Chapter 2

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This time it was a lanky boy, with sandy hair and amber eyes. He had an openly hesitant expression that held intelligence behind it. He raised an eyebrow slightly, holding the book in his hand even tighter. He clears his throat.

"May I sit?" He asks. James and Sirius look at each other and shrug.

"Nothings stopping you." Says James. "Whats youre name?" He asks as the boy puts up his trunk.

"Remus Lupin. First year." He replies, turning to the boys. "And you are?"

"Im James Potter."
"Sirius Black."

Remus nods. "Nice to meet you then." He says, wiping his hands on his ripped jeans. "Your first year to I reckon?" He adds, sitting beside James.

Both boys nod. "Yes." They say simultaneously. They look at each other and smile. Remus grins.

   The train starts to move, and steam fogged up the windows from it. Their bodies jerked a little as they heard the wheels start to churn and the horn sounded.

      James looks at both boys. "So, what house do you hope to be in?" He asks.

       Sirius sighs. "All of my family so far has been in Slytherin..." He says, looking out the window.

      "My mum was a Slytherin. Dad was a Gryffindor." Says James. "I think I'll definitely get Gryffindor. I mean its no contest. I looked it all up, and I fit."

      Remus rolls his eyes. "I wouldn't be so sure....James was it? I myself want Ravenclaw, but there is no guarantee. The hat decides I heard."

      James blinks. "Well-" but whatever he was about to say was lost in the yelling of a boy darting into the compartment.

     "Sorry!" He says as he ducks below the window. A group of older students pass by, and two of them stop by the door.

      "Where did that pipsqueak go!?" Exclaims one.

      "Whatever. We will get him soon enough." Says the other. They stalk off.

     All three former occupants look curiously down at the newcomer.

     "What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into there mate?" Asks James.

      The small brown haired boy gulps. "I- I just made a joke! They apparently didn't think it very funny..." He says.

     Sirius raises a brow. "What did you say?"

     The boy grins. "I asked what kind of reception one of them got with their big ears."

        Remus blinked then started chuckling. "Wow. You have a death wish mate. What's your name?"

       "Peter Pettigrew." He says, standing and dusting himself off.

       "Well Peter, I'm James. This is Sirius, and Remus." Replies James, pointing to each boy in turn. Peter grins.

     "Nice to meet you."

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