chapter 3

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Next day:-

the kaksuhi were setting up the execution table for the execution to take place

“the execution of nezuko kamado shall take place now” announced master as a box was thrown from across the place
Nezuko was thrown out of the box and she hit her head on a nearby wall
She woke up and stood up slowly looking around innocently for tanjiro
Sanemi walked upto her while giving off his usual crazy face
Nezuko was on guard but before she could do something
Sanemi grabbed her and slammed her on the ground and grabbed an injection and injected nezuko with it

Nezuko was unconscious now with small purple nerves popping in and out

“sanemi bring her to the table,the sun is about to rise” ordered master and sanemi nodded his head

He dragged nezuko to the table
Nezuko slowly started regaining her consciousness and tried to transform
She bit off the muzzle but the poison was resisting the complete transformation
She was completely chained up
And now
The sun has started rising slowly and sun rays fell on nezuko as she started burning
She was screaming in pain
Half of her body was gone
And by now only her head was there
It fell on the ground
It was slowly turning into dust
“ONII-CHAN SAVE ME!” screamed nezuko for tanjiro while crying
Those were her last words before she turned to nothingness
They killed nezuko

“NEZUKOOOO!!!”tanjiro screamed,woke up crying
He looked around,he was in a room
(that….was a nightmare?)thought tanjiro while still crying
“where am I even” tanjiro asks himself looking around not even bothering to wipe his eyes
“in my new hideout” answered a voice from the other room
The door slid open to reveal a black haired woman dressed in a purple kimono
“lady tamayo?” tanjiro questioned looking surprised
“yes it is me tanjiro,good to see u r awake,I wanted to discuss somethings” tamayo said nodding her head

“oh..well what do u want to talk about lady tamayo?” asked tanjiro looking at the doctor infront of him

“well…its about your body and species”tamayo said hesitantly

“my…body? And species?my species is human u know that lady tamayo” tanjiro asked/said confused

“thats the thing….u arent a human anymore” tamayo broke the news to tanjiro

“i….am a demon?” tanjiro questioned shocked beyond belief before the memories of his last battle rushed in

“muzan….” tanjiro went silent after saying his name
“well…u technically arent fully a demon”said tamayo said as tanjiro had a hopeful look in his eyes

“did u…find a cure?” tanjiro asks with hope

“not yet tanjiro,I need more of muzan’s blood” tamayo says with sadness looking at tanjiro’s hopeful face turning to one that of pure disappointment

“well..that’s find since I am a demon I will be able to fight demons more easily” tanjiro said positively

“thats not the thing tanjiro…u arent a demon and arent a human” tamayo said with a serious face

“huh lady tamayo do u mean-?” tamayo cut off tanjiro and just nodded to his unanswered question

“yes tanjiro u r a sort of hybrid and not only that-”
“RUN DEMONS HAVE INVADED THE VILLAGE” screamed a villager running away from the demons
The swordsmith village
The second most secure place of the demon slayer corps has been invaded by demons

The running villagers stepped into a pot which sucked him in

A figure emerged from the pot
“my my such a fine collection to my art” said a completely disfigured
With upper 5 written in his eyes
“stop your acts ugly demon” said an unknown voice
“who r u brat?another slayer?”asked upper 5
“tokito muichiro,the mist hashira”said the unknown voice revealing himself to be the mist hashira
The youngest hashira
“my my a hashira at such a young age what a fine addition to my collection of art,I am gyokko uppermoon 5”said gyokko

“who even asked your name u ugly disfigured creature,even old men look better than u”muichiro said with a straight face looking at gyokko’s shocked face

“u dare disrespect lord gyokko?u shall pay u brat” said gyokko in anger
“blood demon art:goldfish” gyokko released giant 4 legged fish monsters which charged at muichiro
Muichiro drew his katana and slashed all of them at insane speeds and with ease
One of the demon fish charged at a bush
A screamed from bush as a boy came out of the bush and started running away but the fish was right behind
Muichiro was about to ignore him but something came to his mind
“muichiro-san,it’s a slayers job to save the innocent and slay the wicked demons and not sacrificing them in order to defeat the demons” said boy looking at muichiro
Muichiro stayed silent and sheathed his katana
And started walking away
“whats your name brat” asked muichiro slowly walking away
“kamado tanjiro”answered the boy
(tanjiro..something about him reminds me of my past) thought muichiro and without thinking he went to save the kid
He slayed the fist demon but a barrage of needles were shot at him
He was hit brutally in many places
And then he was trapped in a water prison
Slowly suffocating him
“hahahahaha what a fine collection he will be” said gyokko laughing
Guess this is how I die huh
Without even finding my past which I knew
This life definitely wasn’t the best
Tanjiro kamado
His eyes remind me of someone
Someone else close to me which I cant remember
I see….they r flooding in
My memories
The reason why u made me feel bad for not siding with u
Kamado tanjiro
Is because u,remind me of my father…
Guess I will be meeting u soon…….mother….father
3RD person pov:-
Muichiro was slowly loosing consciousness due to lack of oxygen
Suddenly a mark appeared on his face
A mark looking like the mist

The sound of running was heard
“who is that now”questioned gyokko in annoyance
The water prison burst as muichiro fell out of it and was gasping for air
“what the” said gyokko in shock
A person dressed dressed in black and red kimono, a fox mask and tied up hair dropped infront of gyokko
“muichiro san,u should be careful” said the mysterious figure
“who r u” asked gyokko in anger and annoyance looking at the third member now

“who am I?” questioned the mysterious figure
“yes tanjiro u r a sort of hybrid of a demon and human” said tamayo

“how is that possible” asked tanjiro

“i got to u in time and I was able to create a sealing technique with yushiro that sealed away the demon inside u” explained tanjiro

“thats possible?” questioned tanjiro

“yes it is,now tanjiro u arent an ordinary demon or human,u r the one who shall strike fear,u r the one who shall slay the demon king and save the world,u r the death for demons” said tamayo

“well lets just say I am the one who shall strike fear in demons,I am the one who shall slayer the demon king and set the world free,I am the death for demons”said the mysterious figure
“u tanjiro are the first of your kind,the demi-demon and u r the strongest,u r
THE DEMI-DEMON KING”explained tamayo

“i am the first of my kind and the strongest,I am THE DEMI-DEMON KING” said the mysterious figure

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