~Unexpected Love~ Kangaroo x Astronaut

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                When a Spaceman and and Australian Joey like each other, things become love at                                           1st sight in the end.   

                  Astro and Kangaroo are friends who really like each other but don't know if they both feel the same way to each other. It all starts with Kangaroo who was talking with her friends Night Angel and Kitty who were both smirking at her by her likening  her crush on Astronaut. 

"So how's it going with your crush Astronaut, Kanga? Are you thinking 'bout asking him out with you?"    Kitty snickered as she looked at Kangaroo. "Um- Not exactly" she answered. "But you do like him don't you? I agree with Kitty about you two going out on a date." Night Angel claimed when she gave her advice. She was really unsure to think what would happen with she and Astro dating. "I know I like him but I'm a bit nervous about what he would say when we both go somewhere alone together." Night Angel and Kitty were both thinking and had an idea! They whispered that both of them were locked inside of astro's room by their selves! "What're you whispering about?" Kanga questioned them. "oh nothing, just whispering about what we're gonna do later." Night Angel answered tilting her head at Kangaroo. "Well OK, then"  Meanwhile with Astronaut, he was also talking with his Friends somewhere else. "Hey, Astro are you thinking of anything about dating your crush?" Monster said as he was smirking at him. Astro blushed. "I dunno about this.. what if she dosen't like me back or I get rejected by her?" he said with a sigh. "C'mon dude you just gotta confess you love to her" Frog said encouraging him. We're gonna go talk with NA (Night Angel) and Kitty ok? "Alright" Astro answered. They were going up to the Feline mask and Night angel. "Hey Monster and Frog, we have a plan about our Friend Kangaroo about her crush on Astronaut" NA said as she talked to the boys. "Oh Really? we were just chatting with Astro a few minutes ago." Monster said at NA "Well wanna follow our plan? with us we could really use some help on shipping and bringing them together."  Kitty claimed. "ok we're in!" Frog Answered.  Later that day. Kangaroo was going to her room when suddenly NA and Kitty showed up to her. "Hey Kanga I think Astronaut wants you to look at something in his room. Go on don't be shy." Kitty encouraged her as she was walking to his room by herself. on the other side of the hallway were Frog and Monster who were watching him going his room to hang out in there. "Ready NA?" Frog asked. "Ready as I'll ever be" Night Angel Answered back. Then it happened.. Monster shoved them in there together and NA Locked the door! Leaving the Spaceman and taller mask both by surprise as they were shoved inside of his room. "Kanga? You're in here too?" Astro blushed as she saw her "well I didn't walk straightly into your room. I think i saw your friend Monster pushed me in here with you when i was almost in here." Astronaut wanted to let her out but the door was locked and he couldn't  unlock it. "I think I know why we're both in here." Kanga said as she tilted her head to Astro. " I heard that my friend monster said that he was gonna go chat with your friends NA and Kitty"Astro said Kangaroo was blushing stubbornly at him when he realized that. "Sorry, well I just wanted to ask you something." she said. "Me 2 do you wanna start or should I?" Astronaut asked. "It's just that- I really like you!!" Kanga confessed as she she quickly to him. "Wow. I do too. and this may sound weird but I Actually feel the same. way" Astro also confessed. "Me too. I was hoping if you would start dating with me." Kangaroo asked slightly at him. "of course!" Astronaut Agreed Kangaroo was happy then kissed the Spaceman when he kissed back. NA let them out and question them. "So how was it with you both? "It was really nice. thanks Night Angel." The others  were adored by them now dating! 

 *The end!Requested by @maskedfreakCL.

Ta-da! I made my first One-shot chapter! (what do you think @maskedfreakCL? is this good?)

- And thank you for seeing my chapter whomever is readng this! did you know that I can do some short ones also with smut/lemon if you want!😅⚠️

-Stay safe and healthy guys BRB Later!😉🌺


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