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-??? POV-

"Samantha, we're commencing operation Eternity. Take the Manticore in. Kill any who interfere, we have the back ups on the Lifeboat." Silently I acknowledge his words, unlike the others I have my doubts. Will we live through this? Have we caused more chaos than good? I guess in the end it will be revealed. "Affirmative Zenith, it will be done." Standing up my short cut hair blows through the wind, my daggers clanking lightly inside my sleeves. Hopefully the other won't fail in their mission, even Karl, I just hope we all survive to see this through. Looking down at the house I know what must be done, the moonlight shining off the glass windows.


It's been a week since Akeno was murdered and it hasn't become easier, Xenwrath hasn't spoken in three days. Everyone's been avoiding me, as if Akeno was the only reason I was with them in the first place. And Zenith is the only reason I'm still in the house, wherever he is. He could've saved her I know he could've, but he didn't want to stop his own race. Gritting my teeth I shuffle through the house, my nails bitten down and hair in a mess.

At the end of the hallway Rias appears and looks towards me her gaze barely changing as usual. Then she looks away, "Hey!" I shout aggressively. "Why have you all been avoiding me?!" I stumble towards her my body not in as great shape as it was. She shows no reaction to my growling and starts to walk off, chasing after her I hold her against the wall. "What is it!?" I snarls through gritted teeth, her lip shivers then she falls into my embrace surprising me. "W-what?" I ask eyes wide.

"I'm sorry. I-I miss her too." She sobs quietly into my shoulder, my own arms hanging loosely at my sides. "I couldn't face you because I know how much she meant to you." Rias continues to cry as I silently listen. "This is all Zenith's fault." Something I can relate to.

"I don't know much about what's going on but I know that man, that thing is at the centre of it. He isn't human, or devil, not even an angel, fallen or otherwise. He's a cockroach a disgusting cockroach!" I growl causing Rias to quiver in my arms. "Zenith will die next time I see him I promise you that Rias."

"Awfully big talk for someone in your situation." Someone chuckles from behind me, I recognize that voice.

"Samantha. You're one of Zenith's pawns." Turning I shake Rias off me and grit my teeth at her.

"Well if we're going by the Devil system I'm technically a knight, with Desmond of course. But let's cut the shit. You're coming with me." Her hand extends to me blades launching themselves from her sleeves and into the wall around me, thin almost invisible wire attached to them. "Was that it?" I taunt readying my fists. "Yes." She answers simply and I feel my muscle begin to become inactive and paralysed.

"Bitch!" I growl as I fall to the ground. Samantha walks over to me and Rias tries to punch her, she dodges and kicks Rias into a wall. I'm picked up and thrown through a black portal, the last thing I see is Rias lying limply inside the wall...

Author's Notes - Something is coming. Something we can't stop. Zenith Out...

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