind enough to help him Eji? " she asked him dragging Ochako upstairs.

" Sure " he replied immediately.

" How do you handle her? " Izuku asks him, sitting at the breakfast table with the others.

" She could be wild sometimes but overall she is amazing. Anyway, this is your first date right? Then you gonna do everything right, as they say, the first impression is the last impression. We shall see your cloth inventory in your room in some time " he suggested.

One hour later:-

The two boys were waiting in the common room for their dates to arrive. They both had worn slightly fancier clothes that their casual clothes. Izuku was wearing a green checkered shirt with black lines and a red tie with black jeans and his red shoes. It wasn't the type of clothes he thought would look good on him.

" Thanks, Kirishima for helping me. I never thought of combining these clothes " he thanked him.

" It's nothing. I learned all of this from Mina when she would disagree on the clothes I would wear. You too might become like me after Mina teaches Ochako the ropes " he told him.

At that moment the two girls came down. They too were dressed for their date. Ochako was wearing the same pink dress she had worn at the dance night. Izuku wasn't able to take his eyes off her.

" You look beautiful! " Izuku couldn't contain his emotions.

" Thanks. You look handsome too " she replied, both their face becoming slightly red.

" That's such a good start of a date both of you. So, shall we start? " Mina praised them and grabbed her boyfriend's arm.

They walked out of the UA campus after taking the newer advanced UA security tracker which was implemented after the whole rescue story.

" So, where exactly are we going? " Ochako asked as the two didn't know the destination.

" Oh, that's a surprise for you two! " Ashido teases them.

" Come on Mina, I am afraid you might take us to a weird place " Ochako tries to convince her, knowing how she likes to pull pranks on them.

" Fine, we aren't going anything special although I wanted to. We are going to a normal restaurant first as I can hear Eji's stomach rumbling from here " she tells them.

" Hey, don't try to blame it on me. I had a good breakfast today. I bet you are the hungry one " Kirishima defended himself.

" It's not about who is hungry. It's about the destination. Let's go quickly " she rushed ahead and the others followed her.

Later at the restaurant:-

They arrived at a well known, classic, diner style restaurant in the city which wasn't crowded at the afternoon time. Most of the customers were shoppers, tourists and students hanging out during their summer break. They entered through the door and found a small table beside the window.

Kirishima sat first at the window side. Izuku was moving to sit beside him like he usually does but was stopped by Ashido.

" Hey, you trying to steal my boyfriend or what? " Ashido scolds him.

" WHATT? Why are you saying like that? " Izuku asked her, surprised as he was doing what he normally does.

" Jeez, you are on a date. Who is going to accompany your girl? You two really are going to be hard students " she pushed him to the seat next to Ochako.

They all finally settled on their place, the couples sitting beside each other. The waitress came to take out their order.

" So, what will you summer vacation enjoyers would like to have? " she asked them with a friendly smile.

" A medium chocolate and strawberry milkshake and a large vanilla milkshake with the special straw for now. Can you take the rest of the order later? " Ashido gave the order.

" Sure " the waitress wrote the order and moved to the order counter.

" Why did you ordered just three milkshakes? Is Kirishima not going to drink? " Ochako asked her, surprised by the order.

" That's the surprise, you dense morons " she told them, surprised by the fact that they were not able to figure out what is going to come.

The waitress came back in after some time, carrying the serving tray with the three milkshake glasses. The large vanilla one had a straw that was in the shape of a heart with three ends, one dipped in the drink and the other two ends for two people to drink.

" I think you got the wrong order " Izuku told her, still confused why they got one straw instead of two. The waitress looked at them confused.

" It's the right order. How are you two this much dense? You are on your first date and this is the rule. To drink from the same glass " Ashido scolded them. The waitress giggled and went away.

" Is it really necessary? " Ochako asked her, slowly getting flustered.

" Obviously. Why are you two getting shy so much? This is much less embarrassing than kissing in front of the entire class " Ashido told them.

" It's not about being shy. It's just that I am really nervous. It's our first date, so I don't want to ruin anything. I want our first date to be perfect " Izuku spoke, followed by his stressed out mutters. He didn't know how he got the courage to speak that.

Ochako was surprised to hear words like this from him. She too was nervous but hearing his words gave her confidence. She knew she had to do something or else their date would be wasted with them blushing all the time and not being able to do anything.

' I didn't confess my love for him so that we would be a blushing mess. I want us to be like Mina and Kirishima, being together ' she thought, her confidence slowly rising.

" Izuku " she called him. Izuku turned his head wondering if he had done something wrong. As soon he turned, she splashed some milkshake using the spoon that was given with the milkshake and she also snatched the straw.

" What are you doing Ochako? It's very cold " he asked her, wondering why she was acting like this all of a sudden.

" If you want me to stop, you gonna finish the milkshake I guess " she laughed and threw another splash at him.

He saw her smiling. It was what he wanted to see on their first date, her smiling and laughing and enjoying the date. Her smile boosted his confidence too.

" Ochako, look they have mochi too " he pointed out to a waitress taking out someone's else order.

" No, Izuku that's not a mochi. It looks like i... Izuku you trickster "Izuku snatched the straw from her hand when she was distracted.

" Do you think you can defeat me in drinking? " he challenged her. They were smiling now, forgetting their coyness and being themselves.

" Obviously I am going to win " she grinned and took the other end of the straw.

Both began to drink through the straw. While they were drinking their eyes would meet each others' with smiles on their face and occasional giggling. They both took the final sip and the entire glass was finished.

" So, who won? " Ochako asked rubbing the excess milkshake from her lips.

" Did you see who won Kirishima? " Izuku asked but noticed that they both were also having a competition.

" We may never know who was the winner but it was fun " Ochako laughed and Izuku joined her too.

" Hey, should we go to the arcade? I am really excited to go there after I started playing games " Izuku suggested.

" Let's go " Kirishima agreed as he finished the last sip before Ashido.

" I have never gone to the arcade for a date but I am excited" Ashido showed a bit of conflict on her face.

They paid the bills and roamed in the shopping district of the city looking for an arcade. They finally found the place in the Kiyashi Shopping Mall. It was dark inside the arcade with flashing lights from the various arcade machines and the dim ceiling lights. There were various kind of games from the classic wack-the-mole to the new VR headset games.

" I sense no romance in this place " Ashido yawned with a bit of disappointment that it wasn't the type of place one would go on a date.

" It's not about being a romantic place. It's about a fun place. Look, Kirishima is already getting dazzled by the pinball machine " Ochako tries to cheer her up.

" You want things to be more interesting Ashido. Then let's have a dance face off. Me and Ochako and you and Kirishima on the dance off arcade game. The loser has to give the winners a gift. What do you say? " Izuku suggests.

" You really have the ability of diplomacy Midoriya. Let's do this " she agreed, her gloomy mood converted into excitement.

They took the tokens and stood in front of the machine. It was a classic arcade machine with the screen showing the start menu and the floor filled with flashing lights resembling the foot shape on which the players have to step in the right order at the right time to achieve points.

Izuku and Ochako decided to go first. They chose a pop song that they knew and the screen started the timer and showed the moves. Izuku and Ochako weren't the sharpest dancers but they were good at replicating moves. But there was a big problem that hindered them. Their clothes weren't made for moving their limbs freely. But even then they were doing good.

' Damn it these clothes. I almost tangled my legs in the dress and was about to fall. I hope I don't fall in the next step ' Ochako thought as she tried her best to not stomp on the edge of her dress.

The next move showed up and it was a quick spin. They spun on their right leg but Ochako's left leg got tangled in her dress and made her lose her balance. She was going to fall on her face but luckily Izuku saw this and was able to catch her by wrapping his arm around her waist.

" Thanks, Izuku " she looked up and thanked him. On looking up their eyes got locked. Their bodies just began to react on their own. Their heartbeat was slowly becoming more frequent with their breaths deepening. Their face began to get closer and closer.

* PING *

The ping sound of the game over screen snapped both of them out of their hypnosis. It detonated their embarrassment bomb and they both jumped away from each other and hid their face

' What was I trying to do there? Was I trying to kiss her/him here?! ' they both screamed in their mind.

" I would have teased you both right now but I am really focused on winning a gift right now " Ashido stretched her arms preparing for their turn.

At this moment, Izuku and Ochako knew they were toasted. They were now a bit worried and regrouped to discuss their situation.

" Why did you chose dancing as the competition? Did you forget of her ability? " Ochako whispered.

" I forgot that she is the dancing queen of our class. My eyes fell on the dance machine first and decided that it will be an unbiased game to play " he replied.

They were amazed by the perfect scores and combos by Ashido. Their confidence of winning their competition was smashed by the end.

" Whew! That was fun. So, do we need to look at the scores or are you going to the shop counter? " Ashido asked them, knowing that she is the undisputed winner.

" So, what do you want as a prize? " Izuku asked her, knowing the outcome of the score.

" Wait! It's a draw " Ochako exclaimed pointing at the score screen.

" You did win the game in total points but the coordination points are low. We had much higher points in that. So, it is a draw " she showed the scores and indeed it was the case.

" But how? Wait, Eji how did you? " Ashido looked back and found an about to collapse Kirisima taking the support of the machine.

" Maybe, dancing after a heavy breakfast and a big glass of milkshake wasn't a good idea " he covered his mouth resisting to puke.

" You should have stopped in the middle if you weren't feeling good. Now come on 'the best boyfriend in the world doing everything for his girl'. Let's get you fixed up " she sighed worriedly and took him to the washroom, supporting him to walk.

" They both are such adorable couple " Izuku admired how the two cared for each other.

" Yeah, maybe we will also become like them " Ochako grinned.

The two returned and they decided that it's best to end their date there. On their way back they all talked about how it was such a fun day. The sky was becoming reddish when they were walking up the front porch stairs of the dorms when Ashido remembered something.

" Wait! It's your first date and I haven't taken a single pic of both of you together to tease you later. I want to take a pic right now. You need something to remember this special day for you " she requested to let her click a photo.

' She is right. I want to remember today's day. I want to cherish these memories ' she thought.

' I want to keep these memories forever. If I somehow forget this day, I want to remember this feeling ' his inner voice was telling him.

" I would have argued but I guess you are right " she agreed.

" Yeah, that's a good idea, Ashido " he too agreed.

" Great! Then how about you two stand on the stairs and give a good lover's pose " Ashido took out her cell phone.

" What type of pose we should do, Ochako? " Izuku asked, rubbing his neck showing his nervousness.

That's when a certain memory hit Ochako. It was their photo of their last day of middle school that she deleted. At that time she wanted to take a photo of her hugging him from behind surprising him. She thought this was the perfect opportunity.

She silently got behind him without him noticing. She almost jumped on him slipping her hands around his waist and holding him like a giant teddy bear.

" Occchhaakooo " Izuku was startled by the sudden move, his face becoming red.

" Mina can you take the photo now? " she shouted to the camera girl but they ran in a problem.

" I would if you were the taller one instead of him. Your face is getting blocked by his shoulder " Ashido informed.

Ochako pulled away from the hug with slight frown on her face. Izuku looked back to see a pouting girl glaring him.

" Jeez Izuku, why did your height increase in a few months. I wanted to take a photo with you in this pose since Middle School but now I can't " she averted her eyes away from him in annoyance.

Izuku couldn't help but smile at the cutest expression he had seen on her face. Now, he moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

" Izuuu " all her anger vapourised in an instant and she was blushing now.

" How about we switch the roles? Then we could get your perfect picture " Izuku spoke with a big smile.

' He is so cute when he is smiling like this ' she thought.

" Yeah, let's do this " she agreed with a smile as big as he had.

Izuku rested his chin on her shoulder, their cheeks touching each other. Ochako put her hands on Izuku arms, both having a big smile of happiness.


Ashido took the photo on her cell phone while Koda who was taking photos of animals on his camera took the pic.

" How does it look? " they both went to the photographers. Koda was shaking a bit seeing the photo in the camera. This worried them.

" Does it look bad Koda? "

" It's perfect " he softly murmured still shaking due to excitement of getting such a good picture.

They looked at the photo and indeed it was the type of photo you would find on the door of a wedding photographer's shop.

( Something like this and I don't own this image. But respect to the artist for making such an amazing image of the cinnamon role couple )

" You two look so cute together " Ashido squealed out of excitement.

" I will preserve this with my heart and soul " Izuku began to mutter.

" Yeah, this is very good. Can you send me this right now Mina? " Ochako asked her.

When Ochako unlocked her phone she saw a notification that startled her. She quickly showed the message to Izuku who too was stunned seeing the message. He checked his phone and found a notification waiting for him. They both looked at each other and spoke the same words.

" What are we going to do? "

So, I am here for some time. It's been months, right? It's such a long time that we reached the last day of the disastrous year. If you had read my posts then you would know why I have been out. Those who don't know the short answer is studies.

Leaving all of that, I had a bit of trouble writing this chapter but luckily someone I know came for help. Check out bi-sastrous( She is good at her stuff ). I hope I will be able to do a comeback now for some time that is. I am hoping to post a chapter in a short amount of time for my other book.

By the way, I don't have a good sense of fashion so if you think that the clothes Izuku and Ochako are wearing are disastrous, well those clothes might be normal in the story's universe.

This is not the kind of typical date everyone expects I think. Honestly I don't have much experience in that stuff so someone can correct me. What do you think the message might be from?


Well, it seems this is temporary goodbye. Again thank you all who waited for months for this chapter. I am trying my best to do this again.

Anyway, I may take your leave ( Hopefully come back sooner )

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