Chapter 5

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      "Welcome back!
Another year,
Full of magic and fun!
Dust out the cobwebs from your head
Fill it up with knowledge instead
From this school of magic!

For all you firsties,
Do not fear,
You shall be placed tonight,
Your new family will love you just right
In this school of magic!

First of all there is Gryffindor,
Where bravery is much adored!
And loyalty is always respected!

Secondly there's Hufflepuff,
The kindest lot there ever was!
Lovely treats await you there,
In this school of magic!!

Then there is Slytherin,
The green house of cunning
And ambition!

Last but not least, Ravenclaw!
The brightest of them all,
With creativity and innovation shine!
Oh yes they are all really divine,
In this school of magic!!" It sang with enthusiasm.

       When it was finished, the entire hall erupted into applause. McGonagall raises her hand and the crowd is silenced.

       "I shall read off your names and you shall come to the front, where I will place the hat on your head. It shall choose your house." She says, then calls out the first name.

      "Black, Sirius." She called. Sirius raised his head and paled slightly. Then he looked at James, who grinned at him. Taking a deep breath, he stepped up to the stool, and sat.

    The hat dropped on his head. "Oh. A Black! Slytherin maybe but...." It paused. Sirius mind was racing. "Oh what was that? No, no, you won't do well in Slytherin....not like your family."

      "What? Really?" Asked Sirius, eyes wide.

      "Yeess. Gryffindor would be best. But, I will warn you, it will cause a stir..."

     "I...whatever you think. But if its all the same." Sirius said. He had always felt different from his family, but this. This was his chance to do something to show them he was in fact different. It would be confirmation.

      "Alright then. GRYFFINDOR!!" it yells.

      The Slytherin table hissed, and the Gryffindors only had a split second hesitation before bursting into applause. Sirius' eyes widened, and he hopped off the stool, and made his way to the table. He had a small smirk on his face, having victory over his family tradition of Slytherins. He knew he would pay for it but at the moment he could care less......almost.

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