The Mystery at the bowling alley

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The Mystery at the bowling alley

After having solved a few weird cases I decided that I needed a secretary to answer phones and file cases. Who to hire though, was the problem. I didn't want someone who would be chewing gum and always talking on the phone with their friends. I didn't want someone who was too nosy. Eventually I decided to hire my dear friend (and most repetitive customer) Sistina to fill the position.

"Is this the office of Detective McKenna?"

"May I ask who is calling?" Sistina asked.

"My name is Mr. Wickmore. I run the bowling alley that Mr. McKenna and his daughter always bowled at. In fact, I gave little Catherina her first job.  However, this is not a social call. Is Mr. McKeena available?"

"Please hold" Sistina replied not knowing how to answer. This was the first time that someone had asked for the Detective's deiced father and she wasn't sure how to respond to this call.

"Excuse me, ah Mrs. McKeena?"

I sighed. I hated being called Mrs. McKeena but I didn't want Sistina calling me Detective all the time nor did I  think it was appropriate for Sistina to call me by my first name at work. I would have to come up with something else for Sistina to call me when I needed something. Except, that is, if and when Sistina might need another case solved needed a case solved. Then I preferred Sistina to call me Detective.

"Yes Sistina, what is it?"

"There is a Mr. Wickmore on the phone. He's asking for your father."

Mr. Wickmore. Why did that name sound so familiar? I searched her mind for an answer but was drawing a blank. "Did he say what he was calling about?"

"He said only that his name was Mr. Wickmore and that he owned the bowling alley where your fathers use to bowl. He also mentioned that he gave you your first job. Then he asked if he could speak to your father. How should I respond?" asked Sistina slightly concerned.

"Patch him through I will take this call personally" I replied.

"Hi Maurice how are you doing you old scoundrel" Mr. Wickmore asked before I had a chance to say anything.

I sighed this was going to be a hard conversation and I wasn't looking forward to having it. "Excuse me Mr. Wickmore"...

"Catherina is that you? I'm going to have to have a word with that secretary, I asked for your father not you, now please put him through. I don't have time to mess around. I need to talk to your father about a case I want to hire him for".

"Mr. Wickmore, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but my father has been dead for some time now".

There was a long pause and then came the question "then why is his agency still in the phone book?"

Before I even had a chance to respond Mr. Wickmore changed his mind. "What am I doing? I don't have time to turn this into a social call. Sorry to hear of your father's death. It was nice talking to you Catherina."

"Mr. Wickmore, why did you need my father's help?" I asked quickly hoping to stop him from hanging up.

"There have been some really strange things happening at the bowling alley lately and I was hoping your father could look into them for me. Oh well, I guess I will have to hire someone else".

"Mr. Wickmore, wait."

"I'm sorry child, I really don't have time to talk."

"Mr. Wickmore, there is a reason this number is still listed as Detective MclKeenea's." I reply starting to get a little irritated by the fact that Mr. Wickmore was treating me like a child.

"Don't be silly girl. I'm sure it's just a mistake by the phone company" replied Mr. Wickmore.

Again I tried to hide my growing irritation. If it there was one thing I couldn't stand it was being talked down too as if I was still a little girl. Even when I was younger, I couldn't stand someone talking down to me because of my gender.

Being called woman, girl or child made me hot under the collar. Just because the person I was talking to was someone I knew as a child didn't mean I would allow them to talk to me with disrespect. "Mr. Wickmore, you called the office Detective McKleenea and you have reached Detective McKleenea. Now is there something I can help you with?"

Mr. Wickmore let out a laugh so loud that it could have shaken the building. "You a Detective? Don't be ridiculous! No agency in the world would have trained a woman Detective. Next you will be telling me that there are women doctors."

"No, I will find myself a real Detective thank you.  Thanks for laugh but I really have to be going now. A female Detective, that's a good one. haha ha", laughed Mr. Wickmore as he hung up the phone.

"Oooh!" I growled as I slammed the phone down. Of  all the pigheaded, arrogant, masculine, humph! I said with a snort too irritated to finish her train of thought.

"Is everything ok Mrs. MclKeenea?" Sistina asked poking her head into my office.

"Everything's just peachy keen" I replied through gritted teeth.

"Oh dear." sighed Sistina. She had seen this look of irritation on my face multiple times since she had agreed to become my secretary. "I take it Mr. Wickmoreson is taking his business elsewhere?"

My eyes flashed with fury and Sistina was glad that looks could not kill. If they could then she would have died instantly from the icy stare that I was currently giving her.

I knew what she was thinking and so, I instantly softened my gaze and then smiled. "It's getting late, let's call it a night. I think I'll go pay Mr. Wickmoreson a visit. It's been a long time since I have gone bowling and I think hitting the pins is just the relaxation I need after a day like today."

Sistina frowned, she didn't like the sound of that. "Are you sure you don't just want to relax maybe take in a movie? I hear the new Sherlock Holmes movie is a hit."

"No. What I really need is to hit something."
When I arrived at the bowling alley everything was dark and only three cars were in the parking lot. I frowned something was not right, the bowling alley should be in full swing right now, after all, it was a Friday night. What was going on? Where was everyone?

Finding the key under the mat I unlocked the door and cautiously stepped inside. Hopefully no one would call the police and report that someone was breaking into the bowling alley.

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