19. Quality Time

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It was like floating face down on a cloud that smelled of lavender, his body slack and heavy. The notion of moving was a shooting star sparkling out of sight. The air was cool on his skin and his eyes enjoyed the darkness behind the goggles.

Then he noticed something under his crotch, stretching back to press on his nuts between his legs, that were a little spread apart. That thing was warm and hard. He needed what could've been a heartbeat or a week to realize that thing was his own cock. Something was stroking it with slow and firm moves, sliding over his skin like it was covered in oil too.

It had to be a hand. It stroked his cock all the way to its tip, brushing its back in the exact way to make it try to nod, and slid in no hurry up to his nuts, to cover them and squeeze them gently for a moment, before sliding up to his butthole. The hand made another quick stop there to brush it and resumed its way up between his cheeks. When it reached his sacrum, it moved down, following the same way in the opposite direction.

Only half awake, still drowsy and heavy, Jack sort of wondered why his body didn't jerk and squirm.

The hand reached his cock again, and the fingers closed to stroke it like time had stopped and the rest of the universe had disappeared. Damn. It felt frigging good. That was why his body wasn't the least bit interested in getting away from that hand.

He vaguely recalled what Kurt had said before he fell asleep. That son of a bitch did know how to deliver a good handjob, even in the position he was lying. His butt decided to move an inch up to let the fingers run further over his cock.

They did, like a burning match coming closer to tinder, pulling a muffled moan out of his lips. He didn't care it was a man's hand anymore. It felt too good to care.

A moment later, another hand rested on the back of his thigh. It reminded him of the strap on its way to rest flat on his cheek. He ignored it completely, too absorbed by the flaring signs from his crotch.

But looked like this second hand didn't like going unnoticed. It cupped his cheek, and brushed it, and squeezed it softly as its partner kept stroking his cock, oh so slow and gentle.

Jack gasped and moaned quietly inside the mask, pushing his butt up as much as he could, while that wicked thumb brushed the back of his cock, triggering chills down his back and making him pant, oblivious to the other hand still fondling his cheek.

"Not so fast, champ," Kurt whispered somewhere near his head, at the same time that the hand left his cock to cup his nuts.

"Don't stop," Jack mumbled.

"You ain't coming yet, champ. First you gotta earn it."

"Fuck you."

"That too is something to be earned."

Kurt's hands were now on Jack's butt, cupping his cheeks and moving in circles, bringing them apart, then pressing them together and back to step one. That didn't mean any kind of turn-on in itself, but Kurt pushed slightly as his hands kept their grasp on Jack's cheeks and moved in circles, making his cock brush the chair's soft padding every time. Especially when Kurt moved his hands only forward and back, like kneading Jack's cheeks. Knowing there was no stopping the man, and he had full control of the situation, Jack just let him do.

"Awake enough to move on, champ?" Kurt asked softly. "'Cause I can go on like this all day."

"So funny," Jack grunted.

"Pay attention to what I'm doing, Jack."

Kurt using his name did catch his attention. "You're groping me as to knead pizza buns with my cheeks," he replied grumpily.

Kurt laughed softly and his hands moved slower. They grabbed his cheeks, pushed them up to then loosen on them and let them go back to their natural position and start over.

"Exactly. I'm touching you," he said in his warmest tone. "A man is touching you and it's alright. You're fine with it, and you can even like it." One of his hands reached for Jack's nuts, petting them for a moment before landing on his cock. "'Cause no matter what you say, you like it."

Jack gasped and stuck his butt out again, that hand at the center of his universe.

"D'you like it?" Kurt whispered like purring, stroking his cock with a slow, firm grasp meant to make him come in a minute.

"Yeah," Jack growled, hating to admit it aloud.

Kurt's other thumb pressed his butthole, moving in circles that matched the stroking.

"Oh, fuck," Jack grumbled.

His elbows came up to sink on the chair by his chest, his fists by his head, as Kurt kept the stroking in synch. It was so frigging weird, the way his butthole felt. Like warmer, and sending electric sparks to the back of his nuts. It was all mixed with the urge that had his cock throbbing, until his whole crotch was a single burning spot, sending flames and chills all over his body.

He needed a moment to notice Kurt had loosened his fingers around his cock, until he was only stroking his hole.

"Son of a bitch," Jack grumbled when he finally got the memo, even though the line between his hole and his nuts still flashed with blazing sparks.

"Enough fun for now, champ," said Kurt, sliding his hand up between Jack's cheeks before leaving his body.

Jack exhaled, breathing heavily against the mask. Good thing Ben had given him the massage before this, because he was one big stiff cramp again.

"Remember I mentioned a douche?" asked Kurt, keeping his soft tone.

Jack nodded, taking the goggles off. Wasn't he lucky. He was still hard as to drill a hole in the chair, and Kurt was about to shove a douche up his ass.

"This is gonna feel more intrusive than what you did two days ago, but it's way easier and more efficient."

More intrusive than a hose flushing water into his hole?


Jack turned to look with a grumpy frown, that became an all-out scowl when he saw the device in Kurt's hands. He was about to grumble about it when he noticed something that made him look up at Kurt in shock.

"You ain't wearing gloves!"

Kurt pulled up the stool and sat down near his head with a quick smile.

"No, so I hope touching you won't kill me," he said. "Sorry, doing it with gloves made me feel like a butcher handling infectious dead meat. And you're neither."

Jack recalled in a flash that he'd felt exactly that when Logan was working on his rear.

"Nothing beats skin to skin," Kurt added.

Jack shook his head, a battlefield in his head and his guts. He hated Kurt for doing something so dangerous without letting him know. And at the same time, he had to remind himself that he was the risk, not Kurt. Acknowledging that the lack of gloves was what had made Kurt's touch feel so good was still some minutes ahead. But not many.

"Douche," Kurt repeated, calling Jack back to earth.

Jack forced his eyes to go back to the evil device in the man's hands. It looked like two thermos bottles crammed together into the same plastic case with a handle, thin rubber hoses coming out of each bottle. One of them ended in a butt plug and the other in a flat plastic ring.

"The other day, you had to flush the water in yourself, and then go sit in the toilet to let it come out, remember?"

Jack only nodded.

"Well, this is the sprayer part." Kurt showed him the hose with the plug. "And this is the toilet." Kurt showed him the plastic ring.

With a swift move, he threaded the plug through the ring and locked it around the plug's end, like a weird baby pacifier.

"You just have to lie down, put this in and turn it on." Kurt showed a switch on the handle. "The bottle with the ring is empty and the one with the plug is full of water. It's not just tap water: it's mixed with antiseptic and a few more things your inner tissues will be glad to absorb. The plug will flush the water in and it will trickle down onto the little tray, into the other hose and to the empty bottle. You follow me?"

"Yeah," replied Jack, a focused frown on the device.

"Long story short, the empty bottle has something like a filter. When the water coming down is clean, the douche will stop."

"And if it doesn't?"

"Stop? It means you're one filthy son of a bitch with your ass full of shit."

Jack couldn't help joining Kurt's laughter with a grunting chuckle.

"In that case, you'll have to ask for a refill, and everybody will know you can't even use toilet paper right. Shall we?"

"Like you would take no for an answer."

"You're such a people person, champ."

"Fuck you."

"Maybe one day, if you're a really good boy."

Jack chuckled again. "Damn! You're such an arrogant jerk."

"And you're a crybaby."

"Should I stay like this? Or should I lie on my back?"

"Let's start like this. Or did you already forget you're strapped down?"

"Oh, right."

Kurt's laughter filled the room as he stood up. "Jesus! You're so fucking easy in the end!"

Jack lay down on his belly again and breathed deep. His boner was but a memory, even though his cock was ready to jump awake at the slightest request. Good thing the slick lube that Kurt dumped on his butt was far from qualifying as a request. Bad thing the man's fingers spread it all over his butthole, and his nuts reminded his cock of what it'd felt like only minutes earlier. Good thing his cock was all shrunk and squashed beneath him. Anyway, the spoiled junk tried to wag.

"Naughty boy," Kurt muttered, still brushing his hole.

Jack gave him the finger over his shoulder.

Chuckling softly, Kurt used his spare hand to settle the device between Jack's thighs.

"A little tip, no pun intended," Kurt said. "Breathing is key, not only to keep you calm. Asses work like plungers. When you're about to take something in, be it plug, finger or cock, you can make it easier on you with your breathing. Breathe in right before the tip brushes into you, then breathe out and push against it, like you do to shit. Only a little and only for a heartbeat. That will open your hole a bit, enough to take the tip in. Then breathe in and let go. The muscle will contract and sort of suck the tip in, and whatever follows will follow. Remember: breathe out to push against it, breathe in to stop pushing and suck it in."

"Can I throw up already?"

"Don't play tough on me. You're wondering how come being fucked in the ass is so complicated, and why I didn't explain all this on the tutorial about the blue room."

"Now you're a mind reader," Jack grumbled, hoping Kurt wouldn't notice he'd blushed, because the man had actually read his mind down to the letter.

The purring whisper near his ear caught him off guard. "Shall we proceed? Or should I keep petting this lovely tight ass of yours?"

Jack wasn't sure whether he wanted to kill Kurt or himself, realizing the man was still brushing his hole ever so softly. His nuts appreciated the attention and his cock was asking to join the party.

"Do it already," he growled, his mind hating his body's response.

Kurt removed his hand and loosened all four straps retraining Jack's legs. He grabbed Jack's cheek again.

"Breathe deep, champ," he said, bringing the tip of the plug to Jack's butthole. "Breathe in. Now breathe out and push. Breathe in and let go."

Jack couldn't help a mild jerk, because it did feel like his hole grasped the tip of the plug and sucked it in. Kurt pushed the plug gently, in no hurry, until it was fully inside Jack's body and the ring pressed against the tight flesh around his hole.

"Keep breathing," Kurt said in his soft way. "Accept the feeling, don't fight it. Teach your body to keep from pushing back. Breathe deep and relax as much as you can."

Jack could only follow Kurt's instructions, feeling his flesh cringe around the plug. It took him a minute to accept the intrusion and stop fighting himself in order to keep from pushing the plug out.

"There, good," said Kurt, letting go for Jack's cheeks to close on it. His hand sneaked under the thin hoses to rest on Jack's cock, limp like a dead rat.

"Stop it," Jack growled.

"It's okay. Keep breathing. I'm gonna turn it on now."

Jack heard the buzz a heartbeat before he felt the vibration, and right after, the spray of warm water inside. It gushed up as well as to the sides, taking him by surprise. His cheeks stiffened out of reflex. That only made him feel the plug and the ring more, the vibration of the hoses, and something like a weird sucking inside of him. He pressed his face against the headrest with a muffled whimper.

"Breathe. Let yourself get used to the feeling. Accept it, don't fight it."

Kurt's soft, warm voice was like a soothing mantra. His hands rested on Jack's cheeks, his thumbs moving in their idle caress.

"It's..." Jack mumbled.

"Hush. Don't try to speak. Don't get distracted. Feel every bit of it and accept it. It's cleaning you, and healing you. It's doing good for you. Breathe and relax."

As usual, Jack could only do as Kurt said.

And while he did, he recalled the hideous station in the blue room. Back there, the thruster had done way more and worse. Yet, he'd taken it so much easier. Maybe it'd been the position he was in, astride the bench and bending over, pretty much on all fours. The strain of making it through the test in order to get the vaccine surely had had a lot to do, too.

He felt Kurt's hands fondle his cheeks again. It was alright. It wasn't intrusive. Well, not like the plug, the flushing, the slight sucking. And when they moved in circles, they brought Jack's flesh away from the buzzing ring. He kept breathing and folded his arms to rest his face on them, eyes tightly shut.

Somehow he managed to relax, bit by bit.

Reading the tiniest signs of his body like an open book, Kurt kept moving his hands like a mirror, his thumbs brushing Jack's flesh apart to let it shift back in place.

"Good, that's what I mean," he purred. "Feel it. Let your body relax around it."

His voice seemed to have a direct line to a part of Jack's brain that repeated the words to the rest of his body. Soon his thighs stopped pushing against the chair.

"Try to bring your ass up a little."

Jack did and the plug seemed to sink deeper in.

"Bring it down."

"Fuck," Jack mumbled under his breath.

Now the ring brushed the back of his nuts with its soft, regular vibration. His hips didn't ask for his permission to look for a way to let his nuts feel more of it.

Kurt's hand sneaked under the hoses again to brush the tip of Jack's cock and his nuts. Jack needed a whole second to realize that the short purring sigh he'd just heard had come out of his own mouth, as his hips moved to grant Kurt better access to his cock.

"Good Lord, you're fucking gorgeous," Kurt whispered.

And Jack realized he was turning the man on. That husky hue in his voice, the way he touched him. It was so weird. The plug was still in there, flushing warm water, but somehow his body didn't feel any need to reject it. The ring buzzed softly against his hole and his nuts, and Kurt caressed his cock like it was a sleeping cat stirring awake. And Jack wasn't the only one getting hard on that.

Of course that was the moment the damned douche gurgled down the last trace of water inside him and stopped.

"Don't move," Kurt whispered.

His hands removed the plug oh so carefully and wiped Jack's groin with a wet tissue. A heartbeat later, Jack let out a suffocated moan, feeling something wet and warm brush his hole, as Kurt grabbed his cheeks to keep them apart.

The man's stubbly jaw scratched his skin as Kurt licked him like he was the best ice cream in the frigging world.

Jack's hips pushed up like a spring when Kurt's tongue trickled down toward his nuts. And only the day before he'd almost passed out when that same mouth had sucked his cock with a sock on. Now all he wanted was to find a way to stick it in there.

Kurt's tongue traveled all the back of his cock and up again, like his fingers had done a while earlier. It lingered on Jack's hole a moment longer.

Jack let out a gasping complaint when Kurt let go and moved away from him.

"Roll over," the man said, straightening up.

Jack did, and found Kurt looking down at him from the end of the chair with a little smile, parted lips, breathing heavily, a firm boner pressing his thigh under his trunks.

"Fuck, champ, you're something," he muttered, his eyes devouring Jack's body. He grabbed Jack's ankles and pushed them gently, making Jack curl up his knees and spread his legs open. "Keep them like that."

Jack wasn't about to stop following his instructions like a damned poodle. Especially because the poodle was on fire. He sat up only enough to rest his weight on his elbows, watching Kurt fold the last segment of the chair and bend over.

His head fell back when Kurt's lips traveled his inner thigh as he grabbed his cock, that hardened even more just by feeling his touch.

"D'you think you can take it without passing out?" Kurt purred, looking up at him from between his legs.

Jack forced his head up and nodded, his chest pumping and his cock throbbing in anticipation. Kurt flashed a crooked smile, his hand stroking in no hurry whatsoever, the wicked thing.

The mask was wet against Jack's mouth, and he sucked it in every time he breathed. His hand didn't consult with his brain to yank it down.

"Say it," Kurt purred.

"Suck it," Jack mumbled. "Suck it hard."

"Look at me."

Jack wouldn't have looked away for the world. Kurt locked eyes with him as he opened his mouth and brought it down on Jack's cock, wrapping it in a moist warmth that made him tremble from head to toes. His elbows gave in and he fell back on the chair, moaning as he breathed heavily, eyes closed.

He couldn't believe he'd forgotten how frigging good a blowjob could feel. But he wasn't sure it'd ever felt so damn good. His legs were having a hard time to keep his knees up, because all his muscles waist down seemed to be melting.

And Kurt was in no hurry, that son of a bitch. His hand and his mouth toyed with Jack's crotch any way he liked, going from the tip of his cock to his butthole, licking, sucking, stroking.

Jack felt the tip of Kurt's tongue tap his butthole again, making his hips thrust up. When they came down, a finger replaced the tongue and Kurt's mouth swallowed his cock, letting go only to pant.

"Breathe," he said.

His mouth sucked hard as his finger pressed Jack's butthole. And all Jack could do was the same he'd done with the plug. He exhaled against Kurt's finger and breathed in again, sucking it into his body. Kurt let out a husky growl, sucking even harder as he pushed his finger deeper in.

Jack's toes pushed against the chair, his heels in the air. Kurt noticed and guided one of his legs further up toward his chest. Jack folded his arm behind his knee to keep his leg there. Kurt moved his finger in and out gently as his mouth slid up and down the side of Jack's cock.

Jack moaned and panted and shivered, lost in the fire burning him up inside, while Kurt kept moving his hand, his mouth, his finger in the exact way to drive him completely crazy.

He felt the pull inside and reacted enough to reach between his legs, trying to push Kurt's head away. Kurt's answer was swallowing as much of his cock as he could, sink the finger all the way in, stroke faster and suck harder.

Jack could only let go with a hoarse groan, trembling from head to toes.

Kurt squeezed him dry and licked his cock down to his nuts one last time, pulling his finger out softly.

Jack's head and limbs dropped on the chair, his chest about to explode as it pumped for air, his heart hammering it and beating in a hundred different parts of his body, sweat covering every inch of his skin.

Kurt pushed himself away from Jack and up. Only then Jack heard a phone buzzing.

"The good doctor's gonna scold me for pushing your heart rate," he said, still panting but mocking.

Jack tried to move or at least open his eyes, and failed.

"Doctor?" he heard Kurt said from a couple of steps away. "Yeah, I know he's agitated." He did a good work to not sound agitated himself. "What can I say? Sorry, my bad." Jack finally managed to open his eyes, in time to meet Kurt's amused look. "I know, I know. Are you expecting me to say it won't happen again?" Kurt scoffed. "Then save your breath, Doc. Don't worry, Jack's fine. More than fine, I dare say, right, champ?"

Jack found an ounce of energy to give him the finger, making Kurt laugh heartedly.

"He's peach perfect. Please, tell Dale we're having dinner in an hour." Kurt disconnected, still chuckling, and turned to Jack, his spare hand struggling to restrain his boner. "You owe me, champ," he said, nodding to his own crotch.

"Please, don't make me suck it," Jack murmured, knowing he didn't have the strength to stop Kurt if he wanted to make him do it.

"Not yet. Just remember I'm a trader, and I'm damn good at keeping scores."

Kurt came to stand right by the chair, grabbed Jack's hand and made him touch the hard cock.

"Feel it, champ. That's all you," he said, letting go of Jack's hand before he tried to pull away. "Remember what I told you yesterday on the way here? That about power?"

Jack was able to frown and even nod. Kurt winked at him.

"This is what I was talking about." He grabbed his boner again. "This is your power, doing this to a man. What wouldn't you do for a girl that made you this hard?" He waited for Jack to narrow his eyes, getting the idea. "That's what men will be willing to do for you, if you learn to handle them."

Kurt stepped back, talking like the bulge in his crotch had nothing to do with him, and threw a clean towel to Jack's chest.

"So you've learned quite a few lessons today. Let's see. One: be touched won't kill you. Two: be touched by another man can feel good. Three: coming with a finger up your ass can feel awesome. Four: the finger up your ass and a guy sucking your cock doesn't make you any less of a man. Five: no woman can beat a man at giving blowjobs, 'cause men know what cocks like first hand, pun intended." Kurt winked at Jack. "Not bad for your first day, huh?"

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