Chapter 8 - The entrance exam

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Day of UA entrance exam :-

3rd person POV:-

Izuku and Ochako were standing on the gate of UA campus. This was the start of their journey to become heroes.

" I never thought that I would be here at UA to give the entrance exam. It feels like a dream " Izuku says, excited but also nervous.

Ochako then pinches him on the arm.

" Ouch! Why did you do that? " Izuku asks rubbing his arm.

" To wake you up and make you realise that this is not a dream. But yeah it does feel like a dream " Ochako replies smiling.

Izuku pinches her back and starts running.

" Ouch! You devil Izuku " Ochako yells chasing after Izuku.

Izuku crashes into a blue haired boy while running.

" Oh, I am sorry I bumped into you " Izuku apologises to the boy.

" You should be more careful if you want to pass this examination " the boy scolds him.

" He is not going to pass the examination. He is here just to see how big of a failure he is. Am I right, Deku? " Bakugo interferes the conversation who was also here to give the examination.

" You are almost right Kacchan except for one thing. I am here to show that I can become a good hero in the future " Izuku replies annoyed seeing his bully and rival.

" Huh, whatever " Bakugo walks away and the blue haired boy also heads to the examination hall.

" Was that Bakugo? " Ochako asks Izuku as she arrives at the scene.

" Yeah "

" I hope he fails miserably " Ochako says angrily.

Over the years she saw how Bakugo treated Izuku and how his pride consumed him. This made her angry and developed it into hatred.

( The orientation takes place like in the anime except Izuku doesn't mutters )

Timeskip to practical examination :-

" What if I can't activate the quirk? What if I accidentally use my whole arm? I would need to attract many robots at a place before using my quirk. Maybe I will use... " Izuku mutters, nervous about the exam.

" Don't worry Izuku, you have got training from All Might. You will be able to pass easily " Ochako tries to comfort him.

" Yeah, you are right. Thanks, I needed that "

" Yoo! I hope you all are ready for this because pro heroes always need to be ready " Present mic yells through the speaker.

The door to the arena drops down.

Everyone starts to run in the city.

Izuku runs into the nearby robots and starts to attract them. He runs to a deserted part of the city, the robots still following him. He turns around and held his right hand towards the robots. He activates One for All in his forefinger and flicks his finger. The wall of the robots was torn down by a single hit.

' And that is around 20 points. It still hurts using One for All but at least it is not very painful. If I can do this 2 more times then I will definitely pass the examination '

Meanwhile, Ochako was touching the robots as she swiftly moves in the street. She activates her quirk and increases the gravity between the robots. All the robots get pulled towards each other and get smashed as they hit each other at high speed.

' Okay. This was good but I need to make sure that I don't overuse my quirk. I wonder how Izuku is doing '

After some time Ochako and Izuku met each other.

" How many points have you scored? " Ochako asks.

" Around 56 points and I have used just 3 fingers. How are you doing? "

" Around 54 points "

" Looks like I am ahead of you " Izuku teases her.

" No, we are even now " Ochako says, touching the wall of a nearby building. A 2 pointer robot instantly gets smashed into the wall.

" Yeah, you got me there " Izuku says impressed by her.

" Boom "

A loud blast occurs and a large zero pointer robot appears in their sight.

" They told that it was huge but this is a giant. Let's move away from here " Izuku says looking at the robot.

Most of the people were already running away from the robot.

" Wait Izuku. There are two people knocked out in the way of the robot. We will have to save them " Ochako says pointing towards a red haired boy and a pink girl.

They both look towards each other and nod, ready to fight.

They start running towards the robot.

" We won't be able to carry them and escape the robot. We don't have that much time. We will have to destroy the robot " Ochako says as the robot was two steps away from the knocked out boy and girl.

" Okay. You quickly run and try to stop the robot from moving. Meanwhile, I will use One for All and try to destroy it " Izuku replied.

Ochako dashed ahead and moved behind the robot. She touches both the legs of the robot and then puts her hand on the ground. She uses her quirk and increases the gravity between the robot and the ground. The movement of the robot became slow for some time but again started moving at it's normal pace.

' Why is the robot still moving. I think I will have to increase the gravity more '

Meanwhile, Izuku charges One for All in his left arm middle finger and flicks it. A bullet of pressurised air is shot out and hits the robot. A layer of steel plating falls but the robot continues to move.

' Looks like I will have to use my right arm and punch him in the chest. Maybe I will have to use One for All in my legs to jump high '

The robot right leg was now above the unconscious boy and girl.

Ochako uses all her energy and increases the gravity up to five times that of earth. The robot legs get torn apart from the main body and slams down into the ground.

At this moment Izuku uses One for All in his legs and jumps. He reaches up to the body of the falling legless robot.

He pulls back his right arm back and charges One for All in his arm.

" Smassshhhh " Izuku screams as he punches the robot.

A large hole appears in the chest of the robot and the robot is thrown back several meters away.

Izuku starts to fall down. He charges his left arm and punches in the air to break his fall. He still hits the ground but doesn't get hurt much.

Ochako is unconscious due to overusing her quirk while Izuku passes out due to pain as all his limbs are broken.

( Instead of puking after overusing her quirk, Ochako now passes out on overusing her quirk. Again full explanation will be in later chapter )

Everyone was amazed and shocked seeing that the giant robot was broken into pieces by the duo. Even All Might was shocked seeing all this in the monitoring room.

In Recovery Girl's Office:-

Late afternoon:-

Izuku's POV :-

I slowly open my eyes.

' What is this place? I am supposed to be in the arena '

I move my head sideways and see Ochako sitting next to me. She seems to stroke my bandaged hand.

" What are you doing here? What is this place? What about the examination " I ask her.

She jolts up due to the sudden question.

" Wha-at! You have woke up. And for your question, right now I am looking at a half mummy friend and we are in a little clinic " She answers.

" Don't you call it a clinic, this is my office. How are you doing Midoriya? " Recovery Girl enters the room.

" What exactly happened? " I ask Recovery Girl confused.

" You broke both your arms and legs to destroy the robot. I brought you and her here to heal you. I think it should be healed by now. You two can leave now but next time be careful. It took almost all my stamina to heal you "she replies.

" Thank you " I thanked Recovery Girl.

We start to head out of the UA campus and moving towards our home.

" Do you think we did well in the exams? " I ask Ochako.

" Are you serious? We scored around 60 points and we totally destroyed that giant robot. Recovery Girl told me that everyone was shocked when we destroyed the robot. We did more than excellent in the exams " she replies.

" Yeah. I bet All Might was also shocked when we destroyed that robot "

I look back and never imagined I would come this far. Without her I would not reach here.

' Towards our dreams '

Wooo. This was a really good chapter. But it took a lot of time to write the battle scenes. It is very hard to describe battle scenes in form of words. Maybe I will practice more on writing action scenes.

Thanks again for the support. You can comment and let me know if you are enjoying the story so far. The story is going to become more interesting as we move forward. 

Well, see you guys again.


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