~+ Intertwined+ ~ (Robopine x Reader)

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In which Y/N finds themselves in a Mechanical room and accidentally Encounters a Prickly Creature... A/N: This is for people who's favorite mask is Robopine.

1 Year ago, You were at a park nearby an unknown place at Maskville, going out from 7 eleven eating your donut you bought, it was really hot outside and decided to go sit in the shade and spot Mushroom. "Hey Mushroom!" You yelled. Mushroom saw you and waved back at you, "Hi there Y/N, How are you today?" He asked you, who was panting. "Oh I'm just fine, yourself?" You answered back and sat down trying to catch your breath.

 "It's a beautiful day at the park in Maskville Isn't it Y/N." Mushroom said drinking his cup of coffee he bought. You nodded smiling at him, behind him was some kind of a place that was an engineering Room, "Hmm? What's that over there?" 

You asked noticing the room with a curious look, it was no other than any lab you've been in before, Mushroom looked back and also saw the engineering room. "Oh that? I guess it's a laboratory." The Fungi mask thought, finishing his drink. You suggested to go over there and see for yourself. "Let's go see, maybe we can find some new inventions in there!" Mushroom didn't like that idea, he was nervous to think that if there might be something else a little scarier than that, so he grabbed your wrist looking stunned. "I don't think so Y/N, There maybe other things that are kinda dangerous for you to go nearby while we're at it.." He told you. 

You disagreed right away, "Are you nuts? I'll go in by myself then since you're being so scared of going with me." You Stated out making Mushroom let go of you as he shook his head, but before he was gonna say something else, you went inside anyway. 

 In there, the automatic door closed behind you and was locked, very loudly which made you startled, "Ah!" you Yelped looking back quickly but realized it was just the door. "What is this place? This doesn't look like an engineering room, or some kind of lab," 

And in there, you saw a little robot magnetizing  your little red light with some metal you had in your hand and zoomed away with it. "Hey! Give it back! It's mine!" You called out and ran after the Robot who was really fast. Before long, it was going to another room that was also gonna shut, you hurried inside there and made a jump.. then landed on your bottom. 

"Oww.." You groaned in pain a little. When you looked up you saw a Brown-Porcupine, who looked like a mask, "Who is that?" You thought looking confused, "Scanning. Scanning. Scanning."  There was a computer-toned sound you heard, that was with DNA lights sided. The Part-Robot Porcupine mask opened his eyes. "Ooo, Hello there. My name's Robopine." He introduced himself in a pleasant tone, you were a little shocked that he was alive and saw you from behind and blushed. 

"Um H-hello.. My name's Y/N" You said back to him, it was no wonder, but you blushed a little after hearing his soft voice smiling. "Oh God, you're so damn cute- I mean, sorry if I said that!" You stammered. "It's fine, I may look prickly but don't be scared, I was actually forced to grow these thick quills after all on my head." Robopine replied back at you. "After all, a guess a nice Human like you would be Perfect for me~" He said a little manly & you couldn't help but hear his manly voice to you falling in love with him. 

But the cute moment was cut short when two were about to come in there. Robopine gasped. "Hide! You I don't think they should see you because they'll kick you out." He warned You, so you hid quickly behind the other mechanical stuff, scared that the Men would see you. 

The men in black were checking on Robopine to see if he got out of not but didn't, they walked away out of the room and the automatic door was closed and locked. "Phew, that was close, Hey have you seen my little red light I had? One stupid little robot just took it with a magnet." You asked when you hid out from the other wedge stuff. "Oh you mean this?" Robopine put a question, giving it to you. 

"Yeah we'll I'm not sure I should be in here just like my friend said cause this place might have more security Guards than ever.." You were being a little Naive about this room without hesitation. Robopine knew you had a point there, "I understand, In fact I know what it's like to be in an isolated room for long enough." He sighed, stepping out of the stand that he was in.

 "What do you mean?" You asked, with a confused look. "You see, For as long as I can remember, I was made in this invention room by the MIB (Men in Black) I've always wanted to see the world outside but never got a chance to cuz they kept on locking me in..." He started to feel saddened because of it.

You felt completely sorry for the mask and put your arm around him in comfort. "Whoa, I never heard that before... it must've been hard for you hasn't it?" Robopine was feeling a little glad on the inside that she was very understanding. But then, an idea suddenly popped into is head, "Hey, can I see that red light of yours?" He chirped. "Um Sure, what do you need it for?" You asked, giving it back to him. "You can now keep it if you want to but I found this in my garage at my house." 

Robopine placed it on right eye and it fit right away, it was lighting up. "Watch this~" He said. And before long, his red eye was scanning the code to the door! You were awed about what he did, "Maybe I can help you get out of here! I see that it's starting to get dark outside." You suggested, helping him out and leading the way out of the engineering room and You both were able to get out quickly before anyone noticed. 

"Oh Boy, what a relief, good thing I escaped with you!" The Porcupine said, Looking relived. "Wait with me? No problem~?" You answered back now developing a love for him. "Let's go turn in at mine, we can share my bed and sleep together if you want." You smiled. "I'd love that, I have song for you listen to when we get there and say." 

Robopine affirmed slightly. AT YOUR HOUSE, You and Robopine went into your room and sat down next to each other, "So what'd you wanna tell me or listen to?" You asked politely. 

"The truth is, I really like you more than just my first human I saw, I've always wanted to be with someone but when I first saw you, I hoped you were gonna help me out." He smiled at You. "I Love you too because you have a kind and manly heart." You kissed him with pleasure happily and he kissed back. At that moment He Started Singing. 


You were so blessed after he stopped singing, you laid down next to him with a happy sigh. "I get in now, he really is a cute one with a warm heart on the inside~~" You whispered and drifted of to sleep with him. 

A/N: I used some themes and wrote line from his first clue package and thought I made him look and feel very manly for you guys since you adore him a lot, so I hope you like this!

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