Chapter 1

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Ever since I was young, around the age of 4 years old, people have always choosen to underestimate myself and my intelligence. They all thought I was stupid and unintelligible and couldn't or refused to understand the world around me. What they didn't know though was that I was hiding my intelligence under a mask of insecurities and foolishness.

Since I had put up my carefully crafted mask and had decided to act like I was "unintelligent" my mother and father along with my teachers at the time had decided to turn their attention towards my twin brother, Mark. They taught him penmanship, how to pronounce words, the ABC's, basic colors and shapes, how to count and even how to function and read at a higher level.

I was only "taught" how to write my name and how to do the most basic of things that you'd expect from a four year old like; how to "play" with others, and how to "express" emotions through certain actions. I was enraged but, I eventually got over it because I knew it was my own fault that I had gotten myself into this mess in the first place.

I then remembered the reason of why I decided to hide my intelligence. People were afraid of what they didn't know or have any contact with. I just happened to be one of those things that people were afraid of at that time.

When I would try and ask my mother and father to take me to the library to read or something they would always say; "Oh dear, you don't know how to read so it would be a fruitless adventure to even go with go on and watch a movie with your older sister." Or "Layla, honey, we know you want to be like your brother but, you just can't be, he is just simply much more... intelligent than you are...don't get us wrong we aren't saying your not smart but, what we're saying is that you just aren't... as gifted or as blessed as he go on and play with your toys." And that would always be the end of that conversation.

I was disgusted with their treatment. Because all they thought about was my brother because, "What good is our or their daughter if she isn't willing to pay any attention to our lessons and just play around when we have an assignment for her?"

That was the question that both my parents and my teachers at the time had in their heads.

It was complete bullshit. I wanted to facepalm at their stupidity but always refrained from doing so just to keep up my carefully crafted mask.

But one day my mask shall come off and I shall reveal my true self,this is my story.

(End chapter)
Hello my fellow readers! This is a new story that I have been holding on to and have decided to write it out. I would love to see what you think. Please do tell me! Well till next time~ 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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