Dinner & Start of Quest

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Piper's POV
I had to admit, the Roman city was beautiful.
Even though I didn't have an eye for architecture like Annabeth, I still saw how graceful the arches were. I knew that my friend would love to examine this city stone by stone. But right now, I know Annabeth wasn't interested in anything but her boyfriend. Oh, and maybe the plan for our world killing quest. (since Gaia = Earth = World)

Percy held hands with her as Reyna started talking about the great pleasure to meet us. I felt jealousy tug at my mind. How does she do that? Speak so calmly in front of everyone. Jason probably likes her more. She's so powerful, and a leader....

Time Skippy COZ I'm a lazy author who hates meetings and want get started on the quest right away!

We stood aboard the argo II, and waved down at camp Jupiter. I didn't really know anyone, so I just stared down, trying not to look nervous, or, god forbid, lovey dovey. Percy seemed to know everyone here. I mean, I'm not attracted to him or anything, but he must be very nice and popular to get to know everyone in 1 week

After the warship took off, We sat around the table, not really knowing anything to say. Finally, Percy broke the silence: "Guys, before we start out on our quest, I have someone for you to meet." "Okay, where to, Fish Food?" "Fish are friends, not food!"Percy said like a kid. "Everyone except for Hazel laughed. I couldn't believe that Percy as  a sixteen year old, was quoting Nemo! "Well, repair boy"Percy started "-Repair boy! Didn't I tell you in the video that I was Supreme commander for the argo II?""Well, I think I heard someone you called 'Piper' calling you repair boy"Percy raised his eyebrows. "That would be me" I said, sitting up straighter. Percy leaned over and we high fived. "Ok, like I was saying, Repair boy , I want you to drive us to New york, Manhattan. Then I'll steer." Leo scratched his head: "Ok, but why should we go to New york?" Percy grinned. "I want you to meet the best woman on earth. Her name is Sally Jackson."

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